Node Learning Notes 7 days Node.js Course Knowledge Compilation

Posted by rmurdo on Thu, 26 Dec 2019 06:49:45 +0100

Try to use Node.js to stumble and stumble in your work. Briefly comb Noejs (7 days) from now on, leaving out the following points of knowledge in the example section:

require and export

Export methods or variables from a file using the export or module.exports method in the target component

The difference is that export is not available when exporting a single variable or method

A simpler way to distinguish: forget how export is exported

require is used to accept functions or methods that components export through module.export

// a.js export
function add (e) { ...... }
// b.js import
var a = require('a')
a.add(1) // Using methods in a.js

Exporting through the export or module.export method is a collection of objects

http core module

var http = require('http') // Introducing http core modules
var server = http.createServer() // Create a server service
server.on('request', (request, response) => {
    // Request to get request data
    // Response returns response data
server.listen(3000, () => {...}) // Listen on port number 3000

url core module

  • url.parse(urlStr[, parseQueryString[, slashesDenoteHost]])

    urlStr url string

    When parseQueryString is true, the query string will be parsed using the query module, defaulting to false

  • url.pathname

    Gets and sets the path portion of the URL

  • url.query

    Get the URL parameter section (? After)

Assume the page request address is/url?Name=sfatpaper&data=20191129

var http = require('http')// Introducing http core modules
var url = require('url') // Introducing url core modules
http.createServer((req, res) => {
    var parseObj = url.parse(req.url, true) // Use the url.parse method to get the object requesting the URL
    var pathName = parseObj.pathname // /url
    var pathQuery = parseObj.query // {name: sfatpaper, data: 20191129}
    // var parseObj = url.parse(req.url)
    // var pathQuery = parseObj.query // name=sfatpaper&data=20191129


Nodemon is a usage tool that will meet to monitor any changes in the source file and automatically restart the server.Nodemon doesn't make any additional changes to your code, it's just a replacement for the node command


npm install --global nodemon


// Change node demo.js of previously run code to
nodemon demo.js

art-template template engine

art-template is a simple, ultra fast template engine


npm install art-template --save


var template = require('art-template') // Introducing art-template components
template.render(source, data, options)
// The template string source needs to export
// Data needs to be replaced with a data object in the template string

Express Framework

Be based on Node.js Platform, Fast, Open, Minimalist Web Development Framework


npm install express --save


var express = require('express')  // Introducing express components
var app = express()
app.get('/', (req, res) => res.send('Hello World!')) // Processing get requests
app.listen(3000, () => {...}) // Listen on port number 3000


Express-art-template is a third-party component specifically designed to support the template template engine in Express


npm i art-template

To configure

app.engine('html', require('express-art-template'))


app.engine('html', require('express-art-template')) // Configure art-template
app.render(source, data, options)
// The template string source needs to export
// Data needs to be replaced with a data object in the template string


express does not provide a way to get the corresponding requester in the post request mode, so the body-parser component is needed to process the response request


npm install --save body-parser

To configure

	extended: false


var bodyParser = require('body-parser') // Introducing components
app.use(bodyParser.urlencoded({ // Configuring components
	extended: false
app.use(bodyParser.json())'/post', (req, res) => {
    console.log(req.body) // req.body gets post body

MongoDB database

MongoDB is a non-relational database


Installation File Download Address: []

Special attention is required during installation to remove the default check before Install MongoDB Compass

You can use the mongod --version command to view the MongoDB version and install it if the version number output is normal


  • Start database mongodb By default, the database directory launched by the command executes in the drive letter root directory/data/db file where the command executes
  • Replace database directory mongod --dbpath ='Database self-proposed path'
  • Connect MongoDB service mongodb
  • Show all existing databases show dbs
  • Switch to target database use'Database name'
  • View current operational database db
  • Displays all collections of the current database show'Database name'
  • Displays all data in the database collection db.'Database name'.find()
  • Add data db.'Database name'.insertOne({data object}) to the database collection
  • Disconnect the MongoDB service exit

A visual Mongodb software NoSQLBooster for MongoDB

Download address: NoSQLBooster - The Smartest GUI Admin Tool for MongoDB


Mongoose is an object model tool that facilitates the operation of mongodb in the node.js asynchronous environment


npm install mongoose


var mongoose = require('mongoose'); // Introducing mongoose
mongoose.connect('mongodb://localhost/test'; //connect to mongodb database via mongoose

The default port to connect to the database is 27017

var db = mongoose.connection; // Database Connection Status
db.on('error', console.error.bind(console, 'connection error:')); // Database Connection Failure
db.once('open', function() {
  // we're connected! (Database connection successful)

.connection returns a pending connection that we can monitor for success

var Kitten = mongoose.model('Kitten', mongoose.Schema({
        // name: String,
        // You can also write as follows
        name: {
            type: String, // data type
            required: Boolean, // Is it necessary
            defaule: 'Zhang San', // Default value
            enum: ['Zhang San', 'Li Si', 'King Five', 'Zhao Six'] // Enumeration, default value is only enumeration value

Before you can manipulate the database, you need to pre-design the data formats in the collection, such as the code above

A collection named Kitten was created with a data name and a string type in the data structure inside the collection

  • Add data[fn])

    var user = new User({ // Add a new data
    	username: 'kongzhi0707',
      	password: '123456'
    });, res) { // Save data in database
      	if (err) {
        	return console.log(err);
  • Delete data

    Model.remove(conditions, [callback]) Deletes all eligible documents from the collection

    Model.findByIdAndRemove(id, [options], [callback]) Finds documents matching the ID and deletes them

    Model.findOneAndRemove(conditions, [options], [callback]) by record

    var wherestr = {'username': 'kongzhi0707'}; // Conditions for deleting data
    User.remove(wherestr, function(err, res) {
      		if (err) {
          	return console.log(err);
  • Update Data

    Model.update(conditions, doc, [options], [callback]) Updates a document in the database based on conditions

    Model.findByIdAndUpdate(id, [update], [options], [callback]) Updates a document in the database through its ID field

    Model.findOneAndUpdate([conditions], [update], [options], [callback]) based on record

    var wherestr = {'username': 'kongzhi0707'}; // Conditional queries to update data
    var updatestr = {'password': 'abcdef'}; // Perform Update Data
    User.update(wherestr, updatestr, function(err, res) {
    	if (err) {
          	return console.log(err);
  • Query Data

    Model.find(conditions, [fields], [options], [callback]) Finds files based on conditions

    Model.findById(id, [projection], [options], [callback]) finds a single document through its ID field

    Model.findOne([conditions], [projection], [options], [callback]) based on records

    var wherestr = {'userName': 'Lon 0707'}; // Conditions for deleting data
    User.find(wherestr, function(err, res) {
    	if (err) {
        	return console.log(err);

The article has synchronized with my personal blog: ' Node Learning Notes 7-day Course Knowledge Arrangement>

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Topics: Front-end Database MongoDB Mongoose npm