Kernel process initialization and creation

Posted by jmantra on Wed, 22 Dec 2021 05:23:39 +0100

1: Relevant information

Code: linux 0.11

2: Process structure

Each process corresponds to a struct task in the kernel_ Struct, which is used to represent the status and related information of the process

struct task_struct {
/* these are hardcoded - don't touch */
	long state;	/*Process status - 1 runnable, 0 runnable, > 0 stopped */
	long counter; //The time slice count of the process. When it is 0, scheduling switching is required. counter = counter/2 + priority
	long priority;//The greater the priority, the higher the priority, and the priority will be implemented
	long signal;//signal
	struct sigaction sigaction[32];//Signal bitmap
	long blocked;	/* bitmap of masked signals Blocking and non blocking*/
/* various fields */
	int exit_code;//Exit code
	unsigned long start_code,end_code,end_data,brk,start_stack;//Start code end code
	long pid,father,pgrp,session,leader;//Process ID
	unsigned short uid,euid,suid;//User ID
	unsigned short gid,egid,sgid;//Group ID
	long alarm; //warning
	long utime,stime,cutime,cstime,start_time; //User running time, kernel running time, sub process user running time, sub process kernel running time, start time
	unsigned short used_math;//Use coprocessor
/* file system info */
	int tty;		/* -1 if no tty, so it must be signed  Develop console */
	unsigned short umask;
	struct m_inode * pwd;//route
	struct m_inode * root;//root
	struct m_inode * executable;
	unsigned long close_on_exec;
	struct file * filp[NR_OPEN];//Records the files opened by the current process
/* ldt for this task 0 - zero 1 - cs 2 - ds&ss */
	struct desc_struct ldt[3];//Address where codes and data are stored
/* tss for this task */
	struct tss_struct tss; //Store and record the value of the current CPU register

struct tss_struct {
	long	back_link;	/* 16 high bits zero */
	long	esp0;
	long	ss0;		/* 16 high bits zero */
	long	esp1;
	long	ss1;		/* 16 high bits zero */
	long	esp2;
	long	ss2;		/* 16 high bits zero */
	long	cr3;
	long	eip;
	long	eflags;
	long	eax,ecx,edx,ebx;
	long	esp;
	long	ebp;
	long	esi;
	long	edi;
	long	es;		/* 16 high bits zero */
	long	cs;		/* 16 high bits zero */
	long	ss;		/* 16 high bits zero */
	long	ds;		/* 16 high bits zero */
	long	fs;		/* 16 high bits zero */
	long	gs;		/* 16 high bits zero */
	long	ldt;		/* 16 high bits zero */
	long	trace_bitmap;	/* bits: trace 0, bitmap 16-31 */
	struct i387_struct i387;

The structure of the process in the kernel is represented as:

3: The process of creating

1: Process scheduling initialization sched_init();
2: Switch to user mode move_to_user_mode();
3: Process initialization

  • Manually create process 0 as the parent process of all processes fork() init()
  • In process 0, open the standard input, output and error console.
  • And create process 1. In process 1, open / etc / RC (configuration file, boot and run configuration, such as logo) and execute / bin/sh
  • Process 0 will not end and will be called when no other process calls. Execute for (;) when called pause();

4: Process creates fork() function to create other processes

  • Find an empty space in the task linked list to store the current process
  • Create a task_struct
  • Set task_struct
    The creation of a process is a system call, so the starting position is system_call.s, the essence is to copy the current process (assignment of structure, assignment of current structure to new structure)
    Secondly, the stack and heap are copied

3.1: procedure corresponding to main function of linux

void main(void)		/* This really IS void, no error here. */
{			/* The startup routine assumes (well, ...) this */
 * Interrupts are still disabled. Do necessary setups, then
 * enable them
 //Memory Copy 
 	drive_info = DRIVE_INFO;
	memory_end = (1<<20) + (EXT_MEM_K<<10);
	memory_end &= 0xfffff000;
	if (memory_end > 16*1024*1024)
		memory_end = 16*1024*1024;
	if (memory_end > 12*1024*1024) 
		buffer_memory_end = 4*1024*1024;
	else if (memory_end > 6*1024*1024)
		buffer_memory_end = 2*1024*1024;
		buffer_memory_end = 1*1024*1024;
	main_memory_start = buffer_memory_end;
#ifdef RAMDISK
	main_memory_start += rd_init(main_memory_start, RAMDISK*1024);
	trap_init(); //Set exception vector
	blk_dev_init();//Block device initialization
	chr_dev_init();//Character device initialization
	tty_init();//Console initialization
	sched_init();//Scheduling initialization
	buffer_init(buffer_memory_end);//Buffer initialization
	hd_init();//Hard disk initialization
	floppy_init();//diskette initialize
	move_to_user_mode();//Switch the kernel to user mode. Kernel mode: no preemption, user mode: preemption
	if (!fork()) {		/* we count on this going ok Create process No. 0. If the creation is successful, a 0 will be returned*/
 *   NOTE!!   For any other task 'pause()' would mean we have to get a
 * signal to awaken, but task0 is the sole exception (see 'schedule()')
 * as task 0 gets activated at every idle moment (when no other tasks
 * can run). For task0 'pause()' just means we go check if some other
 * task can run, and if not we return here.
	for(;;) pause();

3.2: process scheduling initialization sched_init()

void sched_init(void)
	int i;
	struct desc_struct * p;

	if (sizeof(struct sigaction) != 16)
		panic("Struct sigaction MUST be 16 bytes");
	set_tss_desc(gdt+FIRST_TSS_ENTRY,&(init_task.task.tss));//Put init_ The address of the TSS segment of the task (the first process) is placed in position 4 of tss0 in dg
	set_ldt_desc(gdt+FIRST_LDT_ENTRY,&(init_task.task.ldt));//Put init_ The address of the LDT segment of the task is placed at position 5 of ldt0 in dg
	p = gdt+2+FIRST_TSS_ENTRY; //p points to the address of the next tss, position 6, then a and b in p represent tss1 and ldt1
	for(i=1;i<NR_TASKS;i++) { //Traverse 63 processes (except the first one) for emptying
		task[i] = NULL; //Process linked list empty
		p->a=p->b=0;  //ldt and tss in the corresponding GDT are set to 0
		p++;//Set ldt and tss in the next GDT to 0
		p->a=p->b=0;//Set to 0
		p++;//Point to the ldt and tss in the next GDT. Why are they clear twice at a time?
/* Clear NT, so that we won't have troubles with that later on */
//Set some registers
	__asm__("pushfl ; andl $0xffffbfff,(%esp) ; popfl");
	outb_p(0x36,0x43);		/* binary, mode 3, LSB/MSB, ch 0 */
	outb_p(LATCH & 0xff , 0x40);	/* LSB */
	outb(LATCH >> 8 , 0x40);	/* MSB */
	set_intr_gate(0x20,&timer_interrupt);//Set system door
	set_system_gate(0x80,&system_call);//Set system interrupt - > system call (all actions related to the process are system calls)

Global Descriptor Table (GDT)
The two macros in TSS and LDT are set in the above code: they represent the location of the first TSS and the first LDT. The following comments represent the location of each descriptor of gdt

 * Entry into gdt where to find first TSS. 0-nul, 1-cs, 2-ds, 3-syscall
 * 4-TSS0, 5-LDT0, 6-TSS1 etc ...

The relationship between GDT and a single process is shown in the figure below

3.3 init() function

When the linux initialization file is completed, init will be called to create the first process

void init(void)
	int pid,i;

	setup((void *) &drive_info);//Set drive information
	(void) open("/dev/tty0",O_RDWR,0); //Open the standard input console with handle 0
	(void) dup(0);//Open the standard output console, where dup (int fildes) is used to copy file descriptors and redirect input and output
	(void) dup(0);//Open the standard error console
	printf("%d buffers = %d bytes buffer space\n\r",NR_BUFFERS,
	printf("Free mem: %d bytes\n\r",memory_end-main_memory_start);
	if (!(pid=fork())) {//Create process 1, return 0 successfully, open rc and run sh in the new process
		if (open("/etc/rc",O_RDONLY,0))//configuration information
		execve("/bin/sh",argv_rc,envp_rc);//Execute shell commands
	if (pid>0)//In parent process
		while (pid != wait(&i))//Wait for the parent process to exit 
			/* nothing */;
	while (1) { //When the above creation process fails
		if ((pid=fork())<0) { //Create the process again. In case of failure
			printf("Fork failed in init\r\n");
		if (!pid) {//pid = 0 successful
			close(0);close(1);close(2); //Close input, output, error handle
			(void) open("/dev/tty0",O_RDWR,0);//Open input, output, error handle
			(void) dup(0);
			(void) dup(0);
			_exit(execve("/bin/sh",argv,envp));//Open sh again, and the parameter argv is different from the above 
		while (1)
			if (pid == wait(&i))
		printf("\n\rchild %d died with code %04x\n\r",pid,i);
	_exit(0);	/* NOTE! _exit, not exit() */

3.4 fork function

3.4. 1: System fork_ sys_ fork:

The process creation belongs to the system call, so the starting position is system_call.s medium

.align 2
	call _find_empty_process  //Find a free location in the process list
	testl %eax,%eax
	js 1f
	push %gs
	pushl %esi
	pushl %edi
	pushl %ebp
	pushl %eax
	call _copy_process
	addl $20,%esp
1:	ret

3.4.2: find_empty_process

Find an idle location in the process linked list, return the location information i, and assign a process number to the currently created process

int find_empty_process(void)
	int i;

		if ((++last_pid)<0) last_pid=1;
		for(i=0 ; i<NR_TASKS ; i++)
			if (task[i] && task[i]->pid == last_pid) goto repeat;
	for(i=1 ; i<NR_TASKS ; i++)
		if (!task[i])
			return i;
	return -EAGAIN;

3.4.3: copy_process:

Create a progressive structure and put it in the linked list

 *  Ok, this is the main fork-routine. It copies the system process
 * information (task[nr]) and sets up the necessary registers. It
 * also copies the data segment in it's entirety.
int copy_process(int nr,long ebp,long edi,long esi,long gs,long none,
		long ebx,long ecx,long edx,
		long fs,long es,long ds,
		long eip,long cs,long eflags,long esp,long ss)//nr: is the process number and the value of other general registers
	struct task_struct *p; //The body of the process
	int i;
	struct file *f;

	p = (struct task_struct *) get_free_page();//Allocate space
	if (!p)
		return -EAGAIN;
	task[nr] = p;//Put the process structure into the process linked list
	*p = *current;	/* NOTE! this doesn't copy the supervisor stack */
	p->state = TASK_UNINTERRUPTIBLE;//Set status, non interruptible status, to prevent immediate execution
	p->pid = last_pid;
	p->father = current->pid;
	p->counter = p->priority;
	p->signal = 0;
	p->alarm = 0;
	p->leader = 0;		/* process leadership doesn't inherit */
	p->utime = p->stime = 0;
	p->cutime = p->cstime = 0;
	p->start_time = jiffies;
	p->tss.back_link = 0;
	p->tss.esp0 = PAGE_SIZE + (long) p;
	p->tss.ss0 = 0x10;
	p->tss.eip = eip;
	p->tss.eflags = eflags;
	p->tss.eax = 0;
	p->tss.ecx = ecx;
	p->tss.edx = edx;
	p->tss.ebx = ebx;
	p->tss.esp = esp;
	p->tss.ebp = ebp;
	p->tss.esi = esi;
	p->tss.edi = edi;
	p-> = es & 0xffff;
	p->tss.cs = cs & 0xffff;
	p-> = ss & 0xffff;
	p->tss.ds = ds & 0xffff;
	p->tss.fs = fs & 0xffff;
	p-> = gs & 0xffff;
	p->tss.ldt = _LDT(nr);
	p->tss.trace_bitmap = 0x80000000;
	if (last_task_used_math == current) //The current process uses a coprocessor to create the current coprocessor
		__asm__("clts ; fnsave %0"::"m" (p->tss.i387));
	if (copy_mem(nr,p)) { //Copy the code segment and data segment, and 0 is returned successfully
		task[nr] = NULL;
		free_page((long) p);
		return -EAGAIN;
	for (i=0; i<NR_OPEN;i++)//If the parent process has an open file, it will open the file if there is no child process
		if (f=p->filp[i])
			f->f_count++;//File open count plus 1
	if (current->pwd) //The parent process has the current path
		current->pwd->i_count++;//Also add 1
	if (current->root)
	if (current->executable)
	/*Find the location where the current process descriptor in gdt should be stored and the addresses of tss and ldt through nr*/
	p->state = TASK_RUNNING;	/* do this last, just in case  The status is set to operable and ready for operation*/
	return last_pid; //Returns the ID number of the process

3.4.4: copy_mem()

Copy code and data segments

int copy_mem(int nr,struct task_struct * p)
	unsigned long old_data_base,new_data_base,data_limit;
	unsigned long old_code_base,new_code_base,code_limit;

	code_limit=get_limit(0x0f); //Size of code snippet
	data_limit=get_limit(0x17); //Size of data segment
	old_code_base = get_base(current->ldt[1]); //Address of old code segment
	old_data_base = get_base(current->ldt[2]); //Address of old data segment
	if (old_data_base != old_code_base)
		panic("We don't support separate I&D");
	if (data_limit < code_limit)
		panic("Bad data_limit");
	new_data_base = new_code_base = nr * 0x4000000;//Get the address of the new code segment and data segment nr*64M, and each process has a size of 64M
	p->start_code = new_code_base;
	set_base(p->ldt[1],new_code_base);//Set new snippet address to ldt[1]
	set_base(p->ldt[2],new_data_base);//Set the new data segment address to ldt[2]
	if (copy_page_tables(old_data_base,new_data_base,data_limit)) { //copy old data segment to new data segment
		free_page_tables(new_data_base,data_limit); //Release on failure
		return -ENOMEM;
	return 0;

Topics: Process