Pipeline related commands
- cut
- sort
- wc
- uniq
- tee
- tr
- split
- awk
- sed
- grep
zhangsan 68 99 26 lisi 98 66 96 wangwu 38 33 86 zhaoliu 78 44 36 maq 88 22 66 zhouba 98 44 46
The above is the score sheet information
Separated by commas, the first column is the name, the second column is the Chinese score, the third column is the math score, and the fourth column is the English score
vim 1.txt
111:aaa:bbb:ccc 222:ddd:eee:fff 333:ggg:hhh 444:iii
1 cut
1.1 objectives
- cut extracts the corresponding content from the command result according to the condition
1.2 realization
Step 1: intercept 1 The fifth character in the first two lines of the txt file
command | meaning |
cut action file | Intercept content from specified file |
- parameter
parameter | english | meaning |
-c | characters | Select content by character |
head -2 1.txt | cut -c 5
Step 2: intercept 1 Txt file, the first two lines are divided by ":"
parameter | english | meaning |
-d 'separator' | delimiter | Specify separator |
-f n1,n2 | fields | After segmentation, display the content of the paragraph. Use, split |
Scope control
Range | meaning |
n | Show only item n |
n- | Display from item n to the end of the line |
n-m | Display items from n to m (including m) |
head -2 1.txt | cut -d ':' -f 1,2
head -2 1.txt | cut -d ':' -f 1-2
1.3 summary
- Through the cut action, the target file can extract the corresponding content according to the conditions
vim score.txt
zhangsan 68 99 26 lisi 98 66 96 wangwu 38 33 86 zhaoliu 78 44 36 maq 88 22 66 zhouba 98 44 46
2 sort
2.1 objectives
- sort sorts the contents of a text file in behavioral units.
2.2 route
- Step 1: sort strings
- Step 2: de reorder
- Step 3: sort values
- Step 4: sort the results
2.3 realization
Step 1: sort strings
[root@node01 tmp]# cat 2.txt banana apple pear orange pear [root@node01 tmp]# sort 2.txt apple banana orange pear pear
Step 2: de reorder
parameter | english | meaning |
-u | unique | Remove duplicate |
Its function is very simple, that is, to remove duplicate lines in the output line.
[root@node01 tmp]# sort -u 2.txt apple banana orange pear
Step 3: sort values
parameter | english | meaning |
-n | numeric-sort | Sort by value size |
-r | reverse | Reverse order |
Prepare data
[root@node01 tmp]# cat 3.txt 1 3 5 7 11 2 4 6 10 8 9
Sort by string by default
[root@node01 tmp]# sort 2.txt 1 10 11 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Ascending order
[root@node01 tmp]# sort -n 2.txt 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Reverse order
[root@node01 tmp]# sort -n -r 2.txt 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Combined type
[root@node01 tmp]# sort -nr 2.txt 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Step 4: sort the results
parameter | english | meaning |
-t | field-separator | Specify field separator |
-k | key | Sort by which column |
# Display all contents in reverse order according to the results of the second paragraph sort -t ',' -k2nr score.txt
3 wc command
3.1 objectives
- Displays the number of bytes, words and lines of the specified file
3.2 route
- Step 1: display the number of bytes, words and lines of the specified file
- Step 2: display only the number of lines of the file
- Step 3: count the number of lines, words and sections of multiple files
- Step 4: check the number of sub contents in the / etc directory
3.3 realization
Step 1: display the number of bytes, words and lines of the specified file
command | meaning |
wc file name | Displays the number of bytes, words and lines of the specified file |
[root@hadoop01 export]# cat 4.txt 111 222 bbb 333 aaa bbb 444 aaa bbb ccc 555 aaa bbb ccc ddd 666 aaa bbb ccc ddd eee [root@hadoop01 export]# wc 4.txt 6 21 85 4.txt
Step 2: display only the number of lines of the file
parameter | english | meaning |
-c | bytes | Number of bytes |
-w | words | Number of words |
-l | lines | Number of rows |
[root@hadoop01 export]# wc 4.txt 6 21 85 3.txt
Step 3: count the number of lines, words and sections of multiple files
[root@hadoop01 export]# wc 1.txt 2.txt 3.txt 4 4 52 1.txt 11 11 24 2.txt 6 21 85 3.txt 21 36 161 Total dosage [root@hadoop01 export]# wc *.txt 4 4 52 1.txt 11 11 24 2.txt 6 21 85 3.txt 6 6 95 score.txt 27 42 256 Total dosage
Step 4: check the number of sub contents in the / etc directory
[root@hadoop01 export]# ls /etc | wc -w 240
3.4 summary
- Through wc file, you can count the number of bytes, words and lines of the file
4 uniq
The uniq command is used to check and delete repeated lines in text files. It is generally used in combination with the sort command.
4.1 objectives
The uniq command is used to check and delete repeated lines in text files. It is generally used in combination with the sort command.
4.2 path
- Step 1: achieve weight removal effect
- Step 2: not only remove the duplicate, but also count the number of occurrences
4.3 realization
Step 1: achieve de duplication effect
command | english | meaning |
uniq [parameter] file | Unique unique | Remove duplicate lines |
# Preparation content [root@hadoop01 export]# cat 5.txt Zhang San 98 Li Si 100 Wang Wu 90 Zhao Liu 95 Ma Qi 70 Li Si 100 Wang Wu 90 Zhao Liu 95 Ma Qi 70 # sort [root@hadoop01 export]# cat 5.txt | sort Li Si 100 Li Si 100 Ma Qi 70 Ma Qi 70 Wang Wu 90 Wang Wu 90 Zhang San 98 Zhao Liu 95 Zhao Liu 95 # duplicate removal [root@hadoop01 export]# cat 5.txt | sort | uniq Li Si 100 Ma Qi 70 Wang Wu 90 Zhang San 98 Zhao Liu 95
Step 2: not only remove the duplicate, but also count the number of occurrences
parameter | english | meaning |
-c | count | Count the number of occurrences of each line |
[root@hadoop01 export]# cat 5.txt | sort | uniq -c 2 Li Si 100 2 Ma Qi 70 2 Wang Wu 90 1 Zhang San 98 2 Zhao Liu 95
4.4 summary
- Through the uniq [options] file, you can complete the de duplication and count the number of times
5 tee
5.1 objectives
- tee allows you to pipe command results to multiple files
5.2 realization
command | meaning |
Command result | tee file 1 file 2 file 3 | tee allows you to pipe command results to multiple files |
Put the results of de duplication statistics into a.txt, b.txt and c.txt files
cat 5.txt | sort | uniq -c | tee a.txt b.txt c.txt
5.3 summary
- tee allows you to pipe command results to multiple files
6 tr
6.1 objectives
- The tr command is used to replace or delete characters in files.
6.2 path
- Step 1: achieve replacement effect
- Step 2: achieve deletion effect
- Step 3: complete the word count case
6.3 realization
Step 1: achieve replacement effect
command | english | meaning |
Command result | tr replaced character new character | translate | Achieve replacement effect |
# Replace lowercase I with uppercase I # Convert itheima's to uppercase # Convert HELLO to lowercase
# Replace lowercase I with uppercase I echo "itheima" | tr 'i' 'I' # Convert itheima's to uppercase echo "itheima" |tr '[a-z]' '[A-Z]' # Convert HELLO to lowercase echo "HELLO" |tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]'
Step 2: achieve deletion effect
command | english | meaning |
Command result | tr -d deleted characters | delete | Deletes the specified character |
- Requirement: delete abc1d4e5f the number in
echo 'abc1d4e5f' | tr -d '[0-9]'
Step 3: word count
[root@hadoop01 export]# cat words.txt hello,world,hadoop hive,sqoop,flume,hello kitty,tom,jerry,world hadoop
1 replace with a new line
2 sorting
3 weight removal
4 count
# Count the number of occurrences of each word [root@hadoop01 export]# cat words.txt | tr ',' '\n' | sort | uniq -c 1 flume 2 hadoop 2 hello 1 hive 1 jerry 1 kitty 1 sqoop 1 tom 2 world
# Check the / etc directory to Contents of files ending with conf cat -n /etc/*.conf # Append the command results to the / export/v.txt file cat -n /etc/*.conf >> /export/v.txt
7 split
7.1 objectives
- Divide a large file into several small files through the split command
7.2 route
- Step 1: divide the large file into several small files by bytes
- Step 2: divide the large file into several small files according to the number of lines
7.3 realization
Step 1: divide the large file into several small files by bytes
command | english | meaning |
split -b 10k file | byte | The large file is divided into several small files of 10KB |
Step 2: divide the large file into several small files according to the number of lines
command | english | meaning |
split -l 1000 file | lines | The large file is divided into several small files with 1000 lines |
7.4 summary
Use the split option file name command to split a large file into several small files
Preparation 1:
vim score.txt
zhangsan 68 99 26 lisi 98 66 96 wangwu 38 33 86 zhaoliu 78 44 36 maq 88 22 66 zhouba 98 44 46
8 awk
8.1 objectives
- Through awk, we can realize fuzzy query, extract fields on demand, judge and simple operation
8.2 steps
Step 1: fuzzy query
Step 2: specify the separator to display the content according to the subscript
Step 3: specify the delimiter of the output field
Step 4: call the function provided by awk
Step 5: judge whether $4 passes through the if statement
Step 6: sum the contents of paragraphs
8.3 realization
Step 1: search the scores of zhangsan and lisi
command | meaning |
awk '/zhangsan|lisi/' score.txt | Fuzzy query |
Step 2: specify the separator to display the content according to the subscript
command | meaning |
awk -F ',' '{print $1, $2, $3}' 1.txt | Operation 1 Txt file, separated by commas, print the contents of the first paragraph, the second paragraph and the third paragraph |
option | english | meaning |
-F ',' | field-separator | Use specified character segmentation |
$+ number | Get what paragraph | |
$0 | Get the content of the current line | |
NF | field | Indicates how many fields there are in the current row |
$NF | Represents the last field | |
$(NF-1) | Represents the penultimate field | |
NR | Which line does the delegate handle |
Step 3: specify the separator to display the content according to the subscript
command | meaning |
awk -F ' ' '{OFS="==="}{print $1, $2, $3}' 1.txt | Operation 1 Txt file, separated by commas, print the contents of the first paragraph, the second paragraph and the third paragraph |
option | english | meaning |
OFS = "character" | output field separator | Segment split string when outputting out |
Step 4: call the function provided by awk
command | meaning |
awk -F ',' '{print toupper($2)}' 1.txt | Operation 1 Txt file, separated by commas, print the contents of the first paragraph, the second paragraph and the third paragraph |
Common functions are as follows:
Function name | meaning | effect |
toupper() | upper | Convert characters to uppercase |
tolower() | lower | Convert characters to lowercase |
length() | length | Return character length |
Step 5: query the information of qualified students with if statement
command | meaning |
awk -F ',' '{if($4>60) print $1, $4 }' score.txt | If you pass, it shows $1, $4 |
awk -F ',' {if ($4 > 60) print $1, $4, "pass"; else print $1, $4, "fail"} 'score txt | Display name, $4, pass or not |
parameter | meaning |
if($0 ~ "aa") print $0 | If this line contains "aa", print this line |
if($1 ~ "aa") print $0 | If the * * first paragraph * * contains "aa", print this line |
if($1 == "lisi") print $0 | If the first paragraph equals "lisi", print this line |
Step 6: calculate the average score of the subject according to the content of the paragraph
command | meaning |
awk 'BEGIN {initialization operation} {execute} END {operation at END} for each line' file name | BEGIN {here is the statement before execution} {here are the statements to be executed when processing each line} END {this is the statement to be executed after all rows are processed} |
awk -F ',' 'BEGIN{}{total=total+$4}END{print total, NR, (total/NR)}' score.txt
vim 1.txt
aaa java root bbb hello ccc rt ddd root nologin eee rtt fff ROOT nologin ggg rttt
9 sed
9.1 objectives
- Filtering and replacement can be realized through sed
9.2 route
- Step 1: realize the query function
- Step 2: implement the deletion function
- Step 3: realize the modification function
- Step 4: realize the replacement function
- Step 5: operate the original file
- Step 6: Comprehensive Practice
9.3 realization
Step 1: realize the query function
command | meaning |
sed optional target file | Filter, query or replace the target file |
Optional parameters
Optional | english | meaning |
p | ||
$ | Represents the last line | |
-n | Show only processed results | |
-e | expression | Process according to expression |
Exercise 1 List 1 Txt
sed -n -e '1,5p' 1.txt
Exercise 2 list 01 Txt
sed -n -e '1,$p' 1.txt
Exercise 3 list 01 Txt and displays the line number
Optional | meaning |
= | Print current line number |
sed -n -e '1,$=' -e '1,$p' 1.txt Simplified version cat -n 1.txt cat -b 1.txt nl 1.txt
Exercise 4: find 01 Txt contains the root line
sed -n -e '/root/p' 1.txt
Exercise 5: List 01 Txt contains the content of root. Root is not case sensitive and displays the line number
Optional | english | meaning |
I | ignore | ignore case |
nl 1.txt | sed -n -e '/root/Ip' nl 01.txt | grep -i root cat -n 01.txt | grep -i root
Exercise 6 find out 1 Txt is followed by multiple lines of t, and the line number is displayed
Optional | english | meaning |
-r | regexp-extended | Recognition regularity |
nl 01.txt | sed -nr -e '/r+t/p'
sed -nr -e '/r+t/p' -e '/r+t/=' 01.txt
Step 2: implement the deletion function
Exercise 1: delete 01 Txt and display the line number
Optional | english | meaning |
d | delete | Delete specified content |
nl 01.txt | sed -e '1,3d'
Exercise 2 keep 1 Txt and display the line number
nl 01.txt | sed -e '5,$d' nl 1.txt | sed -n -e '1,4p'
Step 3: realize the modification function
Exercise 1: on 01 Add AAA after the second line of txt and display the line number
parameter | english | meaning |
i | insert | Insert content before target |
a | append | Add content after target |
nl 01.txt | sed -e '2a aaaaa'
Exercise 2 , in 1 Add bbbbb before the first line of txt and display the line number
nl 01.txt | sed -e '1i bbbbb'
Step 4: realize the replacement function
Exercise 1 Replace nologin in txt with huawei and display the line number
english | meaning | |
s/oldString/newString/ | replace | replace |
nl 1.txt | sed -e 's/nologin/huawei/'
Exercise 2: 01 Txt, and display the line number
option | english | |
2c new string | replace | Replace the selected line with a new string |
nl passwd | sed -e '1,2c aaa'
Step 5: operate the original file
Exercise 1 , at 01 Txt, replace nologin with huawei
parameter | english | meaning |
-i | in-place | Replace the original file content |
sed -i -e 's/nologin/huawei/' 01.txt
Exercise 2 , at 01 Lines 2 and 3 in TXT file are replaced with AAAA
sed -i -e '2,3c aaa' 01.txt
Note: before operation, it is best to back up the data. If the operation is wrong, the data cannot be recovered!
Exercise 3: delete 01 Txt, and delete the data in the original file
sed -i -e '1,2d' 01.txt nl passwd View data
Step 6: Comprehensive Practice
Exercise 1: get the ip address
ifconfig eth0 | grep "inet addr" | sed -e 's/^.*inet addr://' | sed -e 's/Bcast:.*$//'
Exercise 2: from 1 Txt, match the content containing root, and then replace nologin with itheima
nl 01.txt | grep 'root' | sed -e 's/nologin/itheima/' perhaps nl 01.txt | sed -n -e '/root/p' | sed -e 's/nologin/itheima/' perhaps nl 01.txt | sed -n -e '/root/{s/nologin/itheima/p}' #Show only rows of replacement content
Exercise 3: from 1 Txt, delete the first two lines, replace nologin with itheima, and display the line number
nl 01.txt | sed -e '1,2d' | sed -e 's/nologin/itheima/'