Object oriented (encapsulation, inheritance, polymorphism)

Posted by sharugan on Tue, 07 Dec 2021 16:01:08 +0100

Object oriented (I)

Object oriented overview

Object oriented programming is a programming idea in line with human thinking habits. There are various forms of things in real life, and there are various connections between these things. In the program, objects are used to map things in real life, and the relationship between objects is used to describe the relationship between things. This idea is called object-oriented
The characteristics of object - oriented can be summarized as encapsulation, inheritance and polymorphism

  • encapsulation

Encapsulation is the core idea of object-oriented, which encapsulates the attributes and behaviors of objects without letting the outside world know the specific implementation details

  • inherit

Inheritance mainly describes the relationship between classes. Through inheritance, the functions of the original class can be extended without writing the original class

  • polymorphic

Polymorphism refers to a variety of different behavior characteristics when a subclass object is directly assigned to a parent class reference variable and variables of the same reference type call the same method after the attributes and functions defined in a class are inherited by other classes. For example, when you hear the word cut, the barber's behavior is to cut his hair, while the actor's behavior is to stop performing

Classes and objects in Java

The idea of object - oriented programming tries to keep the description of things in the program consistent with the form of the transaction in reality

Relationship between class and object

A class is an abstract description of a class of things, and an object is used to represent the individual of such things in reality

Class definition

To create an object in a program, you first need to define a class
With the idea of object-oriented programming, we can encapsulate the common features and behaviors in a class, take the common features as class attributes (also known as member variables), and take the common behaviors as class methods (also known as member methods)

  • Class definition format

Classes in Java are defined through the class keyword, and their syntax format is as follows:

[modifier] class name [extensions parent class name] [implement ation interface name]{
//Class body, including member variables and member methods of the class

The modifier can be written or not (default); the class name should conform to the naming specification of the identifier; extensions is used to describe which parent class the defined class inherits from; implements keyword is used to describe which interfaces the current class implements, which will be described later and will not be repeated here

  • Declare (define) member variables

The member variable of a class is also called the attribute of a class. It is mainly used to describe the characteristics of an object. The syntax format of declaring member variables is as follows:

[modifier] data type variable name [= value];

The modifier is optional and is used to specify the access permission of the variable; the data type can be any type in Java; the variable name is the name of the variable and must comply with the naming rules of the identifier; the variable can be assigned or not assigned, the unassigned variable is called the declaration variable, and the assigned variable is called the definition variable

  • Declare (define) member methods

Member methods are also called methods, similar to functions in C language. They are mainly used to describe the behavior of objects. The syntax format of methods is as follows:

[modifier] [return value type] method name ([parameter type parameter name 1], [parameter type parameter name 2],...){
//Method body
Return return value; / / the return value type is void. The return value type and its return value can be ignored

In the above syntax format, [] means optional, and the explanation of each part is as follows:

  1. Modifier: defines the access rights (e.g. public,protected,private); static modifier; final modifier;
  2. Return value type: defines the data type of the return value of the calling method. When the return value is not required, the void keyword can be used
  3. Parameter type: defines the data type of the parameter passed in when calling the method
  4. Parameter name: it is a variable that receives the data passed in when calling the method
  5. Return: used to end the method and return the value of the type specified by the method. When the return type is void, return and its return value can be ignored
  6. Return value: the value returned by return, which will be returned to the caller
// Define a Person class
public class Person {

    String name; //Unassigned member variable, declared variable

    int age = 0; //The assigned member variable defines the variable

    void speak() { // Member method, return type is void
        System.out.println("My name is" +name +"I this year" +age +"year!");

Creation and use of objects

In Java programs, you can use the new keyword to create objects. The specific syntax format is as follows:

Class name object name = new class name ();

For example:

Person me = new Person();

The essence of the new object is to apply for memory space from the heap
There are two kinds of memory in Java: stack memory and heap memory. Stack memory is used to store basic type variables, and heap memory is used to store objects and arrays created by new
The variable me of Person type is stored in the stack memory, which is a reference and will point to the real object; the object created through new Person() is stored in the heap memory, which is the real object

Access all members of the object through the reference of the object. The syntax format is as follows:

Object references. Object members

public class Example02 {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Person p1 = new Person(); //Create the first Person object

        Person p2 = new Person(); //Create a second Person object

        p1.age = 18; //Access the member variable age of object p1 and assign a value

        p1.speak(); //Access the member method speak() of object p1

        p2.speak(); //Access the member method speak() of object p2

In addition to object reference to access object members, you can directly use the created object itself to reference object members. The specific format is as follows:

new class name (). Object member

This method accesses a member of the object while creating the instance object through the new keyword, and only one of the members can be accessed after creation. Because there is no object reference, after accessing an object member, the object will become a garbage object

When instantiating an object, the Java virtual opportunity automatically initializes the member variables and assigns different initial values to different types of member variables, as shown in the following table

Member variable typeInitial valueMember variable typeInitial value
short0charEmpty character '\ u0000'
long0Reference data typenull

Access control character

In Java, there are four access levels for classes, member methods and attributes, which are private,default,protected and public
The following figure lists the four control levels from small to large:

  • private
    Current class access level: if a member of a class is decorated with a private access modifier, the class can only be accessed by other members of the class, and other classes cannot access it directly
  • default
    Package access level: if a class or its members are not decorated with any modifiers, it is the default access control level (package private), which can only be accessed by other classes in the package
  • protected
    Subclass access level: if a member of a class is modified by a protected access control character, the member can be accessed by other classes in the same package or subclasses of the class in different packages
  • public
    Public access level: this class or its members can be accessed by all classes
Access scopeprivatedefaultprotectedpublic
In the same category✔️✔️✔️✔️
In the same bag✔️✔️✔️
In subclass✔️✔️
Global scope✔️

tips: if a public modifier class is defined in a source file, the file name of the source file must be the same as that of the public modifier class; If the class in the Java source file is not decorated with public, the file name of the Java source file can use any legal file name

Class encapsulation

Class encapsulation means that the state of an object is hidden inside the object, and external programs are not allowed to directly access the internal information of the object. Instead, operational access to internal messages is realized through the methods provided by the class
Encapsulation, that is, hiding the attributes and implementation details of the object, only exposing the interface, and controlling the access level of attribute reading and modification in the program

Why encapsulation

  1. Improve code reusability
  2. Improve code maintainability
  3. Solve the permission problem of data access

How to implement encapsulation

When defining a class, privatize the attributes in the class, that is, modify them with the private keyword. Private attributes can only be accessed in the class in which they are located. If the outside world wants to access private attributes, it is necessary to provide some public methods modified with public, including getXxx() method for obtaining attribute values and setXxx() method for setting attribute values

class Person{

    private String name;

    private int age;
    public String getName() {   return name;    }

    public void setName(String name) {  this.name = name;   }

    public int getAge() {   return age;     }

    public void setAge(int age) {

        if(age <= 0)
            System.out.println("The age you entered is incorrect!");
            this.age = age;

    public void speak() {   System.out.println("My name is" +name +"this year" +age +"year!");   }

public class Example04{
    public static void main(String[] args){

        Person p = new Person();

        p.setName("Zhang San");

Method overloading and recursion

Method overload

Java allows you to define multiple methods with the same name but different types or numbers of parameters in a program, which is method overloading (needs to be in a class)

Method overloading must meet three conditions:

  1. Methods must be in the same class
  2. Method names must be the same
  3. Methods have different formal parameter lists

*Note: method overloading is independent of the return value type

public class Example06 {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        int sum1 = add(1, 2);

        int sum2 = add(1, 2, 3);

        double sum3 = add(0.2, 5.3);

        System.out.println("sum1=" +sum1);

        System.out.println("sum2=" +sum2);

        System.out.println("sum3=" +sum3);

    public static int add(int num1, int num2) {
        return num1 + num2;

    public static int add(int num1, int num2, int num3) {

        return num1 + num2 + num3;

    public static double add(double num1, double num2) {

        return num1 + num2;

Recursion of method

Method recursion refers to the process of calling itself inside a method
Recursion must have an end condition, otherwise it will fall into the state of infinite recursion and will never end the call
Recursion consumes a lot of stack memory

public class Example07 {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        int sum = getSum(4); //Call the recursive method to get the sum of 1-4

        System.out.println)("sum=" +sum);

    public static int getSum(int num) {

        if (num == 1){    return 1;   } //If the conditions are met, the recursion ends

        int temp = getSum(n-1);
        return temp + num;

Construction method

Constructor is a special member of a class. It will be called automatically when the class instantiates an object, and it will assign values to the properties of the object at the same time of instantiating the object

Definition of construction method

The construction method needs to meet three conditions:

  1. The method name is the same as the class name
  2. No declaration of return value type
  3. You cannot use a return statement to return a value (you can use return as the end of the method)

*Without writing construction methods, the Java virtual machine will automatically add parameterless construction methods when compiling

[modifier] method name ([parameter list]){
Method body

class Person {

    public Person() { // Nonparametric construction method

        System.out.println("A parameterless constructor was called");

public class Example08 {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        Person p = new Person();
        //When instantiating a Person object through new Person(), the parameterless constructor of this class will be called automatically
class Person {

    int age;

    public Person(int num) {     age = num;    } //Parametric construction method

    public void speak() {

        System.out.println("I this year" +age +"year");

public class Example09{

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        Person p = new Person(18);
        // Call the parameterized construction method, pass in the int parameter 18, and assign a value to the age attribute

Overloading of construction methods

Like ordinary methods, constructors can also be overloaded
Multiple constructors in a class (different parameter lists) are overloaded

public class Example10 {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        Person p1 = new Person(18);

        Person p2 = new Person("Zhang San", 32);



class Person {

    String name;

    int age;

    public Person(){} //Default parameterless construction method

    public Person(int num) {    age = num;     } //Parametric construction method 1

    public Person(String name, int age) { //Parametric construction method 2

        this.name = name;

        this.age = age;

    public void say() {

        System.out.println("My name is" +name +"this year" +age +"year");

    public void speak() {

        System.out.println("I this year" +age +"year");

Each class in Java has at least one constructor. Although if the constructor is not explicitly defined, the virtual opportunity will automatically create a default constructor for this class, once the constructor is defined for this class, the system will not provide the default parameterless constructor
Therefore, if you define a construction method with parameters, you'd better define a construction method without parameters

this keyword

Java provides a keyword this to refer to the current object, which is used to access other members of the object in the method

Common usage of this:

  • Call member variables through this keyword to solve the problem of name conflict with local variables
class Person {

    int age; // Member variable age

    public Person(int age) { // Incoming parameter - local variable age
        this.age = age; // Assign the value of the passed in parameter (local variable) age to the member variable age
  • Calling member methods with the this keyword
class Person {

    public void speak() {


    public void say() {

        this.speak(); // Because speak() is in the same class, this here can be omitted without writing
  • Call the constructor through the this keyword
class Person {

    public Person() { //Nonparametric construction method
        System.out.println("Nonparametric construction method");

    public Person(int age) { //Parametric construction method
        this(); //Call parameterless constructor
        // You can call other constructor methods in the form of "this([parameter 1, parameter 2,...])" in one constructor
        System.out.println("Parametric construction method");

public class Example11{

    public static void main(String[] args){
        Person p = new Person(18); //Instantiate the Person object

When using this to call the constructor of a class, you should pay attention to the following points:

  1. this can only be used in constructor to call other constructor methods, not in member methods
  2. In a construction method, the statement that uses this to call the construction method must be the first execution statement of the method and can only appear once
  3. You cannot call each other with this in two constructor methods of a class

static keyword

In Java, a static keyword is defined, which is used to modify the members of a class, such as member variables, member methods and code blocks

  • Static class: static class School {...}
  • Static variable: static int age;
  • Static method: static void say() {...}

Static variable

Sometimes, developers want some specific data to exist only in memory and be shared by all instance objects of a class

static keyword can only be used to modify member variables, not local variables

Syntax for accessing static variables:

Class name. Variable name

class Student{

    static String schoolName; //Declare static variable schoolName

public class Example12 {

    public static void main(String[] args){

        Student stu1 = new Student();

        Student stu2 = new Student();

        Student.schoolName = "Tsinghua University"; //Assign values to static variables

        System.out.println("I am" +stu1.schoolName +"Students");

        System.out.println("I am" +stu2.schoolName +"Students");

Static method

You can call a method without creating an object

In a static method, only members decorated with static can be accessed. The reason is that members not decorated with static need to create objects before they can be accessed, while static methods can not create any objects when called

Syntax format for accessing static methods:

Class name. Method
Instance object name. Method

class Person{

    public static void say(){

        System.out.println("Hello World!");

public class Example13{

    public static void main(String[] args){

        Person.say(); // Use "class name. Method name" to call static methods

        Person person = new Person(); // Instantiate object

        person.say(); // Use "instance object name. Method" to call static methods

Static code block

In Java, several lines of code enclosed by a pair of braces are called a code block, and the code block decorated with static is called a static code block

The syntax format of static code block is as follows:

static {

When the class is loaded, the static code block will be executed. Since the class is loaded only once, the static code block will be executed only once

In programs, static code blocks are often used to initialize class member variables

class Person{


        System.out.println("Yes Person Static code block in");

public class Example14 {


        System.out.println("Yes Example14 Static code blocks in");

    public static void main(String[] args){

        Person p1 = new Person();

        Person p2 = new Person();

Executed the static code block in Example14
Executed a static code block in Person

In the process of instantiating the object twice, the contents of the two static code blocks are output only once. The static code block in Example14 is executed when the class is loaded, while the static code block in Person is executed only once when the Person object is instantiated for the first time. The second instantiation object will not execute the static code block in Person
Code block

The syntax format of static code block is as follows:

static {

When the class is loaded, the static code block will be executed. Since the class is loaded only once, the static code block will be executed only once

In programs, static code blocks are often used to initialize class member variables

class Person{


        System.out.println("Yes Person Static code block in");

public class Example14 {


        System.out.println("Yes Example14 Static code blocks in");

    public static void main(String[] args){

        Person p1 = new Person();

        Person p2 = new Person();

Executed the static code block in Example14
Executed a static code block in Person

In the process of instantiating the object twice, the contents of the two static code blocks are output only once. The static code block in Example14 is executed when the class is loaded, while the static code block in Person is executed only once when the Person object is instantiated for the first time. The second instantiation object will not execute the static code block in Person

Topics: Java JavaSE