Java EE learning notes - jQuery

Posted by bsteimel on Mon, 20 Dec 2021 10:42:31 +0100

1. Core function of jQuery: $()

1. The passed in parameter is a function: it means that after the page is loaded, it is equivalent to window ο nl ο ad=function(){}
2. Pass in HTML string: these HTML tag objects will be created
3. Pass in selector string: query label objects according to the selector
4. Pass in DOM object: it will convert DOM object into jQuery object

JQuery object is a series of function functions provided by dom object array + jQuery

jQuery objects and dom objects cannot use their own methods

2.Dom object and jQuery object turn to each other

dom >>> jQuery

① : Dom object first
② : $(Dom object)

jQuery >>> dom

① : jQuery object first
② : jQuery subscript fetches the corresponding object

3.jQuery selector

3.1 foundation selector

① # selector

<div id="123"></div>

② Tag name selector

<div id="123"></div>

③ Class selector

<div class="notme"></div>
<div class="myclass"></div>
<div class="myclass"></div>

④ * selector

Select all labels

⑤ Combination selector


p.myclass Indicates that the tag name must be p Label, and class Attributes should also be myclass


$(function () {
			//1. Select the element "background color" with id one, "#bbffaa"
            $("#btn1").click(function () {
                $("#one").css("background-color", "#bbffaa");
            //2. Select all elements with class mini
            $("#btn2").click(function () {
                $(".mini").css("background-color", "#bbffaa");
            //3. Select all elements whose element name is div
			$("#btn3").click(function () {
				$("div").css("background-color", "#bbffaa");
            //4. Select all elements
			$("#btn4").click(function () {
				$("*").css("background-color", "#bbffaa");
            //5. Select all span elements and elements with id two
			$("#btn5").click(function () {
				$("span,#two").css("background-color", "#bbffaa");

3.2 level selector

① Descendant selector

Find all input tags in the form

$("form input")

② Parent-child selector

Match all child input s in the form

$("form > input")

③ prev+next

Match all input s after the label label


④ prev~siblings

Find all input s of the same generation as the form

$("form" ~ input)
		<script type="text/javascript">
				//1. Select all div elements in the body 
					$("body div").css("background", "#bbffaa");
				//2. In the body, select the div sub element  
					$("body > div").css("background", "#bbffaa");
				//3. Select the next div element with id one 
					$("#one + div").css("background", "#bbffaa");
				//4. Select all div sibling elements after the element with id two
					$("#two ~ div").css("background", "#bbffaa");

3.3 filter selector

3.3. 1 basic filter selector

① Gets the first and last element

$("Tag name: first")
$("Tag name: last")

② Remove all elements that match the given point selector

③ All elements with even and odd indexes (even, odd)

$("Tag name:even")
$("Tag name:odd")

④ Matches the given index, elements greater than and less than the index

Find second row
$("Tag name":eq(1))
Find the second and third lines
$("Tag name":gt(0))
Find first and second rows
$("Tag name":lt(0))

⑤ Match the title elements such as h1, h2 and h3


⑥ Select all the elements that are performing the animation


3.3. 2 content filter

① Matches the element that contains the given text


② Matches all elements that do not contain (contain) child elements or text


③ Matches the element that contains the element that the selector matches

				//1. Select div element with text 'di'
					$("div:contains('di')").css("background", "#bbffaa");
				//2. Select a div empty element that does not contain child elements (or text elements)
					$("div:empty").css("background", "#bbffaa");
				//3. Select div element with class as mini element
					$("div:has(.mini)").css("background", "#bbffaa");
				//4. Select a div element that contains child elements (or text elements)
					$("div:parent").css("background", "#bbffaa");

3.3. 3 attribute filter selector

① Match the element that contains the given attribute / match the element that the given attribute is a special value


② Matches all elements that do not contain the specified attribute or whose attribute is not equal to a specific value


③ Matching a given attribute is an element that starts / ends with some value


④ Matching a given attribute is an element that contains certain values


⑤ Composite attribute selector

3.3. 4 form filter selector

1. Form

① Match all single line text boxes


② Match all password boxes


③ Match invisible elements


2. Form object properties

$("Form name: attribute name")

Gets the selected option in the select tab

$("select option:selected");

3.4 element screening

3.4. 1 filter

① Get the nth element


② Get the first element

$("Tag name").first()

Topics: JavaEE