js advanced without ES6

Posted by daneilair on Mon, 24 Jan 2022 21:38:20 +0100

Introduction to object oriented programming

Process oriented is to analyze the steps needed to solve the problem, and then use functions to implement these steps step by step. When using, you can call them one by one

Object oriented is to decompose transactions into objects, and then divide and cooperate among objects.

Object oriented is to divide problems by object functions, not steps

In the idea of object-oriented program development, each object is the function center and has a clear division of labor.

Object oriented programming has the advantages of flexibility, code reusability, easy maintenance and development. It is more suitable for large-scale software projects with multi person cooperation.

Object oriented features

  • Encapsulation
  • Inheritance
  • Polymorphism

Comparison between object oriented and process oriented

Process oriented

  • Advantages: higher performance than object-oriented, suitable for things closely related to hardware, such as process oriented compilation adopted by single chip microcomputer‘
  • Disadvantages: no object-oriented, easy to maintain, easy to reuse and easy to expand


  • Advantages: easy to maintain, easy to use and easy to expand. Due to the characteristics of object-oriented encapsulation, inheritance and polymorphism, a low coupling system can be designed to make the system more flexible and easier to maintain
  • Disadvantages: lower performance than process oriented


Nature of class

The function of a class is a function function. We can also simply think that a class is another way to write a constructor

  • Class has prototype object prototype

  • Class also has a prototype object prototype, which has a constructor pointing to the class itself

  • Class can add methods through prototype objects

  • Star.prototype.sing = function(){};

The essence of ES6 is grammar sugar

Class and object oriented

Object oriented thinking characteristics

  • Extract (Abstract) the attributes and behaviors shared by objects, organize (encapsulate) them into a class (template)
  • Instantiate the class to get the object of the class


Objects are composed of properties and methods

  • Attribute: the characteristic of a thing, which is represented by an attribute in an object (a common noun)
  • Method: the behavior of things is expressed by means in the object (commonly used verb)


Class abstracts the common part of an object. It generally refers to a large class

Object refers specifically to a specific object that is instantiated through a class

Create classes in ES6


class name{
	//class body

Create instance

let xx = new name();

Note: the class must instantiate the object with new

// 1. Create class create a star class
        class Star {
            constructor(uname,age) {
                this.uname = uname;
                this.age = age;

        // 2. Create new object with class
        let ldh = new Star("Lau Andy",20);
        let zxy = new Star('Xue You Zhang',60);

        console.log(ldh.uname); //Lau Andy
        console.log(zxy.uname); //Xue You Zhang

Class constructor constructor

The constructor() method is the constructor of the class (the default method). It is used to pass parameters and return the instance object. When the object instance is generated through the new command, this method will be called automatically. If there is no display definition, a constructor() will be automatically created inside the class

Considerations for creating classes

  • Create a class through the class keyword. We still habitually define the initial capitalization of the class name
  • Class has a constructor function, which can accept the passed parameters and return the instance object at the same time
  • constructor function will automatically call this function as long as new generates an instance. If we don't write this function, the class will automatically generate this function.
  • The generated instance new cannot be ignored
  • Finally, pay attention to the syntax specification. Do not add parentheses after the class name of the created class, open parentheses after the generated instance type, and do not add function to the constructor


  • All functions in our class do not need to write function
  • Multiple function methods do not need to be separated by commas
        // 1. Create class create a star class
        class Star {
            constructor(uname, age) {
                this.uname = uname;
                this.age = age;
            sing(song) {
                console.log(this.uname + "sing" + song);

        // 2. Create new object with class
        let ldh = new Star("Lau Andy", 20);
        let zxy = new Star("Xue You Zhang", 60);

        console.log(ldh.uname); //Lau Andy
        console.log(zxy.uname); //Xue You Zhang

        ldh.sing("Ice rain");
        zxy.sing("Li Xianglan");

Class inheritance

  // 1. Class inheritance
        class Father {
            constructor() {}
            money() {
        class Son extends Father {}
        let son = new Son();
        son.money();//100        son.money();//100


    class Father{
                this.x = x;
                this.y = y;

        class Son{
                //this.x = x;
                //this.y = y;      This is wrong
                //The constructor in the parent class was called
        let son = new Son(100,30);

The reason is that x and y in son are different from father


super() calls ordinary functions of the parent class and the search principle of attribute methods in inheritance

 // super
        class Father{
                console.log("I'm your father");
        // class Son{
        //     say(){
        //         console.log('I'm your son ');
        //     }
        // }
        // let son =new Son();
        // son.say(); // I'm your son
        class Son extends Father{
                //console.log('I'm your son ');
                console.log(super.say())   //son. I'm your father
        let son =new Son();
        son.say(); //I'm your son
  • In inheritance, if you instantiate a subclass to output a method, first see whether the subclass has this method. If so, execute the subclass first
  • In inheritance, if there is no method in the subclass, check whether the parent class has this method. If so, execute the method of the parent class (proximity principle)

super must be placed before the subclass this

The following code is to ensure that the attributes of the parent class are inherited and the attributes of the child class are appended at the same time.

    class Father {
            constructor(x, y) {
                this.x = x;
                this.y = y;

        class Son extends Father {
            constructor(x, y) {
                // Using super to call the constructor in the parent class
                super(x, y);

                this.x = x;
                this.y = y;
                //super(x, y);    If an error is reported after this, you should first call the constructor in the parent class and then this,

            subtract() {
                console.log(this.x - this.y);

        let son = new Son(5, 3);
        son.subtract(); //2

Note: the subclass constructor uses super and must be placed before this (the constructor of the parent class must be called first, and then the constructor of the subclass)

Classes and objects

Four points for attention:

  1. In ES6, there is no variable promotion for a class, so you must define a class before you can instantiate an object through the class
  2. The common properties and methods in the class must be used with this
  3. this in the class points to the problem
  4. This in the constructor points to the instance object, and this in the method points to the caller of this method
constructor Inside this Refers to the instance object created

The direction of this

<button id="btn">Button</button>
        let that;
        let _that;
        class Star {
            //this in the constructor refers to the created instance object
            constructor(uname, age) {
                that = this;

                this.uname = uname;
                this.age = age;
                // this.sing() //undefined
                this.btn = document.getElementById("btn");
                this.btn.onclick = this.sing;
            sing() {
                // This in the sing method points to the btn button, because the button calls this function
                console.log(this.uname); //undefined
                console.log(that.uname) //Lau Andy
            dance() {
                // This in dance refers to the instance object ldh, because ldh calls this function
                _that = this;
        let ldh = new Star("Lau Andy");
        ldh.dance();//Subject {uname: "Andy Lau", age: undefined, btn: button#btn}

Object oriented tab bar (case)

Thinking analysis and layout

Add label bar dynamically

Functional requirements:

  1. Click the tab bar to switch the effect
  2. Click the + sign to add tab items and content items
  3. Click the x sign to delete the current tab item and modify the text content
  4. Double click the text of tab item or content item to modify the text content

Switching function:

css, content and Title Interaction

Add features:

  1. Create li element and section element
  2. Append the technological element to the corresponding parent element

Constructors and prototypes

Using constructors

Constructor is a special function, which is mainly used to initialize the object, that is, assign the initial value to the object member variable. It is always used with new. We can extract some common items and methods from the object and encapsulate them in this function

In js, you should pay attention to the following two points when using constructors:

  1. Constructors are used to create a class of objects whose first letter should be capitalized.
  2. Constructors need to be used with new to make sense

new does four things when pointing

  1. Create a new empty object in memory
  2. Let this point to the new object
  3. Execute the code in the constructor to add properties and methods to the new object.
  4. Return this new object (so return is not required in the constructor)
        let obj1 = new Object();
        let obj2 = {};

        //  Creating objects with constructors
        function Star(uname, age) {
            this.uname = uname;
            this.age = age;
            this.sing = function() {
                console.log("I can sing");

        let ldh = new Star("Lau Andy", 18);
        console.log(ldh); //Object {uname: "Andy Lau", age: 18, sing: sing()}

        ldh.sing();//I can sing

The properties and methods in the constructor are called members, and members can be added

Instance members are members added through this inside the constructor

Instance members can only be accessed through instantiated objects

Instance members cannot be accessed through constructors

Static members add members to the constructor itself. sex is a static member

Static members can only be accessed through constructors, not objects


console.log(ldh.sex); //undefined

Constructor problem

Constructor method is very easy to use. It is a waste of memory.

        // 1. Function problem of constructor
        function Star(uname, age) {
            this.uname = uname;
            this.age = age;
            this.sing = function() {
        let ldh = new Star("Lau Andy", 18);
        let zxy = new Star("Xue You Zhang", 20);
        console.log(ldh.sing === zxy.sing);//false

Constructor prototype

Constructors allocate functions through prototypes that are shared by all objects

JavaScript stipulates that each constructor has a prototype attribute, pointing to another top-down. Note that this prototype is an object, and all properties and methods of this object will be owned by the constructor.

We can define those invariant methods directly on the prototype object, so that all object instances can share these methods.

        // 1. Function problem of constructor
        function Star(uname, age) {
            this.uname = uname;
            this.age = age;
            // this.sing = function() {
            //     console.log("001");
            // };
        Star.prototype.sing = function() {
        let ldh = new Star("Lau Andy", 18);
        let zxy = new Star("Xue You Zhang", 20);
        console.log(ldh.sing === zxy.sing); //true

        // 2. In general, our public properties are defined in the constructor, and the public methods are placed on the prototype object

Constructor constructor

Object prototype (proto_) And the prototype object of the constructor have a property constructor property. Constructor is called the constructor because it refers to the constructor itself.

In many cases, we need to manually use the constructor attribute to refer to the original constructor

If we modify the original prototype object and assign an object to the prototype object, we must manually use the constructor to refer back to the original constructor.

        // 1. Function problem of constructor
        function Star(uname, age) {
            this.uname = uname;
            this.age = age;
            // this.sing = function() {
            //     console.log("001");
            // };
        // Star.prototype.sing = function() {
        //     console.log("001");
        // };
        // Star.prototype.movie = function(){
        //     console.log()
        // }
        Star.prototype = {
            contructor: Star,
            sing: function() {
                console.log("I can sing");
            movie: function() {
                console.log("I can play movies!");
        let ldh = new Star("Lau Andy", 18);
        let zxy = new Star("Xue You Zhang", 20);
        // console.log(ldh.sing === zxy.sing); //true

        // 2. In general, our public properties are defined in the constructor, and the public methods are placed on the prototype object

The relationship among constructor, instance and prototype object

[the external chain picture transfer fails. The source station may have an anti-theft chain mechanism. It is recommended to save the picture and upload it directly (img-orqacqte-164286577061) (C: \ users \ 26870 \ desktop \ 002. PNG)]

Member lookup mechanism of JavaScript

  1. When accessing the object properties (including methods) of an object, first find out whether the object itself has the property.
  2. If not, find its prototype (i.e. _proto_) Prototype object pointed to)
  3. If not, find the prototype of the Object (the prototype Object of the Object)
  4. And so on until the Object is found (null)
  function Star(uname, age) {
            this.uname = uname;
            this.age = age;
        Star.prototype.sing = function() {
            console.log("I can sing");
        Star.prototype.sex = "female";
        let ldh = new Star("Lau Andy", 18);
        ldh.sex = "male";

        console.log(ldh.sex); //Principle of male proximity
        console.log(Object.prototype); //Object { ... }
        console.log(ldh); //Object {uname: "Andy Lau", age: 18, sex: "male"}
        console.log(Star.prototype);//Object { sing: sing()

this point in prototype object

  1. In the constructor, this refers to an object instance
  2. this in the prototype object refers to the instance object
        function Star(uname, age) {
            this.uname = uname;
            this.age = age;
        let that;
        Star.prototype.sing = function() {
            console.log("I can sing");
            that = this;
        let ldh = new Star("Lau Andy", 20);
        // 1. In the constructor, this refers to the object instance ldh
        ldh.sing(); //I can sing
        console.log(that); //Object {uname: "Andy Lau", age: 20}
		console.log(that === ldh);  //true;

        // 2. this in the prototype object refers to the instance object ldh

Extend built-in objects

You can extend and customize the original built-in object through the prototype object. For example, add a custom even sum function to the array

  // Application extension built-in object method of prototype object
        Array.prototype.sum = function() {
            let sum = 0;
            for (let i = 0; i < this.this.length; i++) {
                sum += this[i];
            return sum;

You can't write the following code because it overwrites all the prototype s

                let sum = 0;
            for (let i = 0; i < this.this.length; i++) {
                sum += this[i];
            return sum;

Characteristics of constructors

  • Constructor has prototype object prototype
  • The constructor prototype object prototype has a constructor pointing to the constructor itself
  • Constructors can add methods through prototype objects
  • The instance object created by the constructor has __ proto_ __ The prototype points to the prototype object of the constructor


ES6 did not provide us with extensions inheritance before. We can implement inheritance through constructor + prototype object simulation, which is called composite inheritance


Disable this function and modify the this point when the function runs

  • thisArg: currently calls the pointing object with function this.
  • arg1, arg2: other parameters passed
   // call method
        function Fu(x, y) {
            console.log(this); //window
            console.log(x + y); //
        let o = {
            name: "ludan",
        // Fu();    //001   window  NaN

        // 1. call() can call a function
        // Fu.call(); //001   window    NaN

        // 2. call() can change the point of this of this function, and this of this function points to o this object
        Fu.call(o, 1, 2); //001  Object { name: "ludan" }   3

Inheriting parent class attributes by constructing cold elements

Core principle: point this of the parent type to this of the child type through call(), so that the child type can inherit the properties of the parent type.

Who points this to

   // Inherit properties by borrowing the parent constructor
        // 1. Parent constructor
        function Father(uname, age) {
            // this points to the object instance of the parent constructor
            this.uname = uname;
            this.age = age;

        // 2. Sub constructor
        function Son(uname, age, score) {
            // this points to the object instance of the child constructor
            Father.call(this, uname, age);
            this.score = score;

        let son = new Son("Lau Andy", 20, 100);
        console.log(son); //Object {uname: "Andy Lau", age: 20, score: 100}

Using prototype object inheritance method

 // Inherit properties by borrowing the parent constructor
        // 1. Parent constructor
        function Father(uname, age) {
            // this points to the object instance of the parent constructor
            this.uname = uname;
            this.age = age;
        Father.prototype.money = function() {

        // 2. Child constructor
        function Son(uname, age, score) {
            // this points to the object instance of the child constructor
            Father.call(this, uname, age);
            this.score = score;
        Son.prototype = new Father();
        // If you modify the prototype object in the form of an object, don't forget to use the constructor to refer back to the original constructor
        Son.prototype.constructor = Son;

        //Child constructors are specialized methods
        Son.prototype.exam = function() {
            console.log("Children don't want to learn");
        //This covers
        // Son.prototype = Father.prototype;    // If the child prototype object is modified, the parent prototype object will also change

        let son = new Son("Lau Andy", 20, 100);
        console.log(son); //Object {uname: "Andy Lau", age: 20, score: 100}
        son.money(); //1000000
        console.log(Son.prototype.constructor); //function Son(uname, age, score)

[the external chain image transfer fails. The source station may have an anti-theft chain mechanism. It is recommended to save the image and upload it directly (img-17w8pi2s-164286577062) (C: \ users \ 26870 \ desktop \ 003. PNG)]

New methods in ES5

Array method

Iterative (traversal) methods: forEach(), map(), filter(), some(), every();




  • currentValue: the value of the current item of the array
  • Index: the index of the current item of the array
  • arr: array object itself
 let arr = [1, 2, 3];
        let sum = 0;
        arr.forEach(function(value, index, array) {
            console.log("Each array element" + value);
            console.log("Index number of each array element" + index);
            console.log("Array itself" + array);
            sum += value;

filter() filter array

  • The filter() method creates a new array. The rage in the new array is mainly used to filter the array by checking all qualified elements in the specified array

  • Notice that it returns a new array directly


    • currentValue: the value of the current item of the array
    • Index: the index of the current item of the array
    • arr: array object itself
        let arr = [12, 36, 4, 88];
        var newArr = arr.filter(function(value, index) {
            return value >= 20;
        console.log(newArr);    //Array [ 36, 88 ]

Returns an array


  • some() method is used to detect whether the elements in the array meet the specified conditions, and click to find whether there are elements in the array that meet the conditions
  • Note that its return value is Boolean. If this element is found, it will return true. If it is not found, it will return false
  • If a qualified element is found, the loop is terminated and the search is no longer continued
  • Parameters:
    • currentValue: the value of the current item of the array
    • Index: the index of the current item of the array
    • arr: array object itself
        let arr = [11, 6, 89, 10];
        let flag = arr.some(function(value) {
            return value < 3;
        console.log(flag); //false

        let arr1 = ["red", "pink", "blue"];
        let flag1 = arr1.some(function(value) {
            return value == "pink";
        console.log(flag1); //true

Returns a Boolean value

New cases using array

    <div class="find" align="center">
            Query by price:<input class="start" />-<input type="text" class="end" />
            <button id="btn01">search</button> Query by commodity name:<input type="text" class="name" />
            <button id="btn02">query</button>
        <table align="center" border="1px" width="400px">
                <th>Product name</th>
            <tbody align="center"></tbody>
        let data = [{
            id: 1,
            pname: "millet",
            prices: 2999,
        }, {
            id: 2,
            pname: "Huawei",
            prices: 4999,
        }, {
            id: 3,
            pname: "oppo",
            prices: 3999,
        }, {
            id: 4,
            pname: "millet",
            prices: 1999,
        }, ];
        // Get the corresponding element
        let tbody = document.querySelector("tbody");
        let btn01 = document.querySelector("#btn01");
        let start = document.querySelector(".start");
        let end = document.querySelector(".end");
        let btn02 = document.querySelector("#btn02");
        let name = document.querySelector(".name");
        // Render data to the page

        function setData(myData) {
            // Empty the original rendering first
            tbody.innerHTML = "";
            myData.forEach(function(value) {
                let tr = document.createElement("tr");

                tr.innerHTML =
                    "<td>" +
                    value.id +
                    "</td><td>" +
                    value.pname +
                    "</td><td>" +
                    value.prices +
                value.prices + "</td>";

        // 3. Query goods by button
        // When we click the button, we can filter the objects in the array according to our commodity price
        btn01.addEventListener("click", function() {
            let newData = data.filter(function(value) {
                return value.prices >= start.value && value.prices <= end.value;

        // Render the filtered objects to the page

        // 4. According to the commodity name
        btn02.addEventListener("click", function() {
            let newData02 = data.filter(function(value) {
                return value.pname == name.value;

String method


The trim() method deletes an empty string from both ends of a string


The trim() method does not affect the original spontaneous formation itself. It returns a new string


This method can view the character encoding of the specified symbol. This method returns the symbol value of the specified index position, and the index is specified as an integer.

let message = 'acbddf';
console.log(message.charCodeAt(2));	//99

String operation method


Splices one or more strings into a new string

concat() can accept any number of parameters at once, so you can splice multiple strings at once

Put back value: a new string


The slice() method extracts a part of a string and returns the extracted part with a new string.

Return value

A new string. The string stringObject includes all characters from start (including start) to end (excluding end).

Object method

Objct.defineProperty() defines a new property or modifies an existing property in an object.

  • obj: required. Target object
  • prop: required. The name of the attribute to be defined or modified
  • descriptor: required. Attributes owned by the target attribute.

[the external chain picture transfer fails. The source station may have an anti-theft chain mechanism. It is recommended to save the picture and upload it directly (img-perfmkr0-164286577063) (C: \ users \ 26870 \ desktop \ 005. PNG)]

   let obj = {
            id: 1,
            num: 1000,
            price: 1909,
        Object.defineProperty(obj, "num", {
            value: 1000,
        Object.defineProperty(obj, "id", {
            // If false, this property value is not allowed to be modified
            writable: false,

Delete delete


How functions are defined

  1. Function declaration mode function (keyword) (named function)
  2. Expression for function (anonymous function)
  3. Use new Function('parameter 1 ',' parameter 2 ',' function body '); Function , must be in the form of string
  • Function is inefficient and inconvenient to write, so it is rarely used
  • All functions are instances (objects) of functions
  • Functions also belong to objects
// 1. Custom function (named function)
        function fu(){}

        // 2. Expression for function (anonymous function)
        let fun = function(){}

        // 3. Use new Function('parameter 1 ',' parameter 2 ',' function body ');
        let f = new Function('a','b','console.log(a+b)');

Function call

Function call mode

  1. Ordinary function
  2. Object method
  3. Constructor
  4. Binding event function
  5. Timer function‘
  6. Execute function now
   // 1. The normal function this points to window
        function fu(){
        fu();  //Or Fu call()

        // 2. Object method 	 this points to o
        let o ={

        // 3. The constructor this points to the instance object. The prototype object's this also points to the instance object
        function Star(){};
        new Star();

        // 4. Binding event function 	 this points to btn
        btn.onclick = function(){}; //Click the button to call

        // 5. Timer function 	 this points to window
        setInterval(function(){},1000); //This function is called every 1 second
        // 6. Execute function now 	 this 	 Point to window
        })();   //The immediate function is called automatically

this point in function

[the external link image transfer fails. The source station may have an anti-theft chain mechanism. It is recommended to save the image and upload it directly (img-hsoawc1e-164286577063) (C: \ users \ 26870 \ desktop \ 006. PNG)]

Change the direction of the function this

JavaScript provides us with some function methods to help us deal with the problem of this pointing inside the function more gracefully. Commonly used are bind(), call(), and apply()


The call() method calls an object. It is simply understood as the way to call a function, but it can change the direction of this of the function

call is mainly used to implement inheritance

 let o = {
            name: "ludan",

        function fu(a, b) {
            console.log(a + b);
        fu.call(o, 1, 2); //Object { name: "ludan" }  3

        // call implementation inheritance
        function Father(uname, age, sex) {
            this.uname = uname;
            this.age = age;
            this.sex = sex;

        function Son(uname, age, sex) {
            Father.call(Son, uname, age, sex);
        let son = new Son("Lau Andy", 18, "male");
        console.log(son);   //Object {  }


The apply() method calls a function. It is simply understood as the way to call a function, but it can change the direction of this of the function

  • thisArg: the value of this specified when the fun function runs
  • argArray: the passed value must be included in the array
  • The return value is the return value of the function, because it is the calling function

Its parameters must be arrays (pseudo arrays). Its main function is to find the maximum value with the help of mathematical built-in objects

  let a = {
            name: "ludan",

        function fu(arr) {
        fu.apply(o, ["pink"]); //Object { name: "ludan" }      pink
        // The main role of apply
        // Math.max();
        let arr = [1, 66, 3, 99, 4];
        let b = Math.max.apply(null, arr);
        console.log(b); //99


The bind() method does not call the function. But it can change the direction of this inside the function

  • thisArg: the value of this specified when the fun function runs
  • arg1,arg2: pass other parameters
  • Returns a copy of the original function modified by the specified this value and initialization

Returns the new function generated after the original function is changed to this

If we don't need to call some functions immediately, but want to change the internal this point of this function, then use bind

let c = {
            name: "ludan",

        function f(a, b) {
            console.log(a + b);
        let d = f.bind(c, 1, 2);
        d(); //Object { name: "ludan" }  3
        // If we have a button, when we click it, we disable it and turn it on after 3 seconds
        let btn = document.querySelector("button");
        btn.onclick = function() {
            // Disable button
            this.disabled = true; //This this points to btn this button
                function() {
                    this.disabled = false; //this in the timer points to window
                }.bind(this),3000);  //this refers to the btn object

Strict mode

Strict schema definition

The strict mode of ES5 is limited

Strict mode is only supported in browsers above IE10, and will be ignored in older browsers

Strict mode makes some changes to the normal JavaScript semantics:

  • It eliminates some unreasonable and imprecise aspects of JavaScript syntax and reduces some strange behaviors
  • It eliminates some unsafe places in code operation and ensures the safety of code operation
  • Improve the efficiency of the compiler and increase the running speed
  • Some grammars that may be defined in future versions of ECMAScript are disabled to pave the way for new versions of JavaScript. For example, keep some keywords: class, enum, export, extends, import and super, and cannot be used as variable names

Turn on strict mode

Strict patterns can be applied to entire scripts or individual functions. Therefore, when using strict mode, we can divide strict mode into script enabling strict mode and function enabling strict mode.

1. Turn strict mode on for scripts

To enable strict mode for the entire script file, you need to put a specific statement "use strict" before all statements; (or 'use strict')

        'use strict';
        // The following js code will execute the code in strict mode
            'use strict'

2. Turn on a strict mode for a function

        // At this time, it is only a strict mode for fn
        function fn(){
            'use strict';
            // The following code follows a strict pattern
        function fun(){
            // It's still in the normal mode

Changes in strict mode

Strict mode has made some changes to the syntax and behavior of JavaScript

1. Variable specification

  1. In normal mode, if a strict variable has no declared assignment, it defaults to a global variable. Strict patterns prohibit this syntax, and variables must be declared before they are used
  2. We cannot delete declared variables at will, such as delete x; It's wrong

2. this pointing problem in strict mode

  1. Previously, this in the global scope function pointed to the window object
  2. In strict mode, this in the function in the global scope is undefined
  3. In the past, constructors can be called without new. When an ordinary function, this points to a global object
  4. In strict mode, if the constructor does not add a new call, this will report an error
  5. The constructor instantiated by new points to the creation of an object instance
  6. Does this of the timer point to window
  7. Event, object, or point to the caller
        "use strict";
        // 1. Variables must be declared before use
        let num = 10;
        console.log(num); //10

        // 2. We cannot delete declared variables at will
        // delete num;

        function fn() {
            console.log(this); //undefined;

        function Star() {
            this.sex = "nan";
        // Star();
        // console.log(window.sex); //this is undefined

        let a = new Star();
        console.log(a.sex);     //nan

3. Function change

  • You cannot have arguments with duplicate names in a function

  • Functions must be declared at the top level. The latest version of JavaScript introduces "block level scope" (introduced in ES6). In order to adapt to the new version, it is not allowed to declare functions in non function code blocks

    [the external chain image transfer fails. The source station may have an anti-theft chain mechanism. It is recommended to save the image and upload it directly (img-tqs5utvm-164286577064) (C: \ users \ 26870 \ desktop \ 007. PNG)]

Higher order function

**Higher order function * * is a function that operates on other functions. It receives functions as parameters and outputs functions as return values

        function fn(callback){
        function fn(){
            return function(){}

At this point fn is a higher order function

Function is also a data type. It can also be passed to another parameter as a parameter. The most typical is as a callback function


A closure is a function that has access to a variable in the scope of another function.

A simple understanding is that a scope can access local variables inside another function

        // Closure: the scope of the function fun accesses the local variable num in another function fn
        function fn() {
            let num = 10;

            function fun() {
        fn();   //10

Variable scope

Variables can be divided into two types according to different scopes: global variables and local variables

  1. Global variables can be used inside functions
  2. Local variables cannot be used outside a function
  3. When the function is executed, the local variables in this scope will be destroyed

Function of closure

function fn() {
            let num = 10;

            function fun() {
            return fun;
       let f =fn();
       f();   //10
    //    be similar to
    // let f =  function fun() {
        // console.log(num);
        //     }

The main function of closures is to extend the scope of variables

The immediate execution function is also called a small closure because any function in the immediate execution function can use its i variable



If a function can call itself internally, then this function is a recursive function

Simple understanding: the function calls itself internally. This function is a recursive function

Recursive functions have the same effect as loops

Due to the "stack overflow" error of arbitrary recursion, the exit condition return must be added

 let num = 0;

        function fn() {
            console.log("I want to print these six sentences");
            if (num == 6) {
                return; //A recursive function must have an exit condition

Factorization of n by recursion

 //   Factorization of 1~n by recursive function
        function fn(n) {
            if (n == 1) {
                return 1;
            return n * fn(n - 1);
        console.log(fn(3)); //6
        console.log(fn(4)); //24

Using recursive function to find Fibonacci sequence (rabbit sequence)

        // Using recursive function to find Fibonacci sequence (rabbit sequence) 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21
        // The user can input a number n to find the rabbit sequence corresponding to this number
        // We only need to know the first two items (n-1, n-2) of N entered by the user to calculate the sequence value corresponding to n
        function fn(n) {
            if (n == 1 || n == 2) {
                return 1;
            return fn(n - 1) + fn(n - 2);
        console.log(fn(3)); //2
        console.log(fn(8)); //21

Using recursion to traverse array data

        let data = [{
            id: 1,
            name: "household electrical appliances",
            goods: [{
                id: 11,
                name: "Refrigerator",
            }, {
                id: 12,
                name: "Washing machine",
            }, {
                id: 13,
                name: "Television",
            }, ],
        }, {
            id: 2,
            name: "Clothes & Accessories",
        }, ];
        //    We want to make a data object that can be returned by entering the id number
        // 1. Use forEach to traverse every object inside
        function getID(json, id) {
            let o = {};
            json.forEach(function(item) {
                // console.log(item); // Two array elements
                //Object {ID: 1, name: "home appliances", goods: (3) [...]}
                // Object {ID: 2, name: "dress"}

                // Outer data
                if (item.id == id) {
                    // console.log(item.name);
                    o = item;
                // Inner layer data
                else if (item.goods && item.goods.length > 0) {
                    o = getID(item.goods, id);
            return o;
        console.log(getID(data, 1));
        console.log(getID(data, 11));

Light copy and deep copy

  1. Shallow copy only copies one layer, and deeper object level can only copy references
  2. Deep copy copies multiple layers, and each level of data is copied

Shallow copy

        // Shallow copy copies only one layer, and deeper object level copies only references
        // Deep copy copies multiple layers, and each level of data is copied
        let obj = {
            id: 1,
            name: "andy",
            msg: {
                age: 18,
        let o = {};
        // for (let k in obj) {
        //     //K is the attribute name and obj[k] is the attribute value
        //     o[k] = obj[k];
        // }
        // console.log(o);
        // o.msg.age = 20;
        // console.log(obj);

        Object.assign(o, obj);
        console.log(o); //Object { id: 1, name: "andy", msg: {...} }
        o.msg.age = 20;

Deep copy

        // Deep copy and shallow copy, each level of data will be copied
        let obj = {
        let  o = {};
        // Encapsulation function
        function deepCopy (newobj,lodobj){
            for(let k in oldobj){
                // Determine which data type our attribute value belongs to
                // 1. Get our property values
                let item = oldobj[k];
                // 2. Determine whether the value is an array
                if(item instanceof Array){
                    newobj[k] = [];
                }else if(item instanceof Object){
                    // 3. Determine whether this value is an object
                    // 4. It is a simple data type
                    newobj[k] = item;


        let arr = [];
        console.log(arr instanceof Object);  // true

regular expression

See Introduction to js for detailed notes

Topics: Javascript Front-end