JOIN of MySQL (1): Usage

Posted by haddydaddy on Mon, 27 May 2019 00:22:53 +0200

JOIN, like the English word "join", connects two tables, roughly divided into internal connection, external connection, right connection, left connection and natural connection. This description first throws out a rotten graph and then inserts the test data.

    CREATE TABLE t_blog(
        title VARCHAR(50),
        typeId INT
    SELECT * FROM t_blog;
    | id | title | typeId |
    |  1 | aaa   |      1 |
    |  2 | bbb   |      2 |
    |  3 | ccc   |      3 |
    |  4 | ddd   |      4 |
    |  5 | eee   |      4 |
    |  6 | fff   |      3 |
    |  7 | ggg   |      2 |
    |  8 | hhh   |   NULL |
    |  9 | iii   |   NULL |
    | 10 | jjj   |   NULL |
    -- Categories of Blogs
    CREATE TABLE t_type(
        name VARCHAR(20)
    SELECT * FROM t_type;
    | id | name       |
    |  1 | C++        |
    |  2 | C          |
    |  3 | Java       |
    |  4 | C#         |
    |  5 | Javascript |

Cartesian product: CROSS JOIN

To understand various JOIN s, we first need to understand Cartesian product. The Cartesian product is to forcibly put together every record in table A and every record in table B. So, if table A has n records and table B has m records, the result of Cartesian product will produce n*m records. In the following example, t_blog has 10 records, t_type has 5 records, and all of them have 50 records in Cartesian product. There are five ways to generate Cartesian product as follows.

    SELECT * FROM t_blog CROSS JOIN t_type;
    SELECT * FROM t_blog INNER JOIN t_type;
    SELECT * FROM t_blog,t_type;
    SELECT * FROM t_blog NATURE JOIN t_type;
    select * from t_blog NATURA join t_type;
    | id | title | typeId | id | name       |
    |  1 | aaa   |      1 |  1 | C++        |
    |  1 | aaa   |      1 |  2 | C          |
    |  1 | aaa   |      1 |  3 | Java       |
    |  1 | aaa   |      1 |  4 | C#         |
    |  1 | aaa   |      1 |  5 | Javascript |
    |  2 | bbb   |      2 |  1 | C++        |
    |  2 | bbb   |      2 |  2 | C          |
    |  2 | bbb   |      2 |  3 | Java       |
    |  2 | bbb   |      2 |  4 | C#         |
    |  2 | bbb   |      2 |  5 | Javascript |
    |  3 | ccc   |      3 |  1 | C++        |
    |  3 | ccc   |      3 |  2 | C          |
    |  3 | ccc   |      3 |  3 | Java       |
    |  3 | ccc   |      3 |  4 | C#         |
    |  3 | ccc   |      3 |  5 | Javascript |
    |  4 | ddd   |      4 |  1 | C++        |
    |  4 | ddd   |      4 |  2 | C          |
    |  4 | ddd   |      4 |  3 | Java       |
    |  4 | ddd   |      4 |  4 | C#         |
    |  4 | ddd   |      4 |  5 | Javascript |
    |  5 | eee   |      4 |  1 | C++        |
    |  5 | eee   |      4 |  2 | C          |
    |  5 | eee   |      4 |  3 | Java       |
    |  5 | eee   |      4 |  4 | C#         |
    |  5 | eee   |      4 |  5 | Javascript |
    |  6 | fff   |      3 |  1 | C++        |
    |  6 | fff   |      3 |  2 | C          |
    |  6 | fff   |      3 |  3 | Java       |
    |  6 | fff   |      3 |  4 | C#         |
    |  6 | fff   |      3 |  5 | Javascript |
    |  7 | ggg   |      2 |  1 | C++        |
    |  7 | ggg   |      2 |  2 | C          |
    |  7 | ggg   |      2 |  3 | Java       |
    |  7 | ggg   |      2 |  4 | C#         |
    |  7 | ggg   |      2 |  5 | Javascript |
    |  8 | hhh   |   NULL |  1 | C++        |
    |  8 | hhh   |   NULL |  2 | C          |
    |  8 | hhh   |   NULL |  3 | Java       |
    |  8 | hhh   |   NULL |  4 | C#         |
    |  8 | hhh   |   NULL |  5 | Javascript |
    |  9 | iii   |   NULL |  1 | C++        |
    |  9 | iii   |   NULL |  2 | C          |
    |  9 | iii   |   NULL |  3 | Java       |
    |  9 | iii   |   NULL |  4 | C#         |
    |  9 | iii   |   NULL |  5 | Javascript |
    | 10 | jjj   |   NULL |  1 | C++        |
    | 10 | jjj   |   NULL |  2 | C          |
    | 10 | jjj   |   NULL |  3 | Java       |
    | 10 | jjj   |   NULL |  4 | C#         |
    | 10 | jjj   |   NULL |  5 | Javascript |

Internal connection: INNER JOIN

Internal connection INNER JOIN is the most commonly used connection operation. From the mathematical point of view, it is to find the intersection of two tables, and from the Cartesian product point of view, it is to pick out the record of the condition of ON clause from the Cartesian product. There are four ways to write INNER JOIN, WHERE (Equivalent Connection), STRAIGHT_JOIN and JOIN (omitting INNER). As for which one is good, I will talk about JOIN (2) in MySQL: Optimizing. Examples are as follows.

    SELECT * FROM t_blog INNER JOIN t_type ON;
    SELECT * FROM t_blog,t_type WHERE;
    SELECT * FROM t_blog STRAIGHT_JOIN t_type ON; --Be careful STRIGHT_JOIN There's an underscore
    SELECT * FROM t_blog JOIN t_type ON;
    SELECT * FROM t_blog JOIN t_type using id;
+----+-------+--------+----+------+ | id | title | typeId | id | name | +----+-------+--------+----+------+ | 1 | aaa | 1 | 1 | C++ | | 2 | bbb | 2 | 2 | C | | 7 | ggg | 2 | 2 | C | | 3 | ccc | 3 | 3 | Java | | 6 | fff | 3 | 3 | Java | | 4 | ddd | 4 | 4 | C# | | 5 | eee | 4 | 4 | C# | +----+-------+--------+----+------+


Left connection: LEFT JOIN

Left join LEFT JOIN means to find the intersection of two tables plus the remaining data of the left table. Still speaking from the Cartesian product point of view, that is, first from the Cartesian product to pick out the ON clause condition of the record, and then add the remaining records in the left table (see the last three).

    SELECT * FROM t_blog LEFT JOIN t_type ON;
+----+-------+--------+------+------+ | id | title | typeId | id | name | +----+-------+--------+------+------+ | 1 | aaa | 1 | 1 | C++ | | 2 | bbb | 2 | 2 | C | | 7 | ggg | 2 | 2 | C | | 3 | ccc | 3 | 3 | Java | | 6 | fff | 3 | 3 | Java | | 4 | ddd | 4 | 4 | C# | | 5 | eee | 4 | 4 | C# | | 8 | hhh | NULL | NULL | NULL | | 9 | iii | NULL | NULL | NULL | | 10 | jjj | NULL | NULL | NULL | +----+-------+--------+------+------+


Right Connection: RIGHT JOIN

Similarly, right join RIGHT JOIN is to find the intersection of two tables plus the data left over from the right table. Again, from the perspective of Cartesian product, the right connection is to pick out the record of the condition of ON clause from Cartesian product, and then add the remaining record in the right table (see the last one).

    SELECT * FROM t_blog RIGHT JOIN t_type ON;
+------+-------+--------+----+------------+ | id | title | typeId | id | name | +------+-------+--------+----+------------+ | 1 | aaa | 1 | 1 | C++ | | 2 | bbb | 2 | 2 | C | | 3 | ccc | 3 | 3 | Java | | 4 | ddd | 4 | 4 | C# | | 5 | eee | 4 | 4 | C# | | 6 | fff | 3 | 3 | Java | | 7 | ggg | 2 | 2 | C | | NULL | NULL | NULL | 5 | Javascript | +------+-------+--------+----+------------+

Outer Connection: OUTER JOIN

External connection is to find the union of two sets. From the Cartesian product point of view, the ON clause condition is selected from the Cartesian product, and then added the remaining records in the left table, and finally added the remaining records in the right table. In addition, MySQL does not support OUTER JOIN, but we can do UNION operations on the results of left and right connections.

    SELECT * FROM t_blog LEFT JOIN t_type ON
    SELECT * FROM t_blog RIGHT JOIN t_type ON;
+------+-------+--------+------+------------+ | id | title | typeId | id | name | +------+-------+--------+------+------------+ | 1 | aaa | 1 | 1 | C++ | | 2 | bbb | 2 | 2 | C | | 7 | ggg | 2 | 2 | C | | 3 | ccc | 3 | 3 | Java | | 6 | fff | 3 | 3 | Java | | 4 | ddd | 4 | 4 | C# | | 5 | eee | 4 | 4 | C# | | 8 | hhh | NULL | NULL | NULL | | 9 | iii | NULL | NULL | NULL | | 10 | jjj | NULL | NULL | NULL | | NULL | NULL | NULL | 5 | Javascript | +------+-------+--------+------+------------+

USING clause

In connection SQL statements in MySQL, the syntax format of ON clause is table1.column_name = table2.column_name. When schema design uses the same naming style for the columns of join tables, USING grammar can be used to simplify ON grammar in the form of: USING(column_name).
Therefore, USING functions as ON, except that USING specifies an attribute name for joining two tables, and ON specifies a condition. In addition, when SELECT * is used, USING removes the columns specified by USING, while ON does not. Examples are as follows.

    SELECT * FROM t_blog INNER JOIN t_type ON t_blog.typeId;
    | id | title | typeId | id | name |
    |  1 | aaa   |      1 |  1 | C++  |
    |  2 | bbb   |      2 |  2 | C    |
    |  7 | ggg   |      2 |  2 | C    |
    |  3 | ccc   |      3 |  3 | Java |
    |  6 | fff   |      3 |  3 | Java |
    |  4 | ddd   |      4 |  4 | C#   |
    |  5 | eee   |      4 |  4 | C#   |

SELECT * FROM t_blog INNER JOIN t_type USING(typeId); ERROR 1054 (42S22): Unknown column 'typeId' in 'from clause' SELECT * FROM t_blog INNER JOIN t_type USING(id); -- Should be t_blog Of typeId and t_type Of id Unable to use different names Using,Use here id Instead. +----+-------+--------+------------+ | id | title | typeId | name | +----+-------+--------+------------+ | 1 | aaa | 1 | C++ | | 2 | bbb | 2 | C | | 3 | ccc | 3 | Java | | 4 | ddd | 4 | C# | | 5 | eee | 4 | Javascript | +----+-------+--------+------------+

Natural Connection: NATURE JOIN

Natural join is a simplified version of the USING clause, which finds the same columns in two tables as join conditions. There are left natural connection, right natural connection and ordinary natural connection. In the t_blog and t_type examples, the same column of the two tables is id, so ID is used as a join condition.
In addition, we must distinguish the following three sentences.
Natural connection: SELECT * FROM t_blog NATURAL JOIN t_type;
Cartesian product: SELECT * FROM t_blog NATURA JOIN t_type;
Cartesian product: SELECT * FROM t_blog NATURE JOIN t_type;

    SELECT * FROM t_blog NATURAL JOIN t_type;
    SELECT,title,typeId, FROM t_blog,t_type WHERE;
    SELECT,title,typeId, FROM t_blog INNER JOIN t_type ON;
    SELECT,title,typeId, FROM t_blog INNER JOIN t_type USING(id);

    | id | title | typeId | name       |
    |  1 | aaa   |      1 | C++        |
    |  2 | bbb   |      2 | C          |
    |  3 | ccc   |      3 | Java       |
    |  4 | ddd   |      4 | C#         |
    |  5 | eee   |      4 | Javascript |

    SELECT * FROM t_blog NATURAL LEFT JOIN t_type;
    SELECT,title,typeId, FROM t_blog LEFT JOIN t_type ON;
    SELECT,title,typeId, FROM t_blog LEFT JOIN t_type USING(id);

    | id | title | typeId | name       |
    |  1 | aaa   |      1 | C++        |
    |  2 | bbb   |      2 | C          |
    |  3 | ccc   |      3 | Java       |
    |  4 | ddd   |      4 | C#         |
    |  5 | eee   |      4 | Javascript |
    |  6 | fff   |      3 | NULL       |
    |  7 | ggg   |      2 | NULL       |
    |  8 | hhh   |   NULL | NULL       |
    |  9 | iii   |   NULL | NULL       |
    | 10 | jjj   |   NULL | NULL       |

    SELECT,title,typeId, FROM t_blog RIGHT JOIN t_type ON;
    SELECT,title,typeId, FROM t_blog RIGHT JOIN t_type USING(id);

    | id | name       | title | typeId |
    |  1 | C++        | aaa   |      1 |
    |  2 | C          | bbb   |      2 |
    |  3 | Java       | ccc   |      3 |
    |  4 | C#         | ddd   |      4 |
    |  5 | Javascript | eee   |      4 |


The first picture given at the beginning of the blog excludes the inner connection, the left connection, the right connection and the outer connection. There are also some special Wayne diagrams. Here's a supplement.

    SELECT * FROM t_blog LEFT JOIN t_type ON
    | id | title | typeId | id   | name |
    |  8 | hhh   |   NULL | NULL | NULL |
    |  9 | iii   |   NULL | NULL | NULL |
    | 10 | jjj   |   NULL | NULL | NULL |
    SELECT * FROM t_blog RIGHT JOIN t_type ON
    | id   | title | typeId | id | name       |
    | NULL | NULL  |   NULL |  5 | Javascript |
    SELECT * FROM t_blog LEFT JOIN t_type ON
    SELECT * FROM t_blog RIGHT JOIN t_type ON
    | id   | title | typeId | id   | name       |
    |    8 | hhh   |   NULL | NULL | NULL       |
    |    9 | iii   |   NULL | NULL | NULL       |
    |   10 | jjj   |   NULL | NULL | NULL       |
    | NULL | NULL  |   NULL |    5 | Javascript |

After writing this blog, I found a little "Kong Yiji: the feeling of the four ways of writing Yin characters", but it still got some results. In addition, it's urgent to wait for three-sided notification!!


Topics: MySQL Java Javascript SQL