koa as the solution of node service, koa-body As the middleware of koa, it is friendly to upload files and POST JSON, set the size of json and upload files. koa-static provides service static file access
Upload picture interface, save the file directory "Year/Month/SDK_20190904153509.png" according to the current date, to divide the year and month for file management.
npm install koa koa-router npm install koa-body npm install koa-static //To save to a local project, you need to add a suffix -- save-dev
const koa=require("koa") const Router=require('koa-router') const koaBody = require('koa-body') const koaStatic = require('koa-static') const {upload}= require('upload.js') const router=new Router() const app=new koa() // koa-body Intermediate Plug-in File Submission and form-data app.use(koaBody({ formLimit: '1mb', multipart: true, // Allow multiple files to be uploaded formidable: { maxFileSize:200 * 1024 * 1024 //Upload file size keepExtensions: true, // Extensions to save images } })) // Configuring Static Resource Loading Middleware app.use(koaStatic( path.join("/f\upload") //Read static file directories )) // Post'/login',async (ctx,next)=>{ console.log('login Success!') //ctx.request.body is used to get post parameters ctx.body=ctx.request.body; }) //koa-router app.use(upload()) // Route app.use(route).use('/upload',upload)); app.listen(3000)
/* File upload */ const fs = require('fs'); const path = require('path'); const dateFormat = require('../utils/dateFormat.js') const upload= { UPLOAD: '/upload', IMAGE: '/image/', FILE: '/file/', MAXFILESIZE: 200 * 1024 * 1024, //Upload file size } // Create a file directory const mkdirFile = (path) => { let pathList = path.split('/'); let fileDir = '' pathList.forEach(i => { if(i) { fileDir += ('/' + i) if(!fs.existsSync(fileDir)) { fs.mkdirSync(fileDir, err => {'Create failure', err) return }); } } }) } //Save file const saveFile = (file, path) => { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { let render = fs.createReadStream(file); // Create a write stream let upStream = fs.createWriteStream(path); render.pipe(upStream); upStream.on('finish', () => { resolve(path) }); upStream.on('error', (err) => { reject(err) }); }) } /** * File upload * ps Generate file name SKD_date * File paths are stored according to year and month */ const uploadImg = async ctx => { var time = Date.parse(new Date()) let date = dateFormat.dateFormat(time, 'yyyyMMddhhmmss'); let file = ctx.request.files.file; let fileName = 'SKD_ '+ upload.UPLOAD + upload.IMAGE //Upload and save directory let fileYear = date.substring(4, 8) + '/' + date.substring(8, 10); let tail = == 'blob' ? 'png' :'.').pop() let filePath = path.join(fileName, fileYear, date + '.' + tail); //Stitching file names according to time await mkdirFile(fileName + fileYear) //Create a file directory await saveFile(file.path, filePath).then(su => { let uplaod_img = su.substring(upload.UPLOAD.length, su.length) ctx.body = { error_code: 10000, error_message: 'Successful upload of files', realName: uplaod_img, } }).catch(err => { ctx.body = { error_code: 20008, error_message: 'Failed to upload file!', } }) } module.exports = { uploadImg };
ps: fs, path npm installation, date tool class can be viewed dateFormat.js
Picture Access Address: http://localhost:3000/image/2019/09/SDK_20190904153509.jpg
Project address
May you remain independent thinking, not humble, not overly aggressive, and try to grow into your own likes.