When taking values, #{} the corresponding position in the extracted sql statement is placeholder?, ${} fills in the value.
{} set parameters to sql statements by precompiling. You can use sql injection.
- The value taken out by ${} is directly spliced in the sql statement.
- In most cases, use #{}.
- Use ${} when placeholders are not supported by native jdbc
javaType: usually needs to be set in some specific environment.
Some databases that do not support null values, such as Oracle
When passing values, indicate that jdbcType=NULL
You can also modify JDBC typefornull to NULL in the global configuration file
When querying, if the return value type is list, set the type of elements in the list collection when setting the return value in the mapping file configuration.
When querying the map of a record, set the return value to map when configuring in the mapping file.
- Key is the column name and Value is the corresponding Value
When querying multiple records and encapsulating them into a Map, if you need to specify a key, you need to set it through annotation.
ResultMap implements advanced result set mapping
- ResultMap can customize result set mapping rules.
- Only one ResultMap and ResultType can be used
- Add a class attribute to map each data in the database. And give the id (unique id) to the resultMap on the select tag
<resultMap id="MyGuild" type="com.boerk.mybatis.pojo.Guild"> <id column="guild_id" property="guildID"></id> <result column="guild_name" property="guildName"></result> <result column="guild_pwd" property="guildPwd"></result> <result column="guild_job" property="guildJob"></result> <result column="guild_belief" property="guildBelief"></result> <result column="guild_influence" property="guildInfluence"></result> <result column="guild_specialty" property="guildSpecialty"></result> <result column="guild_level" property="guildLevel"></result> </resultMap> <select id="getGuildId" resultMap="MyGuild">
When you join queries, you can use cascading attributes to encapsulate the result set.
When an entity class is a property of another entity class.
For example, deptNO and deptName are attributes of the dept object, and the dept object is an attribute of emp. Therefore, when packaging
<result column="dept_name" property="dept.deptName"/>
Or use the association tag directly: you can specify the federated javabean object. (defined inside resultMap)
<!--property="dept": Specify which is a federated object javaType="com.boerk.batis.pojo.Dept": Specifies the type of Federated object. --> <association property="dept" javaType="com.boerk.batis.pojo.Dept"></association>
You can query step by step through the association tag
<!--select="xx.xx"Indicates that the current property is a call select Results found by the specified method column="d.id": Specifies which column value to pass to this method--> <association property="dept" select="xxx.xx" column="d.id"></association>
Delayed loading can be achieved by configuring lazyloading enabled = true and aggressiveLazyLoading=false in the global configuration. sql will be executed only when necessary to save resources.
Use the clooection tag to define the encapsulation rules of the attributes associated with the collection type.
<resultMap id="hello" type="com.boerk.mybatis.pojo.Department"> <id column="department_id" property="departmentId"></id> <result column="department_name" property="departmentName"></result> <collection property="list" ofType="com.boerk.mybatis.pojo.Employee"> <id column="employee_id" property="employeeId"></id> <result column="last_name" property="lastName"></result> <result column="email" property="email"></result> </collection> </resultMap>
Discriminator: discriminator. mybatis can use discriminator to determine the value of a column, and then change the encapsulation behavior according to the value of a column
- column: judge according to the value of this class
- javaType: the type of this class
- Judge by changing the value in value (similar to switch)