OpenSSL certificate composition

Posted by gid__ on Tue, 28 Dec 2021 12:00:35 +0100

openssl certificate
1, Introduction to openssl
openssl is the most popular SSL cryptographic library tool at present. It provides a general, robust and fully functional tool suite to support the implementation of SSL/TLS protocol.
Official website:

Cryptographic algorithm library
Key and certificate encapsulation management function
SSL communication API interface
Establish RSA, DH and DSA key parameters
Establish X.509 certificate, certificate signing request (CSR) and CRLs (certificate recycling list)
Calculate message summary
Encryption / decryption using various ciphers
SSL/TLS client and server testing
Process S/MIME or encrypted mail
2, RSA key operation
By default, the output format of openssl is PKCS#1-PEM

Generate RSA private key (no encryption)

openssl genrsa -out rsa_private.key 2048
Generate RSA public key

openssl rsa -in rsa_private.key -pubout -out rsa_public.key
Generate RSA private key (encrypted with aes256)

openssl genrsa -aes256 -passout pass:111111 -out rsa_aes_private.key 2048
passout replaces the shell to enter the password, otherwise you will be prompted to enter the password;
Generate encrypted content, such as:

Proc-Type: 4,ENCRYPTED
DEK-Info: AES-256-CBC,5584D000DDDD53DD5B12AE935F05A007
Base64 Encoded Data
At this time, if the public key is generated, the password needs to be provided

openssl rsa -in rsa_aes_private.key -passin pass:111111 -pubout -out rsa_public.key
passout replaces the shell to enter the password, otherwise you will be prompted to enter the password;

Conversion command
Private key to unencrypted

openssl rsa -in rsa_aes_private.key -passin pass:111111 -out rsa_private.key
Private key encryption

openssl rsa -in rsa_private.key -aes256 -passout pass:111111 -out rsa_aes_private.key
Private key PEM to DER

openssl rsa -in rsa_private.key -outform der-out rsa_aes_private.der
-The input / output format is determined by the inform ation and - output parameters, and the same is true for the conversion from der to pem format

View private key details

openssl rsa -in rsa_private.key -noout -text
Use the - pubin parameter to view the public key details

Private key PKCS#1 to PKCS#8

openssl pkcs8 -topk8 -in rsa_private.key -passout pass:111111 -out pkcs8_private.key
Where - passout specifies the password, and the output pkcs8 format key is encrypted. Pkcs8 adopts des3 encryption algorithm by default, as follows:

Base64 Encoded Data
Use the - nocrypt parameter to output the unencrypted pkcs8 key as follows:

Base64 Encoded Data
3, Generate self signed certificate
Generate RSA private key and self signed certificate

openssl req -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -keyout rsa_private.key -x509 -days 365 -out cert.crt
req is the subcommand of certificate request, - newkey rsa:2048 -keyout private_key.pem means to generate the private key (PKCS8 format), - nodes means that the private key is not encrypted. If there are no parameters, you will be prompted to enter the password;
-x509 indicates the output certificate, - days365 is the validity period, and then enter the certificate owner information according to the prompt;
To perform automatic input, use the - subj option:

openssl req -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -keyout rsa_private.key -x509 -days 365 -out cert.crt -subj "/C=CN/ST=GD/L=SZ/O=vihoo/OU=dev/"
Generate a self signed certificate using an existing RSA private key

openssl req -new -x509 -days 365 -key rsa_private.key -out cert.crt
-new means to generate a certificate request, plus - x509 means to output the certificate directly, and - key specifies the private key file. Other options are the same as the above command

4, Generate signature request and CA signature
Generate CSR signature request using RSA private key

openssl genrsa -aes256 -passout pass:111111 -out server.key 2048
openssl req -new -key server.key -out server.csr
After that, enter the password and server certificate information, or specify various parameters on the command line

openssl req -new -key server.key -passin pass:111111 -out server.csr -subj "/C=CN/ST=GD/L=SZ/O=vihoo/OU=dev/"
***At this time, the generated csr signature request file can be submitted to CA for signing***

View CSR details

Copy code
cat server.csr

openssl req -noout -text -in server.csr
Copy code
Use the CA certificate and Ca key to issue the requested certificate and generate an x509 certificate

openssl x509 -req -days 3650 -in server.csr -CA ca.crt -CAkey ca.key -passin pass:111111 -CAcreateserial -out server.crt
The CAxxx option is used to specify the CA parameter input

5, Certificate viewing and conversion
View certificate details

openssl x509 -in cert.crt -noout -text
Convert certificate encoding format

openssl x509 -in cert.cer -inform DER -outform PEM -out cert.pem
Composite pkcs#12 Certificate (including private key)

**Convert pem certificate and private key to pkcs#12 certificate**

openssl pkcs12 -export -in server.crt -inkey server.key -passin pass:111111 -password pass:111111 -out server.p12
Where - export instructs the pkcs#12 certificate, - inkey specifies the private key file, - passin is the password of the private key (file) (nodes is unencrypted), and - password specifies the password of the p12 file (import and export)

**Combine pem certificate and private key / CA certificate into pkcs#12 certificate**

openssl pkcs12 -export -in server.crt -inkey server.key -passin pass:111111
-chain -CAfile ca.crt -password pass:111111 -out server-all.p12
Where - chain indicates to add the certificate chain at the same time, - CAfile specifies the CA certificate, and the exported p12 file will contain multiple certificates. (other options: - name can be used to specify the server certificate alias; - caname can be used to specify the CA certificate alias)

**pcks#12 extract PEM file (including private key)**

openssl pkcs12 -in server.p12 -password pass:111111 -passout pass:111111 -out out/server.pem
Where - password specifies the password of the p12 file (import and export), and - passout refers to the encrypted password of the output private key (nodes is unencrypted)
The exported file is in pem format and contains both certificate and private key (pkcs#8):

Copy code
Bag Attributes
localKeyID: 97 DD 46 3D 1E 91 EF 01 3B 2E 4A 75 81 4F 11 A6 E7 1F 79 40
Bag Attributes
localKeyID: 97 DD 46 3D 1E 91 EF 01 3B 2E 4A 75 81 4F 11 A6 E7 1F 79 40
Key Attributes:
Copy code
Extract private key only

openssl pkcs12 -in server.p12 -password pass:111111 -passout pass:111111 -nocerts -out out/key.pem
Extract certificates only (all certificates)

openssl pkcs12 -in server.p12 -password pass:111111 -nokeys -out out/key.pem
Extract ca certificate only

openssl pkcs12 -in server-all.p12 -password pass:111111 -nokeys -cacerts -out out/cacert.pem
Extract server certificate only

openssl pkcs12 -in server-all.p12 -password pass:111111 -nokeys -clcerts -out out/cert.pem

6, openssl Command Reference

1. openssl list-standard-commands(Standard command)
    1) asn1parse: asn1parse For interpretation ANS.1 Grammatically written statements(ASN It is generally used to define the composition of grammar) 
    2) ca: ca be used for CA Management of 
    openssl ca [options]:
        2.1) -selfsign
        A certificate is issued using a key pair that signs the certificate request. Namely"Self signature",This happens on the client that generates the certificate and the server that issues the certificate CA It's the same machine(This is also the case in most of our experiments),We can use the same
 Key pair"Self signature"
        2.2) -in file
        To be processed PEM Format certificate
        2.3) -out file
        Certificate file output after processing
        2.4) -cert file
        Root for issuing CA certificate
        2.5) -days arg 
        Specify the validity time of the issued certificate
        2.6) -keyfile arg   
        CA Private key certificate file for
        2.7) -keyform arg
        CA Root private key certificate file format:
            2.7.1) PEM
            2.7.2) ENGINE 
        2.8) -key arg   
        CA Decryption password for the root private key certificate file(If it's encrypted)
        2.9) -config file    
        configuration file
    example1: utilize CA Certificate signing request certificate
    openssl ca -in server.csr -out server.crt -cert ca.crt -keyfile ca.key  

    3) req: X.509 Certificate issuance request(CSR)Administration
    openssl req [options] <infile >outfile
        3.1) -inform arg
        Input file format
            3.1.1) DER
            3.1.2) PEM
        3.2) -outform arg   
        Output file format
            3.2.1) DER
            3.2.2) PEM
        3.3) -in arg
        Pending documents
        3.4) -out arg
        File to be output
        3.5) -passin        
        The decryption password used to sign the private key file of the request certificate to be generated
        3.6) -key file
        The private key file used to sign the request certificate to be generated
        3.7) -keyform arg  
            3.7.1) DER
            3.7.2) NET
            3.7.3) PEM
        3.8) -new
        New request
        3.9) -x509          
        Output a X509 Format certificate 
        3.10) -days
        X509 Validity time of certificate  
        3.11) -newkey rsa:bits 
        Generate a bits Length RSA Private key file for issuing  
        3.12) -[digest]
        HASH algorithm
            3.12.1) md5
            3.12.2) sha1
            3.12.3) md2
            3.12.4) mdc2
            3.12.5) md4
        3.13) -config file   
        appoint openssl configuration file
        3.14) -text: text Display format
    example1: utilize CA of RSA Create a self signed key CA certificate(X.509 structure) 
    openssl req -new -x509 -days 3650 -key server.key -out ca.crt 
    example2: use server.key Generate certificate signing request CSR(this CSR Used to send messages to be sent outside CA Center waiting for issuance)
    openssl req -new -key server.key -out server.csr
    example3: see CSR Details of
    openssl req -noout -text -in server.csr

    4) genrsa: generate RSA parameter
    openssl genrsa [args] [numbits]
        4.1) Do you want to use the encryption algorithm for symmetric encryption of the generated private key file:
            4.1.1) -des: CBC Patterned DES encryption
            4.1.2) -des3: CBC Patterned DES encryption
            4.1.3) -aes128: CBC Patterned AES128 encryption
            4.1.4) -aes192: CBC Patterned AES192 encryption
            4.1.5) -aes256: CBC Patterned AES256 encryption
        4.2) -passout arg: arg Symmetric encryption(des,des,aes)Password for(Using this parameter eliminates the need for console Interactive prompt for password input)
        4.3) -out file: Output certificate private key file
        [numbits]: Key length
    example: Generate a 1024 bit RSA Private key, and DES encryption(The password is 1111),Save as server.key file
    openssl genrsa -out server.key -passout pass:1111 -des3 1024 

    5) rsa: RSA data management
    openssl rsa [options] <infile >outfile
        5.1) -inform arg
        Enter key file format:
            5.1.1) DER(ASN1)
            5.1.2) NET
            5.1.3) PEM(base64 Coding format)
         5.2) -outform arg
         Output key file format
            5.2.1) DER
            5.2.2) NET
            5.2.3) PEM
        5.3) -in arg
        Pending key file 
        5.4) -passin arg
        Enter the decryption key for this encryption key file(If the encryption algorithm is selected when generating the key file)
        5.5) -out arg
        Key file to be output
        5.6) -passout arg  
        Specify the password if you want the output key file to continue using the encryption algorithm 
        5.7) -des: CBC Patterned DES encryption
        5.8) -des3: CBC Patterned DES encryption
        5.9) -aes128: CBC Patterned AES128 encryption
        5.10) -aes192: CBC Patterned AES192 encryption
        5.11) -aes256: CBC Patterned AES256 encryption
        5.12) -text: with text Form print key key data 
        5.13) -noout: Do not print keys key data 
        5.14) -pubin: Check whether the pending file is a public key file
        5.15) -pubout: Output public key file
    example1: Decrypt the private key file
    openssl rsa -in server.key -passin pass:111 -out server_nopass.key
    example:2: Use the private key file to generate the corresponding public key file
    openssl rsa -in server.key -passin pass:111 -pubout -out server_public.key

    6) x509:
    This instruction is a certificate processing tool with rich functions. Can be used to display the contents of the certificate, convert its format, and CSR Signature, etc X.509 Certificate management
    openssl x509 [args]    
        6.1) -inform arg
        Pending X509 Certificate file format
            6.1.1) DER
            6.1.2) NET
            6.1.3) PEM
        6.2) -outform arg   
        To be output X509 Certificate file format
            6.2.1) DER
            6.2.2) NET
            6.2.3) PEM
        6.3) -in arg 
        Pending X509 Certificate file
        6.4) -out arg       
        To be output X509 Certificate file
        6.5) -req            
        Indicates that the input file is a"Request for certificate documents(CSR)",Waiting for issuance 
        6.6) -days arg       
        Indicates the validity time of the certificate to be issued 
        6.7) -CA arg 
        Specifies the root used to issue the request certificate CA certificate 
        6.8) -CAform arg     
        root CA Certificate format(The default is PEM) 
        6.9) -CAkey arg      
        Specifies the certificate used to issue the request CA Private key certificate file, if this option If there is no parameter input, the private key is assumed to be in by default CA It's in the certificate file
        6.10) -CAkeyform arg  
        Specify root CA Private key certificate file format(Default to PEM format)
        6.11) -CAserial arg   
        Specify serial number file(serial number file)
        6.12) -CAcreateserial 
        If serial number file(serial number file)If not specified, it is created automatically     
    example1: transformation DER Certificate is PEM format
    openssl x509 -in cert.cer -inform DER -outform PEM -out cert.pem
    example2: Use root CA Certificate pair"Request for certificate"Issue and generate x509 Format certificate
    openssl x509 -req -days 3650 -in server.csr -CA ca.crt -CAkey ca.key -CAcreateserial -out server.crt
    example3: Print out the contents of the certificate
    openssl x509 -in server.crt -noout -text 

    7) crl: crl Is used for management CRL list 
    openssl crl [args]
        7.1) -inform arg
        Format of input file
            7.1.1) DER(DER Coded CRL object)
            7.1.2) PEM(Default format)(base64 Coded CRL object)
        7.2) -outform arg
        Specifies the output format of the file 
            7.2.1) DER(DER Coded CRL object)
            7.2.2) PEM(Default format)(base64 Coded CRL object)
        7.3) -text: 
        Print in text format CRL Information value.
        7.4) -in filename
        The specified input file name. The default is standard input.
        7.5) -out filename
        The specified output file name. The default is standard output.
        7.6) -hash
        Outputs the hash value of the issuer information value. This item can be used to query in the file according to the hash value of the issuer information value CRL Object.
        7.7) -fingerprint
        Print CRL The identity of the object.
        7.8) -issuer
        Output the information value of the issuer.
        7.9) -lastupdate
        Output the time of the last update.
        7.10) -nextupdate
        Print out the time of the next update. 
        7.11) -CAfile file
        appoint CA File to verify the CRL Whether the object is legal. 
        7.12) -verify
        Verify certificate.        
    example1: output CRL Documents, including(Issuer information HASH Value, time of last update, time of next update)
    openssl crl -in crl.crl -text -issuer -hash -lastupdate –nextupdate 
    example2: take PEM Formatted CRL Convert file to DER format
    openssl crl -in crl.pem -outform DER -out crl.der  

    8) crl2pkcs7: be used for CRL and PKCS#7 conversion between 
    openssl crl2pkcs7 [options] <infile >outfile
    transformation pem reach spc
    openssl crl2pkcs7 -nocrl -certfile venus.pem -outform DER -out venus.spc

    9) pkcs12: PKCS#12 data management
    pkcs12 File tool, which can generate and analyze pkcs12 File. PKCS#12 files can be used for multiple projects, such as Netscape, MSIE, and MS Outlook
    openssl pkcs12 [options]

    10) pkcs7: PCKS#7 data management 
    For processing DER perhaps PEM Formatted pkcs#7 documents
    openssl pkcs7 [options] <infile >outfile
2. openssl list-message-digest-commands(Message summary command)
    1) dgst: dgst Used to calculate message digest 
    openssl dgst [args]
        1.1) -hex           
        Output summary in hexadecimal
        1.2) -binary        
        Output summary in binary form
        1.3) -sign file    
        Sign the generated digest with the private key file
        1.4) -verify file    
        Use the public key file to verify the digest file signed by the private key 
        1.5) -prverify file  
        Verify the digest file signed by the public key with the private key file
        verify a signature using private key in file
        1.6) Encryption processing
            1.6.1) -md5: MD5 
            1.6.2) -md4: MD4         
            1.6.3) -sha1: SHA1 
            1.6.4) -ripemd160
    example1: use SHA1 Algorithm calculation file file.txt Hassy value of, output to stdout
    openssl dgst -sha1 file.txt
    example2: use dss1 Algorithm verification file.txt Digital signature of dsasign.bin,Verified private key by DSA File generated by algorithm dsakey.pem
    openssl dgst -dss1 -prverify dsakey.pem -signature dsasign.bin file.txt

    2) sha1: Used for RSA handle
    openssl sha1 [args] 
        2.1) -sign file
        be used for RSA Algorithm's private key file 
        2.2) -out file
        Output file love you
        2.3) -hex   
        Output in hexadecimal form
        2.4) -binary
        Output in binary form  
    example1: use SHA1 Algorithm calculation file file.txt of HASH value,output to a file digest.txt
    openssl sha1 -out digest.txt file.txt
    example2: use sha1 Algorithm as file file.txt autograph,output to a file rsasign.bin,Signed private key by RSA File generated by algorithm rsaprivate.pem
    openssl sha1 -sign rsaprivate.pem -out rsasign.bin file.txt

3. openssl list-cipher-commands (Cipher List of commands)
    1) aes-128-cbc
    2) aes-128-ecb
    3) aes-192-cbc
    4) aes-192-ecb
    5) aes-256-cbc
    6) aes-256-ecb
    7) base64
    8) bf
    9) bf-cbc
    10) bf-cfb
    11) bf-ecb
    12) bf-ofb
    13) cast
    14) cast-cbc
    15) cast5-cbc
    16) cast5-cfb
    17) cast5-ecb
    18) cast5-ofb
    19) des
    20) des-cbc
    21) des-cfb
    22) des-ecb
    23) des-ede
    24) des-ede-cbc
    25) des-ede-cfb
    26) des-ede-ofb
    27) des-ede3
    28) des-ede3-cbc
    29) des-ede3-cfb
    30) des-ede3-ofb
    31) des-ofb
    32) des3
    33) desx
    34) rc2
    35) rc2-40-cbc
    36) rc2-64-cbc
    37) rc2-cbc
    38) rc2-cfb
    39) rc2-ecb
    40) rc2-ofb
    41) rc4
    42) rc4-40

reference resources:

Topics: Linux OpenSSL