Javascript element related

Posted by danlayton00 on Wed, 23 Feb 2022 14:45:20 +0100

JavaScript element related

Get element

According to tag id


According to tag name


What is returned is the collection of obtained element objects, which are stored in the form of pseudo array. The objects in pseudo elements can be obtained by traversal, and the obtained element objects are dynamic

You can also get all child elements with specified tag names inside the parent element

The parent element must be a single object, and the parent element itself is not included in the acquisition

html5 new get element

Get by class name


According to selector




Method returns the first Element object in the document that matches the specified selector or selector group. null if no match is found.


Specifies all element objects for the selector

Get special element body html



Event basis

Events are behaviors that can be js detected

Trigger – corresponding mechanism

Three elements

Event source: the object on which the event is triggered

Event type: how to trigger

Event handler: completed by function assignment

    <button id="btn">I'm a button</button>
        var btn = document.getElementById('btn');
        btn.onclick =function () {
            alert('Hello cow,It really hit me!');

The process of executing an event

  1. Get event source
  2. Registration event and binding event
  3. Add event handler

Operation element


The content from the start position to the end position, excluding html tags, removing spaces and line breaks


W3C standard

All contents from the start position to the end position, including html tags, while retaining spaces and line breaks

These two elements are readable and writable


If you want to press the button to trigger the replacement of the picture, you should also get the element of the picture

The picture address should be added after it jpg

    <button id="hh">I'm button 1</button>
    <button id="xx">I'm button 2</button>
    <img src="./pic/abcd.jpg" alt="">
        var img =document.querySelector('img');
        var hhh = document.getElementById('hh');
        hhh.onclick = function() {
            img.src = './pic/pic2.jpg';
        var xxx = document.getElementById('xx');
        xxx.onclick = function() {
            img.src = './pic/pic1.jpg';
    <img src="./pic/morning.png" alt="">
    <div>Happy Everyday</div>
        var img = document.querySelector('img');
        var div = document.querySelector('div');
        var date = new Date();
        var h = date.getHours();
        if(h<12) {
            img.src = './pic/morning.png';
            div.innerHTML = 'Good morning, baby';
        else if(h < 18) {
            img.src = './pic/fighting.png';
            div.innerHTML = 'Good afternoon, baby'
        } else {
            img.src = './pic/evening.png';
            div.innerHTML = 'Good evening, baby'
    <button>I am a lovely button(●'◡'●)</button>
    <input type="text" value="What do you want to enter">
        var btn = document.querySelector('button');
        var input = document.querySelector('input');
        btn.onclick = function() {
            //input.innerHTML='';  This is an ordinary box, such as the content in the div tag element. The value in the form is modified through value
            input.value='oh dear,I was clicked!';
             btn.disabled = true ;
        btn.onmouseout = function() {
            input.value='Don't go, whining';

btn.disabled = true ; Form disabled

this.disabled = true ;this refers to the caller btn of the form

Style attribute action

We can modify the size, color and style of elements through js few styles and simple functions

element.className: write the style into CSS. js just add this style, which will directly overwrite the original class name. If you want to keep it, write both class names, separated by spaces (multi class name selector)

this.className = 'change' ;

  1. The style in js adopts the hump naming method
  2. js modified style produces inline style, with high CSS weight
Example: search bar
        input {
            color: #999;
    <input type="text" value="mobile phone" name="" id="">
        var text = document.querySelector('input');
        // Get focus event
        text.onfocus = function () {
            if(text.value === 'mobile phone') {
                this.value = ' ';
            //Get focus and darken the text box
   = '#333';
        text.onblur = function () {
            if(text.value === ' ') {
                this.value = 'mobile phone';
   = '#999';
Example: password box plaintext ciphertext conversion
        .box {
            position: relative;
            width: 400px;
            /* border : 1px solid #ccc; */
            margin: 100px;
        .box input {
            width: 370px;
            height: 30px;
            border: 0;
            outline: none;
        .box img {
            position: absolute;
            top: 2px;
            right: 2px;
            width: 24px;

    <div class="box">
        <label for="">
            <img src="./pic/images1/close.png" alt="" id="eye">
        <input type="password" id="pwd">
        var eye =document.getElementById('eye');
        var pwd =document.getElementById('pwd');
        // Get element with multi id
        let flag=0;
        eye.onclick = function () {
            if(flag == 0) {
                pwd.type ='text';
                eye.src ='./pic/images1/open.png';
            } else {
                pwd.type ='password';
                eye.src ='./pic/images1/close.png';

Exclusive thought

If you have the same set of elements, to achieve the same style, you need to use the exclusive idea algorithm of the loop

  1. Clear styles for all elements
  2. Style the current element
  3. Be careful not to reverse the order
Example: button color change
    <button>I'm the button</button>
    <button>I'm the button</button>
    <button>I'm the button</button>
    <button>I'm the button</button>
    <button>I'm the button</button>
        var btn= document.getElementsByTagName('button');
        for(let i=0;i<btn.length;i++) {
            btn[i].onclick = function () {
                for(let j=0;j<btn.length;j++) {
                    // You can't leave space here... Otherwise, it will fail to set the color back to the default
Example: change the background image

Example: table highlighting

Example: select all and deselect all forms
    <div class="box">
                    <td><input type="checkbox" id="j_cbAll"></td>
            <tbody id="j_tb">
                    <td><input type="checkbox"></td>
                    <td><input type="checkbox"></td>
                    <td><input type="checkbox"></td>
        var j_cbAll = document.getElementById('j_cbAll');
        var j_tbs = document.getElementById('j_tb').getElementsByTagName('input');
        j_cbAll.onclick = function() {
            console.log(this.checked) ;//Gets the selected status of the current check box
            for(let i=0;i<j_tbs.length;i++) {
                j_tbs[i].checked = this.checked;

        for(let j=0;j<j_tbs.length;j++) {
            j_tbs[j].onclick = function () {
                let flag=true;
                for(let k=0;k<j_tbs.length;k++) {
                    if(!j_tbs[k].checked) {

Custom attribute action


element. attribute

Get the built-in attribute value – the attribute of the element itself

element.getAttribute('attribute ')

The attribute added by programmers is called data index

set up

element. Attribute = 'value';

element.setAttribute('attribute ',' value ')

When modifying clss, you modify 'Class' instead of' ClassName '


element.removeAttribute('attribute ');

Example: tab bar switching
        * {
            margin: 0;
            padding: 0;
        li {
            list-style-type: none;
        .tab {
            width: 978px;
            margin: 100px auto;
        .tab_list {
            height: 39px;
            border: 1px solid #ccc;
            background-color: #f1f1f1;
        .tab_list li {
            float: left;
            height: 39px;
            line-height: 39px;
            padding: 0 20px;
            text-align: center;
            cursor: pointer;
        .tab_list .current {
            background-color: #c81623;
            color: #fff;
        .item_info {
            padding: 20px 0 0 20px;
        .item {
            display: none;
    <div class="tab">
        <div class="tab_list">
                <li class="current">Product introduction</li>
                <li>Specification and packaging</li>
                <li>After sales guarantee</li>
                <li>Commodity evaluation(50000)</li>
                <li>Mobile community</li>
        <div class="tab_con">
            <div class="item" style="display: block;">
            <!-- <div class="item"> -->
                Content of product introduction module
            <div class="item">
                Specification and packaging module content
            <div class="item">
                Content of after sales guarantee module
            <div class="item">
                Commodity evaluation(50000)Module content
            <div class="item">
                Mobile community module content
        var tab_list = document.querySelector('.tab_list');
        var lis = tab_list.querySelectorAll('li');
        var items = document.querySelectorAll('.item');
        for(let i=0;i<lis.length;i++) {
            lis[i].onclick = function() {
                for(let j=0;j<lis.length;j++) {
                    lis[j].className=' ';
                    //You need a space here to leave it blank or not.., Pay attention to the way Class is written qwq

                var index=this.getAttribute('index');
                for(let j=0;j<items.length;j++) {

html5 custom properties

In order to save and use data, some data can be saved to the page rather than to the database

h5 specifies that the custom attribute starts with data - as the attribute name and assigns a value

dataset is a collection that stores all custom attributes starting with data -, and ie11 began to use it



If there are multiple linked words in the custom attribute, the hump naming method shall be adopted

Node operation

Parent node

node.parentNode can return the parent node of a node, which is the nearest parent node. If the specified node has no parent node, null will be returned

Child node

node.childNodes (line feed belongs to text node) includes all child nodes, including text (nodetyp3) and element node (nodetyp1)

node.children is a read-only attribute that returns all child element nodes, and other nodes do not return

First and last child elements

node.firstChild: returns child nodes, whether text or element nodes

node.lastChild: returns child nodes, whether text or element nodes

node.firstElementChild: returns the child element node, ie9 which is used above


Actual use:



Example: drop down menu
        * {
            margin: 0;
            padding: 0;
        li {
            list-style-type: none;
        a {
            text-decoration: none;
            font-size: 14px;
        .nav {
            margin: 100px;
        .nav>li {
            position: relative;
            float: left;
            width: 80px;
            height: 41px;
            text-align: center;
        .nav li a {
            display: block;
            width: 100%;
            height: 100%;
            line-height: 41px;
            color: #333;
        .nav>li>a:hover {
            background-color: #eee;
        .nav ul {
            display: none;
            position: absolute;
            top: 41px;
            left: 0;
            width: 100%;
            border-left: 1px solid #FECC5B;
            border-right: 1px solid #FECC5B;
        .nav ul li {
            border-bottom: 1px solid #FECC5B;
        .nav ul li a:hover {
            background-color: #FFF5DA;
    <ul class="nav">
            <a href="#"> Weibo</a>
                    <a href="">private letter</a>
                    <a href="">comment</a>
                    <a href="">@I</a>
            <a href="#"> Weibo</a>
                    <a href="">private letter</a>
                    <a href="">comment</a>
                    <a href="">@I</a>
        var nav = document.querySelector('.nav');
        var lis = nav.children;
        for(let i=0;i<lis.length;i++) {
            lis[i].onmouseover =function () {
                this.children[1].style.display ='block';
            lis[i].onmouseout =function () {
                this.children[1].style.display ='none';

Sibling node

node.nextSibling: returns the next sibling node of the current element. If it cannot be found, it returns null, which also contains all nodes




Compatibility problem: encapsulate a compatibility function by yourself

function getNextElementSibling(element) {
    var el =element;
    while(el=el.nextSibling) {
        if(el.nodeType == 1) {
            return e1;
    return null;

Create node

document.createElement(’ '); Create HTML elements specified by tagName. Because these elements did not exist before and were generated dynamically according to our requirements, they also become dynamic element creation nodes

Add node

**node.appendChild(child);** Adds a node to the end of the child node list of the specified parent element

node.insertBefore(child, specifies the element);

Example: comment release
    <textarea name="" id=""></textarea>

        var btn = document.querySelector('button');
        var text = document.querySelector('textarea');
        var ul = document.querySelector('ul');

        btn.onclick = function() {
            if(text.value == '') {
                alert('Published content cannot be empty');
                return false;
            } else {
                let li =document.createElement('li');
                li.innerHTML = text.value;

Delete node


Block link jump



Example: comment deletion
        var btn = document.querySelector('button');
        var text = document.querySelector('textarea');
        var ul = document.querySelector('ul');

        btn.onclick = function() {
            if(text.value == '') {
                alert('Published content cannot be empty');
                return false;
            } else {
                let li =document.createElement('li');
                li.innerHTML = text.value + "<a href='javascript:;'>delete</a>";
            var as = document.querySelectorAll('a');
            // This can't be written in it, because each click on the release will have to retrieve the number of buttons; If it is written outside, the program runs once and ends without retrieving the number of buttons
            for(let i=0;i<as.length;i++) {
                as[i].onclick = function() {
                    // The li where a is located is the parent node of A

The reason why the delete button can not work normally: because the number of buttons has to be retrieved for each click of publish; If it is written outside, the program runs once and ends without retrieving the number of buttons

Replication node


This method returns a copy of the node that called the method

If the bracket is empty or false inside, it is a shallow copy. Only the node itself is copied, and the child nodes inside are not cloned

If the parameter is true, it is a deep copy

Example: dynamically generating tables
                <th>full name</th>

        var datas =[{
            name : 'Huang Xiaodi',
            subject : 'java',
            score :100
            name : 'Huang Xiaoyu',
            subject : 'javascript',
            score :100
            name : 'Yellow croaker',
            subject : 'C++',
            score :100
        var tbody =document.querySelector('tbody');
        for(let i=0;i<datas.length;i++) {
            // Create row
            var tr =document.createElement('tr');
            for(let j in datas[i]) {
                // Create cells in rows
                let td = document.createElement('td');
                // Give the attribute value in the object to td
                td.innerHTML = datas[i][j];
            let td = document.createElement('td');
            td.innerHTML='<a href="javascript:;">delete</a>'

        var as = document.querySelectorAll('a');
        for(let i=0;i<as.length;i++) {
            as[i].onclick = function() {
                //Click a to delete the row of a and the parent node of the linked parent node
There are three ways to create elements:



Directly write the content into the content stream of the page. After the document stream is executed, the page will be redrawn


Writing the content to a DOM node will not lead to page redrawing. It is more efficient to create multiple elements (not string splicing, but array splicing), and the structure is slightly complex

Creating multiple elements is less efficient, but the structure is clear

Topics: Javascript Front-end html