[Java Tutorial 20] image memory analysis

Posted by Bobby_Jo on Thu, 09 Jan 2020 16:29:05 +0100

Memory allocation in Java

When a Java program is running, it needs to allocate space in memory. In order to improve the efficiency of operation, the space is divided into different regions, because each region has a specific way of data processing and memory management.

  • Stack store local variable
    • The variables of local variables in method definition or method declaration are called local variables, which disappear immediately after use
  • Heap to store new things
    • Each entity has a first address value

    • Data within each entity has a default value

      byte,short,int,long 0
      float,double 0.0
      char '\u0000'
      boolean false
      Reference type: null
    • After use, it will be recycled when the garbage collector is idle.

  • Class information, constants, static constants, etc. loaded by virtual machine in method area.
  • Local method area (system related)
  • Register (for CPU)
class Phone{
	String brand;
	int price;
	String color;
	public void call(String name){
	//Send message
	public void sendMessage(){
		System.out.println("send message...");
	//Play a game
	public void playGame(){
		System.out.println("Glory of Kings carry Medium.");

class PhoneDemo{
	public static void main(String[] args){
		//Objects need to be created before use
		//Class name object name = new class name ();
		Phone p = new Phone();
		//Assign a value to a member
		p.brand = "iPhone X";
		p.price = 6888;
		p.color = "black";
		//Calling method
		p.call("Stay in the bell");
		Phone p2 = new Phone();
		//Assign a value to a member
		p2.brand = "Hammer";
		p2.price = 2299;
		p2.color = "Red";
		//Calling method
		p2.call("Di Ali Gerba");
		Phone p3 = p;
		//Assign a value to a member
		p3.brand = "HUAWEI";
		p3.price = 1999;
		p3.color = "blue";

Memory graph of an object

Memory map of two objects

Memory graph of three objects

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