Mysql day 3 note 03 - simple query

Posted by DrTrans on Wed, 05 Jan 2022 02:38:38 +0100


1. Basic SELECT

2.SQL statement related concepts

3.SQL statement execution sequence

4. Select columns

5. Arithmetic operators

6. Column alias

7. De duplication of lines

8. Display the structure of the table

9. Select a restricted data row

10.ORDER BY clause

11. Limit the number of rows of records

1. Basic SELECT


SELECT 	[DISTINCT]{ * | Listing | expression...} FROM Table name;

2.SQL statement related concepts

(1) Keyword: a string reserved by SQL language. For example, SELECT and FROM are keywords.

(2) Statement: a complete SQL command. For example, SELECT * FROM dept is a statement.

(3) Clause: a partial SQL statement, which is usually composed of keywords and other syntax elements. For example, SELECT * is a clause and FROM table is also a clause.

3.SQL statement execution sequence

SELECT column name list ④

FROM table name ①

WHERE restrictions ②

GROUP BY column name ③

ORDER BY column name [desc | ASC] ⑤

4. Select columns

(1) Select all columns


select * from Table name;
--Equivalent to
select [Column name 1, Column name 2, Column name 3, ..., Listing N] from Table name;
--Where column 1-N Are all fields in the table


select * from t_emp;
--Equivalent to
select empno, ename, job, mgr, hiredate, sal, comm, deptno from t_emp;

(2) Select the specified column


select Column name 1, Column name 2, Column name 3, ..., Listing N from Table name;


select empno, ename from t_emp;

5. Arithmetic operators


(1) Arithmetic operator priority:

Multiplication and division take precedence over addition and subtraction. Expressions with the same priority are calculated in order from left to right. Parentheses can improve the priority and make the description of the expression clearer


select ename, job, sal, 200 + sal * 6  from t_emp;
--Equivalent to
select ename, job, sal, 200 + (sal * 6) from t_emp;

(2) NULL null

A NULL value is an invalid, unassigned, unknown, or unavailable value. NULL value is different from zero or space. The result of any arithmetic expression containing NULL value is NULL.


select (null + 250), (null - 520), (null * 250), (null / 520) from dual;
--The results are null

6. Column alias

(1) Function:

Rename the display title of the column

(2) Method of use

① Column name column alias;

② Column name as column alias;

(3) In the following three cases, double quotation marks need to be added around the column alias

① The column name contains spaces

② Case sensitivity is required in column names

③ The column name contains special characters

(4) Examples

select ename Employee name, sal as salary, deptno "!   Department number", hiredate "Name " from  t_emp;

7. De duplication of lines

(1) Grammar

select distinct Column name 1[, Column name 2,Column name 3, ...Listing N] from Table name;

(2) Examples

select distinct deptno from t_emp;

8. Display the structure of the table

(1) Grammar

[desc || describe] Table name;

(2) Examples

describe test;

9. Select a restricted data row

(1) Grammar

SELECT [DISTINCT] { * | column | expression , ...} FROM table [WHERE condition(s)];

(2) Comparison operator

=be equal to
>greater than
>=Greater than or equal to
<less than
<=Less than or equal to
<>Not equal to

(3) Special operator

BETWEEN...AND...Judge whether the value to be compared is within a certain range
In (set list)Determine whether the value to be compared is equal to any value in the set list
LIKEJudge whether the value to be compared meets the partial match
IS NULLDetermine whether the value to be compared is NULL

(4) Logical operator

ANDLogical and are used to connect multiple conditional expressions. If each condition is true, the entire expression is true; otherwise, it is false
ORLogical or, used to connect multiple conditional expressions. As long as one condition is true, the whole expression is true, otherwise it is false
NOTLogical non, used to negate an expression

(5) Operator priority

priorityOperation classificationOperator example
1Arithmetic operator*, \, +, -
2concatenation operator ||
3Comparison operator=, <>, <, >, <=, >=
4Special comparison operatorBETWEEN...AND..., IN, LIKE, IS NULL
5Logical nonNOT
6Logic andAND
7Logical orOR

(6) Examples

--display deptno All employee information for 10
select * from t_emp where deptno = 10;

--Displays information about all employees with salaries between 2000 and 3000
select * from t_emp where sal between 2000 and 3000;

--display deptno 10 or job The third is'A'All employees
select * from t_emp where deptno = 10 or job like '__A%';

10.ORDER BY clause

(1) Grammar

SELECT  [DISTINCT] { * | Listing | expression [alias] [,...]} FROM Table name [WHERE  condition] 
[ORDER BY {Listing|expression|Column alias|Column sequence number} [ASC|DESC],...];

(2) Examples

--Rank first by position and then by salary
select * from t_emp order by job asc, sal desc;

11. Limit the number of rows of records

(1) Grammar

select Field list from data source limit [start, ] length;

Start: start from 0, indicating the line from which the record is displayed.

length indicates the number of output record lines.

(2) Query n pieces of data on page m in the data source


select Field list from data source limit (m - 1)*n, n;


select * from t_emp limit 0, 5;--Display 5 rows of data on page 1 of the employee table
select * from t_emp limit 5, 5;--Display 5 rows of data on page 2 of the employee table
select * from t_emp limit 10, 5;--Display 5 rows of data on page 3 of the employee table

Topics: MySQL