When working on a small project of your own, you learned about mongodb non-relational databases and used mongoose encapsulated query methods, including the limit and skip methods used for database paging, which are recorded here.
1. mongodb database connection
- Referring to the official website documents, the corresponding parameters are as follows:
- Connecting to a database using mongoose
const dataBaseUrl = config.admin.username ? `mongodb://${config.admin.username}:${config.admin.pwd}@${config.host}/share-resource` : `mongodb://${config.host}/share-resource`; mongoose.connect(dataBaseUrl, { useNewUrlParser: true });
- If a warning message appears that a new compilation method is required, add useNewUrlParser: true when connecting
DeprecationWarning: current URL string parser is deprecated, and will be removed in a future version.
To use the new parser, pass option { useNewUrlParser: true } to MongoClient.connect.
mongoose.connect(dataBaseUrl, { useNewUrlParser: true });
- Listen for connection operations when connecting to a database
mongoose.connection.on('connected', function() { console.log('Mongoose connection open to ' + dataBaseUrl); }); /* Connect database exception */ mongoose.connection.on('error', function(err) { console.log('Mongoose connection error:' + err); }); /* Disconnect database */ mongoose.connection.on('disconnected', function() { console.log('Mongoose connection disconnected'); });
2. Data types (schemaTypes provided in mongoose)
- Data types are String, Number, Date, Buffer, Boolean, ObjectId, Array, Mixed, Map, Decimal128
- When inserting data directly into a database using the insert method, the default is to insert a double number unless the type of number is enforced
3. mongoose's approach to database operations
Insertion of 3.1 Data
- New schema file first
const mongoose = require('../database/mongodbHelper'); const Message= mongoose.Schema; const RecordModel = new Message({ message: String, name: String, num: Number, },{ versionKey: false }); module.exports = mongoose.model('using_records', RecordModel);
- When inserting data using schema, direct insertion adds a _v field to the new set, which represents the version number of the set. You can delete the _v field by adding versionKey: false to the schema
- Data insertion: using save method
const record= new Record({ message: req.body.message, name: req.body.name, num: req.body.num, }); record.save((err, docs) => { if (err) { res.send({ 'status': -1, 'msg': 'Insert failed' }); } else { res.send({ 'status': 200, 'msg': 'Insert Successful', 'result': ''}); } });
3.2 Query of data
- Using the find method
record.find((err, docs) => { if (err) { res.send({ 'status': -1, 'msg': 'Parameter error' }); } else { res.send({ 'status': 200, 'msg': 'query was successful', 'result': docs}); } });
3.3 Update of data
- Update a data: updateOne
/* The first parameter is the query parameter, the second is the content to be updated, and the third is the callback method */ record.updateOne({_id: id}, updateInfo, (err, doc) => { if(err) { res.send({'status': -1, 'msg': 'Update failed', 'result': ''}); } else { res.send({'status': 200, 'msg': 'Update Successful', 'result': ''}); } })
- Update Multiple Data: updateMany
record.updateMany({user_info: {$elemMatch: {user_id: userId, status: 1, is_delete: 1}}}, {$set: {'user_info.$.is_delete': 3}}, (err, doc) => { if(err) { res.send({'status': -1, 'msg': 'Parameter error'}); } else { res.send({'status': 200, 'msg': 'Empty Success'}); } })
3.4 Deletion of data
/* The first parameter is the content to be deleted */ record.findOneAndDelete({_id: req.body.id}, (err, doc) => { if(err) { res.send({'status': -1, 'msg': 'Delete failed'}); } else { res.send({'status': 200, 'msg': 'Delete succeeded'}); } })
4. Paging operations on databases (limit and skip methods)
- limit() method is to limit the number of data bars per query; skip(param) skips param bars and does not query
/* page: Page number; pagesize: number of pages per page */ let page = req.body.page; let pagesize = req.body.pagesize; let queryResult = collection.find(queryCondition).limit(pageSize).skip((page - 1) * pageSize).sort({'_id': -1}); queryResult.exec((err, value) => { if(err) { reject(err); } else { resolve({total, value}); } })
5. Matching data
- Match a field in an object in an array of data and set the corresponding value with $set
$set: {'user_info.$.status': 1}
- $elemMath only matches the first data and returns only the first data when there are multiple identical data in the array
let arr = [ { is_delete: 1, name: 'a' }, { is_delete: 1, name: 'b' } ] {$elemMatch: {is_delete: 1}}Match only arr First Data
- aggregate matches multiple data
/* aggregate Aggregation, $unwind splits the array into individual elements * $group group by * $sum Statistics * $project Filter returned values to return a filtered field * */ message.aggregate([ { $match: { 'user_info.user_id': id, 'user_info.is_delete': 0 } }, { $unwind: '$user_info' }, { $group: { _id: {status: '$user_info.status',}, count: {$sum: 1} } }, { $project: { '_id': 0, 'status': '$_id.status', 'count': 1 } } ]).then()
- For a field in a matching array
let arr = [ { is_delete: 1, name: 'a' }, { is_delete: 1, name: 'b' } ] /* Matching name in arr */ $match: { 'arr.name': 'a' } /* Grouping Filtering */ $ group: { _id: {name: '$arr.name'} }
- Insert data into an array in an object
let obj = { id: 1, arr: [ { is_delete: 1, name: 'a' }, { is_delete: 1, name: 'b' } ] } {'$push': {arr: {name: 'c', is_delete: 0}}}
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