This article is suitable for the scenarios where mysql needs debugging or mysql database is installed through source code on the localization platform. Although the title indicates mysql version 5.6, version 5.7 is also basically applicable, but the compilation parameters of cmake are slightly different from those of initializing the database.
The installation process in this article is relatively simple, and I hope it can be helpful for readers. Besides, I can think about it properly. In addition, since this article is the result of personal practice, it is purely for recording. If there is any mistake in this article, or any problem is found in the practice, please contact me for correction.
mysql 5.6 source compilation and installation
1. mysql source compilation needs to rely on ncurses library. Check whether libncurses devel package has been installed. If not, you can use yum for installation. Kylin Linux is compiled and installed using the source package:
wget tar -zxvf ncurses-5.9.tar.gz cd ncurses-5.9/ # In general linux system, the - build parameter can be specified as x86 ʄ # In the domestic system, hostnamectl can view the CPU architecture. If it is arm64/aarch64, you need to use the following command ./configure --with-shared --without-debug --without-ada --enable-overwrite --build=arm-gnu-linux # Or the following command: # ./configure --with-normal --without-debug --without-ada --enable-overwrite -build=arm make -j4 make install # Note: if there is an error during compilation, you may need to modify the line with "mouse" trafo in the curses.tail file to remove the comment
2. mysql is generally easy to compile with cmake, so first compile and install cmake from source:
wget tar -zxvf cmake-3.14.6.tar.gz cd cmake-3.14.6/ ./configure && gmake -j4 && gmake install (The following command checks if the installation is complete) cmake --version
3. Source installation mysql-5.6.45.tar.gz + boost:
Because mysql 5.7 source package fails to compile on Kylin Linux, mysql 5.6 is used for installation here. MySQL source also depends on boost, so you need to download two packages, namely mysql 5.6 + boost. Boost can be downloaded from its official website. I lazy downloaded mysql-boost-5.7.27.tar.gz package of MySQL official website, which contains boost, and then copied it to mysql-5.6 decompression directory.
# ----Create mysql user (omitted) wget tar -zxvf mysql-5.6.45.tar.gz cp -R mysql-5.7.27/boost/ mysql-5.6.45/ # ------->Copy it from mysql-boost-5.7.27.tar.gz cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/var/lib/mysql -DMYSQL_DATADIR=/var/lib/mysql/data -DSYSCONFDIR=/etc -DMYSQL_USER=mysql -DDEFAULT_CHARSET=utf8 -DDEFAULT_COLLATION=utf8_general_ci -DWITH_BOOST=boost make -j8 make install cd /var/lib/ chown mysql:mysql ./mysql -R
IV. create my.cnf configuration file
cd /var/lib/mysql cp support-files/my-default.cnf /etc/my.cnf chown mysql:mysql /etc/my.cnf vi /etc/my.cnf
my.cnf references are as follows:
[mysqld] basedir=/var/lib/mysql datadir=/var/lib/mysql/data #bind-address= port=3306 socket=/tmp/mysql.sock innodb_file_per_table=1 default-storage-engine=INNODB explicit_defaults_for_timestamp=true symbolic-links=0 max_connections=1000 log-error=/var/lib/mysql/mysql.log pid-file=/var/lib/mysql/
V. initialize mysql database and configuration
cd /var/lib/mysql cp support-files/mysql.server /etc/init.d/mysql chown mysql:mysql /etc/init.d/mysql cp bin/* /usr/bin/ chkconfig --add mysql chkconfig mysql on mkdir data chown mysql:mysql data/ ./scripts/mysql_install_db --user=mysql --basedir=/var/lib/mysql --datadir=/var/lib/mysql/data --defaults-file=/etc/my.cnf --random-passwords # The initialization process of MySQL 5.7 is as follows: # ./bin/mysqld --defaults-file='/etc/my.cnf' --initialize --user=mysql /etc/init.d/mysql start # Under normal circumstances, Success will occur during startup, otherwise the startup fails # Or service mysql start cat /root/.mysql_secret # --->View random password (only available for version 5.6, the initial random password of version 5.7 is in the log file specified by log error) mysql -uroot -pXdRmLO1T1pRRM7Jc # Password needs to be changed after login # Finally, open the firewall port, remote connection permission, etc