[pytoch series-27]: neural network foundation - multi input neuron to realize house price prediction

Posted by isaac_cm on Mon, 04 Oct 2021 22:33:55 +0200

Author home page( Silicon based workshop of slow fire rock sugar): Slow fire rock sugar (Wang Wenbing) blog silicon based workshop of slow fire rock sugar _csdnblog

Website of this article: https://blog.csdn.net/HiWangWenBing/article/details/120605366


Introduction deep learning model framework

Chapter 1 business area analysis

one point one   Step 1-1: business domain analysis

1.2 steps 1-2: Business Modeling

1.3 code instance preconditions

Chapter 2 definition of forward operation model

two point one   Step 2-1: dataset selection

two point two   Step 2-2: Data Preprocessing

2.3 step 2-3: neural network modeling

2.4 steps 2-4: neural network output

Chapter 3 definition of backward operation model

3.1 step 3-1: define the loss function

three point two   Step 3-2: define the optimizer

3.3 step 3-3: model training

3.4 step 3-4: model validation

3.5 step 3-5: Model Visualization

Chapter 4 model deployment

4.1 step 4-1: model deployment

Introduction deep learning model framework

[artificial intelligence - deep learning - 8]: neural network foundation - machine learning, deep learning model, model training Wenhuo Bingtang (Wang Wenbing) blog - CSDN blog: neural network and deep learning Chapter 1 vernacular machine learning [artificial intelligence - Overview - 4]: vernacular deep learning - no basic white can understand the core concept of machine learning Wenhuo Bingtang (Wang Wenbing) Blog - CSDN blog [artificial intelligence - deep learning - 7]: neural network foundation - artificial neural network ANN_: blog of Wenhuo Bingtang (Wang Wenbing) - CSDN blog Chapter 2 model and steps of machine learning 2.1 deep learning and machine learning among the above three concepts: the concept of artificial intelligence is the most extensive, so there are technologies and non technologies (such as ethics) that can make machines have the same intelligence as "people" An important means for machines to obtain "intelligence" is that machines have the ability of "self-learning"https://blog.csdn.net/HiWangWenBing/article/details/120462734

Chapter 1 business area analysis

one point one   Step 1-1: business domain analysis

The fluctuation of house prices seems irregular, but there are 12 factors that determine house prices, and there are indeed rules to follow.

Therefore, this problem is actually a nonlinear regression problem of multivariate function:

Independent variables: 12 dimensions that determine house prices.

Dependent variable: final house price.

  There are 13 influencing factors.

1.2 steps 1-2: Business Modeling

A single neuron is both an input and a single output.

Two layers of neural networks can be constructed:

(1) Hidden layer 1:

  • Number of input attributes: 13
  • Number of neurons in hidden layer: 30
  • Hidden layer activation function: relu

(2) Output layer:

  • Number of input attributes: 30
  • Number of neurons in hidden layer: 1
  • Hidden layer activation function: None

1.3 code instance preconditions

#Environmental preparation
import numpy as np              # numpy array library
import math                     # Mathematical operation Library
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # Drawing library

import torch             # torch base library
import torch.nn as nn    #  torch neural network library
import torch.nn.functional as F    #  torch neural network library
from sklearn.datasets import load_boston
from sklearn.preprocessing import MinMaxScaler
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split

print("Hello World")
Hello World

Chapter 2 definition of forward operation model

two point one   Step 2-1: dataset selection

Here, the remote online download data set is adopted: data_url =“ http://lib.stat.cmu.edu/datasets/boston "

The tool for remotely downloading datasets comes from: from sklearn.datasets import load_boston

#2-1 preparing data sets
full_data = load_boston()

# Advance sample data
x_raw_data = full_data['data']

#Extract sample label
y_raw_data = full_data['target']
y_raw_data = y_raw_data.reshape(-1,1)

# Fluctuation range of house prices
plt.scatter(range(len(y_raw_data)), y_raw_data, color="blue")
plt.title("hourse value")
(506, 13)
(506, 1)

two point two   Step 2-2: Data Preprocessing

# 2-2 data preprocessing
print("Data normalization preprocessing, shape unchanged, content changed")
ss = MinMaxScaler()
x_data = ss.fit_transform(x_raw_data)
y_data = y_raw_data

print("\n hold x,y from ndarray Format conversion torch format")
x_sample = torch.from_numpy(x_data).type(torch.FloatTensor)
y_sample = torch.from_numpy(y_data).type(torch.FloatTensor)

print("\n The data set is cut into training data set and test data set")
# 0.2 indicates the proportion of the test set
x_train,x_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(x_sample , y_sample, test_size=0.2)
Data normalization preprocessing, shape unchanged, content changed
(506, 13)
(506, 1)

Convert x and y from ndarray format to torch format
torch.Size([506, 13])
torch.Size([506, 1])

The data set is cut into training data set and test data set
torch.Size([404, 13])
torch.Size([404, 1])
torch.Size([102, 13])
torch.Size([102, 1])

2.3 step 2-3: neural network modeling

# 2-3 define network model
class Net(torch.nn.Module):
    # Defining neural networks
    def __init__(self, n_feature, n_hidden, n_output):
        super(Net, self).__init__()
        #Define hidden layer L1
        # n_feature: enter the dimension of the attribute
        # n_hidden: number of neurons = number of output attributes
        self.hidden = torch.nn.Linear(n_feature, n_hidden)
        #Define output layer:
        # n_hidden: enter the dimension of the attribute
        # n_output: number of neurons = number of output attributes
        self.predict = torch.nn.Linear(n_hidden, n_output)
    #Define forward operation
    def forward(self, x):
        h1 = self.hidden(x) 
        a1 = F.relu(h1)
        out = self.predict(a1)
        a2 = F.relu(out)
        return a2

model = Net(13,30,1)
  (hidden): Linear(in_features=13, out_features=30, bias=True)
  (predict): Linear(in_features=30, out_features=1, bias=True)
<bound method Module.parameters of Net(
  (hidden): Linear(in_features=13, out_features=30, bias=True)
  (predict): Linear(in_features=30, out_features=1, bias=True)
<generator object Module.parameters at 0x000002922E120900>

2.4 steps 2-4: neural network output

# 2-4 define network prediction output
y_pred = model.forward(x_train)
torch.Size([404, 1])

Chapter 3 definition of backward operation model

3.1 step 3-1: define the loss function

The MSE loss function used here

# 3-1 define the loss function: 
# loss_fn= MSE loss
loss_fn = nn.MSELoss()


three point two   Step 3-2: define the optimizer

# 3-2 defining the optimizer
Learning_rate = 0.01     #Learning rate

# optimizer = SGD: basic gradient descent method
# Parameters: indicates the list of parameters to be optimized
# lr: indicates the learning rate
optimizer = torch.optim.SGD(model.parameters(), lr = Learning_rate)
Parameter Group 0
    dampening: 0
    lr: 0.01
    momentum: 0
    nesterov: False
    weight_decay: 0

3.3 step 3-3: model training

# 3-3 model training
# Define the number of iterations
epochs = 100000

loss_history = [] #loss data during training
y_pred_history =[] #Intermediate forecast results

for i in range(0, epochs):
    #(1) Forward calculation
    y_pred = model(x_train)
    #(2) Calculate loss
    loss = loss_fn(y_pred, y_train)
    #(3) Reverse derivation
    #(4) Reverse iteration
    #(5) Reset the gradient of the optimizer
    # Record training data
    if(i % 10000 == 0):
        print('epoch {}  loss {:.4f}'.format(i, loss.item())) 

print("\n Iteration completion")
print("final loss =", loss.item())
epoch 0  loss 573.5384
epoch 10000  loss 5.3641
epoch 20000  loss 3.6727
epoch 30000  loss 3.0867
epoch 40000  loss 2.8373
epoch 50000  loss 2.2653
epoch 60000  loss 2.3308
epoch 70000  loss 2.1467
epoch 80000  loss 1.9769
epoch 90000  loss 1.7896

Iteration completion
final loss = 1.9121897220611572

3.4 step 3-4: model validation

(1) Validation on training set

# Use the training set data to check the training effect
y_train_pred = model.forward(x_train)

loss_train = torch.mean((y_train_pred - y_train)**2)
print("loss for train:", loss_train.data)

plt.scatter(range(len(y_train)), y_train.data, color="blue")
plt.scatter(range(len(y_train_pred)), y_train_pred.data, color="red")
plt.title("hourse value")
loss for train: tensor(1.8895)

Validation results on the training set:

  • Average loss: 1.8895
  •   The predicted points are close to the actual sample points.

(2) Validation on test set

# Use the test set data to verify the test effect
y_test_pred = model.forward(x_test)

loss_test = torch.mean((y_test_pred - y_test)**2)
print("loss for test:", loss_test.data)

plt.scatter(range(len(y_test)), y_test.data, color="blue")
plt.scatter(range(len(y_test_pred)), y_test_pred.data, color="red")
plt.title("hourse value")
loss for test: tensor(38.7100)

Validation results on the training set:

  • The average loss is 38.7100, which is multiplied by the training set
  • The predicted points deviate greatly from the actual sample points
  • The loss of the model on the training set is much better than that on the test set, and the generalization ability of the model is poor.

3.5 step 3-5: Model Visualization

(1) Forward data

(2) Backward loss iterative process

Display all loss data:

#Display historical data of loss
plt.plot(loss_history, "r+")
plt.title("loss value")

Ignoring the data of early rapid convergence, it shows the local convergence of loss

#Display historical data of loss
plt.plot(loss_history[1000::], "r+")
plt.title("loss value")


(3) Iterative process of forward prediction function

Chapter 4 model deployment

4.1 step 4-1: model deployment


Author home page( Silicon based workshop of slow fire rock sugar): Slow fire rock sugar (Wang Wenbing) blog silicon based workshop of slow fire rock sugar _csdnblog

Website of this article: https://blog.csdn.net/HiWangWenBing/article/details/120605366

Topics: neural networks Pytorch Deep Learning