Storing objects in arrays
In the previous section, we have described the creation and reference of arrays. Next, we mainly introduce the array storage objects, find objects, delete objects and common sorting algorithms.
Array elements can be of any type (as long as all elements have the same type), and in addition to the basic data type, elements of the array can also be objects of the class, such arrays are called object arrays.
Initialization of arrays is divided into static and dynamic initialization.
- Static initialization: initialize array elements while declaring and defining arrays;
BankAccount[] accounts={new BankAccount("zhang",100.00)}, new BankAccount("li",2380.00),new BankAccount("wang",500.00);
- Dynamic initialization: Allocate space for arrays using the operator new, which is formatted as follows for basic types of arrays;
type arrayName[]=new type[arraySize}; type[] arrayName=new type[arraySize];
For object arrays, the use of operator new simply allocates space to the array itself and does not initialize the elements of the array. That is, the array elements are empty, at this time no elements of the array can be accessed, and the array elements must be initialized before they can be accessed. So for object arrays, there are two steps;
First, space is allocated to the array, where each element is just a drink from the object.
type arrayName[]=new type[arraySize];
Each array element is then allocated space and its reference is assigned to the corresponding array element.
arrayName[0]=new type(paramList); ... arrayName[arraySize-1]=new type(paramList);
Store student information for a class in an array
First declare Stude for Student Class;
- Attributes include student number (id), name, English score (eng), math, computer score (comp), and total score (sum).
- Methods include construction method, get method, set method, toString method, equals method, compare method, sum method.
import*; public class Student { private String id; private String name; private int eng; private int math; private int comp; private int sum; //Construction method public Student(String id,String name,int eng,int math,int comp){;; this.eng=eng; this.math=math; this.comp=comp; sum();//Calculate total results } public Student(Student s){;; this.eng=s.eng; this.math=s.math; this.comp=s.comp; sum();//Calculate total results } public void setId(String id){; } public void setName(String name){; } public void setEng(int eng){ this.eng=eng; sum(); } public void setMath(int math){ this.math=math; sum(); } public void setComp(int comp){ this.comp=comp; sum(); } public String getId(){ return id; } public String getName(){ return name; } public int getEng(){ return eng; } public int getMath(){ return math; } public int getComp(){ return comp; } public int getSum(){ return sum; } void sum(){ this.sum=eng+math+comp; } @Override//Represents overriding parent method public String toString(){ return getId()+"\t"+getName()+"\t"+getEng()+"\t"+getMath()+"\t"+getComp()+"\t"+getSum(); } @Override public boolean equals(Object x){ if(this.getClass() !=x.getClass()){ return false; } Student b=(Student) x; return (this.getId().equals(b.getId())); } //Comparing the result size, the current object's result is greater than the parameter object's result and returns 1, 0 when equal, and -1 for other objects public int compare(Student A){ if(this.getSum()>A.getSum()){ return 1; } else if(this.getSum()==A.getSum()){ return 0; }else{ return -1; } } }
Next, declare the class class class;
- Attributes include class name, capacity, students, and actual size.
- Methods include construction method, get method, set method, toString method.
In order to persist the Student class object, that is, to store it on disk, it should be added to the serialization protocol to implement the Serializable interface.
public class StudentClass implements Serializable{ private String name; static int capacity=40; private Student students[]; private int size; public StudentClass(String name,int size){; this.size=size; students=new Student[capacity]; } public String getName(){ return name; } public int getCapacity(){ return capacity; } public Student [] getStudents(){ return students; } public int getSize(){ return size; } public void setName(String name){; } public void setCapacity(int capacity){ this.capacity=capacity; } public void setSize(int size){ if(size>capacity){ System.out.println("size by"+size+",+Cannot exceed"+capacity); return; } this.size=size; } public void setStudents(Student...students){ for(int i=0;i<size;i++){ this.students[i]=new Student(students[i]); } this.size=students.length; } @Override public String toString(){ String s; s="Class:"+name+"\t"+"capacity"+capacity+"\t"+"Actual number of people:"+size+"\n\n"; s=s+"School Number"+"\t"+"Full name"+"\t"+"English"+"\t"+"Mathematics"+"\t"+"Computer"+"\t"+"Total results\n"; for(int i=0;i<size;i++){ s=s+students[i].getId()+"\t"+students[i].getName()+"\t"+students[i].getEng()+"\t" +students[i].getMath()+"\t"+students[i].getComp()+"\t"+students[i].getSum()+"\n"; } return s; } }
Next, write the main function for testing;
import*; public class Tester { public static void main(String args[]){ Student students[]; StudentClass aClass=new StudentClass("java 0101",5); students=new Student[aClass.getSize()]; for(int i=0;i<aClass.getSize();i++){ students[i]=new Student(getAStudent(i+1)); } //The setStudents method parameter of StudentClass is a variable length parameter and the incoming argument is an array aClass.setStudents(students); String sss=aClass.toString(); System.out.println(aClass); //Save student information to stu.ser try{ FileOutputStream fo=new FileOutputStream("stu.ser"); ObjectOutputStream so=new ObjectOutputStream(fo); for(Student s:students){ so.writeObject(s); } so.close(); }catch (Exception e){ System.out.println(e); } } public static Student getAStudent(int i){ Student studenti; System.out.println("Enter #"+i+"Information for students:"); System.out.println("School Number:"); String id=Keyboard.getString(); System.out.println("Full name:"); String name=Keyboard.getString(); System.out.println("English achievement:"); int eng=Keyboard.getInteger(); System.out.println("Math Scores:"); int math=Keyboard.getInteger(); System.out.println("Computer results:"); int comp=Keyboard.getInteger(); studenti=new Student(id,name,eng,math,comp); return studenti; } }
Input and output results://Omit input before Class: java 0101 Capacity 40 Actual number of people:5 School Number Full name English Mathematics Computer Total results 01 Li Hong 88 76 60 224 02 Li Si 78 67 80 225 03 Zhang San 86 80 75 241 04 wheat 70 68 75 213 05 What is 80 90 78 248
Add, delete, check, change arrays
Add common methods to the StudentClass class;
Sequential search, also known as exhaustion; The basic idea is to start with the first item and compare the stored data with the data you are looking for until you find the data or find all the elements without finding the data.
//Sequential Search public int find(String id){ for (int i=0;i<size;i++){ if(students[i].getId().equals(id)) return i; } return -1; }
Add a student object to the end of the array.
//Add a student public boolean add(Student aStudent){ if(size==capacity) return false;//No space to add if(find(aStudent.getId())>=0) return false;//This number already exists and cannot be added //Add Operation this.students[size]=new Student(new String(aStudent.getId()),new String(aStudent.getName()),aStudent.getEng(),aStudent.getMath(),aStudent.getComp()); size++; return true; }
//Delete a student public boolean del(Student aStudent){ int pos=find(aStudent.getId()); if(pos==-1){ return false;//This number does not exist and cannot be deleted } //Remove this student from the array //Array element students[pos+1]..students[size-1] moves one position forward in turn //And the value of size increases by 1 for (int i=pos+1;i<size;i++){ students[i-1]=students[i]; } size--; return true; } //Delete a student with a known number public boolean del(String id){ int pos=find(id); if(pos==-1){ return false;//This number does not exist and cannot be deleted } //Remove this student from the array //Array element students[pos+1]..students[size-1] moves one position forward in turn //And the value of size minus 1 for (int i=pos+1;i<size;i++){ students[i-1]=students[i]; } size--; return true; }
Test Code
Write a test class below to test the new find, add, and delete methods.
import*; public class Tester2 { public static void main(String args[]){ Student students[]=new Student[5]; //From file stu.ser reads student information try{ FileInputStream fi=new FileInputStream("stu.ser"); ObjectInputStream si=new ObjectInputStream(fi); for(int i=0;i<5;i++){ students[i]=(Student) si.readObject(); } si.close(); }catch (Exception e){ System.out.println(e); } StudentClass aClass=new StudentClass("java0101",5); aClass.setStudents(students); System.out.println(aClass); //lookup for(int i=0;i<2;i++){ System.out.print("Enter the number you want to find:"); String id=Keyboard.getString(); if(aClass.find(id)<0){ System.out.println("Non-existent!"); }else{ System.out.println("Exists!"); } } //increase for (int i=0;i<2;i++){ Student aStudent=getAStudent(6+i); if(aClass.add(aStudent)){ System.out.println("Increase success!"); }else{ System.out.println("No increase!"); } } //delete for (int i=0;i<2;i++){ System.out.print("Enter the number to delete"); String id=Keyboard.getString(); if(aClass.del(id)){ System.out.println("Deleted!"); }else{ System.out.println("Non-existent!"); } } System.out.println(aClass); } public static Student getAStudent(int i){ Student studenti; System.out.println("Enter #"+i+"Information for students:"); System.out.print("School Number:"); String id=Keyboard.getString(); System.out.print("Full name:"); String name=Keyboard.getString(); System.out.print("English achievement:"); int eng =Keyboard.getInteger(); System.out.print("Math Scores:"); int math =Keyboard.getInteger(); System.out.print("Computer results:"); int comp =Keyboard.getInteger(); studenti=new Student(id,name,eng,math,comp); return studenti; } }
Class: java0101 Capacity 40 Actual number of people:5 School Number Full name English Mathematics Computer Total results 01 Li Hong 88 76 60 224 02 Li Si 78 67 80 225 03 Zhang San 86 80 75 241 04 wheat 70 68 75 213 05 What is 80 90 78 248 Enter the number you want to find: 02 Exists! Enter the number you want to find: 06 Non-existent! Enter the information for the sixth student: School Number: 06 Name: Mazi English achievement: 78 Math score: 90 Computer Score: 60 Increase success! Enter the information for the 7th student: School Number: 07 Name: Xiao Liang English achievement: 56 Math score: 95 Computer Score: 89 Increase success! Enter the number 03 to delete Deleted! Enter the number 04 to delete Deleted! Class: java0101 Capacity 40 Actual number of people:5 School Number Full name English Mathematics Computer Total results 01 Li Hong 88 76 60 224 02 Li Si 78 67 80 225 05 What is 80 90 78 248 06 Hemp seeds 78 90 60 228 07 Xiao Liang 56 95 89 240 Process finished with exit code 0
In addition, you can try to write your own.
Sort array elements
Select Sort
The basic idea of selecting sort is to select the smallest element in the unsorted sequence as the sorted subsequence first, then repeatedly select the smallest element from the unsorted subsequence, add it to the sorted sequence as the last element in the sorted subsequence until the elements in the unsorted subsequence have been processed.
//Select Sorting Algorithm public void selectionSort(){ Student temp; for(int i=0;i<size-1;i++){ for(int j=i+1;j<size;j++){ if(students[j].compare(students[i])>0){ temp=students[i]; students[i]=students[j]; students[j]=temp; } } } }
Test class code;
import*; public class SortTester { public static void main(String args[]){ Student students[]=new Student[5]; //From file stu.ser reads student information try{ FileInputStream fi=new FileInputStream("stu.ser"); ObjectInputStream si=new ObjectInputStream(fi); for(int i=0;i<5;i++){ students[i]=(Student) si.readObject(); } si.close(); }catch (Exception e){ System.out.println(e); } StudentClass aClass=new StudentClass("java0101",5); aClass.setStudents(students); System.out.println(aClass); //Select Sort aClass.selectionSort(); System.out.println("Select the sorted results:\n"); System.out.println(aClass); } }
Class: java0101 Capacity 40 Actual number of people:5 School Number Full name English Mathematics Computer Total results 01 Li Hong 88 76 60 224 02 Li Si 78 67 80 225 03 Zhang San 86 80 75 241 04 wheat 70 68 75 213 05 What is 80 90 78 248 Select the sorted results: Class: java0101 Capacity 40 Actual number of people:5 School Number Full name English Mathematics Computer Total results 05 What is 80 90 78 248 03 Zhang San 86 80 75 241 02 Li Si 78 67 80 225 01 Li Hong 88 76 60 224 04 wheat 70 68 75 213
Insert Sort
Insert Sorting inserts the data to be sorted one by one into the proper position in the sorted sequence according to a certain rule until all the data is inserted. Different insertion rules result in different insertion sorting algorithms. The simplest algorithm is the direct insert sort algorithm.
The direct insertion sort method first uses the first element of the unsorted element as the sorted subsequence, then from the original second element, inserts each element one by one into the appropriate position in the sorted subsequence until all elements are inserted.
//Insert sort algorithm public void insertSort(){ Student temp; for(int i=1;i<size;i++){ temp=students[i]; int j=i-1; while(j>-1 &&[j])>0){ students[j+1]=students[j]; j--; } students[j+1]=temp; } }
The test code can be written with reference to the Select Sort test code.
Search algorithm
As we have seen earlier, sequential lookup algorithms are very simple, but they are inefficient to find in large amounts of data. Searching in an unsorted array can only be done using the sequential search method. For sorted arrays, we can use binary search to improve the search efficiency.
public class SortedIntArray { private int capacity; private Integer[] rep; private int size; //Construction method public SortedIntArray(int n){ capacity=n; rep=new Integer[capacity]; } //Construction method without parameters public SortedIntArray(){ this(100); } //Binary Search private int search(int i, int lower, int upper){ int index=lower; if(upper>=lower){ int mid=(upper+lower)/2; int cur=rep[mid].intValue(); if(cur==i){ index=mid; }else if(cur<i){ index=search(i,mid+1,upper); }else{ index=search(i,lower,mid-1); } } return index; } public int search(int i){ return search(i,0,size-1); } //Insert an element into the array public SortedIntArray insert(int i){ int index=search(i); for (int j=size;j>index;--j){ rep[j]=rep[j-1]; } rep[index]=i; ++size; return this; } //Delete an element from the array. Delete only the first element found public SortedIntArray remove(int i){ int index=search(i); if(rep[index]==i){ --size; for(int j=index;j<size;++j){ rep[j]=rep[j+1]; } } return this; } @Override public String toString(){ String toReturn=""; for(int i=0;i<size;++i){ toReturn+=rep[i].toString()+", "; } return toReturn; } //Main method static public void main(String[] args){ SortedIntArray anArray=new SortedIntArray(); anArray.insert(4).insert(9).insert(7).insert(1).insert(3).insert(2).insert(8).insert(7); System.out.println(anArray); anArray.remove(1).remove(8).remove(7).remove(3); System.out.println(anArray); } }
Output results: 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 7, 8, 9, 2, 4, 7, 9,
2-D Array
Two-dimensional arrays are often used to represent two-dimensional tables, that is, to represent data in rows and columns.
Declarations for two-dimensional arrays;
type arrayName[][]; type [][] arrayName;
public class TableTester { public static void main(String args[]){ int myTable[][]={{23,45,66,34,21,67,79}, {45,15,19,46,98,63,88}, {98,82,65,90,20,15,25}, {55,44,55,77,22,44,33} }; //Display a two-dimensional table using an enhanced for loop; for(int row[]:myTable){ for(int col:row){ System.out.print(col+" "); } System.out.println(); } //Calculate additive and maximum line numbers int sum,max,maxRow=0; max=0; for(int row=0;row<4;row++){ sum=0; for(int col=0;col<7;col++){ sum+=myTable[row][col]; } if(sum>max){ max=sum; maxRow=row; } } System.out.println("Row "+maxRow+" has the highest sum of "+max); } }
Output results; 23 45 66 34 21 67 79 45 15 19 46 98 63 88 98 82 65 90 20 15 25 55 44 55 77 22 44 33 Row 2 has the highest sum of 395