java regular expression

Posted by dakey on Tue, 04 Jan 2022 23:52:04 +0100

regular expression


regular expression

1, What is a regular expression?

What is a regular expression?

Purpose of regular expression:

Important statement

How to know regular expressions

Java support for regular expressions

Usage example of Pattern class

1. Sharing mode

2. Independent mode

Method usage example of String class

Regular rules

1. Character class

2. Predefined character classes

3. Boundary matcher

4.Greedy quantifier

5.Logical operator

6. Backslash, escape and reference

1, What is a regular expression?

What is a regular expression?

Regular expression is composed of one character

String, which defines a pattern used to search for matching strings.

Purpose of regular expression:

Verify whether the string is legal. Find the string in the specified format, replace the string in the specified format, and extract the string in the specified format

Important statement

Regular expression is an independent pattern matching rule, which has its own format and semantic provisions. Nowadays, many languages support regular expressions to process text, such as Java, C#, Javascript, PHP, Perl, Python and so on. Different languages may support regular expressions in different ways and support different syntax details. Please use regular expressions according to specific languages.

How to know regular expressions

Compared with traditional programming, Java regular expression programming has the following advantages: simplifying code writing and improving processing efficiency. When judging Email, IP and other formats, using the traditional string comparison method may require dozens of lines of code, while using regular expression requires only a few lines to solve the problem. Disadvantages: you need to learn java regular expressions alone. The program written is not easy to understand and has poor readability

Java support for regular expressions

Use of regular expressions in Java: independent use: Java provides Java util. regex. Pattern class and Java util. regex. The matcher class supports the use of regular expressions in combination with the String class. The methods involved are: matches replaceAll split

Usage example of Pattern class

1. Sharing mode

//Compiles the given regular expression into a pattern.
        Pattern p = Pattern.compile("[a-z]{6,8}");
        //Create a matcher that matches the given input
        Matcher m = p.matcher("asdasd");//6 ~ 8 letters
        //Try to match the entire region to the pattern.
        boolean b = m.matches();

2. Independent mode

boolean flag=Pattern.matches("[a-z]{6,8}","asdasd");

Method usage example of String class

Several methods (matches, replaceAll, split) of the String class can be directly passed into regular expressions, as follows

public boolean matches(String regex) tells whether the string matches the given regular expression. 
This form is str The matches (regex) method produces exactly the same result as the expression 
Pattern. matches(regex, str) 
regex - the regular expression to match this string 
true, and only this string matches the given regular expression 
PatternSyntaxException - if the syntax of the regular expression is invalid 
String pwd="asdfgh";
        boolean flags=pwd.matches("[a-z]{6,8}");

Regular rules

1. Character class


A [] can only represent one character

 * ClassName: Dome01 <br/>
 * Description: <br/>
 * date: 2021/12/28 9:11<br/>
 * @author Zebra < br / >
public class Dome01 {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        //[abc] a, b or c (simple class)
//[^ abc] any character except a, b, or c (negative)
//[a-zA-Z] a to Z or a to Z, both letters included (range)
        System.out.println("".matches("[a-z]"));//Lowercase letters
        System.out.println("".matches("[a-zA-Z]"));//Lowercase or uppercase letters
        System.out.println("".matches("[0-15-82]"));//0-1   5-8    2
//[a-d[m-p]] a to d or m to P: [a-dm-p] (Union)
//[A-Z & & [def]] d, e, or f (intersection)
//[A-Z & & [^ BC]] A to Z, except b and c: [ad-z] (minus)
//[A-Z & & [^ M-p]] A to Z, not m to p: [a-lq-z] (minus)

2. Predefined character classes


 * ClassName: Dome02 <br/>
 * Description: <br/>
 * date: 2021/12/28 10:02<br/>
 * @author Zebra < br / >
public class Dome02 {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
//      predefined character classes 
//  .  Any character (may or may not match the line terminator)
//\d number: [0-9]
//\D non numeric: [^ 0-9]
//\s white space character: [\ t\n\x0B\f\r]
//\s non white space character: [^ \ s]
//\w word character: [a-zA-Z_0-9] alphanumeric underscore
//\W non word character: [^ \ w]

3. Boundary matcher


 * ClassName: Dome03 <br/>
 * Description: <br/>
 * date: 2021/12/28 10:21<br/>
 * @author Zebra < br / >
public class Dome03 {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
//      Boundary matcher
//              ^Start of line
        System.out.println("Zhang San ll".matches("^Zhang.."));
//      End of $line
        System.out.println("".matches("..Abundant $"));
        //Zhang xfeng
//\b word boundary
//\B non word boundary
//\A start of input
//\G end of last match
//\The end of the Z input, only for the last Terminator (if any)
//\End of z input

4.Greedy quantifier


5.Logical operator


6. Backslash, escape and reference

Backslash, escape, and reference backslash characters ('\') are used to reference escape constructs, as defined in the above table, as well as other characters that will be interpreted as non escape constructs. Therefore, the expression \ \ matches a single backslash and \ {matches the left parenthesis. It is wrong to use backslashes before any alphabetic character that does not represent an escape construct; they are reserved for future extensions of the regular expression language. Backslashes can be used before non alphabetic characters, whether or not the character is part of a non escape construct.

 * ClassName: Dome05 <br/>
 * Description: <br/>
 * date: 2021/12/28 14:23<br/>
 * @author Zebra < br / >
public class Dome05 {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
//      Logical operator
//      XY X followed by Y
//      X|Y X or Y
//   (X) X, as the content in the capture group (), will be treated as a whole
        //verification. com suffix

Topics: Java Back-end regex