I DDL operation
1. Some operations related to tables
Change table name
alter table name rename new table name;
Change field name
alter table name change column name new column name data type;
Add field
alter table name add column name type;
Delete field
alter table name drop column name;
Change the field type (try not to change it)
alter table name modify column name new data type;
View table creation statement
show create table name;
II constraint
Constraint type | keyword |
Primary key | primary key |
Foreign key | foreign key |
only | unique |
Non empty | not null |
Self increasing | auto_increment |
default | default |
III Conditional judgment
and can be used to connect multiple conditions
select * from student where name='Zhang San' and score > 90;
select * from student where name='Zhang San' or score > 90;
3. Relational expression
expression | meaning |
> | greater than |
< | less than |
>= | Greater than or equal to |
<= | Less than or equal to |
= | be equal to |
<> | Not equal to |
is null | Empty |
is not null | Not empty |
4.between and
Between the two
select * from student where score >= 98 and score<=100; Equivalent to select * from student where score between 98 and 100;
Use in when the condition is a range
select Column qualification from Table limit where Listing in(Value 1,Value 2....); as : Give a data set(1,3,10,20),Get students id Student information in this data set select * from student where id in (1,3,10,20);
6. Fuzzy query
Use the keyword like
%Meaning of: 0-n arbitrary characters
-Meaning: match any single character
as : hold name in,Find out the surname Zhang select * from student where name like 'Zhang%'; as : hold name in,The name has two words select * from student where name like '__';
Note: if you want to query_ Or% need escape
7.order by
Sort the queried data according to one or more fields
select Column qualification from Table limit order by Listing asc/desc; Asc : Ascending order Desc : Descending order as : Query all student information,In descending order of grades select * from student order by score desc; as : Query all student information,In descending order of grades,If the results are the same,according to id Ascending order select * from student order by score desc , id asc;
Limit the number of queries
grammar : select Column qualification from Table limit limit Number of articles; select Column qualification from Table limit limit Start value(Subscript starts at 0) ,Number of articles; as : Query student table,Information about the top three scores select * from student order by score desc limit 3; as : Query student table,Second and third in scores select * from student order by score desc limit 1,2;
IV Single table query
1. Group function
Common group functions
Function name | meaning |
count(*) | Total number |
Max (field name) | Maximum |
Min (field name) | minimum value |
AVG (field name) | average value |
Sum (field name) | the sum |
2.group by
as : How many students did each teacher bring(Show teacher id that will do) select teacher_id, count(*) as stu_count from student group by teacher_id; as : Query the highest score of the students brought by each teacher select teacher_id, count(*) as stu_count,max(score) as stu_max_score from student group by teacher_id; as : Query the total score and average score of each teacher's students select teacher_id, sum(score) as sum,avg(score) as avg from student group by teacher_id;
Function: filter the results after query. where is filtered during query
Sometimes we need to make some judgments,For example, find the average,I just want an average score with an average of more than 60 points,At this time where Not anymore select teacher_id, avg(score) as avg from student where avg > 60 group by teacher_id; It needs to be used at this time having Filter select teacher_id, avg(score) as avg from student group by teacher_id having avg > 60;
V Subquery
Subquery is also called nested query. It can usually be located after SELECT, FROM and WHERE. There are three usage scenarios.
1. After select
select Field name,(Query statement) from Table name; as : Query the information of all students and display the teacher's name select *,( select name from teacher where id=teacher_id ) as teacher_name from student ; as : Query the maximum score of each teacher's students,Minimum score,Average score,Sum of scores,Number of students,Teacher name select max(score),min(score),sum(score),avg(score),count(*),( select name from teacher where id=teacher_id ) as teacher_name from student group by teacher_id ;
be careful:
When it is after SELECT, pay attention to
1. Be sure to find the corresponding relationship between the two tables (the teacher.id must be the primary key or the teacher.id must be unique in the teacher table)
2. There can only be one field in the sub query (the results of the sub query must be one row and one column)
When using sub queries, we recommend that you develop the good habit of using aliases, which can make our query statements clearer. Aliases can be used to command new fields or to name new tables
2.from back
Or student form student,We should grade the grades and display the grades of Chinese characters and letters. Subqueries can be used here. Equivalent to giving student"Two new fields have been added as : Grade grades using subqueries, score<60 ,grade C And it's bad,score>=60 And score<80 grade B And good,score>=80 The rating is A And it's excellent select *, case rank when 'A' then 'excellent' when 'B' then 'good' when 'C' then 'difference' end rank_ch from ( select *, case when score < 60 then 'C' when score >=60 and score <80 then 'B' when score >=80 then 'A' end as rank from student ) a;
be careful:
When it is behind FROM, pay attention to
1. We can treat the sub query as a table
2. There must be an alias, because the sub query is executed first. The alias of the sub query can allow other queries to operate as tables or columns
3. Behind where
as : I don't know teacher_id And the teacher's name,I want to find out all the student information under Mr. Zhang select * from student where teacher_id in ( select id from teacher where name='Miss Zhang' );
be careful:
For multiple pieces of data, use in instead of =. If you are sure that the result of the sub query is one row and one column, you can use = equal to
If the returned result is multiple rows and one column, in must be used. One column must be one column
3. There can only be one field after the SELECT in the subquery (an error will be reported if there are multiple fields)
Vi Union and union all
Union query, merge query results
union: it will de duplicate and remove duplicate data
union all: instead of de duplication, it combines the data found in the two tables
VII Common functions
Function name | effect |
select version() ; | Displays the current MySQL software version |
select database(); | Displays which database you are currently in |
select char_length('China '); | Returns the number of characters. |
select length('China '); | Returns the number of bytes occupied by characters. In MySQL, a UTF8 encoded Chinese character occupies 3 bytes |
select concat( 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd'); | Return to 'abcd'. String splicing function |
select concat_ws( '=', 'a', 'b', 'c'); | Return 'a=b=c'. String splicing function, the first is the splicing spacer |
select upper('abcd'); | Return to ABCD. Converts all lowercase letters in the parameter to uppercase |
select lower('ABCD'); | Returns abcd. Converts all uppercase letters in the parameter to lowercase |
select substring('system information class', 1, 3); | Return the system message. The second parameter represents the number of characters starting from 1, and the third parameter represents the number of intercepted characters |
select trim(' abc '); | Return abc. Used to delete all spaces around the parameter |
select curdate(); | Returns the current date |
select curtime(); | Returns the current time |
select now(); | Returns the current date and time |
select unix_timestamp(); | Returns the timestamp (in seconds) corresponding to the current date and time |
select unix_timestamp('2018-05-24 20:00:00'); | Returns the timestamp (in seconds) corresponding to the date and time specified by the parameter |
select from_unixtime(1527163397); | Returns the date and time corresponding to the time stamp (in seconds) specified by the parameter |
select datediff( '2018-05-23', now() ); | Returns the number of days between the corresponding dates of two parameters (the first parameter minus the second parameter) |
select adddate( now(), -2 ); | Returns the date and time before / after the specified number of days (the first parameter is the date and time, the second parameter is the number of days, plus backward is a positive number, and minus forward is a negative number) |
select year('2019-02-24'); | Return to 2019 to obtain the year |
select month('2019-02-24') | Return to February for month |
select day('2019-02-24') | Return to 24 days |
Select if (< judgment condition >, < return value when condition is true >, < return value when condition is false >); | Equivalent to the ternary operator in Java < judgment condition >< Return value with true condition: < return value with false condition >. |
For example, select if(1=1, 2, 3); | Return to 2. |
Select ifnull (< expression or field >, < return value when expression or field is NULL >); | It is usually used to provide a default value for when there may be NULL. |
select ifnull(null, 'anonymous'); | Null column name can be written here, and the column with null value will be displayed as anonymous |
f(1=1, 2, 3); | Return to 2. |
Select ifnull (< expression or field >, < return value when expression or field is NULL >); | It is usually used to provide a default value for when there may be NULL. |
select ifnull(null, 'anonymous'); | Null column name can be written here, and the column with null value will be displayed as anonymous |