jQuery - dynamic addition and deletion of table rows in event binding

Posted by xcoderx on Sat, 30 Nov 2019 17:31:50 +0100

In jquery, this paper introduces three methods to bind events to elements, and uses cases to bind events to the most commonly used on() method.


Event binding method:


Parameters: {"event name 1": function() {}, "event name 2": function() {},...}

For example, bind mouse click, mouse slide in and mouse slide out events to div with class name one

$( "div.one").bind( { "click": function(){},"mouseover": function(){},"mouseout": function(){} });

② parent element. delegate()

Parameter 1: child element

Parameter 2: event name

Parameter 3: event handler

③ parent element. on()

Parameter 1: event name

Parameter 2: child element

Parameter 3: event handler


An example is as follows:


Analysis: click the "add data" button to pop up the "add data" dialog box, enter the course name and college, click the "add" button to add the entered course name and college to the table, at the same time, click "GET" to delete the row of "GET"


The specific code is as follows:

  1 <!DOCTYPE html>
  2 <html>
  3     <head>
  4         <meta charset="utf-8">
  5         <title></title>
  6         <style type="text/css">
  7             * {
  8                 padding: 0px;
  9                 height: 0px;
 10             }
 12             /* Covering layer */
 13             .cover {
 14                 width: 100%;
 15                 height: 100%;
 16                 background-color: black;
 17                 /* Note: in order to cover 100% of the width and height, you must break away from the document flow */
 18                 position: absolute;
 19                 top: 0px;
 20                 left: 0px;
 21                 opacity: 0.1;
 22                 display: none;
 23             }
 25             /* Form level */
 26             .form {
 27                 height: 294px;
 28                 width: 424px;
 29                 background-color: white;
 30                 border: 1px solid lightgray;
 31                 margin-left: -212px;
 32                 margin-top: -140px;
 33                 display: none;
 34                 position: absolute;
 35                 left: 50%;
 36                 top: 50%;
 37             }
 39             /* Form layer header */
 40             .form .header {
 41                 height: 60px;
 42                 background-color: #F7F7F7;
 43                 line-height: 48px;
 44                 text-indent: 0.5em;
 45             }
 47             .form .header span {
 48                 color: #666666;
 49                 font-weight: bold;
 50             }
 52             .header a{
 53                 position: relative;
 54                 left: 321px;
 55                 text-decoration: none;
 56                 color: black;
 57                 font-weight: 400;
 58                 font-size: 30px;
 59                 top: 4px;
 60             }
 62             /* Form layer body */
 63             .body {
 64                 height: 173px;
 65                 padding-top: 35px;
 66             }
 68             .body div {
 69                 height: 36px;
 70                 line-height: 36px;
 71                 text-indent: 10px;
 72                 margin-bottom: 35px;
 73             }
 75             .body div input {
 76                 height: 36px;
 77                 width: 300px;
 78             }
 80             .add {
 81                 text-align: center;
 82             }
 84             #btnAdd {
 85                 height: 36px;
 86                 width: 170px;
 87             }
 89             /* Primitive layer */
 90             .original{
 91                 height: 234px;
 92                 width: 369px;
 93                 margin: 200px auto;
 95             }
 96             /* Add data button */
 97             .original input{
 98                 height: 32px;
 99                 width: 112px;
100                 font-weight: bold;
101                 line-height: 32px;
102                 font-size: 17px;
103             }
104             table{
105                 width: 100%;
106                 border-collapse: collapse;
107             }
108             thead{
109                 height: 50px;
110                 background-color: #0099CC;
111                 color: white;
112             }
113             tr{
114                 height: 42px;
115                 line-height: 42px;
116             }
117             th,td{
118                 border: 1px solid #D0D0D0;
119                 text-align: center;
120             }
121             tbody{
122                 color: #404060;
123                 font-size: 10px;
124                 background-color: #F0F0F0;
125             }
126             .get{
127                 color: #0050EF;
128             }
129         </style>
130         <script src="jquery-1.12.2.js" type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"></script>
131         <script type="text/javascript">
132             $(function(){
133                 //Click to add data,Pop up form layer and mask layer
134                 $("#btnAddData").on("click",function(){
135                     $(".cover").show();
136                     $(".form").show();
137                 });
138                 //click"×",Hide form and mask layers
139                 $(".header a").on("click",function(){
140                     $(".cover").hide();
141                     $(".form").hide();
142                 });
143                 //click"Add to"Button,Add data to a table
144                 $("#btnAdd").on("click",function(){
145                     var tr=$("<tr></tr>");
146                     var item=[];
147                     item[0]=$(".course input").val();
148                     item[1]=$(".academy input").val();
149                     item[2]="GET";
150                     for(var i=0;i<3;i++){
151                         var td=$("<td></td>");
152                         td.text(item[i]);
153                         tr.append(td);
154                         if(i==2){
155                             td.addClass("get");
156                         }
157                     }
158                     $("tbody").append(tr);
159                 });
160                 //click"GET",Delete row
161                 $("tbody").on("click",".get",function(){
162                     $(this).parent().remove();
163                 })
164             });
165         </script>
166     </head>
167     <body>
168         <!-- Covering layer -->
169         <div class="cover"></div>
171         <!-- Form level -->
172         <div class="form">
173             <!-- Form layer header -->
174             <div class="header">
175                 <span>Add data</span>
176                 <a href="javascrit:void(0)">×</a>
177             </div>
178             <!-- Form layer body -->
179             <div class="body">
180                 <!-- Course title -->
181                 <div class="course">
182                     <span>Course Name:</span><input type="text" id="" placeholder="Please enter the course name" />
183                 </div>
184                 <!-- Affiliated College -->
185                 <div class="academy">
186                     <span>College:</span><input type="text" id="" value="Intelligent Podcasting-Front end and mobile development College" />
187                 </div>
188                 <!-- add button -->
189                 <div class="add">
190                     <input type="button" id="btnAdd" value="Add to" />
191                 </div>
192             </div>
193         </div>
195         <!-- Primitive layer -->
196         <div class="original">
197             <input type="button" id="btnAddData" value="Add data" />
199             <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
200                 <!-- Table header -->
201                 <thead>
202                     <tr>
203                         <th>Course title</th>
204                         <th>Affiliated College</th>
205                         <th>Learned</th>
206                     </tr>
207                 </thead>
208                 <!-- Form body -->
209                 <tbody>
210                     <tr>
211                         <td>JavaScript</td>
212                         <td>Intelligent Podcasting-Front end and mobile development College</td>
213                         <td class="get">GET</td>
214                     </tr>
216                     <tr>
217                         <td>css</td>
218                         <td>Intelligent Podcasting-Front end and mobile development College</td>
219                         <td class="get">GET</td>
220                     </tr>
222                     <tr>
223                         <td>html</td>
224                         <td>Intelligent Podcasting-Front end and mobile development College</td>
225                         <td class="get">GET</td>
226                     </tr>
228                     <tr>
229                         <td>jQuery</td>
230                         <td>Intelligent Podcasting-Front end and mobile development College</td>
231                         <td class="get">GET</td>
232                     </tr>
234                 </tbody>
235             </table>
236         </div>
237     </body>
238 </html>        

Be careful:

Page structure layout

When binding the click event to "GET", start from the parent element and bind the event to the child element. Otherwise, a bug will appear in the click event

Topics: Javascript Mobile JQuery