openMVG source code learning (I) main_SfMInit_ImageListing
This study note will use openmvg as the third-party library, the method of restoring motion structure recommended in the official documents, the meaning of the code and the experience I found in my study. Welcome to discuss!
Code and platform included
The installation of openMVG will not be repeated here. Just refer to the official documents
main_SfMInit_ImageListing.cpp main_ComputeFeatures.cpp main_ComputeMatches.cpp main_IncrementalSfM.cpp main_GlobalSfM.cpp
Then let's officially start!
First, create a new project and paste the source code.
We need to configure the engineering environment ourselves:
Let's start with cmakelist How to write TXT?
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.0.0) project(mvgtest1) set(CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD 17) add_executable(mvgtest1 img_list.cpp ComputeFeatures.cpp ComputeMatches.cpp Globalsfm.cpp) #OpenMVG,OpenCV,Ceres find_package(OpenCV REQUIRED) find_package(OpenMVG REQUIRED) find_package(Ceres REQUIRED PATHS "${CERES_PATH}/Thirdparty/ceres-solver") include_directories(${CERES_INCLUDE_DIRS}) set(LIBS ${Ceres_LIBS_DIR}/libceres.a umfpack cxsparse glog gflags gomp ccolamd btf klu cholmod lapack blas camd amd pthread) include_directories(${OPENMVG_INCLUDE_DIRS}) target_link_libraries(mvgtest1 PRIVATE OpenMVG::openMVG_sfm OpenMVG::openMVG_matching OpenMVG::openMVG_camera OpenMVG::openMVG_exif OpenMVG::openMVG_features OpenMVG::openMVG_geodesy OpenMVG::openMVG_geometry OpenMVG::openMVG_graph OpenMVG::openMVG_image OpenMVG::openMVG_linearProgramming OpenMVG::openMVG_matching OpenMVG::openMVG_matching_image_collection OpenMVG::openMVG_multiview OpenMVG::openMVG_numeric OpenMVG::openMVG_robust_estimation OpenMVG::openMVG_sfm OpenMVG::openMVG_system ${OpenCV_LIBS} ) FIND_PACKAGE( OpenMP REQUIRED) if(OPENMP_FOUND) message("OPENMP FOUND") set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS "${CMAKE_C_FLAGS} ${OpenMP_C_FLAGS}") set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} ${OpenMP_CXX_FLAGS}") set(CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS "${CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS} ${OpenMP_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS}") endif() FIND_PACKAGE( OpenMP REQUIRED) if(OPENMP_FOUND) message("OPENMP FOUND") set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS "${CMAKE_C_FLAGS} ${OpenMP_C_FLAGS}") set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} ${OpenMP_CXX_FLAGS}") endif()
But explain more
Preparation before code running
Delete cmd related things. Anyway, there will be an error when running in the clion. Deleting cmd related things will not affect the integrity of the code. After deletion, the parameter passed by the main function is int main()
Then, sort out the structure of the code to make it easier for you to understand the logical arrangement.
Data preparation
Well, let's go into the explanation of the code,
Firstly, the main function of the cpp is to read the picture, obtain the path, and the internal parameters of the camera to generate sfm_data.json file is the preparation file for later feature matching and reconstruction, which should be used in subsequent processes.
The beginning of the mian function defines the folder path of the input and output of the program
std::string sImageDir = "../imgdata";
Picture folder path
std::string sOutputDir = "../output";
Output file folder
std::string sKmatrix = "fx;0;ppx;0;fy;ppy;0;0;1";
Camera internal parameter matrix, read in the string, and obtain the f, ppx, ppy data by the checkIntrinsicStringValidity function
std::string sfileDatabase = "";
Read the data database file from the file and read it into the vector < < datasheet >
Datasheet stores the database structure of camera model and sensor size
There are two members std::string model_; And double sensorSize_;
std::pair<bool, Vec3> prior_w_info(false, Vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0));
Priority of predefined rotation
int i_User_camera_model = PINHOLE_CAMERA_RADIAL3;
Defines the type of camera model
enum EINTRINSIC { PINHOLE_CAMERA_START = 0, PINHOLE_CAMERA, //No distortion PINHOLE_CAMERA_RADIAL1, // Radial distortion K1 PINHOLE_CAMERA_RADIAL3, // Radial distortion K1,K2,K3 PINHOLE_CAMERA_BROWN, //Radial distortion K1, K2, K3, tangential distortion T1, T2 PINHOLE_CAMERA_FISHEYE, //A simple fisheye distortion model with four distortion coefficients PINHOLE_CAMERA_END, CAMERA_SPHERICAL = PINHOLE_CAMERA_END + 1 };
This is the camera model given by the source code
bool b_Group_camera_model = true;
If necessary, cameras with the same characteristics can be combined together (resulting in a faster and more stable BA).
int i_GPS_XYZ_method = 0;
In the function checkGPS, 1 is UTM, that is (function lla_to_utm):
Convert WGS84 lon, lat and alt data into UTM data (universal horizontal axis Mercator).
0 is wgs84 (function lla_to_ecef)
Convert WGS84 lon, lat and alt data into ECEF data (geocentric fixation).
And the function ecef_to_lla
Convert the ECEF (XYZ) of WGS84 ellipsoid to lon, lat and alt values.
data fetch
So with these data:
Image file Output folder Camera internal parameter matrix Sensor model and size Coordinate Datum Distortion model
We can do sfm_data.json has been established. The inspection of file data and internal parameter matrix will not be repeated here.
After reading various data:
double width = -1, height = -1, focal = -1, ppx = -1, ppy = -1;
The internal parameters defined to represent each picture are checked and read in through the checkIntrinsicStringValidity function
const auto e_User_camera_model = EINTRINSIC(i_User_camera_model);
Defined distortion model
std::vector<std::string> vec_image = stlplus::folder_files( sImageDir ); std::sort(vec_image.begin(), vec_image.end());
It is defined as the vector of each picture path and sorted by name
std::vector<Datasheet> vec_database;
The sensor type and size are stored and read in using parseDatabase
Read in and generate sfm_data.json
First, let's take a look at SfM_Data class, which is used to define the general SfM data container, storage structure and camera attributes
Include members:
It's a Hash_Map<IndexT, std::shared_ptr<View>>,storage View type View A view defines an image through a string and a unique index of the view, camera, and pose // image path on disk std::string s_Img_path; // Id of the view IndexT id_view; // Index of intrinsics and the pose IndexT id_intrinsic, id_pose; // image size IndexT ui_width, ui_height;
using Poses = Hash_Map<IndexT, geometry::Pose3>; //Define pose collection (indexed by View::id_Pose) Direction matrix and rotation center Mat3 rotation_; Vec3 center_; Eigen type
using Intrinsics = Hash_Map<IndexT, std::shared_ptr<cameras::IntrinsicBase>>; Is the internal parameter attribute of the camera
Defined by TrackId Indexed landmark collection, Landmark Contains two members, 3d Points and their corresponding coordinates on the image, Because the coordinates in a world can be observed by multiple cameras. Landmarks Points are divided into points obtained by triangulation (for BA)And ground control points (for GCP)
std::string s_root_path;
The root directory path of the picture
Next, let's take a look at how this program is arranged for reading
Create an SfM_Data, read the root directory
VEC_ Iterator of image to loop C_Progress_display displays progress on the console
Take a cycle as an example:
Initialize internal parameters
width = height = ppx = ppy = focal = -1.0;
Merge folder with file name (basename.extension)
const std::string sImageFilename = stlplus::create_filespec( sImageDir, *iter_image );
Gets the file name - that is, the file name without the folder part but with the extension
const std::string sImFilenamePart = stlplus::filename_part(sImageFilename);
Detect whether it is an image
if (openMVG::image::GetFormat(sImageFilename.c_str()) == openMVG::image::Unknown) { error_report_stream << sImFilenamePart << ": Unkown image file format." << "\n"; continue; // image cannot be opened } //string::npos is a constant used to indicate the non-existent location //Determine whether it is a mask image if (sImFilenamePart.find("mask.png") != std::string::npos || sImFilenamePart.find("_mask.png") != std::string::npos) { error_report_stream << sImFilenamePart << " is a mask image" << "\n"; continue; } //Skip this loop in both cases ImageHeader imgHeader; if (!openMVG::image::ReadImageHeader(sImageFilename.c_str(), &imgHeader)) continue; // image cannot be read width = imgHeader.width; height = imgHeader.height; ppx = width / 2.0; ppy = height / 2.0;
Consider providing focus manually
if (sKmatrix.size() > 0) // Known user calibration K matrix { if (!checkIntrinsicStringValidity(sKmatrix, focal, ppx, ppy)) focal = -1.0; } else //User supplied focal length value if (focal_pixels != -1 ) focal = focal_pixels; // If not provided manually or incorrectly if (focal == -1) { std::unique_ptr<Exif_IO> exifReader(new Exif_IO_EasyExif); //Open the file for inspection and analysis, and return bool exifReader->open( sImageFilename ); //Verify whether the file has metadata and the model of the obtained camera is not empty const bool bHaveValidExifMetadata = exifReader->doesHaveExifInfo() && !exifReader->getModel().empty(); //If there is an error, an error will be reported, and if there is a right, it will be referenced if (bHaveValidExifMetadata) // If image contains meta data { const std::string sCamModel = exifReader->getModel(); // Handle the case where the focal length is equal to 0 if (exifReader->getFocal() == 0.0f) { error_report_stream << stlplus::basename_part(sImageFilename) << ": Focal length is missing." << "\n"; focal = -1.0; } else // Create an image entry in a list file { Datasheet datasheet; if ( getInfo( sCamModel, vec_database, datasheet )) { // The camera model is found in the database, so we can calculate its approximate focal length const double ccdw = datasheet.sensorSize_; focal = std::max ( width, height ) * exifReader->getFocal() / ccdw; } else { error_report_stream << stlplus::basename_part(sImageFilename) << "\" model \"" << sCamModel << "\" doesn't exist in the dataelse base" << "\n" << "Please consider add your camera model and sensor width in the database." << "\n"; } } } }
Obtain the camera model and construct the internal parameters related to the view
std::shared_ptr<IntrinsicBase> intrinsic; if (focal > 0 && ppx > 0 && ppy > 0 && width > 0 && height > 0) { // Create the required camera type, as described earlier switch (e_User_camera_model) { case PINHOLE_CAMERA: intrinsic = std::make_shared<Pinhole_Intrinsic> (width, height, focal, ppx, ppy); break; case PINHOLE_CAMERA_RADIAL1: intrinsic = std::make_shared<Pinhole_Intrinsic_Radial_K1> (width, height, focal, ppx, ppy, 0.0); // setup no distortion as initial guess break; case PINHOLE_CAMERA_RADIAL3: intrinsic = std::make_shared<Pinhole_Intrinsic_Radial_K3> (width, height, focal, ppx, ppy, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); // setup no distortion as initial guess break; case PINHOLE_CAMERA_BROWN: intrinsic = std::make_shared<Pinhole_Intrinsic_Brown_T2> (width, height, focal, ppx, ppy, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); // setup no distortion as initial guess break; case PINHOLE_CAMERA_FISHEYE: intrinsic = std::make_shared<Pinhole_Intrinsic_Fisheye> (width, height, focal, ppx, ppy, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); // setup no distortion as initial guess break; case CAMERA_SPHERICAL: intrinsic = std::make_shared<Intrinsic_Spherical> (width, height); break; default: std::cerr << "Error: unknown camera model: " << (int) e_User_camera_model << std::endl; return EXIT_FAILURE; } }
Build the view corresponding to the image. If there is gps weight (it needs to be defined as priority rotation)
const std::pair<bool, Vec3> gps_info = checkGPS(sImageFilename, i_GPS_XYZ_method); if (gps_info.first) { //The subclass of Views. You can choose whether to preferentially rotate or adjust the position ViewPriors v(*iter_image, views.size(), views.size(), views.size(), width, height); // Add internal files related to the image (if any) if (intrinsic == nullptr) { //Because the view has invalid internal data //(export view with invalid intrinsic field value) v.id_intrinsic = UndefinedIndexT; } else { // Add the defined intrinsic to the sfm_container intrinsics[v.id_intrinsic] = intrinsic; } v.b_use_pose_center_ = true; v.pose_center_ = gps_info.second; //Previous weights if (prior_w_info.first == true) { v.center_weight_ = prior_w_info.second; } //Add view to sfm container views[v.id_view] = std::make_shared<ViewPriors>(v); }
When there is no gps information
else { View v(*iter_image, views.size(), views.size(), views.size(), width, height); // Add intrinsic related to the image (if any) if (intrinsic == nullptr) { //Since the view have invalid intrinsic data // (export the view, with an invalid intrinsic field value) v.id_intrinsic = UndefinedIndexT; } else { // Add the defined intrinsic to the sfm_container intrinsics[v.id_intrinsic] = intrinsic; } // Add the view to the sfm_container views[v.id_view] = std::make_shared<View>(v); }
Error reporting and preservation
Report mistakes without telling
Save SFM_ Name the data of data and save it to the output file
Save( sfm_data, stlplus::create_filespec( sOutputDir, "sfm_data.json" ).c_str(), ESfM_Data(VIEWS|INTRINSICS))
This example is very simple. Read a picture. Because this process does not make gps constraints, there is no need to add an advanced pose