JS advanced part

Posted by Runnion on Thu, 03 Mar 2022 08:36:51 +0100

JS advanced part


  • instanceof is used to distinguish the specific types of objects, because all objects belong to Object type
  • typeof returns a string
  • "= =" will first try to convert the variables at both ends to the same type, and then compare; "= = =" It will directly compare whether the types are the same. If the types are the same, it will continue to compare whether the values are the same.

Object reference type

Both function objects and array objects belong to object objects. Object objects are a large range, and the latter two are two special objects

Research on undefined and null

Distinguish between variable types and data types

Data, variables and memory

js function parameters are passed as values

When a parameter of basic type is passed in: it is just a copy of the content

When a reference type parameter is passed in: the address of the reference type parameter is copied

How does JS engine manage memory

JS object

When to use ['attribute name'] and when to use it

JS function object

The difference between call and apply


Callback function

Execute function now

this point in JS function

JS semicolon problem

Prototype object of function

Display prototype and implicit prototype

Prototype chain

Attribute problem of prototype chain

The prototype chain is used to find attributes. Unless you add attributes to the prototype chain, setting the attribute value of the object will not take care of the prototype chain

How is instanceOf judged



When talking about prototypes, we should first remember the following points, which are the key to understanding prototypes:

1,All reference types (arrays, functions, objects) can freely extend attributes (except null Other than).

2,All reference types have one'_ _ proto_ _'attribute(Also called implicit prototype, it is an ordinary object). 

3,All functions have one'prototype'attribute(This is also called explicit prototyping. It is also a common object). 

4,All reference types, its'_ _ proto_ _'Property points to its constructor'prototype'Properties.

5,When trying to get the property of an object, if the property does not exist in the object itself,
Then I'll go to it'_ _ proto_ _'attribute(That is, its constructor'prototype'attribute)Look in the.

6.Any object has one constructor Property to the constructor that created this object

7.In prototype objects constructor Property, which also points to the constructor of the function object

Prototype chain:

When trying to get the property of an object, if the property does not exist in the object itself,
Then I'll go to its constructor'prototype'Property.
That's because'prototype'Property is an object,That is, the prototype object, so it also has one'_ _ proto_ _'Properties.

For example:

// Constructor
		function Foo(name,age){
			//What this is depends on who called this function during execution.
			console.log("I'm "+this.name+" And I'm "+this.age);
		var fn=new Foo('Xiao Ming',19);
		fn.toString(); //I'm Xiao Ming And I'm 19
		console.log(fn.toString===Foo.prototype.__proto__.toString); //true
		console.log(fn.__proto__ ===Foo.prototype)//true

first, fn The constructor for is Foo(). So:
fn._ _ proto _ _=== Foo.prototype
 And because Foo.prototype Is an ordinary object whose constructor is Object,So:
Foo.prototype._ _ proto _ _=== Object.prototype
 Through the above code, we know this toString()The way is to Object.prototype Inside,
When calling a method that does not exist in the object itself, it will look up layer by layer until null until.

So when fn call toString()When, JS find fn There was no such method, so it went Foo.prototype Look for it in the,
Find that there is still no such method, and then go Object.prototype Find it in, and call it when you find it Object.prototype Medium toString()method.

This is the prototype chain, fn Can call Object.prototype Because of the mechanism of prototype chain.

In addition, when using prototypes, it is generally recommended to write the methods to be extended in the constructor prototype Property, avoid writing in_ _ proto _ _Properties.

Function object is the instance object of function, which also has implicit prototype properties, but generally we say that the instance object does not include function object

The implicit prototype of an instance object points to the display prototype of the constructor object that constructs the instance object

All the functions we define are instances of the Object constructor, except the Object itself

The function constructor is used to construct the Object constructor Object, so the implicit prototype of the Object constructor Object points to fuction, and its display prototype is not function

Test questions


Understand an article_ proto_ Relationship and difference between and prototype

Variable promotion and function promotion

Execution context

Execution stack

JavaScript On a single thread, all code is queued for execution.

At the beginning, when the browser executes the global code, first create the global execution context and press it into the top of the execution stack.

Each time a function is executed, the execution context of the function will be created,
And push it into the top of the execution stack. After the execution of the current function is completed, the execution context of the current function is out of the stack and waits for garbage collection.

Browser JS The execution engine always accesses the execution context at the top of the stack.


Scope chain


Definition of closure

Advantages of closures

1. Make it possible for external access to internal variables of functions

2. Local variables reside in memory

3. The use of global variables can be avoided to prevent global variable pollution

4. It will cause memory leakage (a piece of memory space is occupied for a long time without being released)

Function of closure

Variable f gets the address value of the function returned by fn1. The variable name of fn3 is released, but the address it points to is received by F. therefore, the function object on this address is not garbage object and can be called through F

Closure lifecycle

Application of closures - JS module

JS module definition method 1:

Write the above code into a js file. When the html page loads the js file, the code in the js file executes, and then the call returns to get the return value to execute.

JS module definition mode 2:

In this way, the js file is loaded through myMoudle2 Property name () can call the function directly

Disadvantages of closures

Memory overflow and memory leak

this variable saves the external

JS object creation method

Method 1: Object constructor mode

Mode 2: object literal mode

Mode 3: factory mode

Mode 4: Custom constructor mode

Mode 6: combination mode of constructor + prototype


Inheritance of prototype chain

Key points of prototype chain inheritance: change the instance object of the corresponding parent type into the prototype object of the child type

After the prototype chain inheritance effect is realized, the constructor of the subtype prototype points to the supplier just added to the prototype chain. We need to make the constructor of the subtype prototype point to the subtype

Borrow constructor to implement pseudo inheritance

Combinatorial inheritance

Here, call is used to get the attribute. Instead of calling the attribute through the prototype object, you can call it directly To call properties

JS is single threaded

Basic flow of code classification and JS code execution

Event cycle model

Web Worker implements multithreading

Detailed explanation of Web Worker


Topics: Javascript Front-end npm html