Address planning:
The experimental steps are as follows:
Deploying kvm environments on 112 and 113,
Create a virtual machine vm1 locally at 112.
Create a snapshot named first for vm1.
Publish shared directories on 101.
Create nfs-based storage pool on 112 and clone Vm1 into NFS storage pool named nfs_vm1.
Add bridge network card to nfs_vm1 and configure IP address to ensure ping.
Heat transfer of nfs_vm1 to 113.
OS version
# cat /etc/redhat-release
CentOS Linux release 7.3.1611 (Core)
1. Deployment of kvm environments on 112 and 113
Installation of management tools
# yum install -y qemu-img qemu-kvm libvirt libvirt-python libguestfs-tools virt-install bridge-utils
Enabling libvirtd system unit
# systemctl enable libvirtd && systemctl restart libvirtd
Loading Kernel Modules
# modprobe kvm && modprobe kvm-intel
# lsmod | grep kvm
kvm_intel 174841 0
kvm 578518 1 kvm_intel
irqbypass 13503 1 kvm
2. Creating Virtual Machines Locally at 112
Create a disk file in qcow2 format
# mkdir -pv /kvm/store
# qemu-img create -f qcow2 /kvm/store/vm1.qcow2 100G
Command Line Installation Tool: virt-install
# virt-install --help
# virt-install \
-n vm1 \
--vcpus 2 -r 4096 \
--disk path=/kvm/store/vm1.qcow2,format=qcow2,size=100 \
--location=/iso/CentOS-7-x86_64-DVD-1804.iso \
--nographics \
-x 'console=ttyS0'
# virsh
Welcome to virsh, the virtualization interactive terminal.Type: 'help' for help with commands
'quit' to quit
virsh # list --all
Id Name State
1 vm1 running
Connect to Virtual Machine
# virsh console vm1
Exit Connection Terminal
Ctrl + ]
To create a snapshot of the virtual machine, close the virtual machine first
# virsh shutdown vm1
virsh # snapshot-create-as --domain vm1 --name first
Domain snapshot first created
virsh # snapshot-list vm1
Name Creation Time State
first 2018-09-26 06:10:21 -0400 shutoff
3. 101 issue nfs shared directory, 112 and 113 mount nfs shared directory
Publish directories on 101
# yum install -y rpcbind nfs-utils
# mkdir /home/shares
# cat /etc/exports
# exportfs -arv
exporting systemctl enable nfs rpcbind && systemctl restart nfs rpcbind
If the firewall is turned on
# vim
# Program: CentOS 7.xyum install -y nfs-utils rpcbind
cat >> /etc/sysconfig/nfs << EOF
EOFfor isrv in rpcbind.service nfs.service nfs-lock.service
systemctl enable ${isrv}
systemctl restart ${isrv}
donefor tport in 111 2049 1001 1002 3001
firewall-cmd --permanent --add-port=${tport}/tcp
firewall-cmd --permanent --add-port=${tport}/udp
donefirewall-cmd --reload
Mount nfs shared directories on 112 and 113
# yum install -y rpcbind nfs-utils
# vim /etc/fstab /kvm/nfspool nfs defaults,_netdev,rw 0 0
# mount -a
Note: The / kvm/{nfspool,store} directory needs to be created on 113. For future migration, the directories on the two Host s should be the same.
4. Define NFS storage pool on 112, clone Vm1 to NFS storage pool, add network card to nfs_vm1
Define nfs storage pool on 112
virsh # pool-define-as --name nfs_pool --type netfs --source-host --source-path /home/shares --target /kvm/nfspool/
virsh # pool-build nfs_pool
virsh # pool-start nfs_pool
virsh # pool-autostart nfs_pool
virsh # pool-list
Name State Autostart
iso active yes
nfs_pool active yes
store active yes
Clone Vm1 onto NFS storage pool, named nfs_vm1
# virsh shutdown vm1
# virt-clone -o vm1 -n nfs_vm1 --file /kvm/nfspool/nfs_vm1.qcow2
WARNING The requested volume capacity will exceed the available pool space when the volume is fully allocated. (102400 M requested capacity > 42051 M available)
Allocating 'nfs_vm1.qcow2' | 100 GB 00:01:01Clone 'nfs_vm1' created successfully.
# virsh start nfs_vm1
# virsh console nfs_vm1
Add network card to nfs_vm1
# nmcli con add con-name br0 type bridge ifname br0 autoconnect yes
# nmcli con add con-name br0-ens34 type bridge-slave ifname ens34 autoconnect yes master br0
# nmcli connection up br0-ens34
# nmcli connection up br0
virsh # attach-interface --domain vm1 --type bridge --source br0 --current
Interface attached successfullyvirsh # attach-interface --domain vm1 --type bridge --source br0 --config
Interface attached successfully
Connect virtual machines
# virsh console nfs_vm1
# nmcli connection modify "Wired connection 1" ipv4.addresses ipv4.method manual autoconnect yes
# nmcli connection up "Wired connection 1"
# ping -c2
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=1.48 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=1.69 ms
5. Heat transfer of nfs_vm1 to 113
Dynamic migration (thermal migration)
If the source host and the destination host share the storage system, only the client's vCPU execution status, memory content and virtual machine device status are sent to the destination host through the network. Otherwise, you also need to send the client's disk storage to the destination host. Shared storage system refers to the source and destination virtual machine mirror file directory is on a shared storage.
The specific process of KVM dynamic migration based on shared storage system is as follows:
1. At the beginning of migration, the client is still running on the host, while the memory pages of the client are transferred to the destination host.
2. QEMU/KVM monitors and records any changes to all transferred memory pages during migration, and begins to transmit the changes to the memory pages in the previous process after all the pages have been transferred.
3. QEMU/KVM estimates the transmission speed during migration. When the remaining amount of memory data can be transmitted within a set time period (default 30 milliseconds), QEMU/KVM closes the client on the source host, transfers the remaining amount of data to the destination host, and finally restores the running status of the client on the destination host. State.
4. So far, the dynamic migration operation of KVM has been completed. The migrated client is as consistent as possible with the previous one, unless there is a lack of configuration on the destination host, such as bridges.
Note that the dynamic migration process is not complete when the memory usage in the client is very high and the data in memory is constantly modified faster than the memory speed that KVM can transmit. At this time, only static migration can be achieved.
On the efficiency of real-time migration, many people in the industry have put forward suggestions for improvement, such as using memory compression technology to reduce the size of memory that needs to be transferred.
Relocation Notes:
1. The best migrated server cpu brand is the same
2. 64 bits can only migrate between 64-bit hosts, 32 bits can migrate between 32-bit and 64-bit hosts.
3. Host name cannot conflict
4. The target host and source host have the same software configuration as possible, such as the same bridge network card, resource pool, etc.
5. The settings of two migrated hosts cat/proc/cpuinfo | grep NX are the same
NX, full name "No eXecute", or "No Run", is a technology used in CPU, used as memory.
Areas are separated into memory processor instruction sets or data only. Any memory using NX technology represents data only
So the instruction set of the processor cannot be stored in these areas. This technology can prevent most buffer overflow attacks, that is, some malicious programs, put their own malicious instruction set in the data storage area of other programs and run, thus controlling the whole computer.
1. Image files must be placed in shared storage
2. The target hypervisor must be compatible with the original hypervisor and the KVM version number must be compatible.
3. Shared storage on both hosts must be mounted at the same location, otherwise configuration files will not be shared
4. CPUs should have the same type of CPU features, either Interl or AMD
5. The time of two physical machines must be synchronized
6. Two physical hosts must have the same network configuration
Add parsing to hosts file
# vim /etc/hosts kvm112 kvm113
Create ssh passwordless login between 112 and 113
# ssh-keygen -t rsa
# cat /root/ip.txt
# vim
# Batch issue public key.file="/root/ip.txt"
port="1804"yum install -y expect
for i in $(cat $file)
expect -c "
spawn ssh-copy-id -p${port} -i /root/.ssh/ root@${i}
expect {
\"*yes/no*\" {send \"yes\r\"; exp_continue}
\"*password*\" {send \"${pass}\r\"; exp_continue}
\"*Password*\" {send \"${pass}\r\";}
} "
# bash
Heat transfer of nfs_vm1 to 113
Note that create br0 on 113 beforehand
# virsh migrate --help
# virsh migrate \
--domain nfs_vm1 \
--live \
--unsafe \
--verbose \
qemu+ssh:// [100 %]
View nfs_vm1 on 113
# virsh list
Id Name State
1 nfs_vm1 running
Save to configuration file
# virsh dumpxml nfs_vm1 > /etc/libvirt/qemu/nfs_vm1.xml