kotlin learning - basic grammar
1. Introduction
Compare java
1. Simple syntax and less code
2. Advanced Grammar
3. Language security. Eliminate null pointers
4. 100% compatible with Java
2. Operation
Online website: https://play.kotlinlang.org/
val immutable = final
var non final
var a =10
(automatic derivation type)
No semicolon
Variable delay assignment:
var a: Int a=10
import kotlin.math.max fun main(){ var a=10 var b=12 var max=largerNumber(a,b) println(""+max) } fun largerNumber(num1:Int ,num2:Int):Int { return max(num1,num2) }
Grammar sugar
When a function has only one line of code, Kotlin It allows us to write a unique line of code at the end of the function definition without writing the function body, and connect it with an equal sign in the middle.
Fun largernumber (num1: int, num2: int): int = max (num1, num2) auto derivation – > simplified
fun largerNumber(num1:Int ,num2:Int) = max(num1,num2)
3. Logic control
Program execution statements are mainly divided into three kinds: sequential statements, conditional statements and circular statements
1.if conditional statement
fun largerNumber(num1:Int ,num2:Int):Int { var value=0 if(num1>num2){ value=num1 }else{ value=num2 } return value }
It needs to be re assigned, so var is used
The kotlin if statement has a return value
So simplify
fun largerNumber(num1:Int ,num2:Int):Int { val value=if(num1>num2){ num1 }else{ num2 } return value }
No re assignment is required, so val is used
Simplify alternative value
fun largerNumber(num1:Int ,num2:Int):Int { return if(num1>num2){ num1 }else{ num2 } }
Add grammar sugar and simplify it
fun largerNumber(num1:Int ,num2:Int)=if(num1>num2){ num1 }else{ num2 }
Grammar sugar combined with if grammar
fun largerNumber(num1:Int ,num2:Int)=if(num1>num2) num1 else num2
2.when conditional statement
Similar to switch
Accurate matching
fun main(){ val a="Tom" println(""+getScore(a)) } fun getScore(name:String)=when(name){ "Tom"->86 "Jim"->77 "Jack"->95 "Lily"->100 else -> 0 }
Type matching
Parameter of type Number
For example, Int, Long, Float, Double and so on are all subclasses related to numbers
fun main(){ val a=98 println(""+checkNumber(a)) } fun checkNumber(num:Number)=when(num){ is Int -> println("number is Int") is Double -> println("number is Double") else ->println("number not support") }
Without parameters
fun main(){ val a="Tom" println(""+getScore(a)) } fun getScore(name:String)=when{ name== "Tom"->86 name=="Jim"->77 name=="Jack"->95 name=="Lily"->100 else -> 0 }
Use startsWith to judge all people beginning with Tom
fun main(){ val a="Tomkvj" println(""+getScore(a)) } fun getScore(name:String)=when{ name.startsWith("Tom") ->86 name=="Jim"->77 name=="Jack"->95 name=="Lily"->100 else -> 0 }
Circular statement
while loops are the same as java
For in kotlin
..Closed interval fun main(){ for(i in 1..10){ println(i) } }
until left closed right open section
fun main(){ for(i in 0 until 9){ println(i) } }
Step skip some numbers (addition) i+2 == step 2
fun main(){ for(i in 0 until 3 step 2){ println(i) } }
Down to descending order
fun main(){ for(i in 3 downTo 1){ println(i) } }
4. Object oriented
Classes and objects
new instance creation is not required
var p=Person()
Inheritance and constructor
In kotlin, any non abstract class cannot be inherited by default
, which is equivalent to the declaration of final in java
(reason: classes, like variables, should be immutable. If they are variable, there is an unknown risk.)
Abstract keyword open
Inheritance: (extensions in java, colon in kotlin:) parent class with parentheses
Primary and secondary constructors
primary constructor
Each class has a default main constructor without parameters. Of course, you can also explicitly specify parameters. The main function has no function body and can be defined directly after the class name
class Stduent(val sno:String,val grade:Int) : Person() { }
Indicates that the required parameters must be passed in when instantiating Student
init function body
class Stduent(val sno:String,val grade:Int) : Person() { init { println("sno is"+sno) println("sno is"+grade) } }
val stduent=Stduent("123",5)
The main constructor calls the constructor of the parent class
1. The parent class has no parameters
Use parentheses
2. The parent class has parameters
Parent class
open class Person(val name:String,val age:Int){ }
class Stduent(val sno:String,val grade:Int,name:String,age: Int) : Person(name,age) { init { println("sno is"+sno) println("sno is"+grade) } }
Add parameters to the main constructor
` val stduent=Stduent("123",5,"123",2)`
Secondary constructor
ktolin stipulates that when a class has both primary and secondary constructors, all secondary constructors must call the primary constructor (including indirect calls)
class Stduent(val sno:String,val grade:Int,name:String,age: Int) : Person(name,age) { constructor(name: String,age: Int):this("",0,name,age){ } constructor():this("",0); }
The secondary constructor is defined by the constructor keyword,
Here we define two kinds of secondary constructors,
1. The first secondary constructor accepts the name and age parameters, then calls the primary constructor through the this keyword, and assigns the sno and grade parameters as initial values
2. The second function does not accept any parameters. It calls the first constructor defined by us through the keyword this, and assigns the name and age parameters to the initial values,
It is legal because the second secondary constructor indirectly calls the primary constructor
Then there are three instantiation methods
kotlin * * * * special case - only secondary constructor, no primary constructor
class Stduent : Person{ constructor(name: String,age: Int):super(name,age){ } }
The secondary constructor directly calls the constructor of the parent class
5. Interface
Interface class
interface Study { fun readBooks() fun doHomework() }
Parent class
open class Person(val name:String,val age:Int){ }
class Stduent(name: String,age: Int) : Person(name,age),Study{ override fun readBooks() { println(name+"is reading") } override fun doHomework() { println(name+"is donging homework") } }
Main function
class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() { override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState) setContentView(R.layout.activity_main) val stduent=Stduent("123",5) doStudy(stduent) } fun doStudy(study: Study){ study.readBooks() study.doHomework() } }
Because the subclass implements the Study interface, it can directly pass the instance of student class - Interface oriented programming, polymorphism
Allows default implementation of functions defined in an interface
– that is, it can not be realized
6. Visible modifier
The current class and subclasses are visible
java: visible in package
internal: the first mock exam is visible in the same module.
7. Data class
data keyword
val user1=User("Xiao Xu",20) val user2=User("Xiao Xu",20)
Add data, compare the object properties, return true, and return false without data
8. Singleton class
object keyword
object Singleton { fun SingletonTest(){ println("singletonTest is called") } }