Life cycle of Vue

Posted by ptraffick on Mon, 07 Feb 2022 02:00:47 +0100

Life cycle of Vue

The process of vue instance from creation to destruction is the life cycle. vue each component is independent, and each component has its own life cycle. Life cycle makes it easier for us to form better logic when controlling the whole vue. It can be divided into three stages: Mount stage, update stage and destroy stage.

beforeCreate: before creating

After the instance is initialized, the option object of the component has not been created, and el and data have not been initialized, so the data and methods on methods,data,computed, etc. cannot be accessed.

data() {
	return {
	console.log(this.num);  // undefined
created: after creation

After the instance has been created, it is called to complete the initialization of data, but $el does not

<span ref="span">{{num}}</span>
data() {
	return {
created() {
	console.log(this.num)	// num
	console.log(this.$refs.span)	// undefined cannot access the dom node

But what if we want to get the dom node in created?
We can use Vue JS provides us with the $nextTick method:


this.$ Nexttick (() = > {}) delays the callback until after the next DOM update cycle. Use it immediately after modifying the data, and then wait for the DOM to update.

beforeMount: before loading

Before the mount, el and data are initialized. Note that dom nodes can not be accessed at this time.

<span ref="span">{{num}}</span>
data() {
	return {
beforeMount() {
  console.log(this.num);  // 1
  console.log(this.$refs.span);  // undefined 
mounted: after loading

After mounting, that is, the HTML in the template is rendered into the HTML page. At this time, you can generally do some ajax operations, and mounted will only execute it once.

<span ref="span">{{num}}</span>
data() {
	return {
  console.log(this.num);  // 1
  console.log(this.$refs.span);  // <span>1</span>
beforeUpdate: before update / updated: After update

beforeUpdate: called before data update, before virtual DOM re rendering and patching.
Note: the beforeUpdate and updated hook functions are triggered only when data changes are applied to the page
The msg in the following data changes, but it is not applied to the page, so two hook functions will not be triggered

<span ref="span">{{num}}</span>
<button @click="msg = 'uu'">change msg</button>
data() {
	return {
beforeUpdate(){	// Will not trigger
updated() {		// Will not trigger
Difference between beforeUpdate and updated:
<span ref="span">{{num}}</span>
<button @click="msg = 'uu'" class="button">change{{msg}}</button>
data() {
	return {
It refers to the call when the data has changed and the view has not been updated
  let button = document.querySelector('.button')
After updating, the data and view are consistent
updated() {
  let button = document.querySelector('.button')

We can see that in the updated hook function, the data is consistent with the view.

beforeDestroy: Before destruction

Before the instance is destroyed, the instance is still fully available. In this step, we usually do some reset operations, such as clearing the timer and listening dom events in the component.
You can also access the relevant data structure in the DOM before destroying it,

destroyed: after destruction

All event listeners will be removed and all child instances will be destroyed.
You can still access the properties in data, but you can't access the DOM structure

<span ref="span">{{num}}</span>
<button @click="$router.push('/about')">go</button>
data() {
	return {
  console.log(this.num);	// 1
  console.log(this.$refs.span);	// <span>1</span>
destroyed() {
  console.log(this.num);	// 1
  console.log(this.$refs.span);	// undefined

Topics: Javascript Front-end Vue.js