iptables of Linux Firewall

Posted by meir4u on Tue, 08 Feb 2022 11:43:37 +0100


Firewall of Linux system - netfilter/iptables: IP packet filtering system, which is actually composed of two components, netfilter and iptables.
It mainly works at the network layer for IP packets. It is reflected in the processing of IP address, port and other information in the packet.

1, Relationship between netfilter and iptables


netfilter: it belongs to the firewall functional system of "Kernel Space" (also known as Kernel Space). It is a part of the kernel and consists of some packet filtering tables. These tables contain the rule set used by the kernel to control packet filtering processing.


Iptables: firewall management system belonging to "User Space" (also known as User Space). Is a command program used to manage the Linux firewall. It makes it easy to insert, modify and delete the rules in the packet filtering table. It is usually located in the / sbin/iptables directory.

netfilter/iptables is later referred to as iptables. Iptables is a kernel based firewall, which has built-in four rule tables: raw, mangle, nat and filter. After all the rules in the table are configured, they will take effect immediately without restarting the service.

2, Four tables and five chains

Function of rule table: to accommodate various rule chains
Role of rule chain: accommodate various firewall rules
There are chains in the outside and rules in the chain

(1) Four tables

raw table: determines whether to track the status of the packet. It contains two rule chains, OUTPUT and preouting.
mangle table: modify the content of the data packet, use it for traffic shaping, and set a flag for the data packet. It contains five rule chains: INPUT, OUTPUT, FORWARD, preouting and POSTROUTING.
nat table: it is responsible for network address translation and is used to modify the source, destination IP address or port in the packet. It contains three rule chains: OUTPUT, preouting and POSTROUTING.
filter table: it is responsible for filtering the data packet and determining whether to release the data packet (filtering). It contains three rule chains: INPUT, FORWARD and OUTPUT.
#Among the four rule tables of iptables, mangle table and raw table are relatively less used.

(2) Five chains

INPUT: process inbound packets and match the packets whose target IP is local.
OUTPUT: Processing outbound packets. Generally, it is not configured on this chain.
FORWARD: process and FORWARD packets and match the packets flowing through the machine.
Preouting chain: process packets before routing, which is used to modify the destination address and make DNAT. It is equivalent to mapping port 80 in the intranet to the router's extranet port.
POSTROUTING chain: processing packets after routing, which is used to modify the source address and make SNAT. It is equivalent to that the intranet host accesses the Internet through a public IP address through the NAT conversion function of the router.

(3) The priority between rule tables when packets arrive at the firewall

When the packet arrives at the firewall, the priority between the rule tables:
raw > mangle > nat > filter

(4) Matching order between rule chains

1. Host firewall

Inbound data (packets from the outside, and the destination address is firewall native): preouting -- > Input -- > native application
Outbound data packet from the firewall to the outbound application

2. Network firewall

Forwarding data (packets that need to be forwarded through the firewall): forwarding -- > forward -- > postrouting

3. Matching order within the rule chain:

Check in order from top to bottom, and stop when you find the matching rule (LOG policy exception, which means recording relevant logs)
If no matching rule is found in the chain, it will be handled according to the default policy of the chain (if it is not modified, the default policy is allowed)

3, Installation of iptables

CentOS 7 Default use firewalld Firewall, not installed iptables,If you want to use iptables Firewall. Must be closed first firewalld Firewall, reinstall iptables
systemctl stop firewalld.service
systemctl disable firewalld.service

yum -y install iptables iptables-services
systemctl start iptables.service

    (1) Configuration method of iptables firewall

    1,use iptables Command line.
    2,use system-config-firewall  (Desktop environment)

      (2) iptables command line configuration method

      Command format:

      iptables [-t table name] management options [chain name] [matching criteria] [- j control type]

        matters needing attention:
        When the table name is not specified, it refers to the filter table by default
        When the chain name is not specified, it refers to all chains in the table by default
        You must specify matching criteria unless you set the default policy for the chain
        Options, chain names and control types use uppercase letters, and the rest are lowercase

        Common control types:
        ACCEPT: allow packets to pass.
        DROP: directly discard the data packet without giving any response information.
        REJECT: if the packet is rejected, a response message will be sent to the data sender.
        SNAT: modify the source address of the packet.
        DNAT: modify the destination address of the packet.
        MASQUERADE: disguised as a non fixed public IP address.
        LOG: record the LOG information in the / var/log/messages file, and then pass the packet to the next rule. LOG is only an auxiliary action and does not really process data packets.

        Common management options:
        -A: Append (– append) a new rule to the end of the specified chain
        -1: Insert (– insert) a new rule at the beginning of the specified chain. If no sequence number is specified, it will be the first rule by default
        -R: Modify, replace (– replace) specifies a rule in the chain. You can specify the sequence number or specific content of the rule
        -P: Set the default policy for the specified chain (– Policy)
        -D: Delete (– delete) a rule in the specified chain. You can specify the sequence number or specific content of the rule
        -F: Clear (– flush) all rules in the specified chain. If no chain name is specified, all chains in the table will be cleared
        -50: L ist (– list) all rules in the specified chain. If no chain name is specified, all chains in the table will be listed
        -n: Display the output in numeric form (– numeric), such as IP address instead of host name
        -v: Displays details, including the number of matching packets and bytes per rule
        – line numbers: displays the sequence number of the rule when viewing the rule

        Add a new rule:
        iptables -t filter -A INPUT -p icmp -j REJECT
        iptables -I INPUT 2 -p tcp --dport 22 -j ACCEPT

        To view a list of rules:
        iptables [-t table name] - n -L [chain name] [– line numbers]
        iptables -[vn]L # note: it cannot be written as - Ln
        iptables -n -L --line-numbers

        Set default policy:
        iptables [-t table name] - P < chain name > < control type >
        iptables -P INPUT DROP
        iptables -P FORWARD DROP
        #Generally, when setting network firewall and host firewall in the production environment, the default rule should be DROP and the white list should be set

        Delete rule:
        iptables -D INPUT 2
        iptables -t filter -D INPUT -p icmp -j REJECT

        be careful:
        1. If there are multiple identical rules in the rule list, only the one with the smallest serial number will be deleted according to the content matching
        2. When matching and deleting by number, ensure that the rule number is less than or equal to the number of existing rules, otherwise an error will be reported
        3. When matching the deletion number according to the content, ensure that the rule exists, otherwise an error will be reported

        Empty rule:
        iptables [-t table name] - F [chain name]
        iptables -F INPUT
        iptables -F

        be careful:
        The default rule setting of - P. - 1 does not affect the manual rule setting in the chain
        2. When DROP is set for - P, be careful when using - F!
        #Prevent the host from being unable to connect remotely after clearing the relevant rules that allow remote connection. If the rules are not saved, restart the host
        3. If the table name and chain name are not written, all rules in all chains in the filter table will be cleared by default

        (3) Rule matching

        1. General matching

        It can be used directly without relying on other conditions or extensions, including network protocol, IP address, network interface and other conditions.

        Agreement matching:-p Protocol name
         Address match:-s Source address-d Destination address	#Can be IP, network segment, domain name, empty (any address)
        Interface matching:-i Inbound network card-o Outbound network card
          iptables -A FORWARD ! -p icmp -j ACCEPT 
          iptables -A INPUT -s -j DROP
          iptables -I INPUT -i ens33 -s -j DROP
            iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 20:21 -j ACCEPT
            iptables -I FORWARD -d -p tcp --dport 24500:24600 -j DROP

              ICMP type matching

              ICMP Type matching:--icmp-type ICMP type		
              #Can be string, numeric code, target unreachable
              "Echo-Request"(Code 8) indicates a request
              "Echo-Reply"(Code 0) indicates echo
              "Destination-Unreachable"(Code 3) indicates that the target is unreachable
               About other available ICMP Protocol type, executable“ iptables -p icmp -h"Command, view help information
                iptables -A INPUT -p icmp --icmp-type 8 -j DROP		#Prohibit other hosts from ping ing this machine
                iptables -A INPUT -p icmp --icmp-type 0 -j ACCEPT	#Allow this machine to ping other hosts
                iptables -A INPUT -p icmp --icmp-type 3 -j ACCEPT	#When the local machine cannot ping other hosts, it will prompt that the target is unreachable
                #At this time, other hosts need to configure the control type of icmp Protocol as REJECT
                iptables -A INPUT -p icmp -j REJECT					
                  iptables -A INPUT -p tcp -m multiport --dport 80,22,21,20,53 -j ACCEPT
                  iptables -A INPUT -p udp -m multiport --dport 53 -j ACCEPT

                    State matching

                    Status matching:-m state --state Connection status
                     Common connection states:
                    NEW : It has nothing to do with any connection. The connection has not started yet
                    ESTABLISHED : In response to a request or a connection has been established, the connection status is
                    RELATED : Related to existing connections (e.g FTP Data connection of active and passive mode), derivative ecology, generally with ESTABLISHED Use together
                    INVALID : It cannot be recognized which connection it belongs to or has no state
                    iptables -A FORWARD -m state --state NEW -p tcp ! --syn -j DROP
                    #Forwarding of non --syn request packets (such as forged network attack packets) unrelated to normal TCP connection is prohibited

                      4. Host type firewall is required

                      iptables -I INPUT -p tcp -m multiport --dport 80,22,21,20,53 -j ACCEPT
                      iptables -A INPUT -p udp -m multiport --dport 53 -j ACCEPT			
                      iptables -I INPUT -p tcp -m state --state ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT
                      iptables -P INPUT DROP 

                        4, SNAT principle and Application

                        1. SNAT application environment

                        LAN hosts share a single public IP address to access the Internet (private can not be earlier than normal routing in the Internet)

                        2. SNAT principle

                        Modify the source address of the packet.

                        3. SNAT conversion prerequisites

                        Each host of LAN has correctly set IP address, subnet mask and default gateway address

                        Linux gateway turns on IP routing forwarding

                        4. Open mode

                        (1) Temporary opening (restart failure)

                        echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
                        sysctl -w net.ipv4.ip_forward=1

                          (2) Permanently open

                          vim /etc/sysctl.conf
                          net.ipv4.ip_forward = 1 		#Write this line to the configuration file

                          sysctl -p # reads the modified configuration

                            5. SNAT conversion

                            (1) SNAT conversion ---- fixed public IP address

                            iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s -o ens33 -j SNAT --to
                            iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s -o ens33 -j SNAT --to-source
                            									Intranet IP	     Outbound extranet card                 Extranet IP Or address pool	

                              (2) SNAT conversion ---- non fixed public IP address (shared dynamic IP address)

                              iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s -o ens33 -j MASQUERADE

                                Small knowledge expansion:
                                SNAT conversion of an IP address can generally enable 100 to 200 hosts in the intranet to access the Internet.

                                5, Principle and application of DNAT

                                1. DNAT application environment

                                Publish servers located in a local area network on the Internet

                                2. DNAT principle

                                Modify the destination address of the packet

                                3. Prerequisites for DNAT conversion

                                LAN servers can access the Internet
                                The gateway's Internet address has the correct DNS resolution record
                                Linux gateway turns on IP routing forwarding

                                4. Opening mode of DNAT

                                vim /etc/sysctl.conf
                                net.ipv4.ip_forward = 1 	

                                sysctl -p

                                  5. Conversion of DNAT

                                  (1) DNAT conversion ---- publish Web services of Intranet

                                  #The destination address of the packet coming in from ens33 to access the web service is converted to
                                  iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i ens33 -d -p tcp --dport 80 -j DNAT --to
                                  iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i ens33 -d -p tcp --dport 80 -j DNAT --to-destination
                                                               Inbound external network card IP											   Intranet server IP
                                   iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i ens33 -p tcp --dport 80 -j DNAT --to

                                    (2) DNAT conversion 2 ------ modify the target port when publishing

                                    #Publish the OpenSSH server inside the LAN, and the external network host needs to use port 250 for connection
                                    iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i ens33 -d -p tcp --dport 250 -j DNAT --to

                                    #Using SSH test in extranet environment
                                    ssh -p 250 root@

                                    yum - y install net tools # if there is no ifconfig command, you can use yum to install in advance
                                    ifconfig ens33

                                    Note: when DNAT is used, it can be used together with SNAT to realize the correct return of response data packets

                                      Small knowledge expansion:
                                      Host firewalls mainly use INPUT and OUTPUT chains. When setting rules, it is generally necessary to specify the ports in detail
                                      The network firewall mainly uses the FORWARD chain. When setting rules, it is rarely specified to the port. Generally, it can be specified to the IP address or to the network segment

                                      6, Backup and restore of firewall rules

                                      1. Rules for exporting (backing up) all tables

                                      iptables-save > /opt/ipt.txt

                                        2. Import (restore) Rules

                                        iptables-restore < /opt/ipt.txt

                                          Save the iptables rule file in / etc/sysconfig/iptables. When the iptables service starts, the rules will be restored automatically

                                          iptables-save > /etc/sysconfig/iptables
                                          systemctl stop iptables						#Stopping iptables service will clear the rules of all tables
                                          systemctl start iptables					#Starting iptables service will automatically restore the rules in / etc/sysconfig/iptables

                                            Topics: Linux iptables