opencv-3.4.1 + qt-5.6.3 + vs2015 + cmake-3.11.1 Install opencv [Illustration]

Posted by romanali on Fri, 10 May 2019 17:19:22 +0200

1. Prepare:





2. Install software:

1.cmake installation (unzip to use)

2.qt installation, also install WDB if required

3.VS Installation

4.opencv Installation: It's actually a decompression process, with active code and compiled binaries after installation


3. Compilation:

1. Open...cmake-3.11.1-win64-x64\bin\cmake-gui.exe

Red Standard 1 Selects opencv Source Path

Red Standard 2 is the binary storage path compiled for the new opencv


2. Once selected and newly created, click on the red sign 3 and the following graphical interface appears:


Red Standard 1 chooses the compiler, and here we choose vs 14 2015 (14 is the internal version number, which is what we often call vs2015)

Red 2 is not required

Select Use default native compiler at red label 3


Click Finish when configuration is complete


3. Open and wait 1 minute for configuration to complete, the interface shows as follows:


Since we are developing opencv with QT, we need to find WITH in the red area, select WITH_QT and WITH_OPENGL below it, and uncheck WITH_IPP (otherwise an error will occur during compilation) and confifigure again.


4. The interface has the following picture error:

This is a reminder that we have some variables not found that we need to configure manually, ps: This is because we configure the qt-related things, so we need to add the qt-related paths to the variables


As shown above,







Configuration required, find qt installation directory

QT_QMAKE_EXECUTABLE   Fill:...\QT\5.6.3\msvc2015\bin\qmake.exe

Qt5Concurrent_DIR    Fill:...\QT\5.6.3\msvc2015\lib\cmake\Qt5Concurrent

Qt5Core_DIR         Fill:...\QT\5.6.3\msvc2015\lib\cmake\Qt5Core

Qt5Gui_DIR          Fill:...\QT\5.6.3\msvc2015\lib\cmake\Qt5Gui

Qt5Test_DIR         Fill:...\QT\5.6.3\msvc2015\lib\cmake\Qt5Test

Qt5Widgets_DIR      Fill:...\QT\5.6.3\msvc2015\lib\cmake\Qt5Widgets



5. My completed interface is as follows:


Click Configure again


6. Interface hints and variables not found:


Qt5OpenGL_DIR Fill in:.../QT/5.6.3/msvc2015/lib/cmake/Qt5OpenGL

Click Configure again


7, the current interface is no longer red (hip-hop), this is to hit Generate, wait for cmake to generate vs project file


8. Modify cmake

OpenCVCompilerOptions.cmake is found under (opencv source)...\opencvsrc\opencv\sourcescmake

Open it and find it


Comment it out and make it:



9. Tap Open Project after the build, and vs2015 will open automatically.Wait a moment for it to be configured.


10, the interface is as follows:

Right-click on red label to generate


10. opencv is now fully compiled and the generated content is stored in the new folder created by Compile->1.cmake red label 2.


4. Testing


For me, the generated content exists in C:\zoom\project\opencv\src_3.4.1\opencv\mybuild_win64\install


  1. Configuration environment
    Add the path C:\zoom\project\opencv\src_3.4.1\opencv\mybuild_win64\install\x86\vc14\bin to the system environment variable path.



5. Code testing:

Open Qt Creator, create a new empty console project, named any

  1. Add code or configuration

Add the following statements to the project file:

INCLUDEPATH+= C:\zoom\project\opencv\src_3.4.1\opencv\mybuild_win64\install\include\opencv \

        C:\zoom\project\opencv\src_3.4.1\opencv\mybuild_win64\install\include\opencv2 \


LIBS+=-LC:\zoom\project\opencv\src_3.4.1\opencv\mybuild_win64\install\x86\vc14\lib -lopencv_calib3d341d \

-lopencv_core341d \

-lopencv_dnn341d \

-lopencv_features2d341d \

-lopencv_flann341d \

-lopencv_highgui341d \

-lopencv_imgcodecs341d \

-lopencv_imgproc341d \

-lopencv_ml341d \

-lopencv_objdetect341d \

-lopencv_photo341d \

-lopencv_shape341d \

-lopencv_stitching341d \

-lopencv_superres341d \

-lopencv_video341d \

-lopencv_videoio341d \




Add the following code to the cpp file (insert the picture to find it yourself):

#include "cv.h"

#include "cxcore.h"

#include "highgui.h"

int main(int argc,char *argv[])


    //Declare IplImage pointer


    //Load Images

    pImg=cvLoadImage("C:/Users/isee/Pictures/Camera Roll/psb.jpg",1);

    //create a window


    //Display Image


    //Wait for key


    //Destroy Window


    //Release Image


    return 0;



Click Run:


Topics: OpenCV cmake Qt Windows