Java logic control - sequential structure, branch structure, loop structure

Posted by Christian B. on Fri, 04 Mar 2022 05:55:10 +0100

1: Sequential structure

1.1. The sequence structure is relatively simple Execute line by line in the order in which the code is written

		public class TestDemo {
		    public static void main(String[] args) {

1.2. If you adjust the writing order of the code, the execution order also changes

		public class TestDemo {
		    public static void main(String[] args) {

2: Branching structure

2.1 if statement

2.1.1 three forms of basic syntax of if statement
① Basic syntax form of if statement 1
if(Boolean expression){
    //Execute code when conditions are met
② Basic syntax form of if statement 2
		if(Boolean expression){
		    //Execute code when conditions are met
		    //Execute code when conditions are not met
③ Basic syntax form of if statement 3
		if(Boolean expression){
		    //Execute code when conditions are met
		}else if(Boolean expression){
		    //Execute code when conditions are met
		    //Execute code when none of the conditions are met
2.1.2 specific code demonstration of if statement
		public class TestDemo {
		    public static void main(String[] args) {
		        //Determine whether an even number or an odd number
		        int num=10;
		        if(num%2==0) {
		            System.out.println(num + "It's an even number");
		            System.out.println(num+"It's an odd number");
		public class TestDemo {
		    public static void main(String[] args) {
		        //Determine whether a number is positive or negative
		        int num = 10;
		        if (num > 0) {
		            System.out.println(num+"Is a positive number");
		        } else if (num < 0) {
		            System.out.println(num+"Is a negative number");
		        } else {
		            System.out.println(num+"Is 0");
2.1.3 precautions for if statement
① Drape else problem
		public class TestDemo {
		    public static void main(String[] args) {
		       int x=10;
		       int y=10;

None of the above code will be output because else matches the closest if at this time, but we don't recommend it in actual development.

② Code style issues

In Java, it is more recommended to use: {on the same line as if / else. As shown in the above code

③ Semicolon problem
		public class TestDemo {
		    public static void main(String[] args) {
		        int x = 20;
		        if (x == 10); {

An extra semicolon is written here, resulting in the semicolon becoming the statement body of the if statement, and the code in {} has become a code block irrelevant to an if. Program output hehe

2.2 switch statement

2.2.1 basic syntax of switch statement
		switch(integer|enumeration|character|character string){
		 case Content 1 : {
		 Execute statement when content is satisfied;
		 case Content 2 : {
		 Execute statement when content is satisfied;
		 Execute the statement when the content is not satisfied;
2.2.2 code examples
public class TestDemo {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        int day=1;
            case 1:
            case 2:
            case 3:
            case 4:
            case 5:
            case 6:
            case 7:
                System.out.println("Incorrect input");

Depending on the value in switch, the corresponding case statement will be executed. The case statement will end when a break is encountered.
If the value in switch does not have a matching case, the statement in default will be executed.
It is recommended that a switch statement should be accompanied by default.

2.2.3 precautions for switch statement
① Do not omit break, otherwise you will lose the effect of "multi branch selection"
② Note 2 the value in switch can only be integer | enumeration | character | string
③ Note 3 switch cannot express complex conditions
④ Note 4 although switch supports nesting, it is ugly~
// For example, if the value of num is between 10 and 20, print hehe
// Such code is easy to express using if, but cannot be expressed using switch

3: Cyclic structure

3.1 while cycle

3.1.1 basic syntax format of while statement
while(Cycle condition){ 
Circular statement; 

If the loop condition is true, execute the loop statement; Otherwise, end the cycle

3.1.2 code examples
		//Use the while loop to calculate 1+ 2! +  3! +  4! +  5!
        int i=1;
        int sum=0;
            //It is important to reset fac j to 1
            int fac=1;
            int j=1;
3.1.3 precautions for while loop statement

① Similar to if, the statement under while can not write {}, but only one statement can be supported when it is not written It is suggested to add {}
② Similar to if, the {suggestion after while is written on the same line as while
③ Do not write multiple semicolons after if, which may lead to incorrect execution of the loop

3.2 for loop

3.1.1 basic syntax of for loop
for(Expression 1;Expression 2;Expression 3){ 
Circulatory body; 

Expression 1: used to initialize loop variables
Expression 2: loop condition
Expression 3: update loop variable
Compared with the while loop, the for loop combines these three parts together and is not easy to miss when writing code

3.1.2 code examples
		//Use the for loop to calculate 1+ 2! +  3! +  4! +  5!
        int i=1;
        int sum=0;
            int j=1;
            int fac=1;
3.1.3 precautions for loop statement

① Similar to if, the statement below for can not write {}, but only one statement can be supported when it is not written It is suggested to add {}
② Similar to if, the {suggestion after for is written on the same line as while
③ Similar to if, do not write more semicolons after for, otherwise the loop may not execute correctly

3.3 do while loop (minor)

3.1.1 basic syntax of do while statement
		Circular statement; 
		}while(Cycle condition);

Execute the loop statement first, and then determine the loop condition

3.1.2 code examples
		//Print 1-10 with do while loop
        int i=1;
3.1.3 precautions for do while loop statement

① Don't forget the semicolon at the end of the do while loop
② Generally, do while is rarely used, and for and while are more recommended

3.4 break

The function of break is to end the cycle ahead of time

		//Find the multiple of the first 3 in 100 - 200
        int num = 100;
        while (num <= 200) {
            if (num % 3 == 0) {
                System.out.println("A multiple of 3 was found, by:" + num);

Executing break will end the loop

3.5 continue

The function of continue is to skip this cycle and immediately enter the next cycle

		//Find multiples of all 3 in 100 - 200
        int num = 100;
        while (num <= 200) {
            if (num % 3 != 0) {
                num++; // Don't forget the + + here! Otherwise, there will be a dead cycle
            System.out.println("A multiple of 3 was found, by:" + num);

When the continue statement is executed, it will immediately enter the next cycle (determine the cycle conditions), so it will not execute the following print statement

Topics: Java