May 12, 2021 14:14:48
Content review:
# May 12, 2021 14:14:48 ## Content review: mkdir dirName create folder touch fileName create a file cat fileName see file mv filename path take filename Move to specified path lower cp filename path take filename Copy to path lower rm filename Delete the specified filename file rm -r filename Removable folder rmdir Delete the specified dir pack : .tar compress : .tar.gz $ tar -cvf fileName .tar.gz fileName1 fileName2 ... $ tar -xvf fileName .tar.gz $ tar -xvf test.tar.gz -C ../temp/ zip/unzip $ sudo apt install zip unzip Find file find $ find Starting path to query -name File name $ find Starting path to query -size file size -type f Search the contents of the document grep $ grep -r -n KeyWord Starting path vi / vim 1.Normal mode yy copy yny p paste dd delete dnd u Go back to the previous step { } [[ ]] Enter edit mode a i o r Enter the last line/Instruction mode : / ? 2.Edit mode 3.Last line mode/Instruction mode replace :set number :w preservation :q sign out :wq Save exit ! An exclamation mark indicates compulsion, such as forced exit :keyword Press when multiple keywords n Jump cursor to next keyword :s/keyword/content Replace the search element keyword with the specified content :s/keyword/content/g :1,$s/keyword/content/g ESC
Linux System directory: / Root directory of the operating system /bin Storing binary files /sbin Storing system binary files /dev Home directory where logical device names are stored /etc Store the required configuration files of all programs of the system /proc Process information contains information about system processes /var Variable file,This directory is used to store files whose contents may grow,Such as system log file(/var/log) /tmp Temporary documents,When the system restarts,All files in this directory will be deleted /usr User program,Contains binary files,Library file,Source code of documents and secondary programs /home Store the personal files of all users /boot Store files related to the boot loader /lib Storage support is located at/bin and/sbin Library file of binary file under /opt Store optional additional applications /mnt Mount directory:Temporary installation directory - file d catalogue b Block device c Character device file l link Type of link: Soft link : Shortcut to original content ln -s src desc After the source file is deleted, the soft link becomes invalid Hard link : A copy of the original ln src desc After deleting the source file
May 13, 2021 08:35:44
knowledge review:
#May 13, 2021 08:35:44 /bin Storing binary files /etc Store the required configuration files of all programs of the system /etc/init /ect/rc[0~6].d /mnt Mount directory:Temporary installation directory /usr /var /tmp touch file name create a file mkdir Folder name Create directory Link: ln -s src desc Create soft connection Shortcut, the source is deleted, the soft connection fails, and the soft connection of the directory can be created ln src desc Create hard link Copy the source file. The source is deleted, which has no impact on the hard link. You cannot create a hard link to the directory ll /etc/rc0.d View some soft links rc0.d ~ rc6.d All store links User accounts and groups: /etc/passwd Store user information yugu:x:1000:1000:MyUbuntuServer,,,:/home/yugu:/bin/bash User name (1)~8 Bit character):Placeholder( x):UID(user id):GID(group id) UID : Administrator account : 0~120 General permission account :1001~60000 /etc/shadow Store password information shadow --> shadow yugu:$1$4S0d.u/5$ao3/sdx9h4qGRtq2YOkFJ0:18754:0:99999:7::: /etc/group Store user group information yugu:x:1000: lpadmin:x:114:yugu -g Main group Secondary group: up to 15 users tony uid = 2000 gid = 2000 Manage users and groups 1.Manage users Add user $ useradd [-u uid] [-G gid...] [-c "Comment"] -d PATH/HOMEDIR -m UserName Note: remember to specify when creating users home Directory to facilitate subsequent modification operations, otherwise it is very troublesome sudo useradd -u 1001 -c "my second username" -d /home/dark -m -s /bin/bash dark $ passwd yugu2 Modify user $ usermod sudo usermod -m -l newName oldName delete user $ userdel sudo userdel -r UserName 2.Management Group add group $ groupadd groupadd -g Gid GroupName Modify group $ groupmod groupmod delete group $ groupdel Modify the password of the currently logged in user passwd oldPassword newPassword The current user cannot change the password too easily. 1~6 Cannot be modified by the current user, Change to another account sudo passwd root passwd yugu shutdown -h now shutdown -r now reboot poweroff
May 14, 2021 08:42:40
#May 14, 2021 08:42:40 #Content review /etc/passwd /etc/shadow /etc/group #user management useradd $useradd [-u uid] [-g gid] -d HomeDir -s /bin/bash -m [-c Comment] usermod $usermod -l NewUserName OldUsername userdel $userdel -r UserName #Group management groupadd $groupadd [-g gid] [-o] GroupName groupmod $groupmod [-g NewGid] [-o] [-n NewGroupName] GroupName groupdel $groupdel [-R] GroupName #task scheduling #Startup level lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 23 May 7 06:33 S01open-vm-tools -> ../init.d/open-vm- lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 20 May 7 14:30 K01irqbalance -> ../init.d/irqbalance* $runlevel 3/5 3:Go directly to the command line prompt 5:Xll(GUI) 6:Shut down init 0 S: start K: kill Service status: start-up start suspend pause stop it stop state status restart restart CMOS task scheduling Command format: * * * * * command (Time sharing day month week order) Edit task schedule : $crontab usage: crontab [-u user] file crontab [ -u user ] [ -i ] { -e | -l | -r } (default operation is replace, per 1003.2) -e (edit user's crontab) -l (list user's crontab) -r (delete user's crontab) -i (prompt before deleting user's crontab) Close process $ps -l $ps -ef $ps -aux $kill Pid $top -d 10 Shell Shell Provides users and Linux(An interface for kernel interaction User program --> Shell --> kernel --> Hardware
May 18, 2021 08:38:39
#Content review /etc/init.d /etc/rc[0~6].d Are soft link files, linked to /etc/rc.d/rcx.d Directory, file format is the same, all in S or K start... S: start K: kill #Startup level: runlevel 0 Shut down 1 single user 2 Multi user, not supported NFS 3 Multi user, support NFS 4 not used 5 GUI Graphical interface 6 restart Can use init Nubmer Change startup level $ top Real time monitoring system status information and resources used by the process, and displaying process data, including: PID,Process, priority... $ ps List the processes currently running in the system, transient state, similar to snapshot Process Status Abbreviation of -a And-e Similar utility shows all processes -f Make a more complete output -ef View all processes -aux Display process information, including terminal free( x)And for users( u)Process of: e.g USER,PID,%CPU,%MEM etc. $kill PID End assignment Pid The process of, usage: kill [-s sigspec | -n signum | -sigspec] pid | jobspec ... or kill -l [sigspec] $crontab task scheduling Work to be performed periodically by the system or regularly by a user -e Edit task schedule -r Terminate task scheduling -l List the current task schedules The file name suffix is .bak Documents :Backup files file management(Access rights) The first character is . Represents a hidden file ls -a --> ll -rw-r--r-- 1 yugu yugu 655 May 17 04:32 .profile drwxrwxr-x 3 yugu yugu 4096 May 17 00:24 software/ file type + Access rights + Number of hard links + User + group + size + Modification time +file name file type: d:catalogue -:Ordinary file l:Soft connection b:Block device file c:Character device file rw- --- --- :Three characters in a group,Three groups in total first group: Specify the access rights of the current user Group 2: Group access is specified Group 3: Specifies the access rights of other users r: read Readable permissions 4 w: write Writable permissions 2 x: excute Executable permissions 1 -: access denied root The user does not have any access restrictions If the file itself is a directory: 1.No, x jurisdiction,Indicates that the directory cannot be used cd Command entry 2.No, w jurisdiction,Represents that cannot be created in this directory/Save file $chmod Modify file permissions usage: chmod jurisdiction FileName 1.Authority symbol a: all g: group o: other u: user chmod a+w test.txt Add write permission to all users chmod a-rwx t1.txt Delete read / write execution permission for all users chmod u+rwx,o+r,g+rx t1.txt Complex individual right restrictions are separated by commas chmod a=r,u+wx,g+x t1.txt Complex individual right restrictions are separated by commas 2.Authority octal value r: 4 w: 2 x: 1 -: 0 chmod 777 t1.txt Add read, write and execute permissions to all users The first 7 represents the current user permission: corresponding r+w+x Namely rwx The second 7 represents the group permission of the current user: corresponding r+w+x Namely rwx The third 7 represents the user permissions of other groups: r+w+x Namely rwx chmod 754 t1.txt -c, --changes like verbose but report only when a change is made -f, --silent, --quiet suppress most error messages -v, --verbose output a diagnostic for every file processed --no-preserve-root do not treat '/' specially (the default) --preserve-root fail to operate recursively on '/' --reference=RFILE use RFILE's mode instead of MODE values -R, --recursive change files and directories recursively --help display this help and exit --version output version information and exit $chown Change file sovereignty(Owner group) sudo chown [-R] User name:Group name FileName sudo chown -R root:root temp/ -R recursive Recursive change sovereignty Soft link $ln -s src desc Hard link $ln src desc Differences between hard and soft links: Soft links exist in the form of paths, and hard links exist in the form of file copies, but do not occupy the actual space. Soft links can cross file systems, while hard links cannot wipe function keys across files You can create soft links to directories, but you cannot create hard links to directories You can create soft links to nonexistent files, but you cannot create hard links to nonexistent files
May 19, 2021 14:09:06
Content review
file management File type access permission user group other user size time file name d - l b c catalogue,Ordinary file,Soft link,block,character r,w,d,- read,write,implement,No authority 4,2,1,0 a,u g o All users,group,Other users :all, user ,group ,other Change permissions and Sovereignty: chmod chown $chmod [-R] Permission file name jurisdiction: Authority symbol a u g o Permission value 4,2,1,0 $chown [-R] User name:Group name FileName sudo chown -R root:root temp/ -R recursive Recursive change sovereignty Hard and soft links ln -s src desc ln src dec 2021 May 19, 2014:18:14 network service /etc/network/interfaces Network protocol TCP/UDP TCP: Connection oriented, reliable network transmission protocol, call UDP: Non connection oriented, unreliable packet protocol, SMS network node Network equipment: computers (whether personal computers or servers), routers, switches, bridges, gateways Hubs used in earlier years IP Address: Internet Protocol Address Internet protocol address ipv4 and ipv6 IPv4 Internet Protocol version 4 32 Binary number of bits, such as IPv6 Internet Protocol version 6 128 Binary system number of bits, such as: fe80::b47a:2fc9:72e1:b80b%5 IP Addresses are divided into the following four categories:, A: 1 Byte network address+3 Byte host address composition, B: 2 Byte network address+2 Byte host address composition, C: 3 Byte network address+1 Byte host address composition, D: (multicast address)Multicast address, Subnet: NetMask Logically, a large network is divided into some small networks. For tradition IP In terms of address classification, A The subnet mask of class is B The subnet mask of class is C The subnet mask of class is Super network: Supernetting Similar concept to subnet Multiple small networks are combined into a large network through a shorter subnet mask For example, a unit is divided into eight C Class address: Just set its subnet mask to,Can make these C Class network interworking IP Address management: manual management mode, DHCP Switch management mode $apt :Advanced Package Tool,also called apt-get,Is a paragraph applicable to Unix and Linux Application manager of the system #to update apt-get update Update installation source apt-get upgrade Update installed packages apt-get dist-upgrade Update installed packages (automatically identify and handle changes in dependencies) #query dpkg -l Lists all installed packages apt-cache search PackageName Search package apt-cache show PackageName Get information about the package, Such as description, size, version, etc apt-cache depends PackageName Check which dependent packages the package needs apt-cache rdepends PackageName Check which packages the package depends on apt-get check Check for damaged dependencies #Installation and download apt-get install PackageName // General installation apt-get install PackageName=VersionName // Installs the specified version of the specified package apt-get --reinstall install PackageName // Reinstall apt-get build-dep PackageName // The compilation environment required to install the source package apt-get -f install // Fix dependencies apt-get source PackageName // Download the source code of the software package #uninstall apt-get remove PackageName // Delete the package and keep the configuration file apt-get --purge remove PackageName // Delete the package and the configuration file apt-get purge PackageName // Delete the package and the configuration file apt-get autoremove PackageName // Delete the software package and delete it to meet the dependency // Software packages that are automatically installed and no longer used apt-get --purge autoremove PackageName // Delete the software package, delete the configuration file, // Delete dependent packages that are no longer in use apt-get clean && apt-get autoclean // Clear downloaded packages and old packages
Replace domestic Alibaba source for Ubuntu virtual machine
May 20, 2021 10:58:58
$su root #Right raising, $cp /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list.bak #Back up a copy of the original source $vim /etc/apt/sources.list # Delete all modified sources and replace with ALI source, d100d i paste: wq $apt-get update #Update list #tips: each Ubuntu system version is different, and the code is also different $cat /etc/issue # View current system version Ubuntu 16.04.7 LTS \n \l #Ubuntu 12.04 (LTS) is codenamed precise. #Ubuntu 14.04 (LTS) code named trust. #Ubuntu 15.04 code named vivid. #Ubuntu 15.10 code named wily. #Ubuntu 16.04 (LTS) is codenamed xenial. #My environment here is Ubuntu 16.04.7 LTS \n \l so I choose Alibaba source code named xenial #aliimage 2017.9.18 deb-src xenial main restricted #Added by software-properties deb xenial main restricted deb-src xenial main restricted multiverse universe #Added by software-properties deb xenial-updates main restricted deb-src xenial-updates main restricted multiverse universe #Added by software-properties deb xenial universe deb xenial-updates universe deb xenial multiverse deb xenial-updates multiverse deb xenial-backports main restricted universe multiverse deb-src xenial-backports main restricted universe multiverse #Added by software-properties deb xenial partner deb-src xenial partner deb xenial-security main restricted deb-src xenial-security main restricted multiverse universe #Added by software-properties deb xenial-security universe deb xenial-security multiverse
Download and install mysql for Ubuntu virtual machine
May 19, 2021 20:33:04
#Get the highest permission and update the installation source and package su apt-get update apt-get dist-upgrade #If mysql has not been installed, it has not been installed directly #apt-get --purge remove mysql #Install mysql server, client and library package. The password may be set apt-get install mysql-server apt-get install mysql-client apt-get install libmysqlclient-dev #Enter the following command to verify whether mysql is successfully installed. netstat -tap | grep mysql root@ubuntu:/home/yugu# netstat -tap | grep mysql #As shown in the figure, the installation is successful #tcp 0 0 localhost:mysql *:* LISTEN 23360/mysqld #Edit mysql configuration file to enable remote access vi /etc/mysql/mysql.conf.d/mysqld.cnf #After commenting out bind address =, save and exit #The password for entering mysql service is set before. If it is not set, try 123456 or set it in the configuration file mysql -uroot -p password #Authorize remotely connected computers GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO 'root'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'Your password' WITH GRANT OPTION; #As follows: #mysql> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO 'root'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY '123456' WITH GRANT #OPTION; #Query OK, 0 rows affected, 1 warning (0.00 sec) #Refresh the configuration information, exit the mysql service, and restart the mysql service flush privileges; exit; service mysql restart
The change of configuration file is shown in the figure below:


[external link image transfer fails, and the source station may have anti-theft chain mechanism. It is recommended to save the image and upload it directly (img-qi2qu0fs-1621592819903) (% 20linux% E5% 91% BD% E4% BB% A4% E8% AF% be% E5% A0% 82 / img / image-202105192009381. Png)]

Download and install Tomcat for Ubuntu virtual machine
May 20, 2021 08:34:44
#Switch to root and upgrade the software list and installation package $su root $apt-get update $apt-get disk-upgrade #Download and install tomcat8 $apt-get install tomcat8 #Check for installation? Look where the tomcat directory is $whereis tomcat8 #The output information is: tomcat8: /etc/tomcat8 /usr/share/tomcat8 #Our webapps directory is under / var/lib/tomcat8. Check through the ll command to confirm whether there is a problem! ll /var/lib/tomcat8 #The output information is: #total 16 #drwxr-xr-x 4 root root 4096 May 19 17:56 ./ #drwxr-xr-x 46 root root 4096 May 19 17:56 ../ #lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 12 Aug 3 2020 conf -> /etc/tomcat8/ #drwxr-xr-x 2 tomcat8 tomcat8 4096 Aug 3 2020 lib/ #lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 17 Aug 3 2020 logs -> ../../log/tomcat8/ #drwxrwxr-x 3 tomcat8 tomcat8 4096 May 19 17:56 webapps/ #lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 19 Aug 3 2020 work -> ../../cache/tomcat8/ #After installing tomcat, it is started by default #Test the ipv4:8080 of the virtual machine through the browser on the host/ #The page display is normal, indicating that it is successful #If you fail, check the firewall first. After the firewall confirms that there is no problem, try to open port 8080 in the virtual machine $service tomcat8 status see tomcat Service status $service tomcat8 start start-up tomcat service $service tomcat8 stop stop it tomcat service $vim /etc/tomcat8/tomcat-users.xml #The rights of registered users are as follows:; #<!-- This is my Tomcat Manager user configuartion--> <role rolename="manager-gui"/> <role rolename="manager-script"/> <role rolename="tomcat-gui"/> <role rolename="admin-gui"/> <role rolename="admin-script"/> <user username="yugu" password="123456" roles="manager-script,admin-script,admin-gui,tomcat,manager-gui"/> #After editing the user name and password, restart the tomcat service $service tomcat8 restart #Enter again Enter the user password and successfully enter the management page!

[the external chain picture transfer fails, and the source station may have anti-theft chain mechanism. It is recommended to save the picture and upload it directly (img-QDSs0QwB-1621592819905)(%20Linux%E5%91%BD%E4%BB%A4%E8%AF%BE%E5%A0%82/img/image-20210520090954762.png)]

Configure / etc / tomcat8 / Tomcat users XML is shown in the figure below
[the external chain picture transfer fails. The source station may have anti-theft chain mechanism. It is recommended to save the picture and upload it directly (img-Ezf5vuIk-1621592819907)(%20Linux%E5%91%BD%E4%BB%A4%E8%AF%BE%E5%A0%82/img/image-20210520102635128.png)]
Restart the tomcat service after editing
[the external chain picture transfer fails, and the source station may have anti-theft chain mechanism. It is recommended to save the picture and upload it directly (img-EViEp6ja-1621592819907)(%20Linux%E5%91%BD%E4%BB%A4%E8%AF%BE%E5%A0%82/img/image-20210520095601492.png)]
[the transfer of external chain pictures fails, and the source station may have anti-theft chain mechanism. It is recommended to save the pictures and upload them directly (img-ChI8Renv-1621592819908)(%20Linux%E5%91%BD%E4%BB%A4%E8%AF%BE%E5%A0%82/img/image-20210520103103764.png)]
Installing Docker for Ubuntu virtual machine
May 20, 2021 10:33:01
1.root raises the right to update the application list and software package
$su root $apt-get update $apt-get upgrade
2. Check the dokcer version after downloading docker
#Install docker $apt-get install #View version $docker -v or $docker version
3. Use docker
Refer to the official documents to learn!
Learn from the rookie tutorial!
#View help information $docker help $docker login #Log in to your docker account #Rookie tutorial learning $docker run ubuntu:15.10 /bin/echo "Hello world" Unable to find image 'ubuntu:15.10' locally 15.10: Pulling from library/ubuntu 7dcf5a444392: Pull complete 759aa75f3cee: Pull complete 3fa871dc8a2b: Pull complete 224c42ae46e7: Pull complete Digest: sha256:02521a2d079595241c6793b2044f02eecf294034f31d6e235ac4b2b54ffc41f3 Status: Downloaded newer image for ubuntu:15.10 Hello world
Install other applications in Docker in Ubuntu virtual machine
- Download the specific image to the local pull
- Create and run a container run through the image: in fact, direct run will also pull down the latest application container
- Enter the command line to configure some necessary environments
- Check whether there is no problem in operation
#docker install Nginx $sudo usermod -aG docker yugu #Give users yugu the right to use docker without sudo every time. Adding a docker group is enough $docker search nginx #Query the Nginx image in the official docker warehouse $docker pull nginx:latest #Download the latest version of Nginx image $docker run --name nginx-test -p 8080:80 -d nginx #Run nginx test container in the background, and the mapping port is 8080:8080 #Open the browser in the host to access the virtual machine ipv4:8080, and the Nginx page is displayed normally #docker installing Tomcat $docker search tomcat #Query Tomcat image in docker official warehouse $docker pull tomcat #Download the latest version of Tomcat image $docker run --name tomcat-test -p 8080:8080 -d tomcat #Similarly, open the browser in the host to access (i.e. virtual machine ipv4:8080), and an Error 404 is found; #This is a normal phenomenon. tomcat downloaded by Alibaba cloud has been castrated. There are no files in the webapps directory. Naturally, we can't access any pages, #The pages and project files are in webapps Dist, we then go to the command line in the tomcat container and copy a copy to webapps $docker exec tomcat-test -it /bin/bash $ls webapps.dist ls webapps #Check whether the document is as we expected! $copy -r webapps.dist/* webapps #Visit on the host again, and Tom cat appears! #docker installation node $docker pull node:latest #Download node image to local $docker run -itd --name node-test node #Open a node container $docker exec -it node-test /bin/bash #Enter the container command line $node -v #Check node version #Install redis 1 Install and start, enter the interactive command line, and test whether it is normal $docker run -itd --name redis-test -p 6379:6379 redis $docker exec -it redis-test /bin/bash #Test in virtual machine root@c9d54c7fa5f9:/data# redis-cli>> set test helloworld! OK> get test "helloworld!"> #cmd command line test in host C:\Users\zhou1>redis-cli -h -p 6379>> get test "helloworld!"> #Install Apache $docker run --name apache-test -p 80:80 -id httpd #The container running httpd does not automatically download images Open a browser in the host to access the virtual machine ipv4:80
-r webapps.dist/* webapps
#Visit on the host again, and Tom cat appears!
#docker installation node
$docker pull node:latest # download node image to local
$docker run - ITD -- name node test node # open a node container
$docker exec - it node test / bin / bash # enter the container command line
$node -v # check node version
#Install redis 1 Install and start, enter the interactive command line, and test whether it is normal
$docker run -itd --name redis-test -p 6379:6379 redis
$docker exec -it redis-test /bin/bash
#Test in virtual machine
root@c9d54c7fa5f9:/data# redis-cli>> set test helloworld!
OK> get test
#cmd command line test in host
C:\Users\zhou1>redis-cli -h -p 6379>> get test
#Install Apache
$docker run -- name Apache test - P 80:80 - ID httpd # the container where httpd runs. No image is downloaded automatically
Open the browser in the host to access the virtual machine ipv4:80