Linux System nfs Service

Posted by XeNoMoRpH1030 on Sun, 02 Jun 2019 22:55:09 +0200


NFS(Network File
System (Network File System) is a file system supported by FreeBSD, which allows computers in the network to share resources through TCP/IP network. In NFS applications, local NFS client applications can transparently read and write files on remote NFS servers, just like accessing local files.
Composition: The NFS system has at least two main parts: an NFS server and several clients, as shown in the right figure.
Clients access data stored on NFS servers remotely through TCP/IP networks. Before the NFS server is officially launched, some NFS parameters need to be configured according to the actual environment and requirements.

//Installation configuration
1 yum install nfs-utils                ##Install nfs-utils
--> systemctl start nfs-server         ##Open nfs service
--> systemctl enable nfs-server        ##Set up boot start
2 mkdir /helloshare                    ##Create the helloshare directory     
-->touch /helloshare/hellofile{1..3    ##Create three files in this directory
-->chmod 777 /helloshare               ##Give full permission to the directory
3 vim /etc/exports              ##Edit nfs configuration file
                                ##27 Host can refresh data synchronously, 227 can only read
4 exportfs -r                   ##Refresh nfs service, service content is not visible
           -v                   ##List service content, but not refresh
           -rv                  ##Refresh and List Service Contents

Install nfs

Create a shared directory, load files created in the shared directory, edit nfs configuration files, and refresh the configuration.
Note: The service cannot be restarted, because restarting the service, the server will update and synchronize all shared directory hosts, and the process will be quite slow.

Refresh and list

client test
1 showmount -e ##View the shared directory content of 127 hosts
2 mount /mnt/    
                     ##Mount the shared directory of 127 hosts on / mnt of client1 host
-->df                ##View mount information
1 showmount -e #View the shared directory content of 127 hosts
2 mount /mnt/       
                     ##Mount the shared directory of 127 hosts on / mnt of client 2 hosts
-->df                ##View mount information
-->rm -fr *          ##Delete failed, read only

227 host can view, but the mount failed, because only read permission, no synchronous refresh permission.

27 Host can view or mount, but can not write, no write permission

The service host gives 227 host sync permission to mount

2. Opening of Shared Directory

Take client2 as an example

server127 terminal

1 vim /etc/exports
-->/helloshare,rw)->wq->exportfs -rv)                   ##Shared directory writable
-->/helloshare,rw,no_root_squash)->wq->exportfs -rv)     ##Anonymous users establish file systems as roots
-->/helloshare,rw,anonuid=1000)->wq->exportfs -rv)       ##Anonymous users establish file systems as id1000 users
-->/helloshare,rw,anonuid=1000,anongid=1001)->wq->exportfs -rv)
             ##Anonymous users establish file system as id1000 user identity and id1001 user group identity

Specify root identity permissions for anonymous users on 27 hosts when performing corresponding operations on shared directories

Specify that when anonymous users of 27 hosts perform corresponding operations in shared directories, both the owner and the user are identified as id1000.

Refresh service

client1 test: Take 27 hosts as an example

Write permissions are available in shared directories

When anonymous users create files and directories, the system defaults to nfsnobady users, nfsnobody groups

Establishment is a kiosk user, and the second modification is the 1001 user group

3. client End Automatic Mounting

1 yum install autofs.x86_64         ##Install autofs.x86_64
-->systemctl start autofs.service   ##Open autofs service
-->systemctl enable autofs.service  ##Set up boot start
2 cd /net                           ##Switch to / net
-->cd>ls            ##Shared directories that can be switched directly to 127 hosts
-->cd helloshare/                   ##Switched shared directories
-->df                               ##View, it has been mounted directly

Install autofs Automount Plug-in

Switch to / net directory, share directory with 127 hosts, and mount automatically

Change mount directory

1 cp -rp /home/student/ /helloshare/
##Copy the student user's home directory to the shared directory, - r recursion, directory and all contents in the directory, - P replication privilege, must be added - p, otherwise the experiment will be a lot of trouble, leading to the failure of the experiment results.
  cp -rp /home/hello/ /helloshare/            
                                ##Copy the hello user's home directory to the shared directory
2 vim /etc/exports              ##Edit nfs configuration file
##student user home directory, open to 172.25.254.ip segment, synchronously refresh writable, create file system using ID 1000 user and group identity
##hello User Home Directory, open to 172.25.254.ip segment, refresh writable synchronously, create file system using ID 1001 user and group identity
3 exports -rv                   ##Refresh and list service content

Recursively copy the student, hello user's home directory with privileges to the shared directory

Editing configuration files for shared directories


1 vim /etc/sysconfig/autofs             ##Edit auto.nfs configuration file
/misc /etc/auto.misc
/nfs  /etc/auto.nfs     ##The default mount directory is / nfs, and the files you see are / etc/auto.nfs
2 vim /etc/auto.nfs                     ##Edit the mount read rule for default files
3 vim /etc/auto.master                  ##Edit auto.master file
TIMEOUT=3                               ##Unmount automatically after 3 seconds of exit
4 systemctl restart autofs.srevice      ##Restart autofs service

Do the operation as shown in the figure

Edit auto.nfs file

Edit autofs configuration file

Edit auto.master file

Test, switch to the designated mount directory, automatically mount, the default is to cancel the mount 300 Miao after exit, and change the default to 3 seconds.

1 cd /nfs                   ##Switch to the default mount directory
--> cd hello                ##Switch to hello users
-->df                       ##Already mounted
-->touch file               ##create file
-->ls -l                    ##Create files that are id1000 users and user groups
-->cd                       ##Sign out
-->df (3Seconds later)               ##Auto Unmount
2 cd /nfs                   ##Switch to the default mount directory
--> cd student              ##Switch to hello users
-->df                       ##Already mounted
-->touch nihao              ##create file
-->ls -l                    ##Creating files is id1001 user and user group
-->cd                       ##Sign out
-->df (3Seconds later)               ##Auto Unmount

Test success
Switch to the specified shared directory, switch to the student user, establish the file is the student user, student user group

Switch to the specified shared directory, switch to the hello user, create the file is 1001 user, 1001 user group

Topics: vim network yum