Most of our projects are based on spring architecture. Spring itself contains many practical tool classes. Learning the use of these tool classes can not only achieve twice the result with half the effort, but also reduce the introduction of unnecessary additional tool classes. When you view the source code of these tool classes, you can find that they are of abstract type. This is because the methods of tool classes are generally static static methods. Static methods and classes are bound and can be used after loading. There is no need to instantiate them (just because the abstract class cannot be instantiated directly, and non abstract methods can be defined), so it is very appropriate to define the tool class as abstract type.
The print method in this article is the encapsulation of System.out.println:
private static void print(Object value) { System.out.println(value); }
org.springframework.util.classUtils contains some practical methods related to java.lang.Class.
ClassLoader getDefaultClassLoader() gets the classloader of the current thread context:
ClassLoader overrideThreadContextClassLoader(@Nullable ClassLoader classLoaderToUse) overrides the classloader of the current thread context with a specific classloader:
print(ClassUtils.getDefaultClassLoader()); ClassUtils.overrideThreadContextClassLoader(ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader().getParent()); print(ClassUtils.getDefaultClassLoader());
sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader@18b4aac2 sun.misc.Launcher$ExtClassLoader@3feba861
forName(String name, @Nullable ClassLoader classLoader) returns a class instance through the class name, which is similar to Class.forName(), but has stronger functions. It can be used for original types, internal classes, etc
ClassLoader classLoader = ClassUtils.getDefaultClassLoader(); print(ClassUtils.forName("int", classLoader)); print(ClassUtils.forName("java.lang.String[]", classLoader)); print(ClassUtils.forName("java.lang.Thread$State", classLoader));
int class [Ljava.lang.String; class java.lang.Thread$State
boolean isPresent(String className, @Nullable ClassLoader classLoader) determines whether the current classLoader contains the target type (including all its parent classes and interfaces):
ClassLoader classLoader = ClassUtils.getDefaultClassLoader(); print(ClassUtils.isPresent("int", classLoader)); print(ClassUtils.isPresent("intt", classLoader));
true false
Class<?> Resolveprimitiveclassname (@ nullable string name) gets the original class from the given class name:
print(ClassUtils.resolvePrimitiveClassName("int")); print(ClassUtils.resolvePrimitiveClassName("java.lang.Integer"));
int null
Boolean isprimitivewrapper (class <? > clazz) determines whether a given class is a wrapper class, such as Boolean, Byte, Character, Short, Integer, Long, Float, Double or Void:
print(ClassUtils.isPrimitiveWrapper(Integer.class)); print(ClassUtils.isPrimitiveWrapper(Character.class)); print(ClassUtils.isPrimitiveWrapper(Void.class)); print(ClassUtils.isPrimitiveWrapper(String.class));
true true true false
Similar methods include isPrimitiveOrWrapper to judge whether it is the original class or wrapper class, isPrimitiveWrapperArray to judge whether it is the wrapper class array, and isPrimitiveArray to judge whether it is the original class array.
Class<?> Resolveprimitiveifnecessary (class <? > clazz) if the given class is the original class, the corresponding wrapper class is returned; otherwise, the given class is returned directly:
print(ClassUtils.resolvePrimitiveIfNecessary(int.class)); print(ClassUtils.resolvePrimitiveIfNecessary(Object.class));
class java.lang.Integer class java.lang.Object
Boolean isassignable (class <? > lhsType, class <? > rhsType) checks whether rhsType can be assigned to lhsType through reflection (note that the packaging type can be assigned to the corresponding original type, and the automatic box disassembly mechanism):
print(ClassUtils.isAssignable(Integer.class, int.class)); print(ClassUtils.isAssignable(Object.class, String.class)); print(ClassUtils.isAssignable(BeanPostProcessor.class, InstantiationAwareBeanPostProcessor.class)); print(ClassUtils.isAssignable(double.class, Double.class)); // consider this print(ClassUtils.isAssignable(Integer.class, Long.class));
true true true true false
Boolean isassignablevalue (class <? > type, @ nullable object value) determines whether the given value conforms to the given type:
print(ClassUtils.isAssignableValue(Integer.class, 1)); print(ClassUtils.isAssignableValue(Integer.class, 1L)); print(ClassUtils.isAssignableValue(int.class, Integer.valueOf(1))); print(ClassUtils.isAssignableValue(Object.class,1)); print(ClassUtils.isAssignableValue(String.class,1));
true false true true false
String convertResourcePathToClassName(String resourcePath) converts a classpath to a fully qualified class name:
It's actually replacing / with. The convertClassNameToResourcePath method does the opposite.
String classnamestostring (class <? >... Classes) see the demo directly without explanation:
print(ClassUtils.classNamesToString(String.class, Integer.class, BeanPostProcessor.class));
[java.lang.String, java.lang.Integer, org.springframework.beans.factory.config.BeanPostProcessor]
Class<?> [] getallinterfaces (object instance) returns a collection of interface types implemented by a given instance object:
AutowiredAnnotationBeanPostProcessor processor = new AutowiredAnnotationBeanPostProcessor(); Class<?>[] allInterfaces = ClassUtils.getAllInterfaces(processor);;
interface org.springframework.beans.factory.config.SmartInstantiationAwareBeanPostProcessor interface interface org.springframework.core.PriorityOrdered interface org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanFactoryAware
Similar methods include getAllInterfacesForClass, getAllInterfacesAsSet and getallinterfacesforclassassset
Class<?> Determinecommonancessor (@ nullable class <? > clazz1, @ nullable class <? > clazz2) finds the common ancestor of a given type (the so-called common ancestor refers to the common type obtained by calling class.getSuperclass for a given type. If the given type is Object.class, interface, original type or Void, null is returned directly):
// Both are interfaces print(ClassUtils.determineCommonAncestor(AutowireCapableBeanFactory.class, ListableBeanFactory.class)); print(ClassUtils.determineCommonAncestor(Long.class, Integer.class)); print(ClassUtils.determineCommonAncestor(String.class, Integer.class)); null class java.lang.Number null
Boolean isinnerclass (class <? > clazz) determines whether a given type is an internal class (non static):
class A { class B { } } print(ClassUtils.isInnerClass(A.B.class)); // true
static class A { class B { } } print(ClassUtils.isInnerClass(A.B.class)); // true static class A { static class B { } } print(ClassUtils.isInnerClass(A.B.class)); // false
Whether boolean isCglibProxy(Object object) is a Cglib proxy object:
@SpringBootApplication public class AopApplication { @Configuration static class MyConfigure { } public static void main(String[] args) { ConfigurableApplicationContext context =, args); MyConfigure myConfigure = context.getBean(MyConfigure.class); System.out.println(ClassUtils.isCglibProxy(myConfigure)); } }
If the configuration class is not represented by Cglib, the return is false:
@SpringBootApplication public class AopApplication { @Configuration(proxyBeanMethods = false) // Pay attention here static class MyConfigure { } public static void main(String[] args) { ConfigurableApplicationContext context =, args); MyConfigure myConfigure = context.getBean(MyConfigure.class); System.out.println(ClassUtils.isCglibProxy(myConfigure)); } }
However, this method is obsolete. It is recommended to use the org. Springframework. AOP. Support. Aoutils. Iscglibproxy (object) method.
Class<?> Getuserclass (object instance) returns the type corresponding to a given instance. If the instance is an object after Cglib proxy, the target object type of the proxy is returned:
print(ClassUtils.getUserClass("Hello")); // class java.lang.String
Cglib agent example:
@SpringBootApplication public class AopApplication { @Configuration static class MyConfigure { } public static void main(String[] args) { ConfigurableApplicationContext context =, args); MyConfigure myConfigure = context.getBean(MyConfigure.class); // Pay attention to their differences System.out.println(myConfigure.getClass()); System.out.println(ClassUtils.getUserClass(myConfigure)); } }
class cc.mrbird.aop.AopApplication$MyConfigure$$EnhancerBySpringCGLIB$$e51ce45 class cc.mrbird.aop.AopApplication$MyConfigure
Boolean matchstypename (class <? > clazz, @ nullable string typename) determines whether the given class and type name match:
print(ClassUtils.matchesTypeName(String.class, "java.lang.String")); // true
String getshortname (class <? > clazz) returns the class name:
print(ClassUtils.getShortName(String.class)); // String
String getshortnameasproperty (class <? > clazz) returns the lowercase class name. If it is an internal class, remove the external class name:
print(ClassUtils.getShortNameAsProperty(String.class)); // string
class A { class B { } } print(ClassUtils.getShortNameAsProperty(String.class)); // b
String getclassfilename (class <? > clazz) returns the class name +. Class:
print(ClassUtils.getShortNameAsProperty(String.class)); // String.class
String getpackagename (class <? > clazz) returns the package name:
print(ClassUtils.getShortNameAsProperty(String.class)); // java.lang
String getqualifiedname (class <? > clazz) returns the fully qualified class name. If it is an array type, add []:
print(ClassUtils.getQualifiedName(String.class)); print(ClassUtils.getQualifiedName(String[].class));
java.lang.String java.lang.String[]
String getqualifiedmethodname (method) gets the fully qualified name of the method:
print(ClassUtils.getQualifiedMethodName( ClassUtils.class.getDeclaredMethod("getQualifiedMethodName", Method.class )));
Boolean hasconstructor (class <? > clazz, class <? >... Paramtypes) determines whether a given type has a given type parameter constructor:
print(ClassUtils.hasConstructor(String.class, String.class)); print(ClassUtils.hasConstructor(String.class, Object.class));
true false
<T> Constructor < T > getconstructorifavailable (class < T > clazz, class <? >... Paramtypes) returns the constructor of the given parameter type of the given type. If not, null is returned:
Constructor<String> constructorIfAvailable = ClassUtils.getConstructorIfAvailable(String.class, String.class); print(constructorIfAvailable != null); print(constructorIfAvailable.toString());
true public java.lang.String(java.lang.String)
Boolean hasmethod (class <? > clazz, method method) determines whether a given type has a specified method:
Method hasMethod = ClassUtils.class.getDeclaredMethod("hasMethod", Class.class, Method.class); print(ClassUtils.hasMethod(ClassUtils.class, hasMethod)); // true
Overloaded method Boolean hasmethod (class <? > clazz, string methodname, class <? >... Paramtypes).
Method getmethod (class <? > clazz, string methodname, @ nullable class <? >... Paramtypes) found the specified method from the specified type, but found no exception throwing IllegalStateException:
ClassUtils.getMethod(ClassUtils.class,"hello", String.class);
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Expected method not found: java.lang.NoSuchMethodException: org.springframework.util.ClassUtils.hello(java.lang.String)
If you want to return null without throwing an exception, you can use the getMethodIfAvailable method.
Int getmethodcountforname (class <? > clazz, string methodname) finds the number of methods from the specified type through the method name (override, overload and non-public are counted):
print(ClassUtils.getMethodCountForName(ClassUtils.class,"hasMethod")); // 2
A similar method is hasAtLeastOneMethodWithName, which must have at least one.
Method getstaticmethod (class <? > clazz, string methodname, class <? >... Args) gets the static method of the given type. If the method is not static or does not have this method, null is returned:
Method method = ClassUtils.getStaticMethod(ClassUtils.class, "getDefaultClassLoader"); print(method != null); print(method.getReturnType());
true class java.lang.ClassLoader
File System utility class
boolean deleteRecursively(@Nullable File root) recursively deletes the specified file or directory. true will be returned if the deletion is successful, false will be returned if it fails, and no exception will be thrown.
Delete directory of utility File attempt to delete a directory:
File file = new File("a"); print(file.delete()); // false
Because directory a contains subdirectories (files), recursive deletion should be used:
File file = new File("a"); print(FileSystemUtils.deleteRecursively(file)); // true
The overloaded method boolean deleteRecursively(@Nullable Path root) has similar functions to this method, but this method may throw IO exceptions.
void copyRecursively(File src, File dest) recursively copies src files to DeST (automatically created if the target path does not exist):
File src = new File("a"); File dest = new File("aa"); FileSystemUtils.copyRecursively(src, dest);
Overload the method void copyRecursively(Path src, Path dest).
Contains some practical methods for file streams. The default buffer size is 4096 bytes.
Note: all methods of this tool class will not be closed!