Memcached full parsing and monitoring using zabbix

Posted by roliver on Fri, 28 Jun 2019 19:52:11 +0200

What is Memcached? 
Memcached is a distributed memory cache server for caching data base Query results, reduce the number of database visits, improve the speed and scalability of dynamic web pages. 
Characteristics of Memcached 
a. Simple protocol, Memcached uses simple text line protocol 
b. Event handling based on libevent 
c. Built-in memory storage 
d. No communication between each Memcached server 
e.Memcached uses key-value for storage

Libevent: Libevent is a use C Language The compiled lightweight open source high performance event notification library has the following main highlights: event-driven, high performance; lightweight, focused on the network, not as bulky as ACE; the source code is quite refined and easy to read; cross-platform support for Windows, ACE, etc. Linux * BSD and MacOs; support multiple I/O multiplexing technologies, such as epoll, poll, dev/poll, select and kqueue; support I/O, timer and signal events; register event priority. 
Libevent has been widely used as the underlying network library, such as memcached, Vomit, Nylon, Netchat and so on. 
Memcached Memory Storage 
Traditional memory allocation uses malloc function and free function to allocate memory, which results in a large number of memory fragments and can not be used. 
Memcached uses Slab Allocator to allocate memory. 
The principle of Slab Allocator is to allocate memory into chunk s of different sizes according to pre-specified rules, and to organize memory of equal sizes into groups (slab class es). 
How does Memcached cache data through Slab Allocator? 
When a data arrives at Memcached, Memcached chooses the slab with the appropriate size according to the size of the data. In the free list of chunks, chunks are selected to cache the data. 
How does Memcached achieve unequal memory partitioning during memory allocation? 
Memcached specifies the growth factor at startup to control the differences between each slab, and it is not arbitrary. For example, the growth factor is 2, the size of each chunk in the previous slab class is 2, and the size of each chunk in the next slab class is 4, and so on. The value of growth factor in the default Memcahed setting is 1.25

Specify the growth factor of Memcached at startup
[root@COS_Clone1 ~]#memcached -f 2 -vv
 - f: Specify growth factor - vv: View process 12341234

Timeout Principle of Memcached 
How does Memcached monitor whether the resources cached in memory are expired? It uses Lazy Expiration. Memcached does not automatically monitor and detect whether the contents cached in memory are expired. When a request arrives, Memcached checks the record timestamp of the requested resources, checks whether the records are expired and returns if they are not expired. 
The deletion principle of Memcached 
When Memcached caches data in memory, it first chooses the time-out space to record the record to be cached. If the memory space is insufficient, Memcached will use LRU (least not used recently). algorithm ) To allocate resource space to new records. 
Memcached Distributed Scheduling 

If a web server wants to cache a database to a Memcached server, where should it be cached? 
In fact, the Memcached API provides several scheduling algorithms 
a. Residual calculation: 
The key value of the record to be cached on the Memcached is calculated by C32, and the result is redundant with the number of node s + 1. The result is the Memcached server that the data is to be cached. 
When adding or removing nodes, the cache data is reorganized and the same server can not be obtained as it was saved, thus affecting the cache hit rate. 
b.Consistent hash:  
The host name of node is computed by HASH, which is arranged on the circle of 0-2^23. Then the key value of resource is computed by HASH, and mapped on the circle. Looking clockwise from the mapping position, the first server found saves the data on this server. 

Installation of Memcached

Download mode:
[root@COS_Clone1 ~]#wget installation:
[root@COS_Clone1 ~]#tar -xzf memcached-1.4.36.tar.gz [root@COS_Clone1 ~]#mkdir /usr/local/memcached[root@COS_Clone1 ~]#yum install libeven-devel[root@COS_Clone1 ~]#cd memcached-1.4.36[root@COS_Clone1 memcached-1.4.36]# ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/memcached --bindir=/usr/local/bin --sbindir=/usr/local/sbin [root@COS_Clone1 memcached-1.4.36]#make && make install123456789123456789

Start-up of Memcached

[root@COS_Clone1 ~]#memcached -p 20001 -m 64m -d11

Memcached status query

[root@COS_Clone1 bin]# memcached-tool stats#   Field       Value
         accepting_conns           1
               auth_cmds           0
             auth_errors           0
                   bytes           0
              bytes_read           7      How many bytes were read
           bytes_written           0      How many bytes were written
              cas_badval           0
                cas_hits           0
              cas_misses           0
               cmd_flush           0
                 cmd_get           0      How many acquisitions have been made
                 cmd_set           0      How many times to insert
             conn_yields           0
   connection_structures          11
        curr_connections          10
              curr_items           0
               decr_hits           0
             decr_misses           0
             delete_hits           0
           delete_misses           0
               evictions           0
                get_hits           0        How many hits
              get_misses           0
               incr_hits           0
             incr_misses           0
          limit_maxbytes    67108864
     listen_disabled_num           0
                     pid        4465
            pointer_size          64
           rusage_system    0.035994
             rusage_user    0.000999
                 threads           4
                    time  1495460002
       total_connections          11
             total_items           0       How many records are in memory
                  uptime          35
                 version       1.4.41234567891011121314151617181920212223242526272829303132333435363738394012345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031323334353637383940

Monitoring memcached with zabbix 
Monitoring data: how many hits, how many resources, how many acquisitions, how many additions, reading byte books, writing bytes 
1. Install zabbix on the Maiched host

[root@COS_Clone1 ~]# yum install zabbix zabbix-agent[root@COS_Clone1 ~]#vim /etc/zabbix_agent.conf
    UserParameter=memcached.bytes_read[*],/usr/bin/memcached-tool $1:$2 stats |  grep "bytes_read" | awk '{print $2}'
    UserParameter=memcached.bytes_written[*],/usr/bin/memcached-tool $1:$2 stats |  grep "bytes_written" | awk '{print $2}'
    UserParameter=memcached.cmd_get[*],/usr/bin/memcached-tool $1:$2 stats |  grep "cmd_get" | awk '{print $2}'
    UserParameter=memcached.cmd_set[*],/usr/bin/memcached-tool $1:$2 stats |  grep "cmd_set" | awk '{print $2}'
    UserParameter=memcached.get_hits[*],/usr/bin/memcached-tool $1:$2 stats |  grep "get_hits" | awk '{print $2}'
    UserParameter=memcached.total_items[*],/usr/bin/memcached-tool $1:$2 stats |  grep "total_items" | awk '{print $2}'1234567812345678

2. Install zabbix-server on another host and start configuration on the web page 
configure->host->item(memcached host) 
Define item: 

Define Graphs 

test Result 

Topics: Zabbix Database network yum