Material Design Style TextInputLayout Use

Posted by mapexdrum on Mon, 24 Jun 2019 22:30:52 +0200

Introduction to TextInput Layout

TextInput Layout is a text input layout based on the Material Design style of Google. The main feature is that in style, the first sentence of the official introduction is when the input text is displayed or hidden, EditText shows the layout of floating labels.

Look at the style first.

Styles actually have animation effects.

Usage method

Introducing a package environment

Since this control is under the package, check to see if it has been introduced:

compile ''

compile ''

Version can be adjusted on demand

Add code to the layout




Style modification

Add the following attributes to the default AppTheme body

<item name="android:textColorHint">@colorcommonTextColorWhite</item>
<item name="colorControlNormal">@colorcommonTextColorWhite</item>
<item name="colorControlActivated">@colorcommonTextColorWhite</item>
<item name="colorControlHighlight">@colorcommonTextColorWhite</item>


attribute Meaning
android:textColorHint The color of the prompt font
colorControlNormal Underlines do not get the focus, which is the default color.
colorControlActivated The color of the underline when clicked

Counter function


TextInputLayout also realizes the function of recording the number of input characters at the time of input, which can be achieved by setting parameters and importing the following environment


Add the following attributes

attribute Meaning
app:counterEnabled Whether to turn on this function
app:counterMaxLength Maximum limit of counter
app:counterTextAppearance Font Style of Counter

Error prompt function

TextInputLayout also has an error prompt function that can be used directly through the api.

Add the following code


Setting up in java code

textInputLayout.setError("This is textInputLayout Error Tips");
mobile.setError("This is EditText Error Tips");

Password Visualization Function

After setting the type of inputType to password, you can set the following properties. And the default effects support Material Design effects and default animations, which are also cool.

attribute Meaning
app: passwordToggleEnabled Whether to turn on password visibility
app: passwordToggleTint Modify the color of the prompt Icon


Following Android 5.0, google has developed a series of Material Design style controls, which have also led to the stylization of Material Design on some web and Android sides. Personally, I think it is also a better design language. If used well, it will benefit the interaction of APP.

Topics: Android Attribute Google Java