None of the five super classic SQL. Go back and wait for the notice

Posted by cdickson on Thu, 03 Mar 2022 15:27:15 +0100

1, Questions for each course

Use an SQL statement to query the student table and the names of students with more than 80 points in each course.

Solution 1: having

Idea: if the minimum course score is greater than 80 points, then all his course scores must be greater than 80 points!

code implementation

FROM xuesheng
HAVING MIN(score)> 80

Solution 2: not in

You can use reverse thinking, first query the name s with less than 80 points in the table, and then remove them with not in

code implementation

FROM xuesheng
    FROM xuesheng
    WHERE score <=80);

2, topN problem

Case: query the records of the top two in each subject

code implementation

row_number() over( partition by curriculum order by achievement desc) as rank
where rank <= 2  -- Top two


3, Continuous problems (7-day continuous login)

Realization idea:

Because users may log in more than once a day, you need to reset the user's daily login date first.

Then row_number() over(partition by _ order by _) The function groups the user IDs and sorts them according to the login time.

Calculate the result value obtained by subtracting the login date from the second step. When the user logs in continuously, the subtraction result is the same every time.

Group and sum according to id and date, and filter users greater than or equal to 7, that is, users logged in for 7 consecutive days.

code implementation

SELECT user_id, MAX(count_val) AS max_count  -- Found the largest continuous landing, where>=7,That is, 7 consecutive days
     -- group by Same date
  SELECT user_id, symbol_date, COUNT(*) AS count_val
  FROM (
       -- Date minus rank,If you log in continuously, you will get the same date
    SELECT user_id, log_date, date_sub(log_date, CAST(rn AS INT)) AS symbol_date
    FROM (
         --  start to fight rank identification
      SELECT user_id, log_date, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY user_id ORDER BY log_date) AS rn
      FROM user_logging_format
    ) c
  ) d
  GROUP BY user_id, symbol_date
) e
GROUP BY user_id;

4, Row to column problem

Row to column conversion is a classic among the classics, which must be mastered!

6 rows to 2 rows, 2 columns to 3 columns




code implementation

MAX(case CID when '01' then score else 0 end) '01',
MAX(case CID when '02' then score else 0 end)'02',
MAX(case CID when '03' then score else 0 end)'03'

5, Retention issues

Retention rate is one of the most important indicators to measure user quality, so calculating user retention rate is one of the skills that users must master in data analysis. It has also become one of the classic interview sql.

In the retention rate index, we usually need to pay attention to the next day's retention, the third day's retention, the seventh day's retention and the month's retention. For new users, we need to pay attention to finer granularity data, that is, the daily retention rate within 7 days.

code implementation

, count( if(id=lead_id and datediff(dd,lead_dd)=1 ,id, null ) ) as '1 Daily retention'
, count( if(id=lead_id7 and datediff(dd,lead_dd7)=7 ,id, null ) ) as '7 Daily retention'
id, dd
, lead(dd,1) over(partition by id order by dd asc ) as lead_dd
, lead(id,1) over(partition by id order by dd asc ) as lead_id
, lead(dd,7) over(partition by id order by dd asc ) as lead_dd7
, lead(id,7) over(partition by id order by dd asc ) as lead_id7
select 'slm' as id, '2018-12-26' as dd
union all select 'slm' as id, '2018-12-27' as dd
union all select 'slm' as id, '2018-12-28' as dd
union all select 'hh ' as id, '2018-12-26' as dd
union all select 'hh ' as id, '2018-12-28' as dd ) aa

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Topics: Java Database SQL