Kubernetes 1.6 New Feature Learning: RBAC Authorization

Posted by morris520 on Wed, 03 Jul 2019 21:44:48 +0200


The access control process of API Server in Kuberntes is illustrated as follows:

In Kubernetes, authorization is a step after authentication. Authorization is to determine whether a user (ordinary user or Service Account) has the right to request the Kubernetes API to do something.

Previously, the authorization strategy in Kubernetes was mainly ABAC(Attribute-Based Access Control). For ABAC, Kubernetes is difficult to implement, and requires SSH and root file system access rights of Master Node. API Server needs to be restarted after the authorization policy changes.

In Kubernetes 1.6, RBAC(Role-Based Access Control) entered the Beta phase of role-based access control. RBAC access control policies can be configured using kubectl or Kubernetes API. Using RBAC, users can be authorized directly to have authorization management rights, so that they no longer need to touch Master Node directly. RBAC is mapped to API resources and operations in Kubernetes.

Resource object of RBAC API

In Kubernetes 1.6, RBAC is enabled for API Server by starting parameter - authorization-mode=RBAC.API Overview.

The 1.6 version of Kubernetes cluster initialized with kubeadm has opened RBAC by default for API Server. You can view the static Pod definition file of API Server on Master Node:

  1. cat /etc/kubernetes/manifests/kube-apiserver.yaml | grep RBAC
  2. - --authorization-mode=RBAC

The RBAC API defines four resource objects to describe the connection privileges between users and resources in RBAC:

  • Role
  • ClusterRole
  • RoleBinding
  • ClusterRoleBinding

Role and Cluster Role

Role is a collection of permissions. Role is a resource defined under a Namespace and used under this specific Namespace. Cluster Role is similar to Role, but Cluster Role is used throughout the cluster.

Let's use kubectl to print Role and CulturRole in the Kubernetes cluster:

  1. kubectl get roles --all-namespaces
  3. kube-public system:bootstrap-signer-clusterinfo 6d
  4. kube-public system:controller:bootstrap-signer 6d
  5. kube-system extension-apiserver-authentication-reader 6d
  6. kube-system system:controller:bootstrap-signer 6d
  7. kube-system system:controller:token-cleaner 6d
  1. kubectl get ClusterRoles
  3. admin 6d
  4. cluster-admin 6d
  5. edit 6d
  6. flannel 5d
  7. system:auth-delegator 6d
  8. system:basic-user 6d
  9. system:controller:attachdetach-controller 6d
  10. ......
  11. system:kube-aggregator 6d
  12. system:kube-controller-manager 6d
  13. system:kube-dns 6d
  14. system:kube-scheduler 6d
  15. system:node 6d
  16. system:node-bootstrapper 6d
  17. system:node-problem-detector 6d
  18. system:node-proxier 6d
  19. system:persistent-volume-provisioner 6d
  20. view 6d

You can see that many Roles and Cluster Roles have been built in or created in the Kubernetes cluster created previously.

Next, create a Role named pod-reader in the default namespace. The role-pord-reader.yaml file is as follows:

  1. kind: Role
  2. apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1beta1
  3. metadata:
  4. namespace: default
  5. name: pod-reader
  6. rules:
  7. - apiGroups: [""] # "" indicates the core API group
  8. resources: ["pods"]
  9. verbs: ["get", "watch", "list"]
  1. kubectl create -f role-pord-reader.yaml
  2. role "pod-reader" created
  3. kubectl get roles
  5. pod-reader 1m

Note that RBAC is still in Beta phase in Kubernetes 1.6, so the API belongs to rbac.authorization.k8s.io, and the apiVersion above is rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1beta1.

Here's another definition file for ClusterRole:

  1. kind: ClusterRole
  2. apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1beta1
  3. metadata:
  4. # "namespace" omitted since ClusterRoles are not namespaced
  5. name: secret-reader
  6. rules:
  7. - apiGroups: [""]
  8. resources: ["secrets"]
  9. verbs: ["get", "watch", "list"]

Role Binding and Cluster Role Binding

RoleBinding binds Role to Subject, the main body of the account, so that Subject inherits Role's permissions under namespace. Cluster Role Binding binds Cluster Role to Subject, allowing Subject to integrate the privileges of Cluster Role across the cluster.

Account Subject is still called "user" here, including group, user and Service Account.

  1. kubectl get rolebinding --all-namespaces
  3. kube-public kubeadm:bootstrap-signer-clusterinfo 6d
  4. kube-public system:controller:bootstrap-signer 6d
  5. kube-system system:controller:bootstrap-signer 6d
  6. kube-system system:controller:token-cleaner 6d
  1. kubectl get clusterrolebinding
  3. cluster-admin 6d
  4. flannel 6d
  5. kubeadm:kubelet-bootstrap 6d
  6. kubeadm:node-proxier 6d
  7. system:basic-user 6d
  8. system:controller:attachdetach-controller 6d
  9. system:controller:certificate-controller 6d
  10. ......
  11. system:controller:ttl-controller 6d
  12. system:discovery 6d
  13. system:kube-controller-manager 6d
  14. system:kube-dns 6d
  15. system:kube-scheduler 6d
  16. system:node 6d
  17. system:node-proxier 6d

In fact, a RoleBinding can refer to either a role under the same namespace or a Cluster Role, and when RoleBinding refers to Cluster Role, the user's inherited rights are limited to the namespace where RoleBinding resides.

  1. kind: RoleBinding
  2. apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1beta1
  3. metadata:
  4. name: read-pods
  5. namespace: default
  6. subjects:
  7. - kind: User
  8. name: jane
  9. apiGroup: rbac.authorization.k8s.io
  10. roleRef:
  11. kind: Role
  12. name: pod-reader
  13. apiGroup: rbac.authorization.k8s.io
  1. kind: RoleBinding
  2. apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1beta1
  3. metadata:
  4. name: read-secrets
  5. namespace: development # This only grants permissions within the "development" namespace.
  6. subjects:
  7. - kind: User
  8. name: dave
  9. apiGroup: rbac.authorization.k8s.io
  10. roleRef:
  11. kind: ClusterRole
  12. name: secret-reader
  13. apiGroup: rbac.authorization.k8s.io

Default Role and Role Binding in Kubernetes

API Server has created a series of Cluster Roles and Cluster Role Binding. The names in these resource objects begin with system: to indicate that the resource object belongs to the Kubernetes system infrastructure. That is to say, the default cluster role of RBAC has been covered enough so that the cluster can be completely in place. RBAC runs under management. Modifying these resource objects may have unknown consequences, such as defining the permissions of the kubelet process for the system:node ClusterRole, which may cause the kubelet to fail to work if the role is modified.

You can use the label kubernetes.io/bootstrapping=rbac-defaults to view the default Cluster Role and Cluster Role Binding:

  1. kubectl get clusterrole -l kubernetes.io/bootstrapping=rbac-defaults
  3. admin 6d
  4. cluster-admin 6d
  5. edit 6d
  6. system:auth-delegator 6d
  7. system:basic-user 6d
  8. system:controller:attachdetach-controller 6d
  9. system:controller:certificate-controller 6d
  10. ......
  11. system:node-problem-detector 6d
  12. system:node-proxier 6d
  13. system:persistent-volume-provisioner 6d
  14. view 6d
  1. kubectl get clusterrolebinding -l kubernetes.io/bootstrapping=rbac-defaults
  3. cluster-admin 6d
  4. system:basic-user 6d
  5. system:controller:attachdetach-controller 6d
  6. system:controller:certificate-controller 6d
  7. system:controller:cronjob-controller 6d
  8. system:controller:daemon-set-controller 6d
  9. system:controller:deployment-controller 6d
  10. ......
  11. system:discovery 6d
  12. system:kube-controller-manager 6d
  13. system:kube-dns 6d
  14. system:kube-scheduler 6d
  15. system:node 6d
  16. system:node-proxier 6d

Detailed privilege information about these roles can be viewed Default Roles and Role Bindings

Original text http://blog.frognew.com/2017/04/kubernetes-1.6-rbac.html

Topics: Kubernetes DNS kubelet Attribute