Jqgrid merge cells, merge left and right, merge up and down

Posted by thepeccavi on Sun, 05 Jan 2020 22:19:29 +0100

First, look at the example. The following figure shows the merged cells of an ordinary html table. Here is the code. Save it as an html file and open it


<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
<title>Table display</title>
		<table  border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="120px">
				<td colspan="2">1</td>
				<td style="display:none">2</td>
				<td rowspan="2">7</td>
				<td style="display:none">10</td>

Then let's talk about the jqgrid merger

In fact, the principle is the same, but jqgrid loads data dynamically, so we have to dynamically set the id for each cell to be merged

cellattr: function(rowId, tv, rawObject, cm, rdata) {
   //merge cell
   return 'id=\'id' + rowId + "\'";

Then there is a method called automatically after jqgrid completes:

gridComplete: function() {
	//Calling the merge method in gridComplete
	var gridName = "gridTable";
    //Dynamic merge vertical
	MergerRowspan(gridName, 'id');
    //Write dead merge horizontal lines (because horizontal lines are generally fixed numbers defined by us,
    //So you can add your own conditions according to the following examples, and merge which horizontal lines. I'll write it dead here, ha ha.)
	MergerColspan(gridName,8, 'id','userName');

Here is the code for calling the function above

The merge column is directly called without modification

//Public call method to merge cells (no need to modify)
		function MergerRowspan(gridName, CellName) {
			//Get the id set displayed to the interface
			var mya = $("#" + gridName + "").getDataIDs();
			//How many are currently displayed
			var length = mya.length;
			for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
				//Get a message from top to bottom
				var before = $("#" + gridName + "").jqGrid('getRowData', mya[i]);
				//Define number of merged rows
				var rowSpanTaxCount = 1;
				for (j = i + 1; j <= length; j++) {
					//Compare with the information above. If the value is the same, merge the number of rows + 1 and set rowspan to hide the current cell
					var end = $("#" + gridName + "").jqGrid('getRowData', mya[j]);
					if (before[CellName] == end[CellName]) {
						$("#" + gridName + "").setCell(mya[j], CellName, '', { display: 'none' });
					} else {
						rowSpanTaxCount = 1;
					$("#" + CellName + "" + mya[i] + "").attr("rowspan", rowSpanTaxCount);

Merge horizontal lines, you can override this method as needed

//Public call method to merge cells (modify as needed)
		function MergerColspan(gridName,rowId,id,CellName) {
			$("#" + gridName + "").setCell(rowId, id, '', { display: 'none' });
			$("#" + CellName + "" + rowId + "").attr("colspan", 2);

That's it. Here's the complete code and example



<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
<!-- jqgrid -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="static/css/jqgrid/ui.jqgrid-bootstrap.css"/>
html, body {  
   margin: 0;
   padding: 0;
   font-size: 75%;
<!-- form jqgrid -->
	<script src="static/js/jquery-1.9.1.js"></script>
    <script src="static/js/jqgrid/jquery.jqGrid.min.js"></script>
    <script src="static/js/jqgrid/grid.locale-cn.js"></script>
    <script src="static/js/index.js"></script>
		<table id="gridTable" border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"></table>



			                datatype: "local",
			                height: 250,
			                colNames:['number','User name', 'Gender', 'mailbox', 'QQ','Cell-phone number','Date of birth'],
			                        {name:'id',index:'id', width:60, sorttype:"int",
																						cellattr: function(rowId, tv, rawObject, cm, rdata) {
																							//merge cell
																							return 'id=\'id' + rowId + "\'";
			                        {name:'userName',index:'userName', width:90,cellattr: function(rowId, tv, rawObject, cm, rdata) {
																							//merge cell
																							return 'id=\'userName' + rowId + "\'";
			                        {name:'gender',index:'gender', width:90},
			                        {name:'email',index:'email', width:125,sorttype:"string"},
			                        {name:'QQ',index:'QQ', width:100},                
			                        {name:'mobilePhone',index:'mobilePhone', width:120},                
			                        {name:'birthday',index:'birthday', width:100, sorttype:"date"}                
			                caption: "First jqGrid Example",
							gridComplete: function() {
								//Calling the merge method in gridComplete
								var gridName = "gridTable";
								MergerRowspan(gridName, 'id');
								MergerColspan(gridName,8, 'id','userName');
			        var mydata = [
			                {id:"1",userName:"Li Si",gender:"female",email:"faf@gmail.com",QQ:"222222222",mobilePhone:"13223423",birthday:"1986-07-01"},
			                {id:"3",userName:"Wang Wu",gender:"male",email:"fae@163.com",QQ:"99999999",mobilePhone:"1322342342",birthday:"1985-10-01"},
			                {id:"4",userName:"Horse six",gender:"female",email:"aaaa@gmail.com",QQ:"23333333",mobilePhone:"132234662",birthday:"1987-05-01"},
			                {id:"5",userName:"Zhao Qian",gender:"male",email:"4fja@gmail.com",QQ:"22222222",mobilePhone:"1343434662",birthday:"1982-10-01"},
			                {id:"6",userName:"Small hair",gender:"male",email:"ahfi@yahoo.com",QQ:"4333333",mobilePhone:"1328884662",birthday:"1987-12-01"},
			                {id:"7",userName:"petty thief",gender:"female",email:"note@sina.com",QQ:"21122323",mobilePhone:"13220046620",birthday:"1985-10-01"},
			                {id:"9",userName:"Sun Xian",gender:"male",email:"76454533@qq.com",QQ:"76454533",mobilePhone:"132290062",birthday:"1989-11-21"}
			        for(var i=0;i<=mydata.length;i++)
		//Public call method to merge cells (no need to modify)
		function MergerRowspan(gridName, CellName) {
			//Get the id set displayed to the interface
			var mya = $("#" + gridName + "").getDataIDs();
			//How many are currently displayed
			var length = mya.length;
			for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
				//Get a message from top to bottom
				var before = $("#" + gridName + "").jqGrid('getRowData', mya[i]);
				//Define number of merged rows
				var rowSpanTaxCount = 1;
				for (j = i + 1; j <= length; j++) {
					//Compare with the information above. If the value is the same, merge the number of rows + 1 and set rowspan to hide the current cell
					var end = $("#" + gridName + "").jqGrid('getRowData', mya[j]);
					if (before[CellName] == end[CellName]) {
						$("#" + gridName + "").setCell(mya[j], CellName, '', { display: 'none' });
					} else {
						rowSpanTaxCount = 1;
					$("#" + CellName + "" + mya[i] + "").attr("rowspan", rowSpanTaxCount);
		//Public call method to merge cells (modify as needed)
		function MergerColspan(gridName,rowId,id,CellName) {
			$("#" + gridName + "").setCell(rowId, id, '', { display: 'none' });
			$("#" + CellName + "" + rowId + "").attr("colspan", 2);


Other references are for your own use. It's not easy to upload here.


Topics: JQuery