Linux system foundation -- permission management

Posted by adamgram on Sat, 29 Jan 2022 19:17:56 +0100

Fundamentals of Linux system (6) – permission management

1. Basic concept of authority

☆ why set permissions

1) Data value in server
2) Employees have different job responsibilities and division of labor
3) Respond to external attacks
4) Internal management needs

☆ type of authority

For fileFor directory
Read rIndicates that the file content can be viewed; catIndicates that you can (ls) view the file name existing in the directory
Write wIndicates that the contents of the file can be changed; vim modify, save and exitIndicates whether you can delete sub files in the directory or create a new sub directory (rm/touch/mkdir)
Execute xIndicates whether the program in the file can be called. Generally, it refers to binary file (. SH) = > greenIndicates whether you can enter the directory (cd)

☆ who is the authority assigned to

File owner: u ser
File ownin g group: Group
Other user (o): other

The permissions are allocated according to the above three categories of users.

2. General authority management

☆ view of authority

ls -l file				#View file permissions
ls -ld dir				#View directory permissions

The attributes of a file are called meta data
A kind of metadata is recorded in 1 byte.

ls -l the information viewed is divided into nine columns

Column 1: document type
- ordinary documents
d directory
l soft link (shortcut in windows)
Block b equipment (hard disk drive, optical drive, etc.)
c character device
s socket
p pipe

Column 2: permission bits
The first three are the permissions of the file owner, the middle three are the permissions of the file owner group, and the last three are the permissions of other users.

Column 3: selinux startup of the system

Column 4: number of nodes in the file

Column 5: document owner

Column 6: File owning group

Column 7: for files: file content size
For directory: the metadata size of the sub file in the directory

Column 8: the time when the contents of the document were last modified

Column 9: file name

☆ setting of general authority

Setting permissions in character mode

chmod u + r file/dir -R			#a=all means all users - R means recursion
      g - w
      o = x
chmod a-rwx /mnt/test
chmod u=rwx,g=rx,o=--- /mnt/test
chmod -R u=rwx,g=rx,o=--- /mnt/testdir/

Setting permissions in digital mode

jurisdictionCorresponding numbersignificance
-0No permission
rwx = 111 = 7
rw- = 110 = 6
r-x = 101 = 5
r-- = 100 = 4
-wx = 011 = 3
-w- = 010 = 2
--x = 001 = 1
--- = 000 = 0

chmod 777 /mnt/test			#That is, the file is full of permissions

Copy permissions

chmod --reference=/tmp /mnt/test      #Permission to copy / tmp directory / mnt/test
chmod -R --reference=/tmp /mnt/test/  #Copy / tmp permission to / mnt/test and its sub files

3. System default permissions

☆ what is umask

umask indicates the default permissions when creating files
Under the root user, the default permission of touch a and file a is 644
For ordinary users, the default permission of touch b and file b is 664
What determines the above is the value of umask.

Actual file permission = highest permission - value of umask
File default permission = 777-umask-111
Directory default permission = 777 umask

☆ view / modify umask

umask					#View umask
0022					#The first 0 indicates special permission
#The default value of umask is different under root and ordinary users, which are 022 and 002 respectively

#Modify umask temporarily
umask 002

#Permanently modify umask
vim /etc/bashrc             #shell system configuration file
74 if [ $UID -gt 199 ] && [ "`id -gn`" = "`id -un`" ]; then
75 umask 002-->022       	#umask for ordinary users
76 else
77 umask 022 				#umask of root user
78 fi
vim /etc/profile            #System environment profile
59 if [ $UID -gt 199 ] && [ "`id -gn`" = "`id -un`" ]; then
60 umask 002-->022     		#umask for ordinary users
61 else
62 umask 022 				#umask of root user
63 fi
source /etc/bashrc      	#source enables our changes to be immediately recognized by the system
source /etc/profile

4. Document owner and owner group management

chown 		username file     #Change file owner
chgrp 		groupname file    #Change file ownership group
chown root:root readme.txt	  #Simultaneous changes
chown root.root readme.txt	  #Simultaneous changes
#The - R parameter can be added to the above commands, indicating recursive modification

5. Special authority

☆ sticky position

Function: only the creator and root user of the file are allowed to delete the file (anti false deletion permission bit) stickyid: 
chmod 1 Original permissions dir
chmod   o+t     dir

2.close stickyid: 
chmod 0 Original permissions dir
chmod   o-t     dir

☆ forced bit (sgid)

Function: the newly created files in the directory automatically belong to the group to which the directory belongs

1.Enable forced bit:
chmod  2 Original permissions    dir
chmod      g+s      dir

2.Off force bit:
chmod  0 Original permissions    dir
chmod     g-s       dir

☆ suid

Only for binary executable files (c programs). When running binary executable files, they are run as the file owner, which has nothing to do with the execution user. suid: 
chmod  4 Original permissions  file
chmod   u+s       file

6.ACL access control

ACL = Access Control List
In Linux system, ACL can set the permission to access files for a single user.

Whether the ACL is enabled can be checked through ls -l. if there is + at the end of the permission bit, it indicates that the ACL is enabled, and no + indicates that the ACL is not enabled.

1.obtain ACL jurisdiction
getfacl File or directory name
Tips: If on ACL Don't use ls -l To query permission information.

2.set up ACL
setfacl -m u:student:rw  file			#Set specified user permissions
setfacl -m g:test:rw     file			#Set permissions for the specified group
setfacl -m u::rwx        file			#Set file owner permissions
setfacl -m g::0          file			#Set file group permissions
setfacl -x u:student     file			#Delete lee from the list
setfacl -b               file			#Close acl

#The above commands are effective for existing files, and new files will not be set
#Effective for new files in / mnt/dir Directory:
setfacl -m d:u:student:rwx /mnt/dir/

7.attr authority

attr permission limits all users (including root)

1.see attr jurisdiction
lsattr dir|file

2.set up attr jurisdiction
chattr +i dir|file			#No one can modify it
chattr -i dir|file
chattr +a dir|file			#Add only, delete not allowed
chattr -a dir|file

Topics: Linux