Load Runner stress test

Posted by scarface222 on Sun, 23 Jun 2019 00:18:07 +0200

LoadRunner Installation

1.Copy the address, then open Xunlei, create a new one, select a large disk space, display 4.02G Of ISO file
http://h30302.www3.hp.com/prdownloads/Software_HP_LoadRunner_11.00_Sim_Chinese_T7177_15016.iso?downloadid=NTIxMTMxNDg1LDEsSFBfRE9XTkxPQURfQ0VOVEVSLHNvZnR3YXJlLEhQUF9QUk9GSUxFX0lELG5vYm9keUBocC5jb20sSFAtRVNELUFVVEgsMTMwNTcwNzg0NzU2MyxUNzE3N0RTRQ==&merchantId=HP_DOWNLOAD_CENTER      vmware workstation

2.After downloading, install with virtual CD-ROM, load and point to ISO Documentation.

3.open LoadRunner8.0 Folder, with LR8.0 Medium mlr5lprg.dll,lm70.dll cover LR11 Installation directory“ bin"Corresponding files in folders

4.Manually modify the registry and delete the following Licesen2 Directory (if not deleted, add licence When you do, you will be prompted.“ License security violation⋯⋯"):

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Mercury Interactive\LoadRunner\License2]

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Mercury Interactive\LoadRunner\License2\History]


[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Mercury Interactive\LoadRunner\License2\PermanentLicense]



[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Mercury Interactive\LoadRunner\License2\TemporaryLicense]


5.Classes The following registry should also be deleted



6.Add the following licence,It is ready for use.



2. LoadRunner stress test example

Set the number of request iterations:

Add action scripts:

Test results:

III. LoadRunner Action script syntax


 Int Web_url(const char name, const char url, , [EXTRARES,,LAST)

Return value
Return LR_PASS (0) on success and LR_FAIL (1) on failure.
Name: The name shown in the tree view in VuGen can also be used in automatic transaction processing.

url: Page url address.

List of Attributes

EXTRARES: The delimiter marks the next parameter as a list of resource attributes.

List of Resource Attributes

LAST: The tag at the end of the property list.

Web_url loads the corresponding URL according to the URL attribute in the function, without context.

web_url is recorded only when VuGen is in the recording mode of URL-based or HTML-based (when the A script containing explicit URLs only option is selected).

You can use web_url to simulate downloading files from FTP servers. The web_url function causes the FTP server to perform operations when files are actually downloaded. Unless "FtpAscii=1" is specified manually, the download will be done in binary mode.

In the recording option, under Toos-Recording Option, in the recording option, there is an Advanced HTML option to set whether to record non-HTML resources. Only when "Record within the current script step" is selected, the List of Resource Attributes will be recorded. Examples of non-HTML resources are gif and jpg image files.

Additional request information can be passed to the server by modifying the HTTP header. Using HTTP headers allows requests to contain other content types, like compressed files. You can also request only web pages in a specific state.

All Web Vusers, WAP Vusers in HTTP mode or Wireless Session Protocol (WSP) in playback mode support web_url functions.

For more grammar, please refer to: http://www.uml.org.cn/Test/200705112.asp

Reference resources:

  1. http://www.uml.org.cn/Test/200705112.asp
  2. http://www.cnblogs.com/fnng/archive/2013/02/28/2937805.html

Topics: LoadRunner ftp Vmware Attribute