On JavaScript Design Pattern

Posted by karldenton on Tue, 18 Jan 2022 13:15:47 +0100

Preliminary study on design mode

Singleton mode

Variables are defined internally and judged by closures. If they do not exist, new variables are generated

Strategy mode

  • Consistent with the principle of single responsibility
  • Add or reduce strategies without major changes to the original code
  • There are many ways to deal with the same problem, only when the specific behavior is different

Reference article: JavaScript eliminates if else and switch with policy mode

const listString={

const strFunc={
		return listString['add'];
		return listString['del'];
		return listString['update'];

function getData(name){
	return strFunc[name]?strFunc[name]():0;


proxy pattern

Control before accessing the main body and judge the content of the method
For example, you can access the login interface only after you click the data verification after login

const login(name){
	console.log(name+'Logged in');

const proxyCheckLogin(name){

Publish subscribe mode

One party publishes events and the other party subscribes to receive events
For example, vuex of vue and mobx|redux of react are all in this form

  • Resident memory increases performance overhead
  • As the project gets larger, it becomes more difficult to track subscriptions

Intermediary model

All methods are implemented through the mediator method. When the content changes, notify the mediator to change it
For example: extract the common part of the method into a separate function to call

function add(name){
	let temp='1';
function update(name){
	let temp='2';
function consoleFunc(temp,name){

Decorator mode

Supplement and expand the content of existing objects or methods and endow them with more capabilities
For example: Xiao Ming used to eat only with chopsticks. After passing through the decorator, he learned to use knives and forks

function Person() {}

Person.prototype.skill = function() {

// Decorators and music
function MusicDecorator(person) {
    this.person = person;

MusicDecorator.prototype.skill = function() {
var person = new Person();

// Decorate it
var person1 = new MusicDecorator(person);

person.skill(); // mathematics
person1.skill(); // Mathematical music

State mode

Encapsulation status. The status has been defined and the user does not need to know
For example: turn on the light, turn off the light, and only change the state through the state mode

Adapter mode

Adapt the unsuitable parts between methods
For example: foreach parses array data, but an object is passed in. At this time, it is necessary to judge and adapt

// Rendering data, the format is limited to array
function renderData(data) {
    data.forEach(function(item) {

// Convert and adapt non array
function arrayAdapter(data) {
    if (typeof data !== 'object') {
        return [];

    if (Object.prototype.toString.call(data) === '[object Array]') {
        return data;

    var temp = [];

    for (var item in data) {
        if (data.hasOwnProperty(item)) {

    return temp;

var data = {
    0: 'A',
    1: 'B',
    2: 'C'

renderData(arrayAdapter(data)); // A B C

Appearance mode

Define a function to store other functions, and then execute them uniformly
For example: just beautify

// Three processing functions
function add() {

function update() {

// Appearance function, which unifies some processing to facilitate calling
function execute() {

// Call init to start execution
function init() {
    // High level functions are called directly here, or you can choose to call related functions directly over it

init(); // add update

Iterator mode

The iterator pattern provides a way to access the elements of an aggregate object sequentially without exposing the internal representation of the object
No usage scenario

function add(){

	return false;
function update(){
	return false;
function iteratorFunc() {
    for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; ++i) {
        var ret = arguments[i]();
        if (ret !== false) {
            return ret;
var temp=iteratorFunc(add,update);

Responsibility chain model

Call one by one until a function method processes the request
For example: similar to if/else

Template method pattern

Encapsulate subclass methods and guide subclasses in which order to execute which methods

Sharing element mode

Reduce the number of shared objects

Combination mode

It is to build larger objects with small sub objects, and these small sub objects themselves may be composed of smaller "grandchildren"

Command mode

A command is an instruction that performs certain things

Reference article: Fifteen common design patterns in JS

Topics: Javascript Front-end Design Pattern