MySQL's love hate multi table query

Posted by despyz on Thu, 03 Mar 2022 02:25:32 +0100

1. Preface

In SQL development, multi table associated query is a skill that cannot be bypassed. The same query results are written in different ways, and their operation efficiency is also very different.

In the actual development, I have seen (it seems to have written ~) many long and smelly query SQL. It is common to check the data for more than ten minutes.

Therefore, if you have a deep understanding of SQL's multi table query mechanism and write less slow queries, you should be able to get less scolding.

2. Equivalent connection and non equivalent connection

2.1 equivalent connection

Equivalent join is the most basic and simplest kind of multi table query. Its value is the Cartesian product of all conditions.

After from, the value of which table appears first in the previous results, as follows:

select *
from student,
where student.family_id =;

In the latest Java development manual released by Alibaba, it is mandatory that as long as multiple tables are involved, the alias (or table name) of the table must be added before the column name for qualification

2.2 non equivalent connection

Non equivalent connection is carried out by the value in table a in a certain range in table b, which can well meet the preset segmented statistical requirements.

There are two ways to write non equivalent connections. Use between and... Or greater than or less than

-- The first way to write: use between...and...
select a.discipline_name, a.score, b.grade_tag
from achievement a,
     achievement_grade b
where a.score between b.lowest_score and b.highest_score;

-- The second way is to use>=or<=
select a.discipline_name, a.score, b.grade_tag
from achievement a,
     achievement_grade b
where a.score >= b.lowest_score
  and a.score <= b.highest_score;

3. Self connection and non self connection

3.1 self connection

Self connection, as the name suggests, is to connect the same table with itself. In order to distinguish, you need to give different aliases to the table. For example, a score sheet needs to query all data with scores higher than "language":

If you do not use self connection, you need to query the score of Chinese first, and then query the data greater than this score.

For details, you can follow the following steps:

-- First query the score of Chinese
select score from achievement where discipline_name = 'language';

-- Then query the data with higher scores than Chinese
select * from achievement where score > 76;

Using self connection, you can complete the query in one sq statement:

select a.*
from achievement a,
     achievement b
where b.discipline_name = 'language'
  and a.score > b.score;

3.2 non self connection

Except self connection, others are called non self connection~~~

4. Internal and external connections

The distinction between inner connection and outer connection is essentially another classification method. For example, inner connection is equivalent connection.

  • Inner join: merge rows of two or more tables with the same column. The result set does not contain rows that do not match one table with another
  • External join: in addition to the rows that meet the join conditions, the two tables also return the rows that do not meet the conditions in the left (or right) table

    Row, this connection is called left (or right) outer connection. When there is no matching row, the corresponding column in the result table is empty (NULL).

    • Left outer connection: in connection conditions, the left table is also called the master table, and the right table is called the slave table.
    • Right outer connection: in connection conditions, the table on the right is also called the master table, and the table on the left is called the slave table.
    • Total external connection

4.1 test data

The data of student table and family table are as follows:

4.2 left outer connection

-- Find out student For all the data in the, the unsatisfied data is displayed as null
-- here student in front
select a.*
from student a
         left join family b on a.family_id =

4.3 right outer connection

-- Find out student For all the data in the, the unsatisfied data is displayed as null
-- here student rearwards
select a.*
from family b
         right join student a on = a.family_id;

4.4 all external connection

Unfortunately, MySQL does not support all external connections.

Appendix: test data SQL script

-- auto-generated definition
create table student
    id           int auto_increment
        primary key,
    student_id   int                                null comment 'Student number',
    student_name varchar(40)                        null comment 'full name',
    family_id    int                                null comment 'family ID',
    create_time  datetime default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP null comment 'Creation time'
    comment 'Student list';

create table family
    id             int auto_increment
        primary key,
    family_name    varchar(40)                        null comment 'Family name',
    family_address varchar(40)                        null comment 'Home address',
    create_time    datetime default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP null comment 'Creation time'
    comment 'Family table';

create table achievement
    id              int auto_increment
        primary key,
    score           int         null comment 'fraction',
    discipline_name varchar(40) null comment 'Discipline name',
    student_id      int         null comment 'Student number'
    comment 'Transcript';

create table achievement_grade
    id            int auto_increment
        primary key,
    grade_tag     varchar(10)                        null comment 'grade',
    lowest_score  int                                null comment 'Lowest score',
    highest_score int                                null comment 'Highest score',
    create_time   datetime default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP null comment 'Creation time'
    comment 'Score grade table';

INSERT INTO achievement_grade (id, grade_tag, lowest_score, highest_score, create_time) VALUES (1, 'fail,', 0, 60, '2022-03-02 11:44:01');
INSERT INTO achievement_grade (id, grade_tag, lowest_score, highest_score, create_time) VALUES (2, 'good', 60, 80, '2022-03-02 11:44:01');
INSERT INTO achievement_grade (id, grade_tag, lowest_score, highest_score, create_time) VALUES (3, 'excellent', 80, 100, '2022-03-02 11:44:01');

INSERT INTO student (id, student_id, student_name, family_id, create_time) VALUES (1, 1, 'Zhang San', 1, '2022-03-02 09:55:01');
INSERT INTO student (id, student_id, student_name, family_id, create_time) VALUES (2, 2, 'Li Si', 2, '2022-03-02 09:55:01');
INSERT INTO student (id, student_id, student_name, family_id, create_time) VALUES (3, 3, 'Wang Wu', 3, '2022-03-02 09:55:01');
INSERT INTO student (id, student_id, student_name, family_id, create_time) VALUES (4, 4, 'Goofy', null, '2022-03-02 19:45:14');

INSERT INTO family (id, family_name, family_address, create_time) VALUES (1, 'Zhang Sanjia', 'Beijing', '2022-03-02 09:54:13');
INSERT INTO family (id, family_name, family_address, create_time) VALUES (2, 'Li Sijia', 'Shanghai', '2022-03-02 09:54:13');
INSERT INTO family (id, family_name, family_address, create_time) VALUES (3, 'Wang Wujia', 'Siberia', '2022-03-02 09:54:13');

INSERT INTO achievement (id, score, discipline_name, student_id) VALUES (1, 76, 'language', 1);
INSERT INTO achievement (id, score, discipline_name, student_id) VALUES (2, 80, 'mathematics', 1);
INSERT INTO achievement (id, score, discipline_name, student_id) VALUES (3, 65, 'English', 1);
INSERT INTO achievement (id, score, discipline_name, student_id) VALUES (4, 98, 'Geography', 1);
INSERT INTO achievement (id, score, discipline_name, student_id) VALUES (5, 77, 'history', 1);
INSERT INTO achievement (id, score, discipline_name, student_id) VALUES (6, 69, 'biology', 1);

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