Example: student information management system
''' //Student information management system 1.Student information data source 2.View student information 3.Add student information 4.Delete student information 5.Exit system 6.Interface and interaction ''' # 1. Student information data source stu_list = [ {'name':'zhangsan','age':20,'classid':'Python01'}, {'name':'lisi','age':22,'classid':'Python02'}, {'name':'wangwu','age':26,'classid':'Python03'} ] # 2. View student information def show_info(): ''' :return: ''' if(len(stu_list)==0): print('='*20,'No student information','='*20) else: print('|{0:<5}|{1:<10}|{2:<5}|{3:<10}|'.format('sid','name','age','classid')) print('-'*40) for i,stu_dict in enumerate(stu_list): print('|{0:<5}|{1:<10}|{2:<5}|{3:<10}|'.format(i+1,stu_dict['name'],stu_dict['age'],stu_dict['classid'])) # 3. Add student information def add_stu(name,age,classid): stu_dict={} stu_dict['name']=name stu_dict['age']=age stu_dict['classid']=classid stu_list.append(stu_dict) # 4. Delete students def del_stu(sid): sid_int = int(sid) stu_list.pop(sid_int) # 5. Roll out system def loginOut(): pass # 6. Interface and interaction while True: # Output initial interface print('='*12,'Student management system','='*12) print('{:1}{:13}{:15}'.format(' ','1.View student information','2.Add student information')) print('{:1}{:13}{:15}'.format(' ','3.Delete student information','4.Exit system')) print('='*36) key = input('Please enter the corresponding selection:') # Perform the corresponding operation according to the entered value if key=='1': print('='*12,'Student information browsing','='*12) show_info() input('Press enter to continue:') elif key=='2': print('=' * 12, 'Add student information', '=' * 12) name = input('Please enter the student's name:') age = input('Please enter the age of the student:') classid = input('Please enter the student's class number:') add_stu(name,age,classid) show_info() input('Press enter to continue:') elif key=='3': print('=' * 12, 'Delete student information', '=' * 12) show_info() sid = input('Please enter the sid: ') del_stu(int(sid)) show_info() input('Press enter to continue:') elif key=='4': loginOut() print('=' * 15, 'Bye', '=' * 16) break else: print('Invalid operation!')
Example: bank information management system
According to this idea, we can also design a bank information management system
# 1. Bank user information table user_lib = [{"id":"11022701","passwd":'123456','balance':100000}, {"id":'11022702','passwd':'123457','balance':200000}, {'id':'11022703','passwd':'123458','balance':300000}, {'id':'1','passwd':'1','balance':300000}] # 2. Login function def login_user(): ''' @Description:Account authentication :return: ''' print('='*12,'Login interface','='*12) id = input('Please enter your account number:') flag = 0 for i in user_lib: if id == i['id']: passwd = input('Please enter your password:') if passwd == i['passwd']: print('Login succeeded!') print('-' * 39) flag=1 user_page2(i['id']) else : print('Wrong password!') print('-' * 39) input('Press enter to return to the previous menu') login_user() if flag==0 : print('Account does not exist!') print('-' * 39) input("Press enter to return to the previous menu.") flag=1 # 2. Test the login function # login_user() # 3. Exit function def loginOut(): print('byebye~') pass # 4. Withdrawal function def useMoney(user_a): for i in user_lib: if user_a == i['id']: num = int(input('Please enter the amount you want to withdraw:')) if i['balance'] >=num: i['balance'] = i['balance']-num print('Your balance is:',i['balance'],'Yuan!') print('-' * 39) input('Press enter to return to the previous menu!') else : print("Your balance is insufficient!") print('-' * 39) input('Press enter to return to the previous menu!') # 4. Test withdrawal # useMoney('11022701') # 5. Saving function def saveMoney(user_a): for i in user_lib: if user_a == i['id']: num = int(input('Please enter the amount you want to deposit:')) i['balance'] = i['balance']+num print('Your balance is:',i['balance'],'Yuan!') print('-' * 39) input('Press enter to return to the previous menu!') # 5. Test deposit # saveMoney('11022701') # 6. interface 1 def uer_page1(): while True: # Set initial interface print('='*12,'Online banking login interface','='*12) print('{:1} {:13} {:15}'.format(' ','1.Log in to your account','2.Exit the current interface')) print('-'*39) key = input('Please enter the corresponding selection:') if key == '1' : login_user() elif key == '2': loginOut() break # 6. interface 2 def user_page2(user_id): while True: # Set initial interface print('=' * 12, 'Personal user interface', '=' * 12) print('{:1} {:13} {:15}'.format(' ', '1.Online deposit', '2.Online withdrawals')) print('{:1} {:13} {:15}'.format(' ', '3.Check the balance', '4.Return')) print('-' * 39) key = input('Please enter the corresponding selection:') if key == '1': saveMoney(user_id) elif key == '2': useMoney(user_id) elif key == '3': for i in user_lib: if user_id == i['id']: print('Your balance is:',i['balance']) print('-' * 39) input('Press enter to return to the previous menu!') elif key == '4': break uer_page1() uer_page1()
print('Your balance is:',i['balance']) print('-' * 39) input('Press enter to return to the previous menu!') elif key == '4': break uer_page1()
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