Java basics syntax

Posted by tacojohn on Fri, 21 Jan 2022 07:55:36 +0100

Java basic syntax


Comments will not be executed

​ 1. Single line notes: notes one line of text//

​ 2. Multiline comment: comment a paragraph of text / **/

​ 3. Document comments: / * **/


​ 1. Identifier: the name used in user programming. Class name, variable name and method name are all called identifiers

​ 2. Naming rules:

​		1.The identifier consists of numbers, letters, underscores and dollar characters

​		2.Cannot start with a number

​		3.Keywords cannot be used

​		4.Case sensitive

​ 3. standard:

​		1.See the name and know the meaning

​		2.Chinese is not recommended

​		3.Use legal abbreviations

​		4.Either it's all English, or it's all Pinyin

data type

1. Strongly typed language: the use of variables is required to strictly comply with the regulations. All variables must be defined before use,

High security

​ 2.Java data types fall into two categories:

Basic type

Reference type

		int a=10_0000_0000;  //JDK7 new feature, so the underline will not be output
        byte num1=23;
        short num2=89;
        int num3=190;
        long num4=467L;//L must be added after Long type (try to capitalize)
        //Floating point number
        float num7=8.909F;//F must be added after float type
        double num8=90.897856342357678786454;
        //Boolean type
        boolean flag=false;
        char name='1';
        //String is not a keyword but a class

Type conversion

​ 1.Java is a strongly typed language, so type conversion is required when performing operations

​ 2. Automatic conversion

  //When four different types of integer are added, a long will be automatically converted to a long. If there is no long, it will be all int, regardless of whether there is an int type in the middle of those numbers

​ 3. Cast (high - > low)

   		int i=128;
        byte b =(byte) i; //Force conversion
        System.out.println(i); //128
        System.out.println(b); //-128 memory overflow because the maximum byte is 127

		//Memory overflow problem
        int money=10_0000_0000;
        int years=20;
        long total=money*years;  //-1474836480, because before converting to long, the default multiplication of two ints is int, which has made an error
        long total1=money*(long)years;//First convert a variable, and then convert it as a whole

Data type expansion

Base system

 //Integer extension: hexadecimal
 //Binary: 0b octal: 0 decimal hex: 0x
        int a=0b1010;
        int b=072;
        int c=0x98;
        int d=78;

Precision loss

 //Floating point extension: precision loss
//The float finite rounding error is approximately close to but not equal to
//Therefore, it is necessary to completely avoid floating-point type comparison (BigDecimal class can be used)
        float f=0.1f;
        double d=0.1;
        System.out.println(f==d); //false
        float f1=232332323232323232f;
        float f2=f1+1;
//Char expansion
//The essence of all characters is still numbers
//Encoding: a character in the Unicode table corresponds to a number 0-65536 (the 16th power of 2, because the 1 character is 2 bytes)
//Indication range: u0000-uffff '\ u0061'
        char c3='\u0061';  //a
        char c1='a';
        char c2='in';
        System.out.println(c1); //a
        System.out.println((int)c1);  //Cast 97

Escape character

  //Escape character \ t: tab \ n: line feed \ a: ring \ \: \ ":" \ r: Enter
        System.out.println("hello\tworld");//hello	world
	   //boolean extension
		boolean flag=true;
        //The writing above is equivalent to


1.1Byte (byte) = 8bit (bit)

2.bit is the smallest storage unit of computer internal data


​ 1024B=1KB

​ 1024KB=1MB

​ 1024MB=1G


Characters refer to letters, numbers, words and symbols used in computers

Computer 32-bit and 64 bit

​ 1. They support different memories. 32-bit operating systems support up to 4G of memory, but 64 bit systems can support 4G, 8g, 16G, 32G, 64G, 128G, 256G, etc.

​ 2. They support different software. 64 bit systems support 32-bit and 64 bit software, and 32-bit systems only support 32-bit software.

​ 3. The ability to process data is also different. Theoretically, a 64 bit system will be twice as fast as a 32-bit system. And in terms of system volume, 64 bit system is much larger than 32-bit system.


Data type variable name = value; (values that can be changed during program operation)

​ 1. Each variable has a type, which can be a basic type or a reference type.

​ 2. Variable name must be a legal identifier.

​ 3. Variable declaration is a complete statement, so each declaration must end with a semicolon.

Scope of variable

​ 1. Static variable (class variable)

​ 2. Instance variable

​ 3. local variable

public class demo4 {
    //3. Class variable (static): add a static keyword before the method inside the class
    static double salary=2500;

    //2. Instance variable: it is subordinate to the object (inside the class and outside the method). If it is not initialized by itself, this will happen 				 Default 0.0 for types
    //Boolean default: false the default values are null except for the basic type
    String name;
    int age;
    //main method 
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        //1. Local variables: must declare and initialize values
        int i=10;
        System.out.println(i); //10
        //2. The instance variable uses variable type variable name = new variable type ();
        demo4 demo44=new demo4();

        //3. Class variables can be output directly


Naming conventions for variables

​ 1. Class member variable, local variable, method name: initial lowercase and hump principle

​ 2. Class name: initial capitalization and hump principle


​ 1. The value that cannot be changed during program operation after initialization can be understood as a special variable

​ 2. Add the final keyword before the variable (the modifier does not distinguish between before and after, and when it is with static, it does not distinguish between before and after)

​ 3. Constant names generally use uppercase letters and underscores


Arithmetic operators: + - * /% + –

++ --	
    	Self increment before: use before adding (time difference)
		Auto increase after: add before use
		int a1=90;
        int b1=a1++;  /*  90  a1++ 91
                              90  */
        int c1=++a1; /*   91  ++a1  92
                              92  */
        System.out.println(a1);  //92
        System.out.println(b1);  //90
        System.out.println(c1);  //92
/    Whole for whole, small for small        Whole small into small
    10/3=3  10.0/3.0=3.3   10.0/3=3.3

Assignment operator: = + = - = * = / =%=

Relational operator: > > = < < = == instanceof

Logical operator: & & |! (short circuit operation)

System.out.println(true&&false); //False is false
System.out.println(true||false);//True is true
System.out.println(!(true&&false));//True is false, false is true, true

Bitwise operators: & ^ ~ > < > > < > >

&  | ^ ~	 
        a&b=0000 1100  0 if there is 0
        a|b=0011 1101  If there is 1, it is 1
        a^b=0011 0001  Only 0 and 1 are 1
        ~b=1111 0010   0 Is 1,1 Is 0 (Fast operation:~a=a+1  ~13=-14)
 >>   <<   >>>(The fastest calculation)
  	    0000 0000   0
        0000 0001   1
        0000 0010   2    1 Moving one bit to the left multiplies by two
            			 therefore<<One will take two 	2<<3(2*2 The third power of)							 >>One is divided by two
        0000 0011   3
        0000 0100   4
        0000 1000   8
        0001 0000   16

Conditional operator:?:

        int score=90;
        String type=score > 60 ?"pass":"fail,";

String connector:+

	   int a =10;
       int b =30;
        System.out.println(""+a+b);//1030 string before +: string connector
        System.out.println(a+b+"");//40 strings are added at the end to become connectors
        //For many operations, we will use tool classes to perform operations
        System.out.println(Math.pow(2,3));//8.0 power operation


General formula: a period in parentheses, single, double and three eye re assignment

Binocular formula: "multiply and divide surplus", then "add and subtract", and then "shift", "big wait, small wait", "wait, wait"

​ "* / %" "+ -" "<< >>" "> >= < <=" "== !="

Bitwise and, exclusive or, logical and and or (one quotation mark and one level)

​ "&" "^" "|" "&&" "||"

Combination formula: single eye, three eyes and assignment, combined from right to left

package mechanism

​ 1. In order to better organize classes, Java provides a package mechanism to distinguish the namespace of class names

​ 2. Generally, the company domain name is inverted as the package name com baidu. www

​ 3. Guide Package: impos *: wildcard


​ 1.javadoc command is used to generate API documents of its own classes. It is a tool for processing comments and extracting comments

​ 2. parameter information

@ author author author name

@ version version number

@ since indicates the earliest jdk version required

@ param parameter name

@ return return return value

@ throws exception thrown

public class Demo6 {
     * @author  guojiu
     * @param args
     * @throws Exception   Documentation Comments 
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception{


3. Generated by command line operation

javadoc parameter XXX java

① open the class in the folder

② open this folder with cmd (enter cmd before the path)

③ enter javadoc parameter XXX java

④ some things will be automatically generated in the folder and open index html

⑤ the Doc below the class is the API document generated by extracting the comments just now

4. Use IDEA to generate javadoc documents

​ Tools->Generate JavaDoc

Original video:

Topics: Java Programming