JS -- package slow motion (variable speed) animation -- add any attribute

Posted by westminster86 on Fri, 20 Dec 2019 15:20:45 +0100

Encapsulate slow motion (variable speed) animation - add any attribute


1. The original variable speed animation function is to obtain specific attributes (in the previous case, it was moved to the right, so it acquired the left attribute)

2. Now it is changed to obtain any attribute and move it to the specified target, which is equivalent to adding an attribute to the original animate(element,target) function and changing it to the animate(element, attr, target) function

3. Change 1: in the position of getting the current element, var current, use getStyle to get it, because what you get is a string type, change a parseInt to a number type;

4. Change 2: when moving the steps, the current position of the element is equal to current+"px", the element.style.left is updated to element.style[attr], and the specific element is replaced by any element


The effect obtained is that any style attribute of any element can be moved to the specified target location

The attr position can be changed to left, heigth, top, bgc, etc

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">

  <meta charset="UTF-8">
    * {
      margin: 0;
      padding: 0;

    div {
      margin-top: 20px;
      width: 200px;
      height: 100px;
      background-color: green;
      position: absolute;
      left: 0;
      top: 0;

  <input type="button" value="Move to 400 px" id="btn1" />
  <input type="button" value="Move to 800 px" id="btn2" />
  <div id="dv">
    <script src="common.js"></script>
      //Click the button to move div

      my$("btn1").onclick = function () {
        //obtain div here left Current location of,Achieve goal 400
        // animate(my$("dv"),"left",400);
        //obtain div Width at this time,Achieve goal 200
        animate(my$("dv"), "width", 200);

      //Get the current property value of any property: Use previously encapsulated getStyle function
      function getStyle(element, attr) {
        //Determine whether the browser supports this method
        return window.getComputedStyle ? window.getComputedStyle(element, null)[attr] : element.currentStyle[attr];

      //Uniform animation

      //attr---Property name
      //target---Target location
      function animate(element, attr, target) {
        //Cleaning timer
        element.timeId = setInterval(function () {
          //Get the current location of the element
          var current = parseInt(getStyle(element, attr));//Number type//===============================
          //Steps moved
          var step = (target - current) / 10;
          step = step > 0 ? Math.ceil(step) : Math.floor(step);
          current += step;
          element.style[attr] = current + "px";//============================================
          if (current == target) {
            //Cleaning timer
          //Test code:
          console.log("Target location:" + target + ",current location:" + current + ",Steps per move:" + step);
        }, 20);


Topics: Javascript Attribute