After two days, we finally got it, Big Head!! First used VS2019, compiled four or five times has been unsuccessful, angry, uninstall VS2019, CUDA, reinstall VS2017, CUDA, and then a success, is so amazing!
Important Reference Articles:
1. Install VS2017 first, you must install this first, because then install CUDA, depending on this.
2. Install CUDA.
3. Download opencv and opencv_contrib, both of which must have the same version number. The two paths on my computer are:
D:\Softwares\opencv3.4.5 D:\Softwares\opencv3.4.5\opencv_contrib-3.4.5
4. Download Cmake. My version is 3.14.6.
5. Start compiling. Please refer to the link article above for details. In particular, in the process of Configure, if there is red, please keep Configure until the red disappears, otherwise it will not succeed. The build directory is in the opencv3.4.5 directory, and the new build_gpu folder is created: everything that is generated after that is here.
6. OpenCV.sln is opened with VS2017, and the process of choosing the generation-regeneration solution is very long. My own computer needs two hours and keeps outputting warning information. This can be ignored without affecting the final result. After I finished generating, 171 output succeeded and 4 failed, but I couldn't find which four failed. It was embarrassing. These four should be generated separately later.
7. Verify that the installation is successful.
New VS2017 console application, x64
Engineering Attributes -- Configuration Attributes -- VC++ Directory -- Contains directories to add:
D:\Softwares\opencv3.4.5\opencv\build_gpu\install\include D:\Softwares\opencv3.4.5\opencv\build_gpu\install\include\opencv D:\Softwares\opencv3.4.5\opencv\build_gpu\install\include\opencv2
Engineering Attributes - Configuration Attributes - VC++ Directory - Library Directory
Engineering attributes -- Configuration attributes -- Linkers -- Inputs -- Additional dependencies added: (56 in total)
opencv_aruco345d.lib opencv_bgsegm345d.lib opencv_bioinspired345d.lib opencv_calib3d345d.lib opencv_ccalib345d.lib opencv_core345d.lib opencv_cudaarithm345d.lib opencv_cudabgsegm345d.lib opencv_cudacodec345d.lib opencv_cudafeatures2d345d.lib opencv_cudafilters345d.lib opencv_cudaimgproc345d.lib opencv_cudalegacy345d.lib opencv_cudaobjdetect345d.lib opencv_cudaoptflow345d.lib opencv_cudastereo345d.lib opencv_cudawarping345d.lib opencv_cudev345d.lib opencv_datasets345d.lib opencv_dnn345d.lib opencv_dpm345d.lib opencv_face345d.lib opencv_features2d345d.lib opencv_flann345d.lib opencv_fuzzy345d.lib opencv_highgui345d.lib opencv_img_hash345d.lib opencv_imgcodecs345d.lib opencv_imgproc345d.lib opencv_line_descriptor345d.lib opencv_ml345d.lib opencv_objdetect345d.lib opencv_optflow345d.lib opencv_phase_unwrapping345d.lib opencv_photo345d.lib opencv_plot345d.lib opencv_reg345d.lib opencv_rgbd345d.lib opencv_saliency345d.lib opencv_shape345d.lib opencv_stereo345d.lib opencv_stitching345d.lib opencv_structured_light345d.lib opencv_superres345d.lib opencv_surface_matching345d.lib opencv_text345d.lib opencv_tracking345d.lib opencv_video345d.lib opencv_videoio345d.lib opencv_videostab345d.lib opencv_xfeatures2d345d.lib opencv_ximgproc345d.lib opencv_xobjdetect345d.lib opencv_xphoto345d.lib opencv_dnn_objdetect345d.lib opencv_hfs345d.lib
8. Verification procedure:
#include "stdafx.h" #include <iostream> #include "opencv2/opencv_modules.hpp" #include "opencv2/core.hpp" #include "opencv2/features2d.hpp" #include "opencv2/highgui.hpp" #include "opencv2/cudafeatures2d.hpp" #include "opencv2/xfeatures2d/cuda.hpp" using namespace std; using namespace cv; using namespace cv::cuda; int main() { //Test the graphics card method 1 (this method can read the graphics card model) printShortCudaDeviceInfo(getDevice()); //Test graphics card method 2 int iDevicesNum = getCudaEnabledDeviceCount(); cout << "Devices Num:"<<iDevicesNum << endl; //Test graphics card method 3 DeviceInfo _deviceInfo; bool _isDeviceOK = _deviceInfo.isCompatible(); cout << "IsGPUDeviceOK : " << _isDeviceOK << endl; return 0; }
The output results are as follows:
Device 0: "GeForce MX250" 2048Mb, sm_61, Driver/Runtime ver.10.10/10.10 Devices Num:1 IsGPUDeviceOK : 1 Press any key to continue....
The first line is my computer's graphics card information, the second line is that there is only one piece, and the third line is that the program recognizes the GPU.