OpenShift 4 MTC - Migrate applications from OpenShift 3 to OpenShift 4

Posted by mligor on Wed, 05 Jan 2022 01:06:27 +0100

Preparing object storage

The MTC Replication Repository can use the following object stores:

  • Multi-Cloud Object Gateway (MCG)
  • Amazon Web Services (AWS) S3
  • Google Cloud Provider (GCP)
  • Microsoft Azure Generic
  • S3 object storage, MinIO or Ceph

Please refer to the " OpenShift 4 - Deploy Run MinIO Object Store "Deploy the MinIO environment on OpenShift 4.

Configure environment for migration source OpenShift 3

Deploy Migration Operator

  1. Execute the command to create a Migration Operator from the two yaml files.
$ mkdir $HOME/mtc
$ sudo docker cp $(sudo docker create $HOME/mtc
$ sudo docker cp $(sudo docker create $HOME/mtc
$ oc create -f $HOME/mtc/operator.yml
$ oc create -f $HOME/mtc/controller-3.yml
  1. View deployed Operator resources
$ oc get pods -n openshift-migration
NAME                                  READY     STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
migration-operator-77d77fff48-28t9c   1/1       Running   0          1m
restic-b2k9z                          1/1       Running   0          31s
restic-c8hwm                          1/1       Running   0          31s
restic-gpnjz                          1/1       Running   0          31s
restic-nfqwd                          1/1       Running   0          31s
velero-585b8ddc7d-ftprk               1/1       Running   0          31s

Deploy file-uploader test application

  1. Enter the "file-uploader" project in the console of OpenShift 3 and find "PHP" in the Service Catalog. Then create a file-uploader application from the following image.
    Where Git Repository -
  2. Enter the Deployment named "file-uploader" and view the Configuration column. Modify the number of Replicas in the figure below to three.
  3. Then click the "Add Storage" link below the image above and click "Create Storage" on the jumped "Add Storage" page.
  4. On the Create Storage page, first create a PVC named "file-uploader-vol-claim", then use the new PVC in Deployment as shown below.
  5. Finally, access the application through Route.

View cluster configuration

  1. The migration-controller token in ServiceAccount was found. This token will then be referenced using OCP3-TOKEN and used to access this OpenShift 3 cluster.
$ oc sa get-token migration-controller -n openshift-migration
  1. Obtain the API address for the OpenShift 3 cluster, which will be referenced later using the OCP3-API.
$ oc whoami --show-server

Configure environment for migration target OpenShift 4

Install MTC Operator

  1. Install the Migration Toolkit for Containers Operator using the default configuration. Note: By default, it is installed in the openshift-migration project.
  2. Once Operator is installed, you can see that the current OpenShift cluster has been treated as a MigCluster object.

Create Migration Controller

  1. Create a new Migration Controller object in the openshift-migration project using the default configuration provided by MTC Operator.
  2. View the Pod s running in the openshift-migration project, or the status of deployed Resources in the Topology of the Developer view, or in the Resouurces column of the migration-controller.
$ oc get pods -n openshift-migration
NAME                                    READY   STATUS    RESTARTS      AGE
migration-controller-94fdc5cb7-ktpgz    2/2     Running   0             16m
migration-log-reader-5548595dbb-jlplm   2/2     Running   0             16m
migration-operator-56cb9bfdc4-mdfnr     1/1     Running   0             26m
migration-ui-7f8b778fb6-vh4fh           1/1     Running   0             13m
restic-hcdhn                            1/1     Running   0             17m
velero-7b7986f4cf-4p45z                 1/1     Running   0             17m

  1. You can see the console of the Migration Toolkit for Containers by looking at the route address named "migration" and then accessing the route address with a browser.
$ oc get route migration -n openshift-migration  -o jsonpath=https://{}

Add Replication Repository (MigStorage)

  1. Enter the Replication repositories menu in the MTC console, then click to enter "Add replication repository".
  2. In the Add replication repository window, fill in the configuration as follows and click Add Repository to display "Connection successful".
    Storage provider type : S3
    Replication repository name: ocp-migration-repository
    S3 bucket name: ocp-migration-bucket
    S3 endpoint: Routing address of MINIO service
    S3 provider access key: minio
    S3 provider secret access key: minio123
  3. When finished, you can find the created igStore object in the MTC Operator of the OpenShift console.

Add Migrated OpenShift Cluster

  1. Enter the Clusters menu in the MTC console and click Add Cluster. Provide the following configuration in the Add cluster window:
    Cluster name: ocp3
    URL: https://OCP3-API
    Service account token: OCP3-TOKEN
    Then click the "Add cluster" button and "Connection successful" will be displayed when successful.
  2. "ocp3" in Clusters is the source cluster for migration and "host" is the target cluster for migration.

Add Migration Plan

  1. Enter the Migration plan in the MTC console and click Add migration plan.

  2. Follow the following General steps in the Create a migration plan window:
    Plan name: file-uploader-mig-plan
    Source cluster: ocp3
    Target cluster: host
    Repository: ocp-migration-repository

  3. Check "file-uploader" in the Namespaces step.

  4. In the Migration type of the Persistent volumes step, select Copy.

  5. Select Filesystem copy in the Copy options step's Copy method, and then select a StoreClass for the target cluster in the Target storage class.

  6. Accept the default in steps 5 and 6 to complete.

Apply migration and fallback

Execute migration plan

  1. Select "Migrate" from the following menu in the file-uploader-migration-plan migration plan.
  2. In the pop-up window, click "Migrate".
  3. Go to the link in the "Migrations" column above to view the progress of the migration and know that it has been completed.
  4. Verify that you have a file-uploader project in the target OpenShift 4 cluster and that the file-uploader application is accessible and that you have previously uploaded files.
  5. Confirm that the number of PD in the file-uploader application for the migration source OpenShift 3 cluster has been reduced to "0" at this time, while the number of PD in the file-uploader application for the migration target OpenShift 4 cluster is "3".

Backward Migration

  1. Select "Rollback" from the following menu in the file-uploader-migration-plan migration plan.
  2. View execution until complete.
  3. Confirm that the file-uploader application for migration target OpenShift 4 is no longer accessible, and the file-uploader application for migration source OpenShift 3 has resumed access.

Topics: Kubernetes