MySQL database operation

Posted by herreram on Mon, 27 Dec 2021 21:39:55 +0100

1. Structure creation

create Structure type structure name structure description;

2. Display structure

show Structure type (plural)

Display structure creation details:
show create Structure type and structure name;

3. Data operation (data sheet)

Add data:
insert into Table name values

View data:
select from Table name

Update data:
update Table name set

Delete data:
delete from Table name

4. Summary

4.1 SQL is a programming language similar to natural language

  • Basic SQL instructions are in behavioral units

  • The SQL Directive requires a statement terminator

4.2 according to the object level of the database, basic SQL can be divided into three categories

  • Library operations: database related operations

  • Table operation: data table (field) related operations

  • Data operation: data related operation

5. SQL database operation

5.1 creating database

create database Database name[Database options];

Library options:

  • The character set can be specified at the database level: charset/charcter set (inheriting DBMS by default)

  • At the database level, you can specify the school team set: collate (dependent character set)

For example:
create database db_1;

5.2 display database

5.2. 1 display all databases

show databases;

5.2. 2 display the created database

show create database db_1;

5.3 using database

For example: use Database name;
use db_1;

5.4 modifying the database

5.4. 1. Database modification is divided into two parts (Library options)

  • character set

  • School team collection

    Database modification instruction (similar to creation instruction)

alter database Database name library options

Modify database character set

alter database db_2 charset gbk;

5.5 delete database

drop database db_1;

6.SQL table (field) operation

6.1 create data table

create table [Database name.]Table name(
	Field name field type,
	Field name field type
)Table options;
For example: first use Database name
create table t_1(
	name varchar(50),
	age int;

Expansion: storage engine refers to the way of data storage and management


  • Default storage engine

  • Support transaction processing and mechanism

  • Unified data management


  • Transactions and foreign keys are not supported

  • Data, table structure and index are managed independently

  • MySQL5. No maintenance for above 6

(3) If you want to create a data table that is the same as an existing table

create table Table name like Database name.Table name

6.2 display data sheet

(1) Show all tables

show tables;

(2) Displays the specified created data table

show tables from db_1;#What you see may not be true (the system will process)

(3) Show some associated data tables

show tables like '%like';
#_ It means to match one character (fixed position),% means to match N characters
  • \g: No difference from ordinary semicolons

  • \G: Display column data vertically

  • 6.3 viewing data sheets

desc Table name;
describle Table name;
show columns from Table name;
For example:
desc tb_1;

6.4 change data sheet

Modify table name:
rename table tb_1(Original table name) to t1(New table name);
Modify table options:
alter table t1 charset gbk;

6.5 change fields

There are four types of fields:

  • New field: add[column]

  • change field name: change

  • Modification type: modify

  • Delete field: drop

6.5. 1 new field

alter table Table name add[column]Field name field type [Field properties] [Field location]
Example: add field age
alter table tb_1 add age int;
Example: add field nickname
alter table tb_1 add column nickname varchar(10);

6.5. 2 field location

There are two types of field positions:

  • First field: first

  • After a field: after field name already exists

alter table Table name field operation field location;
Example: add one id Field, put first
alter table tb_1 add int first;
Example: in name Add an ID card field after the field card
alter table tb_1 add card varchar(18) after name;

6.5. 3 change field name

alter table Table name change Original field name new field name field type [Field properties] [position]
alter table tb_1 change sfz(new field name) varchar(18);

6.5. 4 modify fields

alter table Table name modify Field name field type [Field properties] [position];

6.6 deleting fields

alter table Table name drop Field name;

7.SQL data operation

7.1 new data

There are two types of data insertion:

  • Full field insertion: insert into table name values (all values corresponding to the field list order);

  • Partial field insertion: insert into table name (field list) values (value sequence list corresponding to field list);

Example:#Give TB_ Insert a complete piece of data into table 1
insert into tb_1 values(1,'2000102','jim','Green');
Example:#Insert data according to field
insert into db_1 (id.sfz,name) values(2,'500000000','tom');

7.2 viewing data

Data viewing method:

  • View all fields: use * instead of all fields

  • View some fields: specify the field name

select */Field list from Table name;
Example: Viewing t_1 In the table name And identity information
select name,sfz from t_1;
Example: Viewing t_1 In the table id Information with a value of 1
select * from t_1 where id = 1;

7.3 update data

update Table name set field = New value[,field = New value] [where Conditional filtering]
Example: update ID information of all records
update t_1 set  sfz = '240035552';
Example: update multiple field data of a record
updata t_1 set name = 'lify',sfz = '5422211222' where id = 1;

7.4 deleting data

delete from Table name [where condition];
Example: delete t_1 In the table id Data for 2
delete from t_1 where id = 2;

Topics: MySQL Data Warehouse