[Linq] common grammar summary

Posted by saurabhdutta on Thu, 02 Apr 2020 01:24:19 +0200

Language integrated query (LINQ), which integrates query syntax in C programming language, can access different data sources with the same syntax. LINQ provides the abstraction layer of different data sources, so the same syntax can be used.

public class Book
    public int Id { get; set; }
    /// <summary>
    /// Title
    /// </summary>
    public string BookName { get; set; }
    /// <summary>
    /// author id
    /// </summary>
    public int AutherId { get; set; }
    /// <summary>
    /// type
    /// </summary>
    public string Type { get; set; }
    /// <summary>
    /// price
    /// </summary>
    public decimal Price { get; set; }
    /// <summary>
    /// Sales volume
    /// </summary>
    public int Sales { get; set; }
public class Auther
    public int Id { get; set; }
    /// <summary>
    /// author
    /// </summary>
    public string AutherName { get; set; }
public class Library
    public string Address { get; set; }
    /// <summary>
    /// Book
    /// </summary>
    public List<Book> BookList { get; set; }

1. Condition query (Where)

 var query = from book in bookList
             where book.Price > 50
             orderby book.Sales descending,book.BookName
             select book;
//Equate to
var query = bookList.Where(n => n.Price > 50).OrderByDescending(g => g.Sales).ThenBy(y => y.BookName);

It should be noted that query delay

var ary = new List<string>(){ "Aa", "Bb", "Cc"};

var a1 = ary.Where(n => n.Contains("a"));//["Aa"]


a1;//["Aa", "Ga"]

To solve this problem, you only need to use ToList();

var ary = new List<string>(){ "Aa", "Bb", "Cc"};

var a1 = ary.Where(n => n.Contains("a")).ToList();//["Aa"]



Index filtering

//Sales volume greater than 50 and odd lines
var query = bookList.Where((n, index) => n.Sales > 50 && index%2 != 0);

2. Composite query (SelectMany)

//Find all the novels in the library
var query = from library in libraryList
            from book in library.BookList
            where book.Type == "Novel"
            select book;

//Equate to
query = libraryList.SelectMany(n => n.BookList).Where(g => g.Type == "Novel");

//Organization return results
query = libraryList.SelectMany(n => n.BookList,  (n, g) => new {n.Address, g.BookName, g.Sales}).Where(y => y.Sales > 100);

3. Collection connection

//Internal connection
var query1 = from book in bookList
         join auther in autherList on book.AutherId equals auther.Id
         select new { book.BookName, auther.AutherName };
//Group connection
var query2 = from auther in autherList
           join book in bookList on auther.Id equals book.AutherId into items
           select new { auther.AutherName, Books = items };
//Left outer join
var query3 = from book in bookList
            join auther in autherList on book.AutherId equals auther.Id into items
            from auther in items.DefaultIfEmpty()
            select new
                AutherName = auther == default(Auther) ? "nothing" : auther.AutherName
//Multi conditional connection
var query4 = from book in bookList
    join auther in autherList on new {name = book.BookName, id = book.AutherId} equals new {name = auther.AutherName, id = auther.Id}
    select book;

4. Sort (OrderBy, ThenBy)

var query = from book in bookList
                orderby book.Sales descending, book.AutherId, book.Price descending 
                select book;
//Equate to
query = bookList.OrderByDescending(n => n.Sales).ThenBy(g => g.AutherId).ThenByDescending(y => y.Price);

5. Group by

//Single conditional grouping
var query = from book in bookList
                        group book by book.Type into bs
                        select bs.First();
//Equate to
query = bookList.GroupBy(n => n.Type).Select(g => g.First());

//Multi conditional grouping
var query = from book in bookList
            group book by new { book.Type, book.AutherId } into bs
            select new
                Type = bs.First().Type,
                AutherId = bs.First().AutherId,
                Count = bs.Count()
//Equate to
query = bookList.GroupBy(n => new {n.Type, n.AutherId}).Select(g => new
                Type = g.First().Type,
                AutherId = g.First().AutherId,
                Count = g.Count()

6. Merge and partition (Zip, Take, Skip)

int[] numbers = { 1, 2, 3 };
string[] words = { "One", "Two", "Three", "Four" };
//Elements are combined in turn, and the set with smaller length
IEnumerable<string> zip = numbers.Zip(words, (n, g) => n + "=" + g);//["1=One", "2=Two", "3=Three"]

//Skip before collection n Element
var skip = words.Skip(3);//["Four"]
//Before getting the collection n Element,There is delay.
var take = numbers.Take(2);//[1, 2]

int pageSize = 3;//Capacity per page
int pageNum = 0;//The number of pages
var page = words.Skip(pageSize * pageNum).Take(pageSize);//["One", "Two", "Three"]

7. Set operations (Distinct, Union, Concat, Intersect, Except)

int[] ary1 = {1, 2, 2, 4, 5};
int[] ary2 = {3, 5, 5, 6, 10, 7};

//merge,Automatic weight removal
var union = ary1.Union(ary2);//1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10
//merge,Won't go heavy.
var concat = ary1.Concat(ary2);//1, 2, 2, 4, 5, 3, 5, 5, 6, 10, 7
//Duplicate removal
var distict = ary1.Distinct();//1, 2, 4, 5
//intersect,Automatic weight removal
var intersect = ary1.Intersect(ary2);//5
//Complement set,Automatic weight removal
var except = ary1.Except(ary2);//1, 2, 4

8. Type filtering (ofType)

object[] data = { "one", 1 , 2 ,"three"};
var query = data.ofType<string>();

9. Aggregate operators (Count, Sum, Min, Max, Average, aggregate)

var count = bookList.Count(n => n.Sales > 50);
var sum = bookList.Sum(n => n.Price);
//minimum value
var min = bookList.Min(n => n.Sales);
//Maximum value
var max = bookList.Max(n => n.Price);
//average value
var average = bookList.Average(n => n.Sales);
//accumulation,Total sales volume
var aggregate1 = bookList.Select(n => n.Sales).Aggregate((g, y) => g + y);
//Accumulation, initial value
var aggregate2 = bookList.Select(n => n.Sales).Aggregate(10, (g, y) => g + y);
//Accumulation, initial value, result processing
var aggregate3 = bookList.Select(n => n.Sales).Aggregate(10, (g, y) => g + y, result => result/100);

10. Conversion operators (ToArray, ToDictionary, ToList, ToLookup, Cast)

Book[] ary = bookList.ToArray();

List<Book> list = bookList.ToList();

Dictionary<int, Book> dic = bookList.ToDictionary<Book, int>(n => n.Id);

//convert to LookUp aggregate,key-with key Internal set of groups
ILookup<string, Book> look = bookList.ToLookup(n => n.Type);

IEnumerable<Book> cast = ary.Cast<Book>();

Topics: C# Programming