1. Get dom node
- Find HTML elements by id
- Find HTML elements by tag name
- Find HTML elements by Class name
- Find HTML elements through CSS selectors
document.getElementById("#demo") document.getElementsByTagName("demo") document.getElementsByClassName("demo") document.querySelectorAll("demo")
It is recommended to use querySelector to quickly obtain nodes. I like this one myself
var nodeName= document.querySelector('nodeName');
2. Node relationship
parent, child and sibling
- nodeName property
- nodeValue property
- nodeType property
NodeList document node list (Collection)
An HTMLCollection is a collection of HTML elements
HTMLCollection and NodeList objects are object lists (collections) of class arrays, and each item can be accessed like an array through an index
The difference between the two:
Access HTMLCollection items by their name, id, or index number
NodeList items can only be accessed through their index numbers
Only NodeList objects can contain attribute nodes and text nodes
3. Change HTML elements
Change the inner HTML of the element
Changing attribute values of HTML elements
Changing attribute values of HTML elements
Change the style of HTML elements
- element.innerHTML = new html content
- element.attribute = new value
- element.setAttribute(attribute, value)
- element.style.property = new style
var body= doucment.body; var str=`<ul><li>html</li><li>css</li></ul>`; body.innerHTML=str;
4. Add and delete elements
- Create HTML element
- Create a new HTML element (node)
- Delete HTML element
- Add HTML element
- Replace HTML element
- Write HTML output stream
// Create HTML element document.createElement(element) // Create a new HTML element (node) document.createTextNode('') // Delete HTML element document.removeChild(element) // Delete child from parent parent.removeChild(child); // Add HTML element document.appendChild(element) // Add HTML element element.insertBefore('main','child') // Replace HTML element document.replaceChild(element) // Write HTML output stream document.write(text)
<div id="app"></div > <script> var p = document.createElement('P'); var span = document.createElement('span'); span.innerText = 'this is well goods'; p.appendChild(span); app.appendChild(p); </script>
5. Change the style of HTML elements
document.getElementById(id).style.property = new style
<div id="app"></div > <script> app.style.padding= `10px 20px`; app.style.width=`500px`; app.style.height=`500px`; app.style.backgroundColor="red"; app.style.margin=`100px auto`; </script>
6. event
Several common events:
A page or image is loaded and the user exits the page
onload and onunload events
The user changes the contents of the domain
onchange event
The mouse is moved over and away from an element
onmouseover and onmouseout events
The mouse button is pressed, released and clicked
onmousedown, onmouseup, and onclick events
The keyboard key is pressed or held down
Elements gain focus and lose focus
onfocus and onblur events
The submit button is clicked
Listening events
removeEventListener() method
element.addEventListener(event, function, useCapture); event cannot be preceded by on. The default value of usecapture is false, and bubble propagation will be used. If the value is set to true, the event will be propagated by capture;
Cancel listening: element.removeEventListener("mousemove", myFunction);
&&Prevent event bubbling
ie use
e.cancleBubble = true
&&Cancel default event:
IE uses e.returnValue = false
<div id="app"> <!-- Inline binding --> <h2 onclick="clickHandler(this)"></h2> <!-- Dynamic binding --> <div class="demo"></div> </div > <script> function clickHandler(e){ console.log('e'); } var demo = document.querySelector('.demo'); demo.onclick = function(){ this.style.backgroudColor = "red"; } demo.addEventListener("click",function(){ this.style.backgroudColor = "red"; }); </script>