mysql database learning notes (summary)

Posted by mikster on Wed, 14 Aug 2019 10:59:39 +0200

mysql database learning collation

Log in to the database

Mysql-u username-p password
Look at the database and note that it ends with a semicolon
show databases;
# Display all databases (# is the symbol for mysql annotations)


Overview of SQL

SQL(Structural query language) Structured Query Language for Operating Databases
Three Main Lines of SQL Learning

# Learning SQL is divided into three parts as follows:
# DML: Data Manipulation Language - > INSERT / DELETE / UPDATE / SELECT
 # DDL: Data Definition Language - > CRAETE (with a column) / ALTER (modification) / DROP (deletion) / TRUNCATE (empty) / RENAME (rename)
# DCL: Data Control Language - > COMMIT Submitting Data) / ROLLBACK (Rollback Operation) / GRANT / REVOKE
 # When it comes to databases, it's customary to mention adding, deleting, and checking. It's easier to add, delete and modify databases and more difficult to query.
# Large amount of data can be displayed by limit paging, such as: query 500 data, 10 display


Basic SELECT statements;

elect Query columns  from Query table`
show databases;
use test1
#Some fields are null and java null, which means that there is no assignment. NULL and 0 are two concepts.
select  name myname , age as myage
from myname

#Specify the form of field name aliases available for the fields in the table after query
#Or the form of the field name as alias

# Pay attention to everything. "It's all half-angled."
# If a column alias wants to contain spaces, it is caused by an alias or an alias.
# Specification requires double quotation marks, mysql does not strictly oracle database must be double quotation marks

FROM girl;    

# Query all databases
# Use the specified database
USE test1;

# Basic query operations, which columns, which columns

SELECT hid,gname #To query fields
FROM girl;             #Table to query

The shortcut for queries is F9
Query all columns in this table
FROM girl;

# aliases of columns
# You can use a pair of "" package aliases

SELECT hid 'H ID',gname AS "Game nickname"
FROM girl;     

# There are three common types of data:

# 1 numerical type, integral floating point type of java
 # 2 Character/String, Name, Street, and Provinces are not strictly required to say that a character is one and a string is multiple.
# 3-day type
 # There are many more besides that.
# Date and character variables. To use a pair of single quotation marks to refer to, it can only appear in single quotation marks.
# Double quotation marks are used to alias a column.

# Display table structure
# Corresponding Change Table
# Display whether the field name data type is an empty key default extra field property
# The graphical interface is equivalent to right-clicking and changing the table after selecting the table.

DESC girl;

# Command Line Display Table Structure
# Or use the full name of the command


Operator Meaning
 = Equivalent to (not===)
> greater than
 >= greater than or equal to
 Less than
 <= less than or equal to
 <> is not equal to (or can be!=)

Emphasis: Assignment Use: = Symbols

# Other comparison operators

Operator Meaning
 BETWEEN Between Two Values (Containing Boundaries)
... AND ... 

IN(set) is equal to one in the list of values
 LIKE Fuzzy Query
 IS NULL null value

By positioning the cursor on a query statement in sqlyog, the current query can be executed
Characters in sql are understood as strings

Logical operation
 Operator Meaning
 AND logical union (and)
OR logic or/or
 NOT Logic No (Non)

# mysql has just installed four initialized databases
# The key is mysql, where the system-related tables are placed.
# User name, password are all here, password is encrypted


Filtering and sorting data

# 1 Filter 2 Sort
# Query all information in the table goods in test1 database that cat_id is 8 and return

FROM goods
#Filtering data
WHERE cat_id=8;
#Query shop_price > 60 for goods
SELECT goods_name,cat_id,shop_price
FROM goods
#WHERE (shop_price > 3000 or shop_price < 2000) ;
WHERE shop_price != 1000;

# Between... and... (between two values, including boundaries)

FROM    goods
#where   shop_price between 2000 and 3000;
WHERE   shop_price BETWEEN 3000 AND 2000;
#It's more convenient to use between and with boundaries, but easier to use operators such as >= when excluding boundaries.

# in (set): Either of the values ()

FROM  goods
#where shop_price=2000 or shop_price=2500 or shop_price=3000;
WHERE  shop_price IN( 2000,2500,3000 );

# like: Fuzzy query queries goods table goods_name containing a data

FROM goods
#where goods_name like '%p%e%' or goods_name LIKE '%e%p%'; 

# Who like s to write all the details here?
#% Number represents 0 or more characters
# oracle is case-sensitive inside single quotation marks
#WHERE goods_name LIKE '%p%' and goods_name LIKE '%e%';
# Query goods_name for data whose second character is a
WHERE goods_name LIKE'_d%'; in mysql is a placeholder, and an underscore represents a character'_d%'and the fourth character is d.
# Any character is OK. Any character is OK.
# Query for data with the second character being and the third character being a

# escape character\

FROM  girl
#where gname like'% female';

WHERE gname LIKE '%_%female' ESCAPE '_';
#ESCAPE''means to specify escape characters, so there are two ways to escape.

# is null: null
# is not null: non-null value

FROM girl

SELECT goods_name, goods_id,market_price,goods_number , (market_price * goods_number) AS 'Total Available Sales'
#Specify a new column with total fields and product contents
#Every null value involved in the operation, the result is null, we should understand that null is null is not equal to 0, if you want to null as 0, you can use a function to achieve.
FROM goods;

# Sort grouping order by

FROM goods
#Order By market_price;
#Order by default is sorted in ascending order
#Or you can specify your own sort
#ASC: ascend can also be omitted
#Desc: descend
ORDER BY market_price DESC;
# If you want to do some filtering while sorting, then where can't be left untouched and behind order by
 # where is usually next to from.
# from is followed by where,order by is usually written at the end of the query statement
#Query goods_number > 10 after market_price decreases
FROM goods
WHERE goods_number>10
ORDER BY market_price DESC;

# Secondary Sorting

FROM goods
WHERE goods_number>10
ORDER BY market_price DESC,click_count;
#If there are more first-order sorting results, then you can specify two-level, three-level, and n-level sorting.
#After the original ranking condition, the condition can be added.

# Alias can be used to sort

SELECT goods_name AS GOODSNAME #assign an alias
FROM goods
WHERE goods_number>10
ORDER BY  GOODSNAME;           #Sort by alias


multi-table query

# Implementing queries between multiple tables
# involving multiple table joins
# Multi-table connection and multi-table query
# Why not put all the information in one table, messy, miscellaneous and inconvenient to manage, just like classes in java

# create database student information;
USE Student Information;
SELECT name, corresponding address
 FROM Basic Information, Area Table; #30 Lines 6*5=30

# The above query is wrong, which is called Cartesian set error.
# There are no join conditions for two tables, or write conditions, but they fail.
# If in a multi-table connection, no multi-table join condition or join condition is declared to be invalid.
# Cartesian coordinate system, also known as Cartesian coordinate system

#dual is a virtual table

# Correct, multi-table connection, there must be connection conditions

USE Student Information;
SELECT name, corresponding address
 FROM Basic Information, Area Table
 # Connection conditions
 WHERE Basic Information. `Area Number ` = Area Table. `Area Number';
# The grammar of association is Table 1. Field name = Table 2. Field name. If two field names are the same, the association is successful.
# The connection conditions are shown.

# Error demonstration

USE Student Information;
SELECT Name, Corresponding Address, Region Number. Is this Region Number in the Basic Information Table or in the Region Table?
# Ambiguity arises, so ambiguous errors are reported. The solution at this point is to specify specific tables.
# Representation by table. area number
 # The names and addresses of the two fields behind select are unique in the corresponding two tables, which are very easy to find.
# If the query column appears in multiple tables
 # You must specify the table to which this column belongs.
# It's better to specify tables for each column when querying.
# From the point of view of SQL optimization, it is more efficient to specify the fields of the tables to which you belong.
# There are other operations such as optimization in mysql advanced course
 FROM Basic Information, Area Table
 WHERE Basic Information. `Area Number ` = Area Table. `Area Number';
# ambiguous ambiguous

# Alias of tables

USE Student Information;
SELECT. Name, d. Corresponding address
 FROM Basic Information AS e, Area Table d
 # Connection conditions
 WHERE e. `Area number `= d. `Area number `;
# If you specify an alias, you can use an alias instead of the original name, and you can use AS to specify an alias.
# The aliases of columns can only be used in order by, but not elsewhere.
# So column aliases can only be used for sorting, not filtering.

# Query specific address operation three tables

SELECT. Name, d. `Area Number', f. Specific Address

FROM Basic Information AS e, Area Table AS d, Address Table AS f

WHERE e. `Area Number ` = d. `Area Number`
AND. `Address number `= f. `Address number `;
# Three tables write two join conditions
 # Equivalent join, two tables must have common fields

# Summary 1: If there are N tables to query, then there are at least N-1 join conditions.
# Summary 2: Table join classification

# Equivalent Connection VS Non-Equivalent Connection
 # Self-Connecting (Self-Connecting) VS Non-Self-Connecting (Self-Connecting)
# Internal connection VS external connection

# Basic information of non-equivalence connection

SELECT Basic Information. `Name, Basic Information. `Age, Wage Rank. `Rank`
FROM Basic Information, Wage Rank
 # where basic information. `Wage `> = wage level. ` From `and basic information. Wage < = wage level.
# The coprocess between and is clearer
 WHERE Basic Information. Wage BETWEEN Wage Rank. From AND Wage Rank. `to`
# Sort the result wages in descending order after query
 ORDER BY Wage Rank. `Rank `DESC;

# All of the above are non-self-connected.

# Self-Connecting (Self-Connecting)
# Query each employee and their managers for information

SELECT emp. Number, emp. `Name `, mgr. ` Number `, mgr. `Name`
FROM Basic Information emp, Basic Information mgr
 # Operating on two tables is essentially a table
 WHERE emp.
# The order of output changed after querying.
# This is a useless example.
SELECT Basic Information. `Work Number', Basic Information. `Supervisor Work Number`
FROM basic information;

# Internal join: Internal join: merge rows of two or more tables with the same column
# The result set does not contain rows that do not match one table with another
# Internal join: Query only rows whose join conditions match.
# The result set does not contain mismatched rows

USE Student Information;
SELECT. Name, d. `Address Number`
FROM Basic Information AS e, Area Table d
 # Connection conditions
 WHERE e. `Area number `= d. `Area number `;
# The area number of Beibei in this table is empty, so it is filtered out.

# External join: Two tables in the join process except for returning rows that satisfy the join condition
# In addition, it returns rows that do not satisfy the conditions in the left (or right) table.
# This connection is called a left (or right) outer connection. When there are no matching rows,
# The corresponding column in the result table is null (NULL).

# External connection
# Left External Connection: In addition to querying rows of information that match the join conditions, information that does not meet the join conditions can also be found in the left table.
# Right External Connection: In addition to querying information rows that match the join conditions, you can also find information that does not meet the join conditions in the right table.
# The number of data queried by an external connection is greater than or equal to the number of data queried by an internal connection.

# USE Student Information;
# SELECT. Name, d. `Address Number`
# FROM Basic Information AS e, Area Table d
 # Connection conditions
 # WHERE e. `Area Number `= d. `Area Number `(+);# Makes the left and right tables the same length
 # oracle is relatively simple, adding + means the left outer connection, while mysql can not be implemented.

# Query all employees'names and address numbers (someone's address number is empty)

# mysql External Connections can only use join, other connections, join and where
 # The grammar of sql 99 provides another way to connect multiple tables
 # Internal connection
 SELECT. Name, d. `Address Number`
FROM Basic Information e JOIN Area Table d
 # Connection conditions
 ON e. `Area number `= d. `Area number `;

SELECT Number `Regional Table', Name, Address Number
 FROM Basic Information j JOIN Area Table q # Add a Table
 ON j. `Area Number ` = q. `Area Number `; Connection Conditions
 # Where.... If there are filter conditions plus where

# Internal join of three tables

SELECT Job number`Regional table`,Full name,q.Address Number
FROM Essential information j JOIN Regional table q  #Add a table
ON j.`Area Number` = q.`Area Number`  #Connection conditions
JOIN Address table AS l
ON q.`Address Number`=l.`Address Number`;
#On Multiple Tables Continue to join on

#Adding the INNER keyword also means internal connection
SELECT Job number`Regional table`,Full name,q.Address Number
FROM Essential information j INNER JOIN Regional table q  
ON j.`Area Number` = q.`Area Number`  #Connection conditions
JOIN Address table AS l
ON q.`Address Number`=l.`Address Number`;

# External Connection Using sql 99 Grammar

# Add LEFT OUTER to the left side of JOIN to call the left outer connection
 SELECT Industry Number `Regional Table', Name, Address Number, q. `Regional Characteristics`
FROM Basic Information j LEFT OUTER JOIN Area Table q# Add a Table
 ON j. `Area Number ` = q. `Area Number `; Connection Conditions
 # Where.... If there are filter conditions plus where
 # List all the information in the left table

# Right External Connection

SELECT Industry Number `Regional Table', Name, Area Table `Address Number, q. ` Regional Characteristics`
FROM Basic Information j RIGHT OUTER JOIN Area Table q # Add a Table
 ON j. `Area Number ` = q. `Area Number `; Connection Conditions
 # Where.... If there are filter conditions plus where
 # After listing the matching information between the two tables, list the unqualified information in the right table.
# Equivalent to listing all the information in the right table
 # That is, the left table is not satisfied, and the right table is not satisfied.
# Full Outside Connections: In addition to querying information about rows that match the join conditions,
# It can also query information that does not satisfy the conditions in the left and right tables.
# oracle supports full-out connections. Using full keyword implementation, mysql does not support
 # If mysql wants to achieve the same function, it can only find unio from multiple tables, and
# SELECT Industry Number `Regional Table', Name, Area Table `Address Number, q. ` Regional Characteristics`
# FROM Basic Information j full OUTER JOIN Area Table q# Add a Table
 # ON j. `Area Number ` = q. `Area Number `; Connection Conditions

SELECT Industry Number `Regional Table', Name, Area Table `Address Number, q. ` Regional Characteristics`
FROM Basic Information j RIGHT OUTER JOIN Area Table q # Add a Table
 ON j. `Area Number ` = q. `Area Number `; Connection Conditions


# One-way function
# sql is similar to the method in java
# One-line function: A function with one input and one output is called a one-line function.
# Multi-line function: A function with multiple inputs and one output is called a multi-line function.
# Row: A row of data in a table
# One line in and one line out is a one-way function.
# To go in and out of a row is to go in and out of multiple wages with a multi-line function, and to come out with the highest wage.
# One-line functions operate on data objects
# One-way function
# Database objects: table view index
# sequence function (FUNCTION) stored procedure (PROCEDURE) trigger
# Like a java class
# View: Unlike tables, views modify corresponding data to update source data
# Index: In order to search quickly, hundreds of thousands of data in the table can be found quickly, and the index can be created for the table.
# Sequence: When adding data, let the sequence add automatically, several numbers at a time, such as 1357
# Function, similar to java's method with no return value
# Stored procedures, similar to java methods with return values
# Trigger: Do the following similar operations, when deleting data, each deletion triggers one, can be used as a copy, backup.
# It's not DBA at work, so you don't need to dig into the three structures of functions.

# One-way function

# Operating data objects
# Accepting parameters returns a result

# Character function

SELECT 'hello','heLLo',LOWER('heLLo'),UPPER('hello')
FROM DUAL; #Write a DUAL without any table
USE Essential information;
FROM  Essential information
WHERE  LOWER(Full name) = LOWER('KING');#If the database is lowercase
#sql standard strict character case-sensitive mysql is not so strict, ignoring case-sensitive
SELECT CONCAT('AAA','bbb','ccc')

#xxx worked for xxx

SELECT CONCAT(emp. `Name `, `worked for', mgr. `Name `) AS'Work Information'
FROM Basic Information emp, Basic Information mgr

# Operating on two tables is essentially a table
 WHERE emp.

# The feature of this method is to start with the second parameter and take the length of the third parameter as a substring.

SELECT SUBSTR('HelloWorld',2,5)#The mysql index location starts at 1
#java JDBC operates on databases, and database indexes in some APIs start from 1.
#LENGTH() Length
#The position where the INSTR() character first appears in the string, and the output is 0 if it does not appear.
SELECT INSTR('helloworld','l')
#LPAD ("he", "10",'') right alignment of 10 bits, insufficient complement''
#RPAD('he',10,') left alignment
#TRIM ('h'FROM'helloh') can take anything. Here's the ending H
SELECT TRIM(' ' FROM 'helloh')

#REPLACE('abcd','b','m') has been replaced, and all have been replaced.

# Mathematical function

SELECT ROUND(12.345,0),ROUND(12.345,2),ROUND(12.34,-1)
#When the third parameter of ROUND rounding is -1, the result is 102 rounded.
#The third parameter, if 0, can be removed, is the default behavior.
SELECT TRUNCATE(12.345,0),TRUNCATE(12.345,2),TRUNCATE(12.34,-1)
#truncate() truncate the above results 12.34 10, respectively
#MOD(12,5) redundancy can be positive or negative
SELECT MOD(12,7),MOD(-12,7),MOD(12,-7),MOD(-12,-7),MOD(12.3,3)
#The above results are 5-55-50.3

# Date function

#Function now() returns: date, time

# General function

SELECT (goods_price*IFNULL(goods_number,0))
#ifNULL(expr1,expr2) If the first parameter is 0, replace the first parameter with the second parameter.
#oracle uses nvl substitution

# conditional expression

#case WHEN then then then else end

# Query all employee information.
# If their age prints 10 times their salary
# If their age prints 20 times their salary
# If it prints 30 times its salary in a year
# If other ages print their wages

# The format is as follows:

SELECT Number, Wage, CASE Age WHEN 10 THEN Wage*10
                           WHEN 20 THEN Wages*20
                           WHEN 30 THEN Wages*30
                           ELSE Wage END AS'New Wage'
FROM Basic Information;  Can Not Have ELSE
 # where... where filtering can be specified
 # There is no punctuation between cases when the n

# multiline function (grouping function)
# For example, query the maximum wage
# Common grouping function: avg() sum() max() min() count()
# avg() sum() only operates on numeric variables, other types are not allowed
# Character type, date type variable cannot be manipulated

# Find the average wage, and

SELECT AVG (Wage), SUM (Wage)
FROM basic information;
# mysql does not report errors in some meaningless manipulations, which oracle does well

# Max (), min () for numeric, character and date operations

SELECT MAX (Wage), MIN (Wage), MAX (Name), MIN (Name)
FROM basic information;

# count() calculates the number of non-empty data in the specified column data

SELECT COUNT (name), COUNT(NULL),COUNT(1),COUNT(*)#1 take out a data to see if it is NULL.
FROM basic information;
# avg=sum/count. All they want is non-empty data without considering control.
SELECT AVG (Wage), SUM (Wage), SUM (Wage)/COUNT (Wage)
FROM basic information;
# sum (wage) / count (*), AVG (IFNULL (wage, 0))
# group by implements grouping of departments to calculate the average wages of each group
SELECT department_id,AVG(salary)
FROM employees
GROUP BY department_id;#Average by group id
#For example, the state calculates the average wage of various industries in China.
#The school calculates the total tuition fee for each department.
# group by specifies the column to be grouped
 SELECT COUNT (Name), Area Number # Find the Number of Each Region
 FROM Basic Information
 GROUP BY area number;
#Average wages for different sectors and types of work
SELECT department_id,AVG(salary)
FROM employees
GROUP BY department_id,job_id;
SELECT department_id,AVG(salary)
FROM employees
###This way of writing is incorrect even if it can produce data.
###It doesn't make sense that mysql does not report errors, oracle does.
#In select, there are both group functions and non-group functions.
#Require that non-group functions must appear in our group by

# Wrong

SELECT department_id,AVG(salary)
FROM employees
GROUP BY department_id;

# Correct: Conversely, columns that appear in group by may not be declared in select.

SELECT department_id,AVG(salary)
FROM employees
GROUP BY department_id,job_id;

# If there are columns of group and non-group functions in select, then columns of non-group functions must be declared in group by.
# Do this set of operations

# Illegal use of group functions
# Departments with a maximum wage of 10,000

SELECT department_id,MAX(salary)
FROM employees
#where max(salary)>10000
#Wrong. If you use group functions in filtering conditions, you need to use them.
#Have replaced where
GROUP BY department_id;

# Orale can write like this, but mysql can't.

SELECT department_id,MAX(salary)
FROM employees
HAVING MAX(salary) >10000
GROUP BY department_id;

# mysql requires that having be declared behind group by, which oracle does not require

SELECT department_id,MAX(salary)
FROM employees
GROUP BY department_id
HAVING MAX(salary) >10000;

# Query 10,20,30,40,50 departments, which departments have higher maximum wages than 10,000
# Low efficiency

SELECT department_id,MAX(salary)
FROM employees
GROUP BY department_id
HAVING MAX(salary) >10000 AND department_id IN (10 ,20 , 30 , 40 ,50);
#This way of writing is correct, but it is not recommended.
#If there are multiple filtering conditions, the filtering conditions of the grouping function must be written in having.
#In addition, filter conditions that do not include group functions are suggested to be written in where. Because writing in where is more efficient

# sql optimization, high efficiency

SELECT department_id,MAX(salary)
FROM employees
WHERE department_id IN (10 ,20 , 30 , 40 ,50)
#where has started filtering at the time of full-table retrieval
#It is inefficient to start filtering after having full-table retrieval.
GROUP BY department_id
HAVING MAX(salary) >10000 ;

# Summary:
# So far, the use of keywords in select has ended.

#select... ... ... alias
#from  . . . ,. . . ,. . . .  join . . . . . 
#on . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
#join . . . . . . . . . . . . 
#where Multiple Table Connection Conditions
#Filtering Conditions of and Nongroup Functions
#group by . . . . . . . . . 
#having . . . . . . . . . . 
#order . . . . . . . . . . . 
#limit... paging


# Subqueries are nested select ions, nested multi-tiers, and sometimes optimized.
# Whose salary is higher than Zhang San's
# Mode 1:
# Multiple queries

USE Student Information;
SELECT name, salary
 FROM Basic Information
 WHERE name='Zhang San';

SELECT name, salary
 FROM Basic Information
 WHERE Wages > 1034;

# Mode 2:
# Self-connection
# Not all problems can be solved by self-connection.

SELECT j2. `Name, j2. `Wage`
FROM Basic Information AS j1, Basic Information AS j2
 WHERE j1. `Name `='Zhang San'
AND j1. Wages < j2. Wages;

# Mode 3
# Subquery
# When java jdbc calls SERVER background database, strive to
# Simple, can do things at one time, never divided into two.

SELECT name, salary
 FROM Basic Information
 WHERE Wages >(
             SELECT Salary # Can't Write Excess Information
             FROM Basic Information
             WHERE name ='Zhang San'

# Two or more nested queries are called sub-queries

SELECT Full name,wages
FROM Essential information
WHERE       (
             SELECT wages #Can't write redundant information
             FROM Essential information
             WHERE Full name='Zhang San'
#You can write that, but it looks awkward.
#Usually you put lightweight variables where

# Subquery classification
# Single-line subquery: Returns a single-line query record

SELECT Full name,wages
FROM Essential information
WHERE       (

             SELECT wages #Can't write redundant information
             FROM Essential information
             WHERE Full name='Zhang San'


# From inside to outside
# Multi-row sub-query: Returns multi-row query records

# Returns the same area number as Steven in the basic information table.
# Name, number, and salary of employees who earn more than Xiaoqian
# Solutions: 1. Write from the outside to the inside, 2. Write from the inside to the outside.

SELECT Name, Number, Salary
 FROM Basic Information
 WHERE Area Number=(
                SELECT Area Number
                FROM Basic Information
                WHERE Name='Steven'
     Wage >(
         SELECT Wages
         FROM Basic Information
         WHERE Name='Xiaoqian'

# Generally speaking, it's easier to write from inside to outside.
# Write from outside to inside, not test

# Return the name, number, and salary of the employee with the lowest salary.

SELECT Name, Number, Salary
 FROM Basic Information
 WHERE Wages=
            SELECT MIN (Wages)
            FROM Basic Information

# Return the name, number, and salary of the second lowest paid employee in the company

SELECT Name, Number, Salary
 FROM Basic Information
 WHERE Wages=(
     SELECT MIN (Wages)
     FROM Basic Information
     WHERE Wages >(
              SELECT MIN (Wages)
              FROM Basic Information

# Have in self-query

# Query the Department id and minimum wage of the Department whose minimum wage is greater than 60

SELECT department_id ,MIN(salary)
FROM empoyees
GROUP BY department_id
HAVING MIN(salary)>(
                    SELECT MIN(salary)
                    FROM employees
                    WHERE department_id=60
AND department_id IS NOT NULL;

# Look from the inside to the outside when you look at it, and speak from the outside to the inside when you say it.
# Learn to Translate English into Chinese

# Illegal use of subqueries

SELECT employee_id, last_name
FROM   employees
WHERE  salary = #In should be used here
                (SELECT   MIN(salary)
                 FROM     employees
                 GROUP BY department_id);

**#Query Null Value Problem in Subqueries**
SELECT last_name, job_id
FROM   employees
WHERE  job_id =
                (SELECT job_id
                 FROM   employees
                 WHERE  last_name = 'Haas');
#The company does not have this type of work and this person, not this person.

# Multi-line sub-queries, using the operator: in any all

SELECT employee_id, last_name
FROM   employees
WHERE  salary IN
                (SELECT   MIN(salary)
                 FROM     employees
                 GROUP BY department_id);

# Topic: Return to any employee whose salary is lower than job_id in other departments.
# Number, name, job_id and salary

SELECT employee_id, last_name, job_id, salary
FROM   employees
WHERE  salary < ANY # any
                    (SELECT  DISTINCT salary
                     FROM   employees
                     WHERE  job_id = 'IT_PROG')
AND    job_id <> 'IT_PROG';
## DISTINCT Weight Removal#

# Topic: Return to employees in other departments whose job_id is lower than any salary in the'IT_PROG'department.
# Number, name, job_id and salary

SELECT employee_id, last_name, job_id, salary
FROM   employees
WHERE  salary < ALL # any
                    (SELECT  DISTINCT salary
                     FROM   employees
                     WHERE  job_id = 'IT_PROG')
AND    job_id <> 'IT_PROG';

# The hardest part is subquery
# Query the employee number, name and salary of the employee whose salary is higher than the average salary of the company.

SELECT employee_id,last_name,salary
FROM employees
WHERE salary>(
    SELECT AVG(salary)
    FROM employees

#* The average salary of each department is higher than that of its own department.
# Employee number, name and salary of highly paid employees
# Relevant queries

# Mode 1:

 SELECT employee_id,last_name,salary
 FROM employees e1
 WHERE salary>(
        #Query the average of the incoming employees in their department
        SELECT AVG(salary)
        FROM employees e2
        WHERE e1.`department_id`=e2.`department_id`

# Outside, a piece of data comes in first.
# Judge inside, compare it with what you send in, and then send it out.

# Mode 2: Subqueries can not only appear in where filtering conditions

SELECT employee_id,last_name,salary    #The bottom is equivalent to a new table.
FROM employees e1,(SELECT department_id,AVG(salary)  dept_avg_sal FROM 
employees GROUP BY department_id) d)
WHERE e1.`department_id`=d.dept_avg_sal;

# Subqueries can be written not only in where, but also in many places.
# The group by block can't be written anywhere else.
# Ordering this block can also be written
# Subqueries can also be used in order by
# Inquire the name of the employee, Department id, and request to be sorted by department name

SELECT last_name,department_id
FROM employees e
     SELECT department_name
     FROM departments d
     WHERE e.`department_id`=d.`department_id`

# Query the name and salary of the employee whose manager is King

SELECT last_name,salary
FROM employees
WHERE manage_id IN(
      SELECT employee_id
      FROM   employees
      WHERE last_name='King'

# Search for department information on the lowest average wage
# One-line functions can be nested, multi-line functions can not be nested, and grouping functions can not be nested.
# oracle can be nested

FROM employees
GROUP BY department_id

# mysql

FROM departments
WHERE department_id=(
                    SELECT department_id
                    FROM employees
                    GROUP BY department_id
                    HAVING AVG(salary)=( 
                                        SELECT MIN(avg_sal)
                                       SELECT AVG(salary) avg_sal
                                       FROM employees
                                       GROUP BY department_id ) dept_avg_sal

# Search for information about the Department with the lowest average wage and the average wage in that department

SELECT d.*,(SELECT AVG(salary) FROM emeployees e WHERE e.department_id=d.`department_id`) "Average departmental wages"
FROM departments d
WHERE department_id=(
                    SELECT department_id
                    FROM employees
                    GROUP BY department_id
                    HAVING AVG(salary)=( 
                                        SELECT MIN(avg_sal)
                                       SELECT AVG(salary) avg_sal
                                       FROM employees
                                       GROUP BY department_id ) dept_avg_sal

# What is the minimum wage for the lowest part of the highest wage in each department?
# If the maximum wage of three departments is 8000,9000,10000, then the minimum wage of that department is 8000.

SELECT MIN(salary)
FROM employees
WHERE department_id=(
SELECT department_id
FROM employees
GROUP BY department_id
HAVING MAX(salary)=(
                      SELECT  MIN(max_sal)
                      FROM (
                              SELECT MAX(salary) max_sal
                              FROM employees
                              GROUP BY department_id
                    ) dept_max_sal

# Semi-colon problem, if all below are selected, then insert operation will be performed one by one.
# A semicolon represents a single execution statement. It doesn't matter if a single line of code is written without a semicolon.


Create and manage tables

# When you write a query, you'd better finish it all at once, and do it all at once.
# Queries inevitably use sub-queries

#Three main lines of sql
#DML : inset,update ,delete,select
#DDL : create,alter,drop,truncate,rename
#dcl : commit,rollback

# Major Learning ddl

#Display all databases
#Use the specified database
USE Student Information;

# Display all tables


#Create tables
#Way 1: Start from scratch and build it up bit by bit.

# Design each field
# Column, or field, specifies the data type of the field
# Data types are more stringent than java
# Set Length 10 Bits Max 99999999
# Character type
# Wages, total length is 10, of which 2 are decimal
# Initiation time, date type

# How to create tables in development


 emp_name VARCHAR(15),                      
 salary   DOUBLE(10,2),                     
 hire_date DATE                             
SELECT  * FROM myemp1 ;
DESC myemp1;
#AUTO_INCREMENT #  Self-growth, create a self-growth
#PRIMARY KEY         #  Setting the primary key ensures that the number added automatically is unique

# Constraints are used when creating tables.
# Way 2: Create new tables based on existing tables, create second generation and enrich second generation.

AS            #Column aliases act as column names for tables with newly created keys
SELECT employee_id  emp_id ,last_name,salary  #emp_id is an alias for a column, which is used as a field in a new table after the alias is created
FROM employees;

# Copy three fields from the original table for myemp to use
# The type and storage range of the original table are also copied synchronously.
# Not everything will be assigned.
# Constraints can't be copied.
# While creating tables in this way, the data of the original tables can also be assigned.

form myemp2;

# Can't overwrite, so write an individual name.

SELECT employee_id  emp_id ,last_name,salary
FROM employees;
WHERE department_id IN (50 , 60 , 70,80)
AND salary > 5000;

# You can create many new tables according to your own ideas.

SELECT department_id ,AVG(salary)
FROM employees
GROUP BY department_id;

##### Creating new tables based on multiple tables

SELECT department_name ,AVG(salary)
FROM employees e, departments d
WHERE e.department_id = d.department_id
GROUP BY department_name;

# Duplicate employees

CREATE TABLE employee_copy
FROM employees;  ##Constraints have some problems

# Duplicate employees, but the data is empty

CREATE TABLE employee_blank
FROM employees;  ##Constraints have some problems
WHERE 1=2; #Write an invalid condition

# Creating tables involves some common data types
# The variable length is usually used to correct errors if the length is not written.
# Videos and pictures are stored as blog s
# There are many different blog s

# Change table

USE aaa;

 emp_name VARCHAR(15),                      
 salary   DOUBLE(10,2),                     
 hire_date DATE                             

# alter table
# 1 Add a column

ADD email VARCHAR(25);
DESC myemp1;
#ora varchar2 mysql varchar

# Modify existing columns

MODIFY salary DOUBLE(15,2) DEFAULT 2000; #Default is used to set default values
#Modify is used to modify table fields

# Delete existing columns

#You can't delete, delete is used to delete data
#Here drop deletion structure is used
DROP  COLUMN email; #colum is called column

# Rename columns

#Column data types can be changed at the same time
#Unlike ora
USE aaa;

CHANGE salary my_sal DOUBLE(10,2);
#alter table myemp1 rename salary to mysal;
#Four things to change

# Delete tables

DROP TABLE myemp1;

# rename table

RENAME TO myemp1;
#oracle : rename myemp3 to emp3;
SELECT * FROM myemp3;

# Last operation
# Empty table
# Clear table: Clear all the data in the table and keep the table structure.
# Once truncate table deletes data, data cannot be rolled back
# delete from: Delete operations support rollback, add, delete and delete

COMMIT; Submit data
# Any changes made before are submitted.
# All previous changes are saved.
# Set the data to be unable to submit automatically

USE Student Information;
SET autocommit=FALSE;#No data submission
DELETE FROM  Address table;
SELECT * FROM Address table;

ROLLBACK ; #Undo Data
ROLLBACK ;#They will only roll back to the last commit, and they will appear in pairs.

SET autocommit=FALSE;

TRUNCATE TABLE  test1.`result`; ##Non-rollback data can also be understood as automatic submission of data
#Once executed, it is not retrievable


SELECT * FROM test1.`result`;

Roll back here. There's a pit.
# Sometimes you can't roll back
# Solutions


Addition, deletion and modification of data processing

# pl/sql special database operation language,
# Query is the most complex and important in addition, deletion and modification
# When interacting with databases, we should strive to write query commands neatly, and never do them twice.
# Relevant sub-queries are related to the inside and the outside. They are passed in from the outside, then out from the inside and used for sub-queries.
# Creating management tables is simpler. There are two ways to create tables: starting from scratch and copying.
# There are four instructions to modify the table, such as adding columns, modifying columns, deleting columns, etc. There are few operations to modify column names. Generally, the field of database tables is formed once, and the operation of changing column names is seldom done.
# Changing the storage scope from small to large will not affect the original data. Changing the storage scope from large to small will result in data loss and error reporting.
# The data type can also be modified. It already has data. It is mismatched to change data from double. It can report errors in oracle, no data in tables can be changed, and it can not report errors in mysql.
# If there is data in it, it will be changed successfully and the data will be cleared. This column is gone.
# Clear table turnccate table, not rollback
# The table is very definite. To delete it, use trunccate table
# The middle link of delete from is delete, delete, modify, uncertain.
# Additions, deletions and changes can be rolled back. Timely commit submission saves extraordinarily long rollbacks, resulting in data loss

# Function formats are important
# sql is not difficult, you need to write more
# Dozens of lines without long code
# Invest in will be painful, will work hard
# Do not write sub-queries after group by

# Addition, deletion and modification of data processing
# Add (add) - - INSERT INTO

DROP TABLE aaa.`myemp1`;
USE aaa;
 id INT,
 nam VARCHAR(10),#Variable must specify length
 salary DOUBLE(10,2),
 hire_date DATE

SELECT * FROM  aaa.myemp;

Increase in quantity
# Way one, add data one by one
# By default, you need to assign values in the order of columns in the table


# By default, it comes in order of columns.


# It doesn't make sense to write the test like this.

# Common situations in development
# Sometimes, it's not clear which column is first followed by which one
# You can specify the order after the table. This method is often used in program development.

INSERT INTO myemp(id,nam,hire_date,salary)
#The columns in the displayed listing table are typically shown in this way

# If the employee's salary hasn't been fixed, you can fill in null.

INSERT INTO myemp(id,nam,hire_date,salary)

# There are four columns in the table and only three in the parameter table.
# Then the following specific parameters should also be written in three.
# This situation is also used more, the remaining columns automatically fill in null

INSERT INTO myemp(id,nam,hire_date)

# User information, filling in the form may be incomplete, and automatic filling in NULL that was not written at the time of saving
# No columns are declared to add data. Data defaults to nulll, which is common in development.
# Sometimes the execution is unsuccessful, involving constraints
# If salary has added non-empty constraints, then the execution will report an error.
# Some non-empty columns must be assigned values.

# The above are one by one additions

# Mode 2: Import data based on existing tables
# When importing, pay attention to whether the type and scope of columns are the same

DESC myemp;#Lead Representation First Look at Structure
DESC emp;

SELECT * FROM myemp;

INSERT INTO hehehe(id,nam,salary)
SELECT id,nam,salary
FROM myemp;

# Delete data: delete from

WHERE salary IS NULL;#Delete blank lines

# Writing is usually filtered, otherwise it's completely deleted.
# delete from is a natural batch operation
# Delete. Sometimes delete fails.
# Table does not exist

# Constraints, mainly on columns
# Foreign key constraints
# Table A has a region number and Table B has a region number.
# After table AB is associated, if you write another area number to table A
# Another value, which does not exist in the area number of table b
# It will report an error and violate the foreign key constraint.
# Values of foreign key constraints cannot be deleted

# Delete parent table data, first go to the child table to see if there is any correlation.

# Deleting failed because of foreign key constraints and staff data related to Department 90 found in employees.

DELETE FROM departments
WHERE department_id=90;

# Modify data update... set... where...

UPDATE  myemp
SET salary=12000
WHERE id=1;

# This operation is also a batch operation, if you do not specify where conditions, then all updates

UPDATE  myemp
SET salary=12000,id=222,hire_date='1999-09-09'
WHERE id=2;

# Careful deletion of foreign key constraints

# Characteristics of deletion
# Cascade deletion, cascade empty (see courseware)
# Meaning of multi-table synchronization
# When setting foreign key constraints, add some conditions to the back...

# The operations of one or more DML s of database transactions are combined
# Call it database transaction
# Database transaction: One or more DML operations are combined to form a database transaction
# AA transfers to BB
# A synchronization of transfer, I transfer you to receive, you can not receive, rollback

#update emp set salary=salary-100 where name='AA'
#update emp set salary=salary+100 where name='BB'

# Principle of Transaction Processing: Either multiple DML operations in a transaction are successfully executed, and data is submitted at this time
# Save the modified data
# Either the execution is unsuccessful, or the already performed operations are rolled back.

# CC transfers 100 to DD
# It constitutes a business, which appears as a whole, either all or none.
# DML operation, supporting data rollback operation.
# DDL operations, do not support data rollback, delete a table, modify a table, can not rollback
SET autocommit=FALSE; Set to no autocommit operation
# In development, let the autocommit variable be false first

  #update emp set salary=salary-100 where name='AA'
  #update emp set salary=salary+100 where name='BB'
#} catch(){



#This is similar in java


SET autocommit=FALSE;

SELECT * FROM goods;

Constraints and Paging

# constraint keyword
# To ensure data consistency and integrity, the SQL specification imposes additional constraints on table data in a constrained manner.
# Common constraints: not null, unique, primaary key, foreign key
# Checkable Constraints (check) Default Value Constraints (default)

# How to add constraints to tables: 1. Adding constraints while creating; 2. Adding and deleting constraints by modifying tables. Constraints can not be said to be modifications (deletion first and then)
# Consider at the beginning, when making a table, consider clearly, otherwise later may appear constraints can not be added, can not be deleted.
# Addition: 1 column level constraints 2 table level constraints (written at the back of the table only)
# Constraints are actually restrictions on columns of tables, additional restrictions on data in tables
# Generally speaking, it is the restriction on the DML operation of the list.

# 1. Non-null constraints
# Only column level constraints can be used

USE aaa;
salary DOUBLE (10,2)
DESC myem1;
INSERT INTO myem1(id,NAME,salary)

# Error Field'id'not't have a default value
# Failure to add

INSERT INTO myem1(NAME,salary)

INSERT INTO myem1(NAME,salary)

# The last field can be null because there is no non-null restriction

INSERT INTO myem1(id,NAME,salary)

# Delete non-null constraints


DESC myem1;

# Adding non-null constraints
# It is possible that the execution is unsuccessful. (Cause: If null values already exist in the existing salary, the addition of constraints fails.)


# 2. Uniqueness Constraints
# Column values are unique

USE aaa;
 id INT  UNIQUE, #Column level constraint, which defaults to the constraint name
 email VARCHAR(20),
 hire_date DATE,
 #Table level constraint name
 CONSTRAINT emp2_id_uk       UNIQUE(email),
 CONSTRAINT emp2_hire_date_uk UNIQUE(hire_date)

# NULL can occur many times and is not considered to be the same data.
# null can be added multiple times to columns declared as unique

INSERT INTO myem2(id,NAME,hire_date)

# Repeated additions fail to add

INSERT INTO myem2(id,NAME,hire_date,email)

# Delete Uniqueness Constraints
# The system automatically adds indexes to columns declared as uniqueness constraints

DROP INDEX emp2_hire_date_uk;

# When the index is deleted, the corresponding uniqueness constraint is deleted.

# Adding Uniqueness Constraints

# 3. Primary key constraints
# Column Requirements for Primary Key Constraints: Nonempty and Unique
# In a table, only one primary key constraint can be declared
# Using columns with primary key constraints as query conditions, you can locate the only record in the table
# Unique constraints with null values

  id  INT AUTO_INCREMENT,#Usually self-growing, automatic maintenance
INSERT INTO my3(NAME)#Because the primary key is set to grow by itself, you can write only one name here.
VALUES('Zhang San');

INSERT INTO my3(NAME)#Because the primary key is set to grow by itself, you can write only one name here.
VALUES('Li Si');

# 4. Foreign key constraints: same effect on columns

dept_id INT,
dept_name VARCHAR(10)
INSERT INTO m1(dept_id,dept_name)

INSERT INTO m1(dept_id,dept_name)

#You need to add primary or unique constraints to mi first
ADD CONSTRAINT dept_id_pk PRIMARY KEY(dept_id);

id INT,
dept_id INT,
#Foreign key constraints (dept_id associated with mydept requires uniqueness constraints or primary key constraints)
CONSTRAINT m2_dept_id_fk FOREIGN KEY(dept_id) 
REFERENCES m1(dept_id)#Add cascade deletion and cascade empty constraints here


# When adding a value to dept_id in m2 table, the required value must be the value that dept_id appeared in m1 table.

# Correct

INSERT INTO m2(id,NAME,dept_id)

# Wrong

INSERT INTO m2(id,NAME,dept_id)

# 5. Check constraint check is valid for oracle and invalid for mysql

#There's this specification in sql, and it's written in mysql as it's not.
 salary DOUBLE(10,2) CHECK(salary>3000)


# mysql execution is still successful and oracle reports errors

INSERT INTO m3(NAME,salary) 
VALUES('tom',100);#It doesn't make sense to add check, so do it.

# 6. Default constraints

id INT,
salary DOUBLE(10,2) DEFAULT 3000




# Paging
# More data to look up

FROM goods
LIMIT 0,10;#Top Ten Data Queries

# Query goods_number top ten information

FROM goods
ORDER BY goods_number DESC

# LIMIT 0,10; Query the first ten data
# The first parameter denotes how many items to start with, and the second parameter denotes how many items to display.

# In the query, limit is written after order by
LIMIT 20,3; # Query 20-23 Data

# Write a formula to display page size data on page number page
#limit (pagenumber-1)*pagesize,pagesize
# There are more constraints, the main key constraints, tabulation is the main key will be added.

(Notebook collation from network resources, intrusion and deletion)

Topics: MySQL Database SQL Oracle