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Still single!
GIGO is still single!
DS code Nong Jige is still single!
Therefore, he hates Valentine's day most in his life. Whether it's \ (214 \) or \ (77 \), he hates it!
GIGO observed the two numbers \ (214 \) and \ (77 \), and found that:
\(77=7 × 11\)
Finally, he found that all this was due to \ (77 \) in the final analysis! So now he even hates all the numbers related to \ (7 \)!
What kind of number is related to \ (7 \)? If an integer meets one of the following three conditions, we say that the integer is related to \ (7 \):
A bit in an integer is \ (7 \);
The sum of each bit of an integer is an integer multiple of \ (7 \);
This integer is an integer multiple of \ (7 \).
Now the problem comes: GIGO wants to know the sum of squares of numbers unrelated to \ (7 \) in a certain interval.
Put aside the sum of squares, this is an ordinary digital dp.
But this question has a square sum!
First, let's assume that the current number is \ (\ outline {AB} \), \ (a \) is the first digit in our digit dp enumeration, and \ (b \) is the following number. Let's assume that there are \ (k \) bits, and then let's find the sum of squares of \ (\ outline {AB} \) under the possible values of all \ (b \) when \ (a \) is determined, and record it as \ (s {\ outline {AB} \)
First, we use the digit dp to find a \ (F_b \) to represent the number of schemes of \ (B \), so the above problem can be transformed into:
Then you can happily start simplification.
First, turn \ (\ outline {AB} \) into a mathematical formula:
The square sum formula follows:
Insert \ (\ sum^{F_b} \):
Make it look better:
Obviously \ (\ sum^{F_b}b^2=S_b \), because this is the definition of \ (S \):
Once you see this formula, there is still \ (\ sum^{F_b}b \) unknown. What should you do? Let's set \ (T_b=\sum^{F_b}b \).
So the formula becomes this:
Then let's push \ (t {\ outline {AB} \).
Remove \ (\ outline {ab} \):
Multiply \ (\ sum^{F_b} \) by:
Then we found that \ (\ sum^{F_b}b \) is not \ (T_b \)? Then put it in:
Then the problem was solved.
This question is really a good one.
Good digital dp + push.
The process of pushing this question is a little annoying, but I also understand that the process of digital dp is essentially recursive. Consider yourself at each step, and the answer is right.
// Problem: 1586: [example 2] Digital Games // Contest: SSOIER // URL: http://ybt.ssoier.cn:8088/problem_show.php?pid=1586 // Memory Limit: 524 MB // Time Limit: 1000 ms // // Powered by CP Editor (https://cpeditor.org) #include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; #define int long long inline int read(){int x=0,f=1;char ch=getchar(); while(ch<'0'||ch>'9'){if(ch=='-')f=-1; ch=getchar();}while(ch>='0'&&ch<='9'){x=(x<<1)+ (x<<3)+(ch^48);ch=getchar();}return x*f;} //#define M #define mo 1000000007 //#define N int n, m, i, j, k; int x, y, a[30], ten[10010]; int f[30][10][10][2]; int s[30][10][10][2]; int t[30][10][10][2]; int dfs(int n, int sum, int x, int p) { if(n==0) return f[n][sum][x][p]=((sum%7>0 && x%7>0) ? 1 : 0); int i, k=0, F, S, T; if(f[n][sum][x][p]!=-1) return f[n][sum][x][p]; for(i=0; i<=9; ++i) { if(!p && i>a[n]) break; if(i==7) continue; k+=dfs(n-1, (sum+i)%7, (x*10+i)%7, p|(i<a[n])); k%=mo; F=f[n-1][(sum+i)%7][(x*10+i)%7][p|(i<a[n])]; S=s[n-1][(sum+i)%7][(x*10+i)%7][p|(i<a[n])]; T=t[n-1][(sum+i)%7][(x*10+i)%7][p|(i<a[n])]; t[n][sum][x][p]+=(ten[n-1]*i%mo*F%mo+T)%mo; // printf("t[%lld][%lld][%lld][%lld]+=ten[%lld]*%lld*%lld+%lld\n", n, sum, x, p, n-1, i, F, T); s[n][sum][x][p]+=(ten[n-1]*ten[n-1]%mo*i%mo*i%mo*F%mo+ten[n-1]*i%mo*T%mo*2%mo+S)%mo; // printf("%lld %lld %lld %lld\n", n, S, T, s[n][sum][x][p]); t[n][sum][x][p]%=mo; s[n][sum][x][p]%=mo; } return f[n][sum][x][p]=k; } int calc(int x) { n=0; memset(f, -1, sizeof(f)); memset(s, 0, sizeof(s)); memset(t, 0, sizeof(t)); while(x) a[++n]=x%10, x/=10; dfs(n, 0, 0, 0); // printf("> %lld\n", s[n][0][0][0]); return s[n][0][0][0]; } signed main() { // freopen("tiaoshi.in", "r", stdin); // freopen("tiaoshi.out", "w", stdout); for(i=ten[0]=1; i<=10000; ++i) ten[i]=ten[i-1]*10%mo; m=read(); while(m--) x=read(), y=read(), printf("%lld\n", ((calc(y)-calc(x-1))%mo+mo)%mo); return 0; }